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Re: [Day 1 - ME] Command Staff Meeting 1

Postby Nekoinu » Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:32 am

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Both Kyr'ad and Claire remained silent on the matter, though one's opinion on the matter was much more visible. The Mandalorian was gauging the crowd for their reactions while Claire was discussing it with her confidant.
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Re: [Day 1 - ME] Command Staff Meeting 1

Postby Dr. Cole Ormont » Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:33 am

Cole raised an eyebrow slightly, expression otherwise guarded. He turned his ice-pale eyes to Leontyne, a flaring of his nostrils the only sign of his disapproval at her comment.
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Re: [Day 1 - ME] Command Staff Meeting 1

Postby Tethys Carrack » Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:38 am

Lana Beniko wrote:“Republic Forces actual, I am Lana Beniko of the Sith Empire. This sector has been declared neutral space due to the current occupation by Mandalor aligned agents. This sector is dangerously close to Imperial interests and I have been dispatched to assess the situation,” the holo image said.

“Seeing as your forces are now in system we see an opportunity for a joint operation to pacify the undesirables. If you are amenable to this request then I would be willing to meet with a delegation to assess the details.”

Jace Malcom wrote:Jace then looked at the room and said, “Thoughts?”

Tethys gives the holo-image of the unexpected Sith emissary an assessing look, then says in a quiet but carrying voice, "Commander Malcolm, Bankor is a sovereign world whose citizens have chosen representation in the Republic senate." She bows her head briefly in Senator Saresh's direction. "This decision would have to be theirs to make. But if I were asked to advise them," she adds dryly, turning a palm upward, "I'd suggest that unless they have very little confidence indeed in this Strike Force's capabilities, it would not be wise to invite the Sith armies to 'pacify' anything closer than a few dozen light-years from their homeworld."
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Re: [Day 1 - ME] Command Staff Meeting 1

Postby Jace Malcom » Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:41 am

Jace smiled slightly and nodded, "I appreciate the insight, master Jedi."
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Re: [Day 1 - ME] Command Staff Meeting 1

Postby Dr. Cole Ormont » Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:50 am

Cole pushed a hand through his curls and crossed his arms. It had been two years since peace had been negotiated between the Republic and the Empire. Two years to get past quibbles over the use of the word pacify instead of liberate. Prejudice might take a dozen generations to die, but he'd hoped things had been going better than this while he'd been away.

Still, he was support. So he kept his mouth and his expression closed and waited for his superiors to let the opportunity go to waste.
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Re: [Day 1 - ME] Command Staff Meeting 1

Postby Arali Zian » Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:55 am

The Sith holo was unexpected, and Arali took the moment to compose her thoughts on the moment. When Knight Carrack spoke on behalf of the order, the twi'lek found her words thoroughly adequate, her own differences in priority trivial to the matter at hand, and so did not throw her voice into the matter. The words of the order were strongest when simple and clear. No need to muddy the water over minor points.

Though if the Sith were to come to Bankor, the order would need internal discussion on the matter. And the council would likely want a report on this offer regardless.
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Re: [Day 1 - ME] Command Staff Meeting 1

Postby Jace Malcom » Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:55 am

“The floor is open, so speak your mind,” he said looking around the room.

“These briefings go best when I get honest input, even if I disagree it’s best to get it out in the open.”
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Re: [Day 1 - ME] Command Staff Meeting 1

Postby Chief Po'xin » Fri Jun 01, 2018 11:01 am

The Chief frowned and said, “I don’t love the Empire, the bastards have taken a lot of friends over the years but we are at peace. Frankly Senator, we couldn’t push them out if we wanted to, this strike force is running light, and the local resistance forces are in a bad state. I say we consider this offer, the Empire don’t do things like this lightly.”

“Just my thoughts, ain’t saying we got to be buddies but if we have joint interests… could be missing an opportunity to bridge that gap. I sure would like my grandkids to live in a world where they ain’t fighting a war we could have ended.”
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Re: [Day 1 - ME] Command Staff Meeting 1

Postby Baesal Zyn » Fri Jun 01, 2018 12:24 pm

Baesal had been present since the start but opted to keep quiet. When the message was shown she clearly looked uncomfortable.

