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Big City Lights [EE1]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 11:57 pm
by Rekto the Hutt
Bruised after a small run-in with a Mandalorian patrol, Rekto nevertheless reached the city and tried to gauge its current potential.

LA1. Resilience in Contested.: 4eA+3eD 0 successes, 2 advantage

16-4=12 Wounds

Sadly, the population was steering away from all that looked like additional trouble, and Rekto couldn't dismiss the image of being one.

D1. Streetwise. Hard. No Hutt-love: 1S.: 2eA+1eP+3eD+1eS 3 failures

Still, he decided to lurk and spelunk amid the rising pile of ruins and abandoned buildings in a wild pursuit of opportunities. His one idea was that after over a year of changing hands, the gunrunning business must have taken to the streets, and there might be cashes or stockpiles of whoever was resisting whom last. But if all he would encounter be a gang, that could be a good thing too.

[Flipping Destiny for something meaningful to happen.]

Re: Big City Lights [EE1]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:02 am
by Dapper Dog
The streets were empty but he could see a republic military transport parked in the lawn of an industrial building. Outside were two soldiers with rifles and then the distinctive sound of a blaster retort, and then a second coming form what was the building the vehicle was sitting out front of.

Re: Big City Lights [EE1]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:06 am
by Rekto the Hutt
EE1. Quiet Approach. Stealth.: 2eP+1eA 4 successes, 1 Triumph

Rekto chose to enter Hutt ninja mode that let him defy the limitation of his size and move the giant mass around in a way that let it look like a fixture for the onlookers. He wanted to get a better grasp of the situation first. Perhaps a smarter way to enter the building than parking on the lawn and storming in. The ascension gear in his armour might be of assistance.

Re: Big City Lights [EE1]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:11 am
by Dapper Dog
GM's Note: There looked like there may be a roof access he could get to without being seen.

Stealth Difficulty: 1eP+1eA 1 success, 1 advantage

Re: Big City Lights [EE1]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:15 am
by Rekto the Hutt
Why not. He prepared himself to shoot the hook and pull himself up by a perpendicular crawl.

[Using the Triumph to distract the opponents for the scene as per corebook, if able.]

[Ranged (Light)? Athletics?]

Re: Big City Lights [EE1]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:24 am
by Dapper Dog
GM's Note: Go for it, Average difficulty with a setback due to rain, Athletics.

Re: Big City Lights [EE1]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:35 am
by Rekto the Hutt
EE1. Slug Ninja Climb. Athletics.: 1eP+3eA+2eD+1eS 2 successes, 1 threat

Rain provided a bit of strain, but the Hutt bane would not abstain, but attain his coup de main and so maintain the slippery terrain as his domain.

[Bonus success to speed things up, Threat for Strain, 14-1=13 Strain, Hutt on the Roof!]

Re: Big City Lights [EE1]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 1:09 am
by Dapper Dog
He was now on the roof and had a better vantage point of the action, inside he could see five what looked like Republic soldiers and three now dead resistance fighters. A human woman paced around the bodies and then knelt and removed something from one of the zabrak corpses.

She said to the others, “Let’s make sure it looks like a Mandalorian hit. Load the rest of the weapons and munitions.”

Re: Big City Lights [EE1]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 1:49 am
by Rekto the Hutt
Witnessing the scene, Rekto sent his coordinates to Senator Mixo, packed a stimpak into himself and prepared to drop onto the woman with the help of his jump thrusters to immobilise her with his weight, cryoban in hand...

Re: Big City Lights [EE1]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 2:21 am
by Dapper Dog
The hutt drops in but the woman was no fool and saw him at the last moment diving for cover her men also doing the same. It was now at least five against one.

She shimmied behind a stone pillar and said, "Not sure who you are, but you came to the wrong neighborhood."

GM's Note: Flipped Destiny for her to notice the drop.

Re: Big City Lights [EE1]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 2:56 am
by Rekto the Hutt
"It may be wrong but it's gonna be mine." Rekto was not pleased with the development, nor was he pleased with choosing Basic, but would not back off. "Funny we're technically on the same side. I have a channel opened to a high-up in the Aurek. So it is either I relay what's happened here in short words to him - that ends in violence and all parties concerned are worse off - or we talk this out in a way that satisfies me."

Re: Big City Lights [EE1]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 5:50 am
by Dapper Dog
“I am not sure what you’re talking about, all I see is a hutt who murdered some locals. That’s what my report will say, but if you lower your weapon it could change,” she responded from behind the pillar.

