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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Break the Blockade

Postby Nai'tiri Cadera » Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:39 pm

Nai heard the message that the shields had gone offline. "Kriff."

"Get us closer for the torpedo-shot." She let out a string of more Mandalorian curses under her breath as she began to fiddle with the shields.


D1 EM Break the Blockade. Round 1. Mechanics/Int (Easy) to fix the shields. +1B from Craw: 3eA+1eB+1eD 0 successes, 2 advantage
D1 EM Break the Blockade. Round 1. Mechanics/Int (Easy) to fix the shields. Rolling forgotten Setback from Trust.: 1eS 0 successes

Spending 1 advantage to boost next person.
Spending 1 advantage to notice a single important point in the current battle (hopefully a weak point?)
Mandalorian | Chiss | Drop Dead Gorgeous | Sharpshooter | Ritual Combatant | Tough | Crusader
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Gear: Heavy blaster pistol, utility belt (stimpacks, glowrod), commlink, datapad.
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Break the Blockade

Postby Dapper Dog » Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:41 pm

Naitiri notices that the damage done by Chase exposed some delicate fuel lines… could add some boom, but it would be a difficult shot.

OOC: Increase difficulty by 1 for a combat check to target the exposed line deal an extra 7 damage, one time use. Republic slot 6.
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Break the Blockade

Postby Dapper Dog » Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:59 pm

GM's Note: Revised the order, still waiting on Slot 6.

Initiative Order

Republic 1 (3 success, 4 advantage)
Mandalorian 1 (3 success, 2 advantage)
Mandalorian 2 (3 success, 1 advantage)
Republic 2 (3 success)
Republic 3 (2 success, 1 advantage)
Republic 4 (1 Success, 4 advantage)
Mandalorian 3 (1 success, 3 advantage)
Republic 5 (1 Success, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph)
Republic 6 (1 Success, 2 advantage)
Mandalorian 4(1 success, 2 advantage)
Republic 7 (1 success, 1 advantage)
Frigate (Last Slot)
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Break the Blockade

Postby Jax Dolross » Fri Jun 01, 2018 11:27 pm

(Acting as Azura per her request)

Azura focuses on the enemy fighter Jax tried to hit and timed it's dodge and nailed it smiling wide as the shot struck true.

Gunnery: Gunnery check difficulty 2 1 set back 1 boost for triumph 1 boost for aim 1 boost from jax

One more set back 1 set back for shields

2 success 3 advantage
One hit for 6 damage, spend 1 adv to boost next ally, spend 2 adv to give next enemy a set back
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Break the Blockade

Postby Dapper Dog » Fri Jun 01, 2018 11:42 pm

The Mandalorian is struck solidly but still in the flight, his craft billowing smoke from the strike! Meanwhile the fourth Mandalorian space fighter moves to engage Chase the shot is close as the salvo keeps the talented pilot off-balance these were not amateurs she was dealing with as the fighter gained speed.

OOC: Soak reduced damage on Mandalorian 2 to 4 total. Mandalorian #2 Accelerates to 2 and then suffers 2 system strain to Fly into Close range, Triumph used to Upgrade the difficulty of Chase's next Piloting or Gunnery check by 1, uses the Advantage to grant his next ally a boost die! Last Republic slot.

Mandalorian #4
Gunnery check vs. Chase (Average) - Commander Bonus + Boost + Destiny Flip: 3eP+1eA+2eB+3eS+2eD 1 failure, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph

Initiative Order

Republic 1 (3 success, 4 advantage)
Mandalorian 1 (3 success, 2 advantage)
Mandalorian 2 (3 success, 1 advantage)
Republic 2 (3 success)
Republic 3 (2 success, 1 advantage)
Republic 4 (1 Success, 4 advantage)
Mandalorian 3 (1 success, 3 advantage)
Republic 5 (1 Success, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph)
Republic 6 (1 Success, 2 advantage)
Mandalorian 4(1 success, 2 advantage)
Republic 7 (1 success, 1 advantage)
Frigate (Last Slot)
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Break the Blockade

Postby Nudimsu » Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:12 am

"Not without our shields; We'll be sitting ducks if that frigate makes a move on us." The price of not having a mechanic was apparent; he had to make a move for it before things got too hot. He looks to Durasay, nodding at what had to be done. "Keep her steady."

