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[Day 3 MA] I need a healer!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:57 am
by Jax Dolross
Jax stumbled into medical he had stimmed himself again so his body was working better but he still couldn't breath very well he figured he would see if any of the medical staff could take care of it. He got up to the desk and asked to see if the doctor was in or if any of the doctors could see him.

Re: [Day 3 MA] I need a healer!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 3:33 am
by Filo Ordo
With a muttered curse, Filo followed. He knew he wouldn't be the only wounded present today, so he settled somewhere and waited his turn.

He nodded slightly at Jax.

"Right nasty blast back there, good thing we're still walking capable, right?"

Re: [Day 3 MA] I need a healer!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 5:27 am
by Ashla Vyliis
Ashla was there. She sees the injured and approaches.

"What happened?"

Introductions can wait.

Re: [Day 3 MA] I need a healer!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 5:39 am
by Filo Ordo
Filo shakes his head.

"They left behind some fanatics. Things got a bit out of hand, as they tend to do."

He motions to Jax.

"Think that one caught the worst of it."

Re: [Day 3 MA] I need a healer!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 6:05 am
by Ashla Vyliis
Ashla nods. "That reporter said something like that. Who said there are no more surprises in life?" Ashla heads over to Jax and begins checking him out. "OK. It looks like you got over the worst of it. Just let me bandage you up, and it should be fine."

Medicine Boost From Physician's Kit: 3eA+1eP+1eB+2eD 1 success, 2 advantage

Effect: Remove Crit & 2 Strain

Ashla continues treating the flesh wounds. "Name's Ashla Vyliis, Jedi Padawan. Wish we could have met in different circumstances though.

"Alright. That should be good. I'm going to look at your friend."

Medicine Boost From Physician's Kit: Wound Healing: 3eA+1eP+1eB+2eD 5 successes, 1 threat

Effect: 5 wounds heal, inflict one Strain

Ashla looks over the Mando. "You managed to avoid the worse of it. I'll finish patching you up."

Medicine Boost From Physician's Kit: 3eA+1eP+1eB+1eD 4 successes, 3 advantage

Effect: Heal 4 Wounds and 3 Strain

Ashla addresses both men. "I can also use the Force to heal you further if you wish." After the medical work, Ashla allows the men to speak before asking for more specifics.

Re: [Day 3 MA] I need a healer!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 7:27 am
by Jax Dolross
Filo Ordo wrote:With a muttered curse, Filo followed. He knew he wouldn't be the only wounded present today, so he settled somewhere and waited his turn.

He nodded slightly at Jax.

"Right nasty blast back there, good thing we're still walking capable, right?"

Jax gave the man a slightly shaky smile still feeling quite a bit of pain from his ribs "Yeah just barely though at least for me damn explosion threw me from the truck I was in."

Ashla Vyliis wrote:Ashla nods. "That reporter said something like that. Who said there are no more surprises in life?" Ashla heads over to Jax and begins checking him out. "OK. It looks like you got over the worst of it. Just let me bandage you up, and it should be fine."

Medicine Boost From Physician's Kit: 3eA+1eP+1eB+2eD 1 success, 2 advantage

Effect: Remove Crit & 2 Strain

Ashla continues treating the flesh wounds. "Name's Ashla Vyliis, Jedi Padawan. Wish we could have met in different circumstances though.

"Alright. That should be good. I'm going to look at your friend."

Medicine Boost From Physician's Kit: Wound Healing: 3eA+1eP+1eB+2eD 5 successes, 1 threat

Effect: 5 wounds heal, inflict one Strain

Ashla looks over the Mando. "You managed to avoid the worse of it. I'll finish patching you up."

Medicine Boost From Physician's Kit: 3eA+1eP+1eB+1eD 4 successes, 3 advantage

Effect: Heal 4 Wounds and 3 Strain

Ashla addresses both men. "I can also use the Force to heal you further if you wish." After the medical work, Ashla allows the men to speak before asking for more specifics.

Jax smiles at the togruta as she comes in and he nods to her after she treats him "Thanks Ashla, my names Jax." he says giving the girl his best attempt at a charming smile but the effect was somewhat ruined by the pain still in his side. "I do feel much better though thank you. You're pretty good at this stuff, glad to have you with us."

Re: [Day 3 MA] I need a healer!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 7:47 am
by Ashla Vyliis
"Well, the one thing that war always needs is healers. So, what was going on? Something about fanatics."

Re: [Day 3 MA] I need a healer!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 7:55 am
by Jax Dolross
Jax shook his head with a look of faint disgust on his features "I saw V1-V0 talking to civilians as I was driving when one walked up to him and next thing I remember I woke up to see V1 wrecked and the truck i was in was overturned and me in the rubble with a couple broken ribs and burns. I'm guessing suicide bomber."

