A vast region of the northern half of the continent with trees approaching a kilometer in height with high plateaus creating islands in the sea of green forests.

(D8 LN) Operation Defiant Nexu: Defense Grid

Postby Nekoinu » Fri Jun 22, 2018 12:14 pm

Event Type: Operation Defiant Nexu, Combat
Power Cost: 0
Participants: 4
Timeslots: Late Night

Description: One squad of the spearhead is sent in to tackle the defense grid. It is guarded by one Malto Brin, a former Hutt enforcer from Nar Shaddaa out for blood. Intelligence reports him being extremely dangerous, his primary weapon being a disruptor rifle. Without taking out those turrets, though, the casualties from the operation will surely rise.

"Right. Let's squeeze them between us, boys!" Malto leveled his disruptor rifle and smiled underneath his helmet.

"I'm a woman, thank you very much." The sniper turned to fire a shot at other invading forces. "You should be able to handle this, right?"

Rules: Please post your Wounds/Strain, Soak, Defense, and Crits. when you post in this thread. Roll Cool (Presence) for Initiative.

You will start at Long Range from the console, Malto Brin, and a minion group of four Hutt enforcers. At Medium Range from the strike team, there is a minion group of three turrets on the ceiling, meaning melee weapons will not be able to reach them.

Bring your Slicers: There are two rolls that need to be passed once a teammate gets to the console. First they will need to roll a Mechanics (Intellect) Check at Hard Difficulty with One Die Upgraded and Three Setback if there are any enemies not engaged with an ally. Take an additional Two Setback if you do not have tools to break into wiring. A Despair on this check will mean that any tools break (repairable after the mission.)

Afterwards, one must pass a Computers (Intellect) Check at Daunting Difficulty with One Die Upgraded and Three Setback if there are any enemies not engaged with an ally.

Once both rolls are passed, remaining enemies around the station must be cleared.

Reinforcements: At the end of Round 2 and every round after, one more group of four Hutt enforcers will arrive at the player's starting position. If things are particularly clear for you guys, I may flip a destiny to make it two groups.

Sniper Support: Once the team makes it to Short Range with the console, a sniper will join the initiative order. She is at Long Range from the console and have a clear view of anyone interacting with it. She will prioritize anyone interacting with the console. A teammate can spend their action if they are engaged with a technician to force the sniper to shoot them first.

If the console is hacked and the sniper is the last enemy standing, she will retreat and the Republic will have secured the area.

Rewards/Outcome: If the squad succeeds in shutting off the defense grid, then Eralynn will not have turret support against the team coming for her. A Triumph on the final roll for control gives the turrets one turn to fire upon her. Two Triumphs or more will put them in the fight against her until they are defeated. There are three turrets in this minion group.

Shutting down the turrets gives 1 Victory Point.

Trust Modified: N/A
Power Modified: Failing to shut down the turrets will cost 2 Power. A Triumph on the last roll will give 1 Power. Double Triumph or more will give 3 Power.
Duty Gained: Participants receive 10 Duty.
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Re: (D8 LN) Operation Defiant Nexu: Defense Grid

Postby Rav Devaroo » Sat Jun 23, 2018 11:07 pm

This mission seemed perfect for a combat engineer, so the he was. Rav was decked out in his newly designed armour, an extra mechanical arm recently attached to it. His weapons were ready and he looked at his teammates. "Watch out for that disruptor and let's clear a path to the terminal."

Wound threshold: 19
Strain threshold: 13
Soak: 6
Ranged defense: 1
No Crits, Durable x2

Day 8. Defense Grid. Initiative (Survival): 2eP+1eA 0 successes, 2 advantage
Day 8. Defense Grid. Initiative Boost: 1eB 0 successes
Last edited by Rav Devaroo on Sun Jun 24, 2018 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: (D8 LN) Operation Defiant Nexu: Defense Grid

Postby V1-V0 » Sat Jun 23, 2018 11:11 pm

Finally, a mission it was designed for. Veeone advanced implacably on the target.