He quickly moved to the panel, and started to quickly configure the shields. It wasn't anything fancy, but with a few nobs pushed and buttons pressed, the front shields started glowing once more. His head was already racing as to what to do, as he quickly made his way back to his seat, his head pounding from the mental stress of how quick it all was.

"Shields are back up, everyone! Non tir nen vizehn vah csei tikn, Nai'tiri." His voice was a bit more expressive than usual; probably due to the situation.

Get those shields up! (D1 EM): 3eA+1eC+3eS 1 success

((Taking a strain hit for the extra maneuver to get me back to my seat.))
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Break the Blockade

Postby Dapper Dog » Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:21 am

With the freighters tied up with the space fighters the Frigate’s cannons took aim at Chase’s fighter, the targeting computers calculating fire arcs before the salvos were let loose! Her nimble Spitfire was unharmed but she was in a shooting gallery now and things were getting hairy!

OOC: Frigate missed but will give Chase another setback die on her next action due to the Advantage. End of Round 1. Chase is at Short Range to the Cruiser, both Freighters are at Medium range to the Frigate and at Close range with their respective fighter enemies. Mandalorian #3 is at Short range, Gain the Advantage on her Rear attack arc, to Chase and Mandalorian #4 is at Close range to her. The enemy fighters have Shields 1 in the front arc.

Round 2 Begins.

Frigate Gunnery vs. Chase (Hard) + Aim: 1eP+2eA+3eS+2eB+3eD 3 failures, 2 advantage

Initiative Order

Republic 1 (3 success, 4 advantage)
Mandalorian 1 (3 success, 2 advantage)
Mandalorian 2 (3 success, 1 advantage)
Republic 2 (3 success)
Republic 3 (2 success, 1 advantage)
Republic 4 (1 Success, 4 advantage)
Mandalorian 3 (1 success, 3 advantage)
Republic 5 (1 Success, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph)
Republic 6 (1 Success, 2 advantage)
Mandalorian 4(1 success, 2 advantage)
Republic 7 (1 success, 1 advantage)
Frigate (Last Slot)
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Break the Blockade

Postby Durasay Mixo » Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:33 am

EM1 - Space Battle - Fire Discipline for the Turtle (Presence 4, Leadership 1, 2x Command, Influence Skill Control, Hard Difficulty): 1eP+3eA+2eB+2eF+3eD 4 successes, 2 threat, 2 Dark Side

Nai and Craw each gain a boost in their next ship weapon attack. Flipping a Destiny, suffering 2 strain and taking 2 conflict to convert the 2 dark side pips to 2 advantages, net result just 4 successes.

Durasay took the controls as Nudimsu got back into position. The thrusters hummed as the Turtle moved into range of the enemy Frigate. "Team! Lock onto all coordinates on your displays! Give 'em hell!" Anger laced in his voice as he felt the Dark Side through his words, fueling their righteous mission to break the blockade.

Maneuver to pilot the Turtle to Short Range with the Frigate.
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Break the Blockade

Postby Yiko Kryze » Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:35 am

Yiko frowned as she pushed her machine to go faster, “Converge on that fighter, if they disable that frigate they got a free lane. I want them to earn every step with blood, Vode’An!”

She then reached out to the frigate, “Sword of Fett actual, this is Commander Kryze, your exposed evasive maneuvers I am en route.”
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Break the Blockade

Postby Dapper Dog » Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:47 am

The nimble Mandalorian fighter stayed on target and another salvo of shots rip through the turtle with devastating effect knocking the Navicomputer offline! Internal klaxons sound as the ship is rocked by the twin salvos!

