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[D3 ME] Boom Later

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 11:06 am
by Sabine Kelborn
"... and then the tin can said." Sabine made a "crck" noise and cracked her neck. "Time for your termination meatbag. My superior droid skills will demolish your puny attempts at heroics. Ha.Ha.Ha." She imitated holding a huge gun in her hand as she spoke in monotone. "Pewpewpewpewpewpewp." Imaginary bolts flew out. "And then specialist davaro was blow away, off to a huge hole! A safety concern, by the way, that power plant is really shoddily built. "

She held up a hand imitating Rav. "DAvaro was holding up with one hand, and then, suddenly! He hauled himself up, like in that old holo flick, you know? The murderdroid from the future... Exterminator, yeah that one!" As one of the listeners mumbled. "He jumped up like 3 stories in the air, did a triple back flip, landed on his feet, and started running towards the last bomb. Meanwhile, Captain Organa." Sabine took up a pose like she was holding a gun in her right hand, standing like you would on a holo poster. "He shot the lost droid, not even looking at it, he was busy giving us instructions. Kryze, cover the civilian and the sapper. Davaro, run like your life depended on it. Sol, shoot to kill!" She shouted quite too loudly as she was telling it.

"And when the bomb was stopped, the cowardly droid turned to us. You may have bested me this time, but next time your puny flesh shall crumble under my plasteel heels!" She imitated the droid voice again. "Oh, and you should have seen Galen! He was like.... hearing the bombs? Or smelling them? I don't know, but he pinpointed them when he stepped into the plant. They were all so amazing."

The story finished, she extended a hand to grab her beer, and sat down on one of the stools that was set up near the concert area. "Oh, and that craven kriffing coward escaped, because sticking around and actually fighting is too hard or something. So that happened yesterday. What were you guys up to?"

Re: [D3 ME] Boom Later

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 1:10 pm
by Nudimsu
Standing back from afar, the Chiss looked onto the camp, staring at the woman telling this tall tale. If his dealing with Craw were any indication, strong liquor helped add to the believability of a story, as well as its embellishment. He didn't really know why he was here, listening. All he had done all day was wander around camp, trying to find something to do. Hadn't even spoken to his crew since the crash. He'd probably leave it to Durasay to say something inspiring to lift the crew's spirits; it wasn't his role on the ship.

"An interesting story." He finally spoke after a few minutes of looking at her. One could hardly ever tell from his tone whether he was serious or not. It was always point blank. "It came with sound effects and everything."

Re: [D3 ME] Boom Later

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 1:17 pm
by Sabine Kelborn
Nudimsu wrote:Standing back from afar, the Chiss looked onto the camp, staring at the woman telling this tall tale. If his dealing with Craw were any indication, strong liquor helped add to the believability of a story, as well as its embellishment. He didn't really know why he was here, listening. All he had done all day was wander around camp, trying to find something to do. Hadn't even spoken to his crew since the crash. He'd probably leave it to Durasay to say something inspiring to lift the crew's spirits; it wasn't his role on the ship.

"An interesting story." He finally spoke after a few minutes of looking at her. One could hardly ever tell from his tone whether he was serious or not. It was always point blank. "It came with sound effects and everything."

Sabine glanced at the blue man while drinking her beer. "I try to increase the verisimilitude." Wow, what a long word. "Hope you enjoyed it?"

Re: [D3 ME] Boom Later

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 1:24 pm
by Nudimsu
Wow, that was a large word. His eyes grew wide at that, showing more red than usual before returning to their usual shape. Wouldn't expect a soldier to be using that. "I think it achieved its goal. I understood what had occured with you and your companions and how you all managed to save that day no worse for wear for your efforts." He nods in affirment. The fact he understood it was already an incredible sign of concern to his mental health.

Perhaps there was more to the swelling than the doctor had said.

"That is fine work, indeed."

Re: [D3 ME] Boom Later

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 1:49 pm
by Sabine Kelborn
"Go me." She said in a happy tone, while spilling beer on her uniform. "Oh, for kriffing Force." she started cursing. It was the only dress uniform they could give her back before deployment. "I did not think this through."

Re: [D3 ME] Boom Later

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 2:30 pm
by Nudimsu
He looked onto her shirt as the beer dripped down and sighs internally. It reminded him of when Craw did this sort of stuff with his own booze. "One often does not when it involves alcohol." He looks over to the side, away from it soaking into her clothes.

If he was to understand the customs of men and women talking, the next point was to put a coat over her...which he was not wearing. It was comfortable outside, why would he wear it.

Maybe offer her another beer? No, that would only make things worse and cause her to act like a larger fool.

Probably should..yes, I should do that.

"Can I get you anything to help clean that up?"

Re: [D3 ME] Boom Later

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:57 pm
by Sabine Kelborn
"No thank you, I got this under control." She replied with the confidence of the young and stupid.

