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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Tue Jun 12, 2018 11:30 am

"Nothing is impossible!" She retorted quickly. "But... hmmm... I think it's more of a question if they want to integrate? I haven't had the chance to get to know them though..."
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Niall Organa » Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:52 pm

"Hmmm." Niall said, smiling wryly. "That's certainly true, on both counts. Vera and her crew have certainly proven willing to give it a try. But they perhaps not your usual Mandalorians. They're worth getting to know, but I'm not sure how much one can extrapolate to other Mandalorians from them."

He went on as they slowly walked. "I've met others who care a great deal about honor. In my experience, honor is a short step away from both compassion and cruelty. I think perhaps we have some common ground with them."

Niall sighed, his expression darkening. "And then there are the sort who perpetrated the acts of this morning."
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:19 pm

Lyseil frowned briefly. "It's really horrible... how people can do that."

"I don't know, it's so hard to think that a warrior culture rooted in perfecting themselves for their afterlife through warfare and combat to be merciful or compassionate." She sighed over the studies she had done on Mandalorian culture, even if it was somewhat scarce.
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Niall Organa » Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:40 pm

"Yes, it is." Niall sighed. "And thus, this conflict, I suppose."

He shot Lyseil a sidelong glance; it was interesting to talk with someone who had deep thoughts about this sort of thing. Well, they did do their best to train thinkers at the Alderaan Select Academy for Young Ladies.

"Perhaps." Niall said, an interested spark in his grey eyes. "But consider. If honor tells someone that it is wrong to gun down helpless prisoners, it's not far from there to convince them that it's not just dishonorable, but cruel. I think things like that are our best shot." His lips quirked. "It sounds as though you've given this some thought."
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:48 pm

"I have!" her amber eyes were wide with enthusiasm.

"I mean, it's part of analyzing the tactics and strategies of our enemies, so I've been reading up on their history with the Republic, especially the Neo Crusaders, and Mandalore the Preserver who fought alongside Revan. The Neo Crusaders ultimately failed not only because of Revan's tactics in engaging them on their terms and traditions, such as defeating Mandalore in single-combat, but because the Mandalorians lacked strategies in holding onto captured territories and thus handling uprisings and resistance from local populaces." She chewed her lower lip briefly in thought. "But the Kryze seem to be acting differently, as they've been holding territory here for a long time, along with reaping the resources and crippling the infrastructure to make it more difficult for resistance fighters to gain ground."

"So, hmm... if the Irregulars are like the Schism-Mandalorians, who believe in not waging war on non-combatants, I think we should approach those Mandalorisans with respect in recognizing them as an independant sovereign and not just brutal killers."
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Niall Organa » Tue Jun 12, 2018 9:34 pm

"That... hmmm." Niall's stride slowed, finally stopping; he tapped his lips thoughtfully with one finger. "That sounds like an accurate assessment. Very good work, Sergeant. Lyseil." The brightness of the enthusiasm in those amber eyes of hers threw him off a tiny bit.

He frowned. "I see how the holding of territory changes our strategy. But it doesn't seem to have instilled them with any sense of responsibility to the people in the territory. I expect that they'd be made into slaves, at best."
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Tue Jun 12, 2018 10:22 pm

"Thank you, sir!" she replied cheerfully as the Captain praised her work and assessement, straightening a teeny tiny bit in her posture.

"Yes-yes, they do not seem to hold any noble responsibility to the people they have conquered, as they've either become slave-labour or... or sport, as we saw today. It is similar to how it was with the Neo Crusaders, as they too would use POWs as labour. Mandalorian culture isn't devoid of labourers, but they remain on their homeworlds from what I understand and the ones we usually see are the warriors who do not do such things, so they've often have had to rely on captured workers to do a lot of their menial labour for them - mechanics, engineers, food producers, etcetera. The Kryze seemed to have expected us, so I suspect they've shored up on their resources."

Lyseil crossed her arms across her chest. "So, no matter where we go, there are people we end up not helping because we don't have the resources to be everywhere. I believe we should proceed as efficiently as possible, because once we can take down their command posts and leaders, we'll have more room to move in to pockets later to give aid to those we weren't able to help earlier."
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Niall Organa » Tue Jun 12, 2018 10:35 pm

Niall's lips quirked just a little at Lyseil's near-preening. Well, he was sometimes given to that himself.

"They do?" One of Niall's eyebrows went up. "I'll admit my views of Mandalorian culture has come almost entirely from the warrior side of things. Both because that's who I work with, and, well, because that's who we're fighting. I'll admit, I had wondered if there were Mandalorians devoted to industry, food production, and the like." His lips quirked. "Do Mandalorians have a good day-care system? It seems like they would have to."