The other fighter is equally accurate rocking the Midnight with a deadly salvo of blasts, causing the ship to rock violently as from the devastating damage. Sparks flying everywhere.

OOC: Mandalorian #1 hits with another Critical and 2 Advantage to activate linked for two hits of 9 damage! Used a Maneuver to Aim. Aim used by Mandalorian #2 and hit granting a boost die to next ally and Triumph used for Critical hit, total of 9 damage. Republic #2 slot.

Mandalorian #1
Gunnery check vs. Turtle (Average) - Commander Bonus + Aim + Boost die: 2eP+2eA+1eS+2eD+3eB 3 successes, 5 advantage

Critical Hit vs. Turtle +10: 1d100+10 65 - Navicomputer Failure: Cannot use Hyperdrives!

Mandalorian #2
Gunnery check vs. Midnight (Average) - Commander Bonus + Aim: 2eP+2eA+1eS+2eD+2eB 3 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph

Critical Hit vs. Midnight: 1d100 11 - Jostled and all crew of the Midnight suffer 1 strain and are Disoriented until the start of their next turn.

Initiative Order

Republic 1 (3 success, 4 advantage)
Mandalorian 1 (3 success, 2 advantage)
Mandalorian 2 (3 success, 1 advantage)
Republic 2 (3 success)
Republic 3 (2 success, 1 advantage)
Republic 4 (1 Success, 4 advantage)
Mandalorian 3 (1 success, 3 advantage)
Republic 5 (1 Success, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph)
Republic 6 (1 Success, 2 advantage)
Mandalorian 4(1 success, 2 advantage)
Republic 7 (1 success, 1 advantage)
Frigate (Last Slot)
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Break the Blockade

Postby Nai'tiri Cadera » Sat Jun 02, 2018 1:07 am

Nai saw the frigate and its weak spot getting closer. No time like the present. "Package away, Captain."

She was still unused to the clunkiness of firing a jury-rigged missile, and it seemed at first it missed! ... Then it started turning and targetting on the exposed fuel lines.


D1 EM Break the Blockade. Round 2. Firing torpedo (Gunnery/Agility). True Aim (Boost+Upgrade), Aim (taking strain), Destiny-flip to upgrade, +1B from Dur. +2 Difficulty (weak spot, jury-rig): 2eP+2eA+3eB+4eD 0 successes, 5 advantage

Spending 3 Advantages to activate Guided. 2 Advantages to boost the Guided missile's roll. Happens at the end of turn.
Nai's current Strain: 10
Mandalorian | Chiss | Drop Dead Gorgeous | Sharpshooter | Ritual Combatant | Tough | Crusader
Theme | Profile | Turtle Crew

Gear: Heavy blaster pistol, utility belt (stimpacks, glowrod), commlink, datapad.
Combat Gear: Mandalorian armor, custom blaster rifle, Mandalorian ritual blade, extra ammo, grenades.
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Break the Blockade

Postby Jax Dolross » Sat Jun 02, 2018 2:54 am

Jax's gripped tight as he focused in in a flourish of movement he dived the approaching fighter that Azura had shot he twisted in space the freighter moving nimblely for a craft of it's make and size before coming up behind his target and opening fire hitting the ship right in its back.

master pilot 2 strain to perform an action as maneuver:
Suffer 1 strain to perform evasive maneuvers
Taking the advantage: 5 success 2 adv
Spend 2 adv to clear 2 strain
Gunnery: 1 success 5 adv damage 4 hit and trigger crit
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Break the Blockade

Postby Chase » Sat Jun 02, 2018 3:12 am

"You're good, but..." she said as she increased the speed of her craft before doing something stupid. Releasing the ignition she tilted the ship upwards, giving a view of the full topside of her ship to those coming up behind her for a mere fraction of a second. Holding like this just long enough for her to spin it about and engage thrusters in the opposite direction. If not for her suit the exertion might have killed her but she knew well enough it was just gonna knock her silly for a brief second. All the time she needed to get going at speed again.