Wounds 0/18
Strain 1/11
Soak 7
Melee Defense 1
Ranged Defense 1 (2 if V1 acts before you)
no crits
Suppressing Fire is active - any ally in Short range of V1 may spend 1 advantage on a failed combat check to do 1 Strain damage to the target (in addition to usual advad rules)

D8 Defense Grid. Initiative. Cool. Using Rapid Reactions for 1 auto success.: 1eA+1eP 1 success, 1 advantage

D8 Defense Grid. Additional Boost for Init: 1eB 1 success, 1 advantage

so that is 3 success, 2 advantage for initiative.
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Re: (D8 LN) Operation Defiant Nexu: Defense Grid

Postby Hacha Tsuko » Sat Jun 23, 2018 11:46 pm

"How did they talk me into this again." Hacha mutters to himself. He's easily the lightest armored out of everyone here, though he is a bit mollified to see a slew of familiar faces from the hangers. "Oh, that's right. They appealed to my vanity. "We need a slicer and mechanic Hacha. You're one of our best Hacha. And I talked myself into it."

It appears that with the extra space where armor might go, Hacha has instead strapped in tools and a military style pouch with stimpacks prepared. Just when it looks like he is completely out of place, he opens a hard case and runs a series of straps on his check to brace into it. Hacha pulls out a gun that looks too big for him to carry, never mind use well, but with a few quick adjustments it's riding on his hip.

"Let's do this thing."


Wounds: 0/14
Strain: 0/12
Soak: 1
No Defense
No Crits

D8 Defense Grid Initiative, Cool (Presence): 2eA 1 success

1 success for initiative

D8 LN Boost for Init (Retroactive): 1eB 0 successes, 2 advantage

Make that 1 success, 2 advantage - Nekoinu
Hacha Tsuko | Tech Modder | Cyberbrain Implant | Flechette Rifle | Turtle's Mechanic
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Re: (D8 LN) Operation Defiant Nexu: Defense Grid

Postby Sabine Kelborn » Sun Jun 24, 2018 12:02 am

"Let's do this." Stated Sabine simply as she joined in, ready to fight.

Wounds: 0/21
Strain: 0/12
Soak: 5
Defense: 1
Crits: 1

D8 LN - Init, Cool (Presence): 3eA 1 success, 1 advantage

D8 LN - Forgotten Boost: 1eB 0 successes
Last edited by Sabine Kelborn on Sun Jun 24, 2018 12:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: (D8 LN) Operation Defiant Nexu: Defense Grid

Postby Nekoinu » Sun Jun 24, 2018 12:13 am

Malto.png (70.99 KiB) Viewed 12703 times

"Maybe Eralynn can get off her ass and make me a Mandalorian already..."


Malto Brin is an Adversary 1 Target. All targets currently have 1 Defense.

D8 LN Cool for Initiative: 2eP 1 success, 2 advantage

D8 LN Cool for Initiative: 2eA 1 success, 1 advantage

D8 LN Cool for Initiative: 1eA 0 successes, 1 advantage

Initiative Order
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Re: (D8 LN) Operation Defiant Nexu: Defense Grid

Postby V1-V0 » Sun Jun 24, 2018 12:30 am

Veeone continued its implacable advance, not even flinching at any incoming fire. It took a bead on the leader of the enemy formation and fired.


Manuever to close range.
2 Strain for additional maneuver to close to Medium Range.

D8 Defense Grid. Shoot Malto Brin. 1 boost from Accurate. 1 boost from Trust.: 1eA+3eP+2eB+1eD+1eC+1eS 3 successes, 3 advantage

That is 14 damage, Pierce 2. Using 3 advantage to Crit.

D8 Defense Grid. Crit Roll: 1d100 84

3/11 Strain taken
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Re: (D8 LN) Operation Defiant Nexu: Defense Grid

Postby Rav Devaroo » Sun Jun 24, 2018 12:57 am

As Veeone advanced laying down a hail of fire, Rav squinted through his hunters goggles at Malto Brin. The Disruptor pistol looked familiar to him. Yeah, that was a Type IV Destructomatic - the cheap knock-off version of the much preferred De Aath Solutions Inc Vapouriser 3000. It had a fatal weakness that he recalled from somewhere in the depths of his sligtly amnesiac mind.

"Okay guys, I've got a plan. Cover me." Rav dialled a specific frequency into his comm system and directed a narrow beam transmission directly at Malto. The results were rather spectacular...

