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Re: Loitering (D10 MA)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 11:59 pm
by Tethys Carrack
"We all have great responsibility--someone's life in our hands--in one way or another." Tethys sounds quite calm and matter-of-fact. "It is more obvious at some time than others, but it's never untrue."

Re: Loitering (D10 MA)

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 6:12 am
by Jax Dolross
"Perhaps that's true doesn't make is easier when you're constantly aware of it though." Jax's eyes came back a little more as he looked at Tethys "have you always been this way? Or is it because of your training that you seem to always remain so detached?"

Re: Loitering (D10 MA)

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 9:26 am
by Tethys Carrack
"I am probably less detached than you seem to think." She laughs softly, low in her throat. "But the Order does spend a lot of time teaching apprentices to look beyond the self. When something you feel might manipulate the living Force around you and affect other people, you have a responsibility to be careful." She shrugs one shoulder. "And I've always been an outsider in one way or another, at least for as long as I can remember. I imagine that limits my perspective, in some ways... expands it, in others."

Re: Loitering (D10 MA)

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 9:40 am
by Jax Dolross
Jax smiles at her a small up turn of his mouth "I don't hear you laugh often enough, it is not a displeasing experience." he took a deep breath "No Tethys I don't believe you are a detached person, I'm certain you have those that you care for deeply, and I see compassion in you." he turns his glacial blue eyes to meet hers "You simply have a quality about you that makes you feel far away even when I can reach out and touch you" he lightly touched her arm almost to demonstrate his point "It was less while we were dancing at that Jizz bar in Rygor" his hand falls and he looks back out to the flight deck "It's hard to believe that was over a month ago."

Re: Loitering (D10 MA)

PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 7:26 am
by Tethys Carrack
"Hm." She considers that. Tethys isn't one of those young Jedi who have spent their entire lives immured in temples--her apprenticeship had been wide-ranging and downright peripatetic--but this expedition has been one of the first times in her adulthood that she's spent months on end around the same set of non-Jedi. "It is hard. Yet at the same time, it seems a long time ago. I'd like to stay and see what this planet is like at peace, real peace--I wonder if people will dance differently."

Re: Loitering (D10 MA)

PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 9:48 am
by Jax Dolross
Jax looked at her with a friendly smile "well with any luck we'll find out soon enough. What do you have planned once this is all over? If you're going to be around for a while we should check back into Rygor after I come back from a job. See if we can get you dancing again." He spoke warmly to the Jedi, thinking back on their dance fomdly.

Re: Loitering (D10 MA)

PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 5:35 am
by Tethys Carrack
"I plan to stay on Bankor for at least a few months, if nothing calls me away. The citizens of the planet will have a lot of decisions to make--re-forming a government, restoring what's been destroyed, taking care of refugees. It can't hurt to have someone around with an interest in smoothing out conflicts around these matters."

Re: Loitering (D10 MA)

PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 9:55 am
by Jax Dolross
Jax smiled at Tethys "well perfect, I should be back a few weeks after we get everything settled when I get back save me a dance. Its nice to see you cut loose a bit here and there."

He looks at Tethys a bit for a moment "May I ask you a question of a more personal nature?" he inquired an eyebrow slightly raised.

Re: Loitering (D10 MA)

PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:17 pm
by Tethys Carrack
She gives him a quizzical look. "You may ask. Then we'll see if I feel like answering." The corner of her mouth twitches up a bit.

Re: Loitering (D10 MA)

PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:26 pm
by Jax Dolross
"So from what I understand the jedi discourage forming close attachments with others. Do you ascribe to that teaching? I know some interpret it differently and still date and even marry while others say that it calls the jedi to celibacy." he asked curiously "Just wondering your thoughts on that."

Re: Loitering (D10 MA)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 12:19 am
by Tethys Carrack
"Hm." She nods slightly. "'Avoiding close attachments' is a shorthand more than a rule, actually. Strong and passionate attachment to another person or thing can lead to fear of losing what you have, or anger when it does not live up to your expectations." She watches Jax, a little sidelong, to gauge whether he seems to be following this explanation. "But forming friendships and other personal connections is inborn nature to many sentient species, and being too isolated from the lives of others has its own drawbacks. A Jedi without empathy is just as compromised as one bound by strong attachments."

Her lips quirk wryly. "It is a fine line, and no two people walk it the same way. For now, I am not confident of my ability to keep my balance in that kind of relationship, so I choose to steer clear."

Re: Loitering (D10 MA)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 1:51 am
by Jax Dolross
Jax nodded along with her explanation he understood it fine "Hm I see, well that's very mature of you but thats not exactly a surprise knowing you Tethys I wouldn't expect anything less than level headed decision making." he nodded "well thank you for your insight, you have pulled the curtain back a bit so to speak, on how the jedi work."

Re: Loitering (D10 MA)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 4:53 am
by Tethys Carrack
"We don't aim to be mysterious... mostly." Tethys shakes her head. "But there are few of us to go around. And for some things, you might get a different answer from every Jedi you asked." Her small smile is still wry. "For this question, at least, the answers would be more or less consistent."