Coming up fast at her target they were in a game of chicken. One that Chase held to the near last moment before realizing it would leave her far too exposed to take the shot and peeled off instead. Keeping the ground between them neutral for all her effort but saving her quite a bad time.

".. son of a bitch," she said, and T7 beeped anxiously!

Action: Fire, luck rerolled.
Manuever: Increase speed to 3

Original: http://orokos.com/roll/627900
Updated Re-roll: http://orokos.com/roll/627901
Last edited by Chase on Sat Jun 02, 2018 9:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Break the Blockade

Postby Dapper Dog » Sat Jun 02, 2018 6:06 am

The Mandalorian fighter continues to home in on Chase as he accelerated to match her speed, he would not be deterred as opened a salvo on her rear! The shots are evaded as they scream through space at high speed as all other distractions fall away and he focuses on Chase to the sole exclusion of all else.

OOC: Mandalorian #3 Accelerate to Speed 3 but missed, then used the Advantage to activate a free Maneuver, Stay on Target! Now Republic #5 slot.

Mandalorian #3
Gunnery check vs. Chase (Average) - Commander Bonus + Boost: 2eP+2eA+1eS+2eB+2eD 0 successes, 3 advantage

Initiative Order

Republic 1 (3 success, 4 advantage)
Mandalorian 1 (3 success, 2 advantage)
Mandalorian 2 (3 success, 1 advantage)
Republic 2 (3 success)
Republic 3 (2 success, 1 advantage)
Republic 4 (1 Success, 4 advantage)
Mandalorian 3 (1 success, 3 advantage)
Republic 5 (1 Success, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph)
Republic 6 (1 Success, 2 advantage)
Mandalorian 4(1 success, 2 advantage)
Republic 7 (1 success, 1 advantage)
Frigate (Last Slot)
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Break the Blockade

Postby Dapper Dog » Sat Jun 02, 2018 10:34 am

Jax hits a solid shot on the enemy knocking his shields offline but the fighter is still in the fight!

OOC: Jax did 4 damage, reduced to 2 after soak and dealt a critical and the front shields are now gone. Republic slot 5 is next.

Critical versus Mandalorian #2: 1d100 87 - Shields down (Front shields reduced to 0)

Initiative Order

Republic 1 (3 success, 4 advantage)
Mandalorian 1 (3 success, 2 advantage)
Mandalorian 2 (3 success, 1 advantage)
Republic 2 (3 success)
Republic 3 (2 success, 1 advantage)
Republic 4 (1 Success, 4 advantage)
Mandalorian 3 (1 success, 3 advantage)
Republic 5 (1 Success, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph)
Republic 6 (1 Success, 2 advantage)
Mandalorian 4(1 success, 2 advantage)
Republic 7 (1 success, 1 advantage)
Frigate (Last Slot)
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Break the Blockade

Postby Azura Mora » Sat Jun 02, 2018 11:32 am

Azura took aim at the one Jax hit, and fired a good shot!

"Fucking die already!"

Space combat gunnery - difficulty 2, boost from aim: 3eA+1eP+1eB+2eD 1 success, 4 advantage

( use 2 advantage to give setback to next enemy and 2 advantage to give boost to Jax)
Last edited by Azura Mora on Sat Jun 02, 2018 11:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Break the Blockade

Postby Dapper Dog » Sat Jun 02, 2018 11:37 am

Azura Mora wrote:Azura took aim at the one Jax hit, and fired a good shot!

"Fucking die already!"

