Republic Encampment

Experience, Doesn't Always Come With Age [Day 5, LM]

Postby Chase » Wed Jun 13, 2018 8:26 pm

Brief medical and debriefing checkups were certain, but what was also certain was the wait for the two of them to be released. One of which Chase was far more comfortable questioning than the other. With a few inquiries and a little reminding of her involvement in the instance the woman found her way to the rest tent they had set up the old man in.

Dressed in her pilots fatigues she slipped in through the doorway, pistol holstered to her side and fresh from her morning preparations. All suited together with a look of determination that was hard to disregard.

"I think you know we need to talk about some thing," Chase said upon her entry.
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Re: Experience, Doesn't Always Come With Age [Day 5, LM]

Postby Dapper Dog » Wed Jun 13, 2018 8:38 pm

The old zabrak was sipping kaff, looking disheveled but whole. He nodded slowly and then said, “Well I am not going anywhere, so go ahead.”
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Re: Experience, Doesn't Always Come With Age [Day 5, LM]

Postby Chase » Wed Jun 13, 2018 8:46 pm

Chase moved with a bit of a quick pace, not quite in a rush but the kind of pace one earned when they were in active service. Always on the move. Pulling up a chair next to him she slid down into it, rested an arm on the nearby table and leveled off her gaze, "What brings a man to walking in with two teenage kids, bombs strapped to the lot of you, all to die in some damned attempt to help secure your planet?"
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Re: Experience, Doesn't Always Come With Age [Day 5, LM]

Postby Dapper Dog » Wed Jun 13, 2018 8:50 pm

“I think you just answered the question, we wanted to do our part. I am not a fighter, my family is dead and I had nothing else I could give. I guess it sounds dumb but I wanted to do my part, the kids well, I tried to ward them off but young people don’t listen to the old,” he responded setting the cup down.

“For my people, well the old ways, it’s said that death in service to the people is a good death.”
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Re: Experience, Doesn't Always Come With Age [Day 5, LM]

Postby Chase » Wed Jun 13, 2018 8:54 pm

"Sounds like a whole waste of a life, if you ever asked me," Chase said, honest to a fault more often than not. "It might not be that you're soldiers, but that's what a Resistance is for... that's what the leaders of a resistance are for. If they teach you anything they should be teaching you to win without blowing yourselves up. Who wins then? Who wins when both sides are dead? I can promise you it's not the ones who want to call this planet home after all is said and done."

"Those kids look up to people like you, they needed some firmer guidance and you and this.. Vando piece of.. they were let down, they were let to believe they knew what was right."
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Re: Experience, Doesn't Always Come With Age [Day 5, LM]

Postby Dapper Dog » Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:06 pm

“That’s easy to say when you have not lived for months on end barely scraping by. If victory is going to come people are going to die, either in a fire fight or sacrifice, at least this way we chose our time… but cowardice took me,” he snapped back bitterly.

“Republic can wave their banner now, but we have been here the whole time doing what we could to survive and win. Vando is a damn hero, at least he understands that victory is earned.”
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Re: Experience, Doesn't Always Come With Age [Day 5, LM]

Postby Chase » Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:16 pm

"Vando is a coward and a traitor," Chase said jumping to her feet. "Sacrifice is saving others when there's no other choice, he chose to show you how to give up your lives when there was another way! Cowardice isn't choosing to die, it's choosing to live and fight with everything you've got. You might think you're got nothing left, but you've never seen the desperation that comes from floating alone through space, on your own, and not knowing whether day in and day out if you're gonna live or die alone and cold."

"Sacrificing yourself like that, that's just giving up, that's giving up without ever coming to the point when you realize that you've got to fight as hard as you can to keep everyone alive," she said, rather sternly and finger pointed right at him. "I've seen real sacrifice before, and this wasn't it. If it was true, if it was real, than you would only feel relief that we saved you before you needed to do it, but you don't do you? No because that bastard Vando has you all twisted in the head thinking that this is what you had to do! Your heart might have been in the right place but your head was wound up around itself with Vando's lies."

"You were used and you don't even see it!"
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Re: Experience, Doesn't Always Come With Age [Day 5, LM]

Postby Dapper Dog » Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:25 pm

“Vando has been here fighting the fight, where have you been?” he responded bitterly.

“The Bankor Resistance has had no support from the Republic in over a year, you think we can fight Mandalorians toe to toe? At least he has the guts to do what it takes to fight an overwhelming foe.”
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Re: Experience, Doesn't Always Come With Age [Day 5, LM]

Postby Chase » Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:35 pm

"Yea, sending kids in to bomb targets, sounds like a true hero," Chase sneered, settling back down into her seat. "You're right though, the Republic wasn't here and that's something I'm getting quite fed up with in these parts. People around here seem to forget what the Republic was supposed to be, what we are supposed to be and I seem to be the only damned one who remembers that we're here for you. For people."

Kicking a foot up on something small below her, sturdy enough to hold her foot, inanimate too, but beyond that Chase hadn't really cared to look at it long enough to know anything more, "Bastards further from a hero than anyone I've ever met, and I've met a true hero or two. And I'm not gonna tell you that the Republic is a great savior, it's not if I've learned anything this last few days, but it tries to do what's right when it comes down to it and there are some of us still that want to do nothing but right by your people."
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Re: Experience, Doesn't Always Come With Age [Day 5, LM]

Postby Dapper Dog » Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:45 pm

He frowned and leaned back saying nothing.
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Re: Experience, Doesn't Always Come With Age [Day 5, LM]

Postby Chase » Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:49 pm

"Sorry if I'm the one that's gotta break it to you, but that man's your enemy, and if you don't see that now..." she stops, thinks, places her hand firmly on the table and lifts herself. "I'll bring him back right here to prove it to you."

"Oh, should I remind you of that too? If he didn't have anything to fear, if he was really a hero, if he didn't do any wrong, why did he run?" Chase didn't really wait much for an answer before starting to make her way toward the door. "How about you think about that?"

Continuing toward the door Chase kept an ear for if the man sounded like he was gonna say anything more.
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Re: Experience, Doesn't Always Come With Age [Day 5, LM]

Postby Dapper Dog » Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:55 pm

“To keep fighting, I don’t expect a republic soldier to understand,” he finally said after a long pause. “I am grateful, but I am also grateful for what Vando has done for my people as well.”
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Re: Experience, Doesn't Always Come With Age [Day 5, LM]

Postby Chase » Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:01 pm

"Then you've gotten yourself mighty confused," she said, turning around. "I wouldn't expect someone who's never truly fought a day in their life to understand what a good and proper sacrifice is... but this isn't it. Maybe you'll see that some day if you manage to outlive your delusion, old man."
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Re: Experience, Doesn't Always Come With Age [Day 5, LM]

Postby Dapper Dog » Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:40 pm

“I owe you for saving the girl, she was young but I owe Vando my life, and many others do too. You can judge him for doing things you won’t or can’t but we understand and we support him,” he responded.
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Re: Experience, Doesn't Always Come With Age [Day 5, LM]

Postby Chase » Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:46 pm

"I didn't do it for you," she said, casting the words off. "I thought, maybe, for a second that he could have been as twisted up as you were but you helped me out old man. Now I know that if anyone's the leader here, it's this Vando, and that means he's the man to blame. Guess I'm just glad my instincts still steer me true, not that I was gonna think otherwise anyway."

"Still... I'm not gonna give up on you. You might be too old, and too foolish to allow me to convince you otherwise but I'll show you. I'll drag the truth out of that bastard and bring it back here so you can know it. So, when it comes time to teach your people how to fight in case something like this happens again that you teach them right."

"I promise you that."
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