Her elegant solution was to take the coat off. "Are you here with the relief force? Or native?"

Re: [D3 ME] Boom Later

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 12:16 am
by Jax Dolross
Jax heard the sound effects and turned his head to see Sabine getting into the swing of a story he wandered over and listened patiently. He approached her and the chiss he didn't know and saw her spill her beer "You know the party doesn't start for another hour or so." he said teasingly as he approached her.

He nodded to the chiss man "Hey there, name's Jax Dolross how''s it going?"

Re: [D3 ME] Boom Later

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:34 am
by Nudimsu
His eyes faded down and glanced right back up. Either did not care she was slightly exposed a bit, or she was drunk enough to not care. "A bit of the latter. I'm the personal pilot of Durasay Mixo. I'm also offering up my serivces while I am here. Hazard pay helps me pay for my repairs on my ship."

He loves over to the man curiously. "Your voice sounds familiar."

Re: [D3 ME] Boom Later

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:48 am
by Jax Dolross
Durasay had come over on the Turtle if he remembered correctly meaning this was likely the pilot of that ship. "Ah you sound familiar as well, I think I heard it over the comms during the blockade run, you're the pilot of the Turtle aren't you. I captain the Midnight, the other freighter that was there that day. Glad to see your crew all walked away from that crash."

Re: [D3 ME] Boom Later

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 2:15 am
by Nudimsu
"Any crash you can walk away from is a good crash. Thanks for your assistance in giving us our shot. Would not have done half as well without you and the other pilot." The Chiss extends his hand towards him in gratitude. Often physical contact was important while expressing gratitude for humans to show feelings.

"Ship will recover, thankfully. Just greatful I managed to land so close to our base."

Re: [D3 ME] Boom Later

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 2:29 am
by Jax Dolross
Jax took the hand and shook it firmly "Well you all did land the hit that took that frigate out of the fight so it's really everyone here that needs to be thanking you." he gave the chiss a friendly open smile. "I see you have encountered our ever so charming Sergeant Sabine."

Re: [D3 ME] Boom Later

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 3:08 am
by Nudimsu
"Nudimsu. Forgot to give my name." He smiles back as he firmly squeezes his hand before releasing it. Socializationng; how can people remember all of these rules? "And no need to thank me. I'm paid well for my services, it would be bad form not to earn my pay. Just glad there were no casualities from our end." He turns his attention to the beer stained woman.

"She was just telling us of her exploits yesterday as she was preparing for the upcoming festivities." Some people dealt with these events differently. She chose to drink herself under before it even began. Perhaps her and Craw should meet, that is, before he started his soberity.

Re: [D3 ME] Boom Later

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 4:04 am
by Teffa
Hearing the big hubbub and commotion over at the gather, Teffa figured she could poke her head in to see what it was all about. It seemed like a small celebration of sorts which could only mean that she could potentially skim some free drinks or snacks from somewhere if she blended in somehow.

Re: [D3 ME] Boom Later

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:30 am
by Jax Dolross
Nudimsu wrote:"Nudimsu. Forgot to give my name." He smiles back as he firmly squeezes his hand before releasing it. Socializationng; how can people remember all of these rules? "And no need to thank me. I'm paid well for my services, it would be bad form not to earn my pay. Just glad there were no casualities from our end." He turns his attention to the beer stained woman.

"She was just telling us of her exploits yesterday as she was preparing for the upcoming festivities." Some people dealt with these events differently. She chose to drink herself under before it even began. Perhaps her and Craw should meet, that is, before he started his soberity.

"Jax." he replied simply with a friendly smile in place "I can certainly respect that attitude, you've got your priorities in order."

He looked to Sabine "Oh yeah I heard you guys had a pretty nice showdown yesterday with some mandos and droids. Crazy stuff. Good work." he said his voice with a touch of respect to it.

Re: [D3 ME] Boom Later

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 11:04 am
by Sabine Kelborn
Sabine smirked, giggled and snorted. "Yeah, that's me. Ever so charming. Have you met everyone at camp Jax?" She turned to Nudi. "A crash eh? Sounds decidedly unfun."

She saw another blue person, and waved at her, just on general principle. "

Teffa wrote:Hearing the big hubbub and commotion over at the gather, Teffa figured she could poke her head in to see what it was all about. It seemed like a small celebration of sorts which could only mean that she could potentially skim some free drinks or snacks from somewhere if she blended in somehow.

She raised a glass. "Hey, haven't seen you before. Sergeant Sabine Kryze. The blue guy is nude, and this is Jax Dolross, captain of the High Noon."

How many drinks did she have already?

Re: [D3 ME] Boom Later

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 11:11 am
by Jax Dolross
Jax smirked at her "what can I say I get around places, I like making connections."

He sigh jeez she's already pretty deep in it. he chuckled "I think she meant to say Midnight but at least she got my name right." He said addressing the newcomer.