Space combat gunnery - difficulty 2, boost from aim: 3eA+1eP+1eB+2eD 1 success, 4 advantage

( use 2 advantage to give setback to next enemy and 2 advantage to give 2xboost to next ally)

Azura stuck true and dealt a great deal of damage, but the Mandalorian fighter was still in the fight. Though the pilot was considering if it was time to break off to fight another day…

OOC: 5 damage is reduced by 2, to a total of 3 and the fighter is still in the fight.
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Break the Blockade

Postby Yiko Kryze » Sat Jun 02, 2018 11:44 am

Yiko frowned as she saw her comrade take fire, “Jedd, break off if you get the chance, I am nearly there. Focus on that fighter, it poses the largest threat!”

OOC: Will arrive next round with reinforcements. Yiko is Adversary 3, the other two are the same as those currently in the fight.

Initiative Cool - Reinforcements: 2#2eA+1eP 2 successes, 4 advantage 2 successes

Initiative Cool - Reinforcements - Yiko: 3eP 3 successes, 1 advantage
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Break the Blockade

Postby Dapper Dog » Sat Jun 02, 2018 6:35 pm

GM's Note: Republic Slot 6 is up, just a friendly reminder.

Initiative Order

Republic 1 (3 success, 4 advantage)
Mandalorian 1 (3 success, 2 advantage)
Mandalorian 2 (3 success, 1 advantage)
Republic 2 (3 success)
Republic 3 (2 success, 1 advantage)
Republic 4 (1 Success, 4 advantage)
Mandalorian 3 (1 success, 3 advantage)
Republic 5 (1 Success, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph)
Republic 6 (1 Success, 2 advantage)
Mandalorian 4(1 success, 2 advantage)
Republic 7 (1 success, 1 advantage)
Frigate (Last Slot)
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Break the Blockade

Postby Nudimsu » Sun Jun 03, 2018 12:31 am

Hyperdrive went out, which meant that there wasn't going to be a quick exit from this situation. That wasn't the worst of it, though. They were getting hit, and their shot was moving ever so slowly towards its final destination. It was time to get serious.

"Everyone, strap yourselves in. We're about to go on the offensive." He hits the few switches and punches as the aptly named ship began to move faster.

The engine sputtered about, not yet able to get to where he needed it due to the previous hit. "Ravri'ihah!" followed as he immediately focused on being a bigger target to give the missile enough distraction, already calculating in his head the amount of money this was going to cost him to fix.


D1 EM Atomic Engines to power...: 2eP+2eA 3 successes, 3 advantage

D1 EM Turbines to Speed!: 3eD 3 failures

Using 3 advantages to either boost the missle and heal my strain by 1, or boost the next roll and heal my strain by 2))
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Break the Blockade

Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Jun 03, 2018 1:07 am

The Mandalorian pilot lines up a shot and this time his twin canons find their target as Chase runs out of luck!

OOC: Mandalorian #4 will Accelerate to 3, still at Close with Chase. He hits and will activate Linked with two advantage and then use the other Advantage to give their next ally a boost die! That is two hits for 8 damage a piece on Chase! Final republic Slot.

Currently Chase and the Turtle are at Short range to the Frigate, Both Mandalorian #3, Has Gain the Advantage on Chase, and Mandalorian #4 are close range to Chase. Mandalorian #1 is now at Short range to the Turtle, while Mandalorian #2 is at Close with the Midnight which has Gain the Advantage on the Mandalorian. Midnight is still at Medium range to the frigate.

Just for a reference to retreat from combat will take an Action by the Pilot to Break off, no check involved. That will take the ship out of combat completely.

