Republic Encampment

[LE1 - Outside the Command Tent] The Nature of Command

Postby Durasay Mixo » Fri Jun 01, 2018 8:46 am

Well. That was informative. Durasay moved from the command tent after the briefing, his eyes focused on the way the encampment was being set up, being organized. It brought him back to basic, to early infantry drills before ship assignments. His hands folded behind his back, the smuggler-turned-senator couldn't hide the smile that slowly grew on his face. There was something about being on an actual military mission that seemed to engage him even more than risky illegal jobs, or the realpolitik of dealing with the Senate, and making sure the voices of constituents were heard.

But this? This was what his family had done for generations. Served in the military. He had done it, his father had done it, his grandmother had, and so on, and so forth. His booted steps slumped into the rainy mud, leaving impressions behind him as he slowly began to make his way through the command area. Inspecting this and that, just getting a sense for the general rhythm of the place.
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Re: [LE1 - Outside the Command Tent] The Nature of Command

Postby Niall Organa » Fri Jun 01, 2018 8:55 am

It was curious that two men, of different ages, species, and backgrounds would have the same habit. But they did. Perhaps it was the military training.

Niall's own inspection path across the Republic compound crossed Durasay's at a quiet point, not far from the command tent. His Republic gear kept the worst of the rain and the mud off him. And besides, Alderaan was a rainy place. He didn't mind it.

Spotting the familiar form, he gave the older man a nod, a smile just touching his lips. "Senator." He said, walking to within casual conversational distance. "It's good to see you again."
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Re: [LE1 - Outside the Command Tent] The Nature of Command

Postby Durasay Mixo » Fri Jun 01, 2018 9:02 am

"Captain." He smiled to the man, offering a salute. While he was allowed to use his Pantoran rank for the mission, his posting was more of a political appointment than a military one. Even though the venn diagram that was Durasay Mixo would have those two overlap heavily. "It's good to see you too. Been some time. Lot's of excitement for both of us." He nodded.

Durasay was tempted to ask about Alysele, but thought better of it. It was at least convenient that he only had to use one pilot to get messages to his two ambassadorial friends on Corellia, despite them being on the opposite sides of each other.

"Command seems reliable. Republic's finest boots on the ground. All we have to do is win the hearts and minds of the locals. Seems easy enough, right?" An eyebrow cocked, the taller man looking down to the Alderaanian.
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Re: [LE1 - Outside the Command Tent] The Nature of Command

Postby Niall Organa » Fri Jun 01, 2018 9:57 am

There was only the briefest moment of surprised hesitation before Niall returned the salute. "You could say that." He said dryly. "Congratulations on your election. I haven't had the chance to offer those in person yet."

"Hmmm." Niall sighed, his gaze going back towards the main body of the camp. "I hope so. These joint missions have an extra bit of complexity, though. There's the Republic forces. Then there's the Resistance. And then there's the allied Mandalorians. That's three different ideologies before one even takes a second look."

He looked back to Durasay, his chin tilting up. "As you say, hearts and minds. I'm not sure it's easy, but we'll do it."
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Re: [LE1 - Outside the Command Tent] The Nature of Command

Postby Durasay Mixo » Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:04 am

"Our allied Mandalorians should be easy enough to have their hearts and minds. This is an honorable cause, with plenty of opportunity for personal glory and the glory of their families." He pursed his lips as he spoke, thinking on it. He'd had plenty of experience on the Mando'a through his work, and strained friendship, with Craw. "The Resistance will be the hardest to prove ourselves to. They're tired, hungry, and have been fighting a war without back up, and we show up, to save the day?" He looked again to the other man.

"The initial trust will be critical to earn, and each step will have to be taken carefully. Mismanaging what we do with them will have dire consequences in the end, Captain." Durasay's words softened as he looked about the camp. "We will have to assure them that they are not exchanging one occupying force for another."
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Re: [LE1 - Outside the Command Tent] The Nature of Command

Postby Niall Organa » Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:14 am

"They're not, of course." Niall said. "That's not what the Republic is in the habit of doing. Every planet has the right to self-determination. It's how we get such a diverse bunch in the senate." His lips quirked. "But I don't have to tell you that."

He sighed, a light frown on his aristocratic features. "I suppose that actions are the best assurances, wouldn't you agree? Trust cannot be bargained for, only earned." He tilted his head, regarding the taller man. "It rather sounds as though you have specific thoughts on the matter?"
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Re: [LE1 - Outside the Command Tent] The Nature of Command

Postby Durasay Mixo » Fri Jun 01, 2018 4:14 pm

"It's hard to see that when you've already been fighting a war, Captain." His lips curled into a smile. "Eventually, you come to just see faceless soldiers in armor. And while we all know that's how the Republic operates, our new friends will need a reminder of saying 'hey, we're in this together.'" A deep breath of the rainy air, and Durasay shook his head. "As for thoughts on how to reassure them, nothing concrete, other than just keep doing the right thing."