Action: Bad Motivator targeting Malto Brin's Disruptor pistol
Maneuver: Move halfway to Medium (So still at Long range)

Day 8. Defense Grid round 1. Bad Motivator talent vs Malto's Disruptor pistol. Hard Mechanics. Boost from Trust. Boost from Mechanical Arm.: 3eP+1eA+2eB+3eD 5 successes, 1 threat, 1 Triumph

(OOC: Have fun with that Neko)
Republic | Shistavanen | Gearhead | Military Specialist | Greasy Mechanic | Serious Sapper | Tough

Equipment: Huge collection of assorted tools stuffed in to Utility Suit, Utility belt, Load-bearing gear, Datapad, Hunter's Goggles
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Re: (D8 LN) Operation Defiant Nexu: Defense Grid

Postby Nekoinu » Sun Jun 24, 2018 1:07 am


Malto took the shot and lifted his rifle back up. He prepared his counter-attack and pulled the trigger a few times. "What the... now? Now?!" He dived behind cover and heaved behind the wall. Stupid gangers got me too used to small fries.

The turrets, however, were not subject to such distractions. They recognized the Duros to be carrying heavy munitions and decided to fire upon him. They landed a hit, though blasters were capable of more terrible damage than the blow inflicted.


Triumph to waste Malto's action on using the rifle before he realizes it's defunct.
Maneuver to take cover (Increase Defense to 2)
Incidental to drop rifle since it's useless!

D8 LN Round 1 Target Acquistion (1 Rav, 2 V1, 3 Hacha, 4 Sabine): 1d4 3

D8 LN Round 1 Attacking Hacha: 1eA+2eP 1 success, 2 advantage
D8 LN Round 1 Attacking Hacha (Forgot Difficulty): 2eD 0 successes, 1 threat
Total of 1 Success, 1 Advantage. Base Damage of 9 so 10 Damage before Soak to Hacha.

Advantage spent to give next NPC ally a boost die.

Two more PCs to go!
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Re: (D8 LN) Operation Defiant Nexu: Defense Grid

Postby Sabine Kelborn » Sun Jun 24, 2018 1:13 am

Sabine moved closer, aimed and shot.

Maneuver: Move
2nd Maneuver: True Aim
Long from Malto and other guys

Attack roll:
D8 LN - Ranged (Heavy) vs Malto Brin, True Aim, Destiny, Accurate, Trust, Adversary 1, Defense 2: 4eP+3eB+1eC+2eD+2eS 1 success

9 damage before soak, 2 adv from Superior and Bantha Eye to boost Hacha

Wounds: 0/21
Strain: 2/12
Soak: 5
Defense: 1
Crits: 1
Republic * Sergeant * Soldier * NCO * Confident * Tough * Mandalorian * Human
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Re: (D8 LN) Operation Defiant Nexu: Defense Grid

Postby Hacha Tsuko » Sun Jun 24, 2018 1:39 am

"Ahh!" Hacha winces as turrets pop out of the wall and light him up. "I'm fine! Keep going!" He shouts. He is not "fine" but he is up for the moment, and intent on stopping those turrets from hitting them anymore. He runs forward, prepping his gun as he lines up a shot.

"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon." It's practically a prayer as he releases the trigger, sending forth a volley of high speed metal.

[One maneuver to move to Short, two strain to Prepare]

D8 Defense Grid, Short Range attack on Turrets: 2eA+1eP+1eB+1eD 3 successes, 2 advantage

[Damage 11, Pierce 6 on main Turrent. Blast 8 on All Targets in turret minion group]
Last edited by Hacha Tsuko on Sun Jun 24, 2018 2:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Hacha Tsuko | Tech Modder | Cyberbrain Implant | Flechette Rifle | Turtle's Mechanic
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Re: (D8 LN) Operation Defiant Nexu: Defense Grid

Postby Nekoinu » Sun Jun 24, 2018 1:47 am

The turrets were all but destroyed by the launcher. The enforcers took aim and fired upon the incoming droid.


D8 LN Ranged (Heavy) against V1, Aim Bonus: 3eP+1eB+2eD+2eS 4 successes, 2 threat
Threat can be spent as V1 wishes. Base damage of 9 for 13 Damage before Soak to the Droid.

Round 2! Two PCs are up!
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Re: (D8 LN) Operation Defiant Nexu: Defense Grid

Postby V1-V0 » Sun Jun 24, 2018 1:57 am

Veeone swayed ever so slightly at the hit, taking a single step to the side for a better shot at Malto.

"Disruptor rifles are illegal by Republic Law. You are under arrest!"

Veeone then shot the miscreant.

6 wounds taken after Soak.

Incidental to speak.
Manuever to aim.