“I won’t ask again.”

Re: Big City Lights [EE1]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 10:10 am
by Rekto the Hutt
"It's been recorded. It's your report versus footage of your assault in senatorial hands. Think carefully." Rekto bluffed, approaching the column and turning on the multi-band comm.

Re: Big City Lights [EE1]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 10:24 am
by Dapper Dog
“And you’re a hutt with a questionable past I am sure, your word versus mine and all my team. I am not sure what you think you saw but if you don’t comply we will take you down and it won’t really matter. On the other hand if you’re as slimy as I think you are, maybe we can discuss this without violence,” she responded.

“Your move, sleemo.”

OOC: Deception check to bluff, versus Hard with two dice upgraded and a setback, give you a boost die for being sneaky at least.

Re: Big City Lights [EE1]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 10:35 am
by Rekto the Hutt
"Then we may discuss it without violence. After all, I am a respectable businessman you do not wish to antagonise." Rekto tentatively lowered the barrel of his projector.

EE1. Deception. Destiny. Hard, 2 Upgrades, Setback, Boost.: 2eA+1eP+1eB+1eD+2eC+1eS 0 successes, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph

[Lie fell through, but using Triumph to be overall credible in claiming gravitas and Advantages to have a premium on any deal that may emerge.]

Re: Big City Lights [EE1]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 10:40 am
by Dapper Dog
“Glad you are reasonable, for a second I thought you were working for the Clever Man, which meant he double crossed us,” she stepped out after she made sure her team had a good line on the hutt.

“Respectable… we shall see, so what will it take to make sure you forget whatever you thought you saw, because I think you are operating under a false pretense.”

Re: Big City Lights [EE1]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 10:50 am
by Rekto the Hutt
"And you are operating under a true one?" Rekto laughed. "How much he'll reward you for what you've seized in this cache?"

Re: Big City Lights [EE1]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 10:57 am
by Dapper Dog
Rekto the Hutt wrote:"And you are operating under a true one?" Rekto laughed. "How much he'll reward you for what you've seized in this cache?"

“Enough,” she said in reply.

“Now, who are you hutt, you’re not one of those running the cartel, I rarely hear about them leaving their dens… so what manner of hutt are you?”

Re: Big City Lights [EE1]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 11:15 am
by Rekto the Hutt
"A venture capitalist and a purveyor of rapid and terminal violence. Once in a while a Hutt must change the game so you sleemos don't know what to expect." He lapped his big tongue in amusement. "I want 20 percent of your enough and an in on the next thing."

Re: Big City Lights [EE1]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 11:28 am
by Dapper Dog
“Five percent, hutt, only because removing you from play would be work, but not too much work,” she said calmly.

Re: Big City Lights [EE1]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 11:39 am
by Rekto the Hutt
"Fifteen, because I am capable of killing you before your goons get the upper hand, and you won't be able to appreciate your pay." Rekto was calm too. "If you think I'm not fast, think how you wouldn't have considered a Hutt stealthy before today."

Re: Big City Lights [EE1]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 11:47 am
by Dapper Dog
“Threatening a Republic officer, ballsy,” she shakes her head. “You might be fast but I have the numbers and despite your speed I am confident we would walk away.”

“Just for rudeness, I am offering four percent now,” she raised her blaster. “Try me.”

Re: Big City Lights [EE1]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:00 pm
by Rekto the Hutt
"First time rank is mentioned. I might wait for the name." He didn't balk. "Are you really going to take your chances for what could otherwise be a promising business association?" He shifted slightly in his grand mass to display the fearsome ax. "Twelve."

EE1. Coercion.: 1eP+2eA 1 success, 3 advantage

Re: Big City Lights [EE1]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:08 pm
by Dapper Dog
She takes off the safety, “Four percent, don’t push it. You prove yourself, we might come back to this.”

“That’s the deal.”

OOC: Captain Faya - Discipline + Destiny Flip + Nobody's Fool: 3eC+2eD 2 failures, 3 threat
ImageImageImageImageImage - Failed

Re: Big City Lights [EE1]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:22 pm
by Rekto the Hutt
"If it is four percent, you have to live with the complex risk of my growing unsatisfied with the arrangement. So better be creative about those future opportunities." Gutto came to his mind, and he got angry, though hiding it. "As a rule, I don't operate for scraps." He holstered the projector...