''That's not good''
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Re: [Day 1 - ME] Command Staff Meeting 1

Postby Chase » Fri Jun 01, 2018 12:41 pm

When Malcom opened the floor, Chase stepped forward at the next possible moment. "We fought tooth and nail against those bastards to keep them from bombing innocent civilians barely past recent memory. I don't know what they're getting at here but if I learned anything in my time it's that you can't trust an Imp. Probably wouldn't do too well for morale to see our guys flying alongside the same guys that used to fire into civilian sectors happily if it meant demoralizing our guys. Spent enough time stopping them from doing that to trust them on my wing personally and I can assure you the same for any of my guys up there with me."
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Re: [Day 1 - ME] Command Staff Meeting 1

Postby Dr. Cole Ormont » Fri Jun 01, 2018 1:10 pm

Cole massaged the bridge of his nose. "Two years? Two years isn't enough to have some tiny grain of trust in Republic-Imperial peace?" Rhetoric wasn't the doctor's forte, but he felt compelled to speak up, "if you want them to change, then you can't be unchanged. Joining up against a common enemy is the oldest form of alliance known in the galaxy. How much, exactly," he pushed his fingers through his dishevelled curls, "do we stand to lose by showing that we're magnanimous? Are we so proud that we can afford to pass up the extra help? When we're hip deep in bodies two weeks from now, can we afford to say to ourselves that, shit, we could have used that help right now?"

Pushing his spectacles up the bridge of his nose with his index finger, "the Imperials can declare this world neutral, Republic, or the happy funtime Mandalorian zone, that won't change the fact that Bankor is represented by our Senate. We're not handing over the reins, and we're not inviting the Trojan bantha inside the gates." The surgeon inhaled sharply and dropped his hands to his sides, hoping that no one noticed them shaking.
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Re: [Day 1 - ME] Command Staff Meeting 1

Postby Durasay Mixo » Fri Jun 01, 2018 4:04 pm

"Commander." Durasay spoke up, his face hiding the surprise at seeing a message from Beniko. "A little over a year ago, I worked a job for Beniko, acting as a private investigator into a matter on Nar Shaddaa. I've seen her style in action." He thought back to the final confrontation with Azanak, the way she came down with her lightsaber, and quickly quelled the terrorists.

And had no qualms about the collateral damage she caused, and the innocent civilians killed for the sake of efficiency at stopping the bombs...

"Her strike forces would bring a hammer to the situation, while brutally effective, and I want to emphasize brutally," He paused, licking his lips without thinking, as his eyes narrowed, "This is a scalpel operation. If we bring them in on a joint operation, we will have to be prepared to deal with the fallout. We did negotiate a peace treaty with them, and they have, so far, held their end of it, as have we. And... I agree with the Chief. If we continue to foster the peace between our two governments, it raises the chances that there can be a more lasting one for our heirs."

He stood a little straighter, looking to the command staff gathered, arms folded behind his back. "It wouldn't hurt to keep the option to talk open, perhaps even to help keep any further blockades from starting up. Who knows what back up could be coming for the enemy, and even Republic Cruisers can get swarmed."
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Re: [Day 1 - ME] Command Staff Meeting 1

Postby Baesal Zyn » Fri Jun 01, 2018 5:29 pm

Baesal was dismayed to see support for the imperial ploy in this room. She did not know if they were fools, ignorant or desperate... except for the senator from Pantora.

She knew well what he was, a Jedi died because of it.

"Peace is a lie" she began "That is the first line of the Sith code. I can assure you that empathy or any other humanitarian sentiment is absent from their doctrine...if they propose to help then it is only because they want something." She paused to think about what Layne told her "Accepting their help is like letting the tuk'ata inside the barn."
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Re: [Day 1 - ME] Command Staff Meeting 1

Postby Niall Organa » Fri Jun 01, 2018 7:27 pm

Niall leaned forward. "'Peace is a lie' is their philosophy." He inclined his head respectfully to Baesal. "Not ours. I believe in peace, and think it should be given a chance. We cannot our actions to be dictated by our opposition."

He cleared his throat. "That said, I agree with the Senator from Pantora about their methods, and our needs. Brutality is exactly what we don't need, and harm done even as an accident to the Resistance or our Mandalorian allies could be disastrous to our cause. I would be very wary of the Empire being in a position where they could cause such a harm."
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Re: [Day 1 - ME] Command Staff Meeting 1

Postby Tethys Carrack » Fri Jun 01, 2018 9:00 pm

"In my experience, there are times when a young peace is best nurtured at a respectful distance." Tethys speaks up again into the next pause. "There is more than one toss in the air here: military expediency against Clan Kryze, the safety and sovereignty of the people of Bankor, and the peace between the Republic and the Sith." She untucks a hand from her sleeve again and counts off this list with it, holding up three fingers as she concludes. "Let's not confuse one for the others.