Action - D8 Defense Grid. Shoot Malto Brin. 1 boost from Accurate. 1 boost from Trust. 1 boost from aim. 1 boost from Minion Threat.: 1eA+3eP+4eB+1eD+1eC+2eS 3 successes, 4 advantage

14 damage, Pierce 2. Using 3 advantage to Crit. 1 advantage to recover 1 strain.

D8 Defense Grid. Crit Roll: 1d100+10 100

6/18 wounds
2/11 strain
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Re: (D8 LN) Operation Defiant Nexu: Defense Grid

Postby Rav Devaroo » Sun Jun 24, 2018 2:17 am

Rav moved up beside his friend the battle droid. "Nice shot Veeone. Watch this." He lifted his pulse rifle up to sight down its length and pulled the trigger.

There was a whooshing sound filled by an almighty Kaboom as a burst of charged particle pulse rounds filled the air around the goon squad.

Maneuver: Move to Medium with V1
Maneuver: Aim (2 strain)

Day 8. Defense Grid. Round 2. Shooting the minions with my Pulse Rifle. Medium range. Destiny flip. Accurate 2. Boost from Trust. Boost from Aim.: 3eP+4eB+2eD 5 successes, 5 advantage

13 damage. 2 Advantages to activate blast which hits each other minion for 12 damage each. 3 advantage to activate a critical.

Wounds taken: 0/19
Strain taken: 2/13
Ranged defense: 1
Last edited by Rav Devaroo on Sun Jun 24, 2018 3:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: (D8 LN) Operation Defiant Nexu: Defense Grid

Postby Nekoinu » Sun Jun 24, 2018 2:20 am


Malto barely had time to recognize the droid's cry before he and his crew were blasted off their feet. In the leader's case, quite literally. As if some karmic force came for him, bones in his leg cracked before he slammed his face into the floor.


Two more PCs and then reinforcements come for Round 3! There are no enemies ATM so get closer/do whatever!
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Re: (D8 LN) Operation Defiant Nexu: Defense Grid

Postby Sabine Kelborn » Sun Jun 24, 2018 2:23 am

Sabine moved closer, gun ready, then took cover

OOC: 1 maneuver to move to Medium, 1 to Take Cover, Ranged Defense now 2
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Re: (D8 LN) Operation Defiant Nexu: Defense Grid

Postby Hacha Tsuko » Sun Jun 24, 2018 2:55 am

Hacha grins as he sees the opposition fall and he sees the console open. He slides into place and starts to work.

D8 Defense Grid Initiative, Mechanics Hard, proper tooks: 2eA+4eP+1eB+3eD 5 successes, 1 advantage

Hacha is sure that he's got the case off...the question is if he has time for the next step.

[Success to have enough speed to make another check? Advantage to throw setback on attack]

Wounds 9/14
Strain: 4/12

[Initiative as combat returns to play]

D8 Defense Grid Initiative, A New Threat Emerges! Vigilance (Willpower): 2eA 1 success, 2 advantage
Last edited by Hacha Tsuko on Sun Jun 24, 2018 3:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
Hacha Tsuko | Tech Modder | Cyberbrain Implant | Flechette Rifle | Turtle's Mechanic
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Re: (D8 LN) Operation Defiant Nexu: Defense Grid

Postby Nekoinu » Sun Jun 24, 2018 3:10 am

"Well, that is what I get for trusting an aruetii." The sniper took up position on her window, the glint of her scope clearly visible to the strike team.

In the meantime, a group of four enforcers plied the corner and leveled their rifles. "Blast them!"


I'm doing an Initiative wash due to all of the starter enemies going splat. Roll Vigilance (Willpower) for Initiative against their Cool (Presence)

The sniper is Adversary 2 and receives a Boost to her shots due to higher altitude. Her Defense is 1 and she is at Long Range from the Terminal/Extreme for the rest of the party. The Hutt Enforcers are Defense 1 and start at Long from the Terminal.

D8 LN Cool for Initiative: 2eP 1 success, 2 advantage

D8 LN Cool for Initiative: 2eA 0 successes, 2 advantage
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Re: (D8 LN) Operation Defiant Nexu: Defense Grid

Postby Sabine Kelborn » Sun Jun 24, 2018 3:12 am

Sabine was ready for action!


Ghosted by Nekoinu

D8 LN Vigilance for New Initiative: 2eA 2 successes, 1 advantage
Republic * Sergeant * Soldier * NCO * Confident * Tough * Mandalorian * Human
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Re: (D8 LN) Operation Defiant Nexu: Defense Grid

Postby V1-V0 » Sun Jun 24, 2018 3:13 am

Veeone tracked the glint of the sniper scope instantly.