He sighed. "It's tricky, isn't it? I like your view of efficiency; maintaining resources to help as many people as possible." He gave her a nod. "Ultimately, helping people is our goal. I think it's easy to lose sight of that in favor of defeating the enemy."
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Tue Jun 12, 2018 10:48 pm

"I wouldn't know," she chuckled warmly, "I think child-rearing is a communal thing? Not quite sure, but I'd love to ask them about that since there's a lot about Mandalorian culture that doesn't make out into the public! It really would be great to learn more!"

"But yes," Lyseil sighed too. "It's tricky... having to choose who to help when there's so many in need, but in the end it's why we're here. To help. War isn't the goal, I think. Our Mandalorian allies might disagree, but well, they can take that disagreement and put it in their kaff."
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Niall Organa » Tue Jun 12, 2018 10:59 pm

"Perhaps I should introduce you to Vera after all." Niall mused. "As well as the doctor. I think it may actually be good to have another pair of eyes on the project." He made a mental note to send a message to the Doctor.

The particular phrasing made Niall give a surprised laugh. He glanced at her, his grey eyes glinting. "I might not put it exactly that way to them." He said mildly, "But I quite agree with the sentiment." He flashed her a quick smile. "No doubt it's our Alderaanian upbringing showing through."

He sighed pleasantly. "When's the last time you were back home?"
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Tue Jun 12, 2018 11:44 pm

"Indeedy. We are the best of Alderaan, and have expectations to live up to." She didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with her more colorful choice of words. Using crass words were just so... low-brow. "And sure! I'd love to help out where I can. Just let me know what you need, Niall!"

At the question of home, Lyseil tapped her chin. "Ho-hum... a couple of years, I think? I think I want to take a trip home when I'm done here - make sure mother hasn't engaged me off to someone without telling me. Not that she would, of course, but she's been all sorts of silly since she became a grandmother."
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Niall Organa » Wed Jun 13, 2018 12:34 am

"A couple of years?" Niall's eyebrows went up. "That's a long time. I suppose I'd been away for a couple of years before... my medical leave." And his sister's funeral. "But I was there last Coronation Day, actually. The same as they do every year. I remember the fireworks being more spectacular when I was a child, but I suspect that's just nostalgia talking."

Both eyebrows went up in mild surprise. "A grandmother? Really?" Niall frowned gently. "I'm afraid I don't remember how old the rest of your family is. But I'm the eldest, and I don't expect to... well, nevermind." He cleared his throat.
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Wed Jun 13, 2018 1:35 am

Lyseil cocked her head a little to the side. "I was 18 when I left Alderaan to pursue my doctorate, and I'm 20 now, so that would make 2 years away from home," she confirmed. "Aw... I kinda miss seeing the celebrations on Coronation Day! It's always a lot of fun... hmm... I don't know, I think it might be more than nostalgia." She mused a little at the childhood memories of those celebrations.

"Yesyes, silly! Didn't you hear I say earlier that my older brother Reland had twins recently?" she giggled and nudged his elbow. "I'm the second youngest. Reland's my oldest brother, and there's my little sister Elara."
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Niall Organa » Wed Jun 13, 2018 3:04 am

"Perhaps." Niall's eyebrows went up. "You'll just have to see and compare for yourself. Maybe I'll see you there next time. I think it's good to go back every once and a while." He took a deep breath, taking in the hot desert air as though it were the cool breeze of his home. "I always feel a bit better after I do."

"Oh." Niall flushed, just a bit, as Lyseil nudged him with her elbow. Or perhaps it was just the heat. "Of course. My apologies." He bowed, just a little, managing it fairly well despite his hot weather gear. He remembered now, the conversation had gone from there to his sister...

"Well, then." His lips quirked. "How does it feel to be an auntie?"
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Wed Jun 13, 2018 3:15 am

Her brow furrowed in serious thought for a few seconds. "Hmm... I don't know yet. The twins are both very loud and... well, not that cute, really. Too wrinkly and messy. I'm sure they'll be cuter once they grow up a little and I can show them all sorts of cool things!"

She gave Niall and conspiratory smile. "So has your mother started nagging for grandchildren yet?"
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Niall Organa » Wed Jun 13, 2018 3:30 am

"Huh." Niall said, frowning thoughtfully. In truth, he wasn't entirely sure how to respond to that. To be fair, babies were a bit on the wrinkly and strange side of things. Still, her enthusiasm made him smile.

That conspiratorial smile... Niall chuckled, shaking his head. "Oh. You have no idea. I am the eldest, after all. My younger brother is only sixteen." He looked at her, his lips quirking wryly. "So every time she calls, at least once I'll hear: 'so when are you coming back to the district? Did you know that so-and-so is single?'" He did a very good job of imitating his mother's precise aristocratic tones. She, too, was a graduate of the Alderaan Select Academy for Young Ladies.
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Wed Jun 13, 2018 3:39 am

Lyseil laughed warmly. "Oh yes-yes, sounds like my mother too!" she copied the same motherly tones that both their mothers seemed to use. "Have you met any upstanding young gentlemen yet? You can't hold off marriage forever, dear."