His earlier encounter with the SIS Handler and Resistance Forces was still fresh in his mind. He hoped he had done the right thing.

"But getting some of our people mixed in with theirs, shouldering the burden together? That's the best way to start."
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Re: [LE1 - Outside the Command Tent] The Nature of Command

Postby Niall Organa » Fri Jun 01, 2018 8:11 pm

Niall gave Durasay a firm nod. "That sounds like a good start to me, too. We'll just have to get in there and do our part." He was silent for a moment, his gaze going distant, heedless of the raindrops that ran down his cheeks.

Finally he turned back to Durasay, his lips quirking. "Tell me, Senator. Do you find it easy to do the right thing? And to know what it is?" The lips quirked again. "I hope you don't mind the sudden swerve into philosophy. Although in my experience, war does tend to bring out the philosophers in people."
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Re: [LE1 - Outside the Command Tent] The Nature of Command

Postby Durasay Mixo » Fri Jun 01, 2018 8:21 pm

"If it's right, it usually isn't easy to do. If it's easy, it usually isn't right." He shrugged, brushing back his hair, slick now from the rain. Yellow-amber eyes focused on nothing in particular, before turning to face the Captain. "I trust in the Force to bring me to where I need to be, and to show me what needs to be done. And then, I use it to make sure that it is done effectively. It usually works out." A slight smirk. "Usually. Sometimes, it proves to be a test from the Force, and then, I trust it even more."

While he was no Jedi, he was something else entirely, he had no qualms about bringing the Force into discussions on philosophy. "It brought me here, granted, it's my own nature to jump headfirst into danger, but the pull of the Force is strong here. I can feel the conflict, the hate, the anger, all of it, just in the atmosphere around us. So I know... this is where we need to be. To help these people."
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Re: [LE1 - Outside the Command Tent] The Nature of Command

Postby Niall Organa » Fri Jun 01, 2018 8:33 pm

Niall regarded the other man curiously. "I've often wondered what it would be like to be able to feel the Force." He said, his voice soft. Indeed, he'd wondered it many times since his childhood. Since Aly had been taken by the Jedi. "It sounds as though it can be a comfort. As well as a challenge, or so I understand."

His lips quirked again. "I don't know that it's my nature to jump headfirst into nature, but I would say that I find myself always looking for something to do. A point of commonality, perhaps." Niall sighed. "Fortunately or unfortunately, there's always something. Sometimes they compete with each other. My duty to the Republic, my duty to House Organa and Alderaan... those are in conflict more than I would like."
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Re: [LE1 - Outside the Command Tent] The Nature of Command

Postby Durasay Mixo » Sat Jun 02, 2018 9:56 pm

"I can understand the struggle of obligation, Captain." More than you can know. "That was the rule of life, working in the Outer Rim. Between competing obligations, duties, what have you. It weighs heavily on one." His smile was soft, as he turned slightly to look at some troops doing PT around the command area.

"A comfort and challenge is a good way to put it. The Force is there for you, when you need it to do something. And sometimes, it demands much from you. Especially the Living Force. You just have to actively listen to it. At least, that's what I do."

That, and the lessons of my Master.
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Re: [LE1 - Outside the Command Tent] The Nature of Command

Postby Niall Organa » Sun Jun 03, 2018 3:07 am

Niall followed Durasay's gaze around the camp, his lips tightening as he saw the troops. "Quite." He said, sighing.

"Hmmm. If only I could hear properly." Niall's lips twisted. "Sometimes I nearly think I can. But..." He waved a hand vaguely. "I never can tell. Not really."

Niall ran a hand over his face, frowning thoughtfully. "If I may ask-" he began, "-how does it feel, the obligation to those who elected to you? If you understand what I mean."
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Re: [LE1 - Outside the Command Tent] The Nature of Command

Postby Durasay Mixo » Mon Jun 04, 2018 7:44 am

"It's a great responsibility." He spoke solemnly, yet there was a smirk. "One I do not take lightly. But I'll be honest, it's just another form if duty. Just like I had when I was actively in the Pantoran military." Breathing out through his nostrils.

"It's rise to the challenge, or get crushed by the Obligation. I choose to rise."
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Re: [LE1 - Outside the Command Tent] The Nature of Command

Postby Niall Organa » Mon Jun 04, 2018 7:41 pm

"Hmmm." Niall said, his lips quirking. "The right choice, to be sure."

He shrugged, the motion only just visible under his heavy rain gear. "I was comparing to my own situation. There are similarities, but there are significant differences as well."
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