"Danger! Hostiles still in locality!"


D8 Defense Grid. Initiative wash. Vigilance. Using Rapid Reactions for 1 auto success.: 1eP+1eB 2 successes, 2 advantage

That's 3 successes, 2 advantage.

6/18 wounds
3/11 strain
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Re: (D8 LN) Operation Defiant Nexu: Defense Grid

Postby Rav Devaroo » Sun Jun 24, 2018 3:14 am


Rav's predatory instincts alerted him to the presence of further enemies before anyone could ask the all important question: "Who's a good boy?"

Day 8. Defense Grid. New Initiative. Survival. Boost from Trust: 2eP+1eA+1eB 5 successes, 2 advantage

It was Rav. Rav was the good boy.

Wounds taken: 0/19
Strain taken: 2/13
Ranged defense: 1
Soak: 6
Crits: 0 / Durable 2
Republic | Shistavanen | Gearhead | Military Specialist | Greasy Mechanic | Serious Sapper | Tough

Equipment: Huge collection of assorted tools stuffed in to Utility Suit, Utility belt, Load-bearing gear, Datapad, Hunter's Goggles
Combat carry: Heavily modified Pulse Rifle, Extra reload, Stimpacks, Grenades, Tech-glove

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Re: (D8 LN) Operation Defiant Nexu: Defense Grid

Postby Nekoinu » Sun Jun 24, 2018 3:18 am

"I should shoot him on the ground for this failure," the sniper muttered to herself.


Initiative Order:

Nekoinu not use enough Destiny. Will flip Destiny to upgrade the Computer Check and any attacks from the players.
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Re: (D8 LN) Operation Defiant Nexu: Defense Grid

Postby V1-V0 » Sun Jun 24, 2018 3:25 am

The mission must succeed. Veeone marched forward to the console and placed itself between the technician and the sniper position.

"Work fast Admin Tsuko. Hostile sniper in vicinity."

Maneuver to short range from console.
2 strain to Manuever to engaged range of console.
Action to make Sniper shoot V1 rather than Hacha.
Incidental to speak

6/18 wounds
5/11 strain
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Re: (D8 LN) Operation Defiant Nexu: Defense Grid

Postby Rav Devaroo » Sun Jun 24, 2018 3:37 am

"Let's see if I can help with that."

Rav moved over towards the terminal and after a quick assessment began kicking over desks and other assorted bits of office furniture to provide cover for them all. It wasn't the most sturdy, but it did give them a defensive position and would make it harder for the reinforcements to target them.

Day 8. Defense Grid. Improvised Defenses. Average Survival. Boost from Trust. Destiny Flip.: 3eP+1eB+2eD 1 success, 1 advantage

Maneuver: Short
Maneuver: Engaged (2 strain)
Action: Improvised defenses = +1 ranged defense to our team at the terminal for the rest of the encounter, regain 1 strain from advantage.

Wounds taken: 0/19
Strain taken: 3/13
Ranged defense: 1 (now 2)
Soak: 6
Crits: 0 / Durable 2
Republic | Shistavanen | Gearhead | Military Specialist | Greasy Mechanic | Serious Sapper | Tough

Equipment: Huge collection of assorted tools stuffed in to Utility Suit, Utility belt, Load-bearing gear, Datapad, Hunter's Goggles
Combat carry: Heavily modified Pulse Rifle, Extra reload, Stimpacks, Grenades, Tech-glove

"Throw me that hydromajiggy before... Huh. You know what, just run."
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Re: (D8 LN) Operation Defiant Nexu: Defense Grid

Postby Sabine Kelborn » Sun Jun 24, 2018 3:40 am

Sabine saw the incoming targets and shot a fusillade of shots into them! All but one fell over due to the incoming blaster fire.


Ghosted by Nekoinu

Maneuver: True Aim
Action: Fire!

D8 LN Round 3 Shoot the Minions, True Aim, Nekoinu Destiny Flip for Difficulty: 3eP+1eA+3eB+1eC+1eS 2 successes, 4 advantage

Base Damage 8 for 10 Damage with Pierce 1. Trigger Autofire twice for two more hits.
Republic * Sergeant * Soldier * NCO * Confident * Tough * Mandalorian * Human
Carries: Ritual dagger, command insignia, electronic manual
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