Mandalorian #3
Gunnery check vs. Chase (Average) - Commander Bonus + Boost: 2eA+2eP+1eB+3eS+2eD 2 successes, 3 advantage

Initiative Order

Republic 1 (3 success, 4 advantage)
Mandalorian 1 (3 success, 2 advantage)
Mandalorian 2 (3 success, 1 advantage)
Republic 2 (3 success)
Republic 3 (2 success, 1 advantage)
Republic 4 (1 Success, 4 advantage)
Mandalorian 3 (1 success, 3 advantage)
Republic 5 (1 Success, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph)
Republic 6 (1 Success, 2 advantage)
Mandalorian 4(1 success, 2 advantage)
Republic 7 (1 success, 1 advantage)
Frigate (Last Slot)
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Break the Blockade

Postby Durasay Mixo » Sun Jun 03, 2018 1:14 am

Ghosting for Craw. Maneuver to leave the turret. At the nearest terminal, converts action a second maneuver to angle the deflector shields, putting the rear point to the front, giving the Turtle 2 defense.
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Break the Blockade

Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Jun 03, 2018 1:26 am

The frigate opts to shoot at the larger target, the Turtle is rocked by an Ion cannon, a solid hit that sends sparks through the electrical system! In shifting to target the Turtle the frigate gives the crew of the Turtle a better firing arc…

OOC: Hits for 9 System Strain to the Turtle, but the Threat will grant the next crew member from the Turtle a boost die on their next Piloting or Gunnery check. Now that pesky missile... Flipping Destiny to Upgrade the difficulty on the Missile shot.

Frigate vs. Turtle - Commander Bonus: 1eP+2eA+1eB+2eD+2eS 3 successes, 2 threat

Initiative Order - Round 3

Republic 1 (3 success, 4 advantage)
Mandalorian 1 (3 success, 2 advantage)
Mandalorian 2 (3 success, 1 advantage)
Mandalorian Reinforcement #3 (3 successes, 1 advantage)
Republic 2 (3 success)
Mandalorian Reinforcement #2 (2 successes, 4 advantage)
Republic 3 (2 success, 1 advantage)
Mandalorian Reinforcement #1 (2 successes)
Republic 4 (1 Success, 4 advantage)
Mandalorian 3 (1 success, 3 advantage)
Republic 5 (1 Success, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph)
Republic 6 (1 Success, 2 advantage)
Mandalorian 4(1 success, 2 advantage)
Republic 7 (1 success, 1 advantage)
Frigate (Last Slot
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Break the Blockade

Postby Nai'tiri Cadera » Sun Jun 03, 2018 1:36 am

... And suddenly, there was a big boom from the torpedo Nai'tiri had launched.


D1 EM Break The Blockade. Mighty Missile-chan! 1 Destiny to upgrade (difficulty upgraded by GM). +2 Boosts (Nai, Nudimsu): 1eP+1eA+2eB+1eC 2 successes, 3 advantage

10 base + 2 successes + 7 from weak spot = 19 Damage.
2 Advantages activates Critical Hit: 1d100+10 (Lethal Blows Talent) 99 (EDIT: 89 since Lethal Blows apply to people, not ships)

1 Advantage gives Boost to the next allied roll.
Mandalorian | Chiss | Drop Dead Gorgeous | Sharpshooter | Ritual Combatant | Tough | Crusader
Theme | Profile | Turtle Crew

Gear: Heavy blaster pistol, utility belt (stimpacks, glowrod), commlink, datapad.
Combat Gear: Mandalorian armor, custom blaster rifle, Mandalorian ritual blade, extra ammo, grenades.
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Re: [Day 1 - EM] Break the Blockade

Postby Yiko Kryze » Sun Jun 03, 2018 1:42 am

The Frigate shields blink out as it begins a slow spin from the impact. It is breaking off from it’s trajectory into retreat… or trying to. But still the republic was in danger they may have broken the blockade but two more Mandalorian fighters arrive led by a third and it had a distinctive look.

Yiko-Night-Sabre.png (80.99 KiB) Viewed 12423 times

Yiko narrowed her eyes and said, “Regroup on me… I want that ship… the Turtle, atomized. You two on me. Jedd pull out, escort the frigate.”

“Weapons free, Mando’ade forever.”

OOC: Victory achieved the Frigate will retreat at the end of this round on it's turn and reinforcements are here!
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