She chuckled some more and shook her head. "Thankfully, father doesn't ask about it too much, but it seems to be a parent-thing to poke about such subjects frequently." I do wonder if he is seeing anyone... "Is your little brother going for a military career too?"
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Niall Organa » Wed Jun 13, 2018 3:52 am

Niall laughed along with her, his handsome features brightening further. "Can't hold off forever?" He shook his head, still chuckling. "As though we're about to lose our last chance to marry at the age of... what, twenty for you?"

He sighed, still smiling. "My father doesn't ask about it directly. But he does often say that he wished I'd give more attention to my duties as an Organa. Which involves many things, including eventual marriage, most likely."

"Mmm." Niall shook his head. "Bailan doesn't really show much interest in it, not the way I did. Which is good. I don't think my parents would handle the stress of having too children in the military." He gave Lyseil a sidelong glance, his grey eyes curious. "What do your parents think about it? Your military career, I mean."
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Wed Jun 13, 2018 4:07 am

"Well, father thinks a military career is better than an academic one. Says it's more prestigious and all," she gave a roll of her eyes. "Though I think he secretly wanted me to have gone into politics like him and Reland. Mother mostly thinks my archaeological interests is a silly phase I'm going through."

Lyseil sighed. "I'm not sure I'm cut out for military apart from being very good at my job. I don't like fighting very much. Only reason I'm a sergeant is because of my training with the Panteer Force that all Panteers must go through with, and it would be unacceptable for my family that I would have any lower rank."
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Niall Organa » Wed Jun 13, 2018 4:45 am

"I see." Niall's lips quirked. "Politics does seem to be the preference of all our families, doesn't it? In truth, I think my parents might have preferred an academic career for me. They're very serious about Alderaan's commitment to peace."

The sigh drew his attention. Niall's head tilted, regarding the young woman. "Mmm. Parental expectations. That's something we have in common."

He stepped a little closer, glancing around as he did so. "If I might be permitted to tell you a secret..." His voice grew softer, and he smiled. "I don't like fighting either."
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Wed Jun 13, 2018 6:32 am

The Panteers were slightly more pragmatic than the Organas, which were probably one of the reasons why they had been in power for so long on Alderaan.

She did look at him more attentively as he stepped closer. Oh my!

"Heh," she grinned, "seems we have that in common. But you're on the track to be a military hero and all! And with Mandalorian soldiers too... stars know what they might say about this!"
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Niall Organa » Wed Jun 13, 2018 6:46 am

Niall gave her an arch look. "Yes, well! I trust you can keep it under wraps. Not that I especially keep my preference for peace a secret, but..." He shrugged, pursing his lips struggling with finding the right words. "It's something I prefer not to remind them of that often."

Standing a little bit closer was pleasant, Niall decided. Like talking to an old friend, perhaps. A little piece of home. He smiled a bit in response to her. "I'm not quite sure why I felt drawn to it anyway." He said. His expression grew more thoughtful, his arms crossing in front of his chest, covering his small collection of medals. "Except perhaps that I seem to have a gift for it, and, well, I felt a duty to do something. To serve Alderaan somehow..."
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Wed Jun 13, 2018 6:18 pm

Being mostly delegated to office-work, Lyseil had a bit more pristine air about her than many others in camp, as she had a fresh clean scent paired with the fragrance of some kind of Alderaanian perfume...? Maybe mountain flowers?

"Well, if you're good at what you do, that's important too! And yes-yes, it serves Alderaan, but most importantly: we do get to help lots of people this way!" she gave a bright smile. "House Panteer value peace like the Organas, but we also acknowledge that sometimes military action is nescessary for the greater good."

She gave him a pat on the shoulder, followed by a wink. "But don't you worry! Your secret is safe with me."
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Niall Organa » Wed Jun 13, 2018 6:45 pm

Niall nodded. "The greater good." He echoed agreeably.

He chuckled softly, his smile growing broader. "I knew I could count on you." Goodness, but that scent she wore was an intriguing one. The associations with home grew stronger. For his part, Niall wore a mild, earthy cologne. It paired surprisingly well with the various military scents that seemed to linger on him, faintly metallic. Niall leaned a little closer...

Clearing his throat, he looked away, his expression cheerful. "Well! I'd say that satisfies the demands of proper social behavior, wouldn't you?"
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Wed Jun 13, 2018 6:53 pm

Kyaahhhh!!! Why is he leaning so close???

Lyseil nodded thoughtfully. "Yes-yes, I think so? We spoke of what we've been up to, our families, and the military-version of the weather..." she gave a nod after thinking it over. "So uh... that paperwork, Captain? We both have work to get back to, no doubt! We should find some time to talk tomorrow, maybe?"
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
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