Re: [Day 3 MA] I need a healer!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 8:00 am
by Ashla Vyliis
Ashla didn't like hearing this. It'd be one thing if they were invaders. "Why would anyone suicide bomb themselves? A radical resistance cell? Mandolorians?" Though it didn't sound like something they would do.

Re: [Day 3 MA] I need a healer!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 8:04 am
by Delmi Koor
Delmi walked into the med center still harboring some bumps and bruises as she found a place to sit on a bed and wait to be seen by a doctor.

Re: [Day 3 MA] I need a healer!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 8:11 am
by Ashla Vyliis
When Delmi comes in, Ashla excuses herself. "I'm sorry. Another patient calls."

She walks over to Delmi. "Hiya. I'm Ashla Vyliis, Jedi Padawan. I'm also a doctor. What happened?" Ashla (unless stopped) begins looking at Delmi's injuries.

Re: [Day 3 MA] I need a healer!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 8:14 am
by Delmi Koor
"A fight yesterday. Took some hits and a flamethrower to the chest. I'll live... but something to help the body recover would be nice."


Remaining Wounds 7/15. No critical injuries.

Re: [Day 3 MA] I need a healer!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 8:16 am
by Jax Dolross
Jax just shook his head "I'm not sure, though this isn't the first time I've heard about them employing tactics like this. I don't I guess a final parting blast for taking the valley. I just hope none of the civilians were hurt."

Seeing Delmi come into the medical facility Jax nods to Ashla "Thanks again doc."

he looks to delmi "I can see you've been staying out of trouble." he said with a bit of dry humor.

Re: [Day 3 MA] I need a healer!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 8:19 am
by Delmi Koor
"Who wants to stay out of trouble? Lame-ohs." She said with a smirk.

Re: [Day 3 MA] I need a healer!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 8:21 am
by Ashla Vyliis
Ashla fixes her up, though she's not as effective as she was previously. She cracks a smile at Delmi's smartassness. I think I like her.

Medicine Boost From Physician's Kit: 3eA+1eP+1eB+2eD 2 successes, 1 advantage

Effect: Heal 2 Wounds and 1 Strain

"Hmm. I managed to patch you up some. I could do more if you will allow me to use the Force."

Re: [Day 3 MA] I need a healer!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 8:25 am
by Jax Dolross
Jax chuckled a bit "Fair point, trouble is usually where the fun is. Tell me about it over a drink later?"

Re: [Day 3 MA] I need a healer!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 8:59 am
by Delmi Koor
“Whatever works doc. Not one with any reservations about magic. As long as I don’t end up with a tentacle or something weird.”

She smiled softly at Jax, “Maybe.”

Re: [Day 3 MA] I need a healer!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:08 am
by Ashla Vyliis
"I'll leave that to dashing mercenaries."

Ashla holds her hand over Delmi's wounds. They begin to knit up.

Heal: 2eF 1 Light Side, 1 Dark Side

Effect: Heal 4 Wounds.

After she finishes, "See, no tentacles."

Re: [Day 3 MA] I need a healer!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:13 am
by Jax Dolross
Jax nods with a smirk maybe was good enough for him.

Jax whistles watching Ashla force heal Delmi "Man I've never seen the force used that way before, thats pretty impressive."

Re: [Day 3 MA] I need a healer!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:21 am
by Ashla Vyliis
Ashla chuckles. "Thank you. But I think most of Jedi here are capable of similar acts. I use it to finish patching you up if you'd like."

Re: [Day 3 MA] I need a healer!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:24 am
by Jax Dolross
Jax waves his hand "thanks but I'm pretty much perfect no need to waste the effort on some nicks and scrapes."

Re: [Day 3 MA] I need a healer!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:36 am
by Ashla Vyliis
Ashla nods. "If that is your choice, but it is not much of a problem."

Re: [Day 3 MA] I need a healer!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:38 am
by Jax Dolross
Jax chuckles a bit "well I guess if you wanna twist my arm about it." he said his voice teasing in tone.

Re: [Day 3 MA] I need a healer!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:50 am
by Ashla Vyliis
"Doctors are like that. We'll beat you to get you to let us heal you." Ashla holds her hand to him.

Heal: 2eF 2 Light Side, 1 Dark Side

Effect: You're all good.

Re: [Day 3 MA] I need a healer!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:59 am
by Jax Dolross
Jax flexed a bit and did a few jumps and let out a laugh "well would you look at that, feel as good as new. Where'd you get your training?" he asked curious where such a young doctor learned her craft.