"Inviting the Empire on to our side in this conflict is tactically expedient, at least in the short term. It may not be in the expressed interests of the people of Bankor, though that's up to them to decide." She nods again at Senator Saresh. "And I suggest that it might not be good for the peace in the long term, for exactly the reasons Senator Mixo and the Captain have given. The Sith make war very differently from the Republic. Like our Mandalorian opponents here, they don't consider themselves bound by most of the conventions other worlds agree to. That's true whether or not we are at peace with them." She shrugs one shoulder. "In my opinion, trying to coordinate with their military here--and meeting their expectations about whatever they expect to get in return--is likely to create just as much friction as turning them down. Perhaps more."
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Re: [Day 1 - ME] Command Staff Meeting 1

Postby Nytera Anacapri » Fri Jun 01, 2018 9:20 pm

"With all due respect, you are leaving out a key component of this operation: the people of Bankor. As a Republic system, we are under the military's protection." She gave a small bow to Jace Malcolm. "We are grateful that you are here. However, aligning with the Sith would bring the capabilities of your forces into question. Perhaps untrue, but I am sure you can imagine someone asking, 'If they need the Sith Empire's help now, then how will they protect us in the future?'"

Nytera adjusted her shirt collar. "I am not suggesting to brush them off. Such an act would be untactful." The woman took a breath. "But as a representative of my people, I cannot support aligning with them."
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Re: [Day 1 - ME] Command Staff Meeting 1

Postby Leontyne Saresh » Fri Jun 01, 2018 9:58 pm

The Senator nodded at the anti-Imperial sentiment, “This is a bad deal, trust me. The Empire is a cancer and we should have nothing to do with them, refuse the deal and let’s move on to more pressing business. I think we should move on Camp 43-Besh, there are several political prisoners that could be vital to the cause.”
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Re: [Day 1 - ME] Command Staff Meeting 1

Postby Niall Organa » Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:17 am

Again, Niall cleared his throat. "It's my understanding that the situation in Rygor is growing more urgent. The Resistance there needs help, and they need it soon."
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Re: [Day 1 - ME] Command Staff Meeting 1

Postby Hamelin » Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:38 pm

Hamelin takes this opportunity to speak up. <Grit Kup Ter Bont Tink Tiki Gee Click Clock Clack Tim Voom Sok>
"With the aid of the Empire we can brings the blessings of death to the Mandalorians and bring peace to the planet sooner. Though even if the Empire is doing this as a gesture of goodwill and follow our rules. They will likely ask for some goodwill back in return sometime in the future.

Is that a price that the Republic is willing to pay? Plus it may score the Empire some points with the masses."
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Re: [Day 1 - ME] Command Staff Meeting 1

Postby Baesal Zyn » Sat Jun 02, 2018 3:48 pm

Baesal gave the Gand a queer look

Blessings of death?!
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Re: [Day 1 - ME] Command Staff Meeting 1

Postby Leontyne Saresh » Sat Jun 02, 2018 6:48 pm

Saresh looked at the Gand as well and made a mental note to ask Jace to maybe restrict future meetings to the more stable Jedi or individuals. She responded, “I think we have enough blessings of death… master Jedi.”

“I am fine with aiding Rygor, but it will be a missed opportunity to help these prisoners. I wish we could do both but our resources are just not there for a protracted campaign on two fronts.”
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Re: [Day 1 - ME] Command Staff Meeting 1

Postby Durasay Mixo » Sat Jun 02, 2018 9:30 pm

"Would it be possible to have a small team of specialists to infiltrate the prison, while the main force focuses on Rygor? Prison facilities tend to be a bit more... restrained than mass occupations. In my experience." Durasay spoke up, looking to Captain Organa, before regarding the rest of the staff. He hoped to speak with the man sometime soon.

"Small, disciplined, covert ops types." An eyebrow raised, the words spoken in a clinical manner.
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Re: [Day 1 - ME] Command Staff Meeting 1

Postby Tethys Carrack » Sun Jun 03, 2018 8:57 am

"Belligerents who don't acknowledge the galactic conventions on Crimes Against Civilization have been known to punish prisoners of war for their military setbacks," Tethys interjects with an expression of distaste, as if the sentence leaves a bad flavor in her mouth. "The further we push without taking some kind of measures to protect those prisoners, the more we may be putting them at risk."
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Re: [Day 1 - ME] Command Staff Meeting 1

Postby Durasay Mixo » Sun Jun 03, 2018 5:26 pm

"Wouldn't they do the same thing to any civilians under their jurisdiction?" Durasay raised an eyebrow, looking to the Jedi woman. His mind flashed to the final battle with Azanak, the way he had terrorists strap bombs to civilians, as well as himself, to make up for his 'failures'. "I'm not here to have anyone get left behind. There has to be a way to actually have the strike force deal with both problems."
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Re: [Day 1 - ME] Command Staff Meeting 1

Postby Jace Malcom » Sun Jun 03, 2018 6:39 pm

"We don't have the manpower, we will have to rely on the resistance to handle what we can't. Our force is small and nimble, but we can't stretch ourselves thin or we fold," Jace replied.

"We go to one or the other and hammer it with all we got, that's the plan."
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