Re: [D3 ME] Boom Later

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 8:20 pm
by Teffa
"Hi, there!" Teffa exclaimed with a wave of her hand before resting both hands at her sides. "Nice to meet you all, although this guy doesn't look very nude at all, not that he has to be. I'm Captain Teffa of the Trunk. Are there drinks around here?"

Re: [D3 ME] Boom Later

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:11 pm
by Nudimsu
There was a long stare at the the woman as he abused his name. Craw did it, though he at least had the relationship behind it that he could allow it to go on with little protest. This is someone he just met, with no builds of trust to allow that abuse of his name. "Nudimsu." There was a low tone as he said it, his face visibly annoyed with those words. His mind understood why she said it; alcohol was something caused even the greatest minds to become as intuitive as a child. So him correcting her was akin to just that. "It is impressive she's so capable of it. I know someone who used to require this level of intoxication in order to relieve themselves of their burdens, so I am used to it." Much as he was used to having humans say his name wrong.

Still, he couldn't let it slide without it. His eyes turned over to the fellow Chiss, quelshing a large sigh of relief. "Ch'ah k'ir nah ch'acan'b ch'at veb in'a bah ch'eo tsut'r cavrcah cseah s." Everyone annuncation was on point, the tone of his words came off somewhat like music, with each letter hitting the correct key to establish itself into a beautiful song. A rare moment for him to use Cheunh was more than what he could hope for, though probably not the most friendly thing to do in a chat. He had to learn how to include others in his chats. "I did not expect to see another Chiss out here. Yes, I am very unnude; I tend to remain that way for large periods."

Re: [D3 ME] Boom Later

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 11:45 pm
by Sabine Kelborn
Sabine merely shrugged, apparently made of teflon. "Nudimsu. Almost. And yeah, non-nude." Jury's still out whether on that is good or bad. "Pleased to meet you." She waved her bottle a round "There's a bar being set up around here."

Re: [D3 ME] Boom Later

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 12:24 am
by Jax Dolross
Jax shook his head and laughed "Sabine you're my kinda woman." He said giving her a friendly slap on the back. "Its gonna be a good night isn't it?" He asked jovially taking in Sabine's level of drunkness before the event begins. "How about a round for everyone on me!" He said to the bartender.

Re: [D3 ME] Boom Later

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 2:28 am
by Teffa
Teffa gave a few knowing nods at the familiar language but for the sake of everyone else, it seems best to use the universal dialogue than make someone out there do overtime with the subtitles. "Me neither! But I'm not exactly supposed to be out here. It's more that I just wandered here and everything else fell into place."

"Here! Here! Free drinks!" She cheered at Jax's offering. "If you're buying, I'm drinking!"

Re: [D3 ME] Boom Later

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 3:04 am
by Jax Dolross
Jax looked at the chiss woman with an easy smile "So Teffa, what is it you do?"

Re: [D3 ME] Boom Later

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 2:00 pm
by Nudimsu
Jax obviously was quite the charmer with the ladies. Or at least liked to think that of himself. It didn't matter either way, arrogance was usually a trademark of all good pilots, as he was told once. It might have been to insult him, but the statement still holds weight. He was never really one for idle chit-chat, much less flirting. The Ascendency usually left matters of mating and marriage sort of things to the Houses themselves to decide if they would go with matchmaking or letting the individuals decide. House Prirnu usually left it up the core families to decide. He wasn't around long enough for his parents to decide on what they would have done with him, so he never gave it much thought.

"Quite a story one finds themselves into a war zone." He looks at her, trying to process what she said. "It seems to be a night of interesting stories." He says, glancing over at Sabine before looking over at her. "I suppose one drink wouldn't hurt. I tend not to go to these events, but ever since my entrance onto this planet, I've realized I should probably be a little more open in my experiences."

Re: [D3 ME] Boom Later

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 3:47 pm
by Aran Enfas
Aran had listened, quietly absorbed, as Sabine told the story. Compared to his own exploits at the museum (some personal success, followed by a long period of personal unconsciousness when, he had to feel, most of the fighting happened), it sounded intensely heroic, and he made note of names and descriptions of the others involved to find them later.

After the story had ended, he had disappeared unnoticed. Now he returned with a tray, glasses pitcher -- not of the beer (the bartender was waiting to see the glint of Jax' credit chits, perhaps) but water. He had noticed the crowd around Sabine expanding during his errand, and so he had glasses enough for all, plus an extra. The bartender had either not noticed or not objected to him helping himself to these things, but then, the profession was not famous for enjoying giving out free, non-alcoholic beverages, so perhaps they appreciated being relieved of the burden.

"As we are going to a desert next," he said, sliding into the crowd, putting down the tray, and pouring glasses, "soon this will be almost as precious Whyren's Reserve." Neither first nor last, so as to avoid seeming pointed, he made sure a glass ended up in front of Sabine.