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Re: In The Mood [D6 EE]

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 10:43 am
by Garth Wayne
"Ah've not been here much longer'n you, but it seems the faster the music the more frantic the movements. The slower the music the more...intimate the contact." Garth explains.

"Ah think a quicker tune might be in m'best interests." He glances back to Jax. "On all fronts."

Re: In The Mood [D6 EE]

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 11:06 am
by Azura Mora
"You better hope the music ain't slow then. Jax'll punch you" Azura grinned, kind of hoping it was slow now. A brawl would be a thousand times more fun than dancing!

"So basically react to whatever music comes on?"

Re: In The Mood [D6 EE]

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 11:17 am
by Garth Wayne
"Sure, take our cue from the other dancers. Yer bright enough an nimble enough fer both tasks. And see what tune the fates decide to send us."

Garth takes half a step closer as the song turns out to be.....

((Leaving the song choice open to anyone for giggles))

Re: In The Mood [D6 EE]

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 9:09 pm
by Tethys Carrack
Tethys nods somewhat approvingly at the end of Jax's accounting of himself, then finds her lips quirking as Garth semi-successfully pries Azura from the bar to the dance floor.

"I may be a poor substitute, Captain, but I do know some basic steps." She cocks an eyebrow at Jax.

Re: In The Mood [D6 EE]

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 9:24 pm
by Jax Dolross
Jax smiled as he set his drink on the bar and extended a hand to Tethys "Now Miss Carrack don't sell yourself short I'd be delighted to dance with you."

Re: In The Mood [D6 EE]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 12:14 am
by Garth Wayne
As the music picked up into a lively beat, Garth started jiving along, picking up the rhythm to a level where he managed to not entirely embarass himself.

1 success, 1 advantage from LS to boost next?

"See, you c'n manage this..."

Re: In The Mood [D6 EE]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 7:37 am
by Tethys Carrack
Jax Dolross wrote:Jax smiled as he set his drink on the bar and extended a hand to Tethys "Now Miss Carrack don't sell yourself short I'd be delighted to dance with you."

"Honesty is usually the best policy." Tethys sets her drink next to his and places her own cool fingers over his hand. "This way you won't be disappointed. You may even be pleasantly surprised, though I wouldn't gamble on it."

Re: In The Mood [D6 EE]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 7:57 am
by Jax Dolross
"Well managing expectations Is an important thing but you'll do alright. The most important thing is to have fun while doing it." he said with an easy smile.

As they made it out it was a decently paced song as they began dancing it was obvious that Jax was very light on his feet and what he lacked in training he made up for in enthusiasm. He helped guide Tethys using his hands to help her feel the rhythm.

Dancing D6 coordination: 5eA+2eD 4 successes, 1 advantage

give Tethys a boost on her coordination roll.

Re: In The Mood [D6 EE]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 8:57 am
by Tethys Carrack
While not a connoisseur of jizz*, Tethys sincerely enjoys live music; she obviously has no particular skill or aptitude for this, but she's able to more or less follow as Jax leads, with enough attention to spare for watching the crowd. "If this is what Rygor is like now, I wonder how it will be once Kryze is finally pushed off-planet," she comments after one not-entirely-graceful spin.

* yikes

D6 apparently we're rolling for dancing? This should be amusing: 2eA+2eD 3 failures, 3 advantage
D6 apparently we're rolling for dancing? This should be amusing. +1eB: 1eB 0 successes, 2 advantage

Utter failure to know how to do the dance; giant pile of Advantages to just follow Jax's lead reasonably, without stomping on him.

Re: In The Mood [D6 EE]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 9:10 am
by Azura Mora
Garth Wayne wrote:As the music picked up into a lively beat, Garth started jiving along, picking up the rhythm to a level where he managed to not entirely embarass himself.

1 success, 1 advantage from LS to boost next?

"See, you c'n manage this..."

Azura listened to the beat and watched Garths dancing. She started to get into the swing of the dance, and once she had an idea of what she was doing she seemed to be pretty good at it!

"I can do anything if I want to" Azura replied with a grin. She was enjoying the dancing, but she'd never admit to it!

D6 EE dancing with Garth - coordination average difficulty with a boost from Garths lead: 3eA+1eP+1eB+2eD 2 successes, 1 advantage

Re: In The Mood [D6 EE]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 9:29 am
by Garth Wayne
Capitalizing on Azura's good mood, Garth smiles and dares a comment. "Of course y' can. Ah never doubted ya fer a minute."

More naturally gifted as Azura is, Garth is happy to let the exuberant woman lead and let her hair down for a while.

Re: In The Mood [D6 EE]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 9:44 am
by Jax Dolross
Tethys Carrack wrote:While not a connoisseur of jizz*, Tethys sincerely enjoys live music; she obviously has no particular skill or aptitude for this, but she's able to more or less follow as Jax leads, with enough attention to spare for watching the crowd. "If this is what Rygor is like now, I wonder how it will be once Kryze is finally pushed off-planet," she comments after one not-entirely-graceful spin.

* yikes

D6 apparently we're rolling for dancing? This should be amusing: 2eA+2eD 3 failures, 3 advantage
D6 apparently we're rolling for dancing? This should be amusing. +1eB: 1eB 0 successes, 2 advantage

Utter failure to know how to do the dance; giant pile of Advantages to just follow Jax's lead reasonably, without stomping on him.

Jax smiled as they danced "See you aren't doing too bad, and hopefully you're having a good time with it." he said as he caught her almost fall during the spin his hand looping around her and pulling her in "careful now." he said before separating a bit.

Jax listened to the woman and looked around "yeah its nice to see them happy now but it'll be nicer to see them without the threat of death on their own planet." he grinned at her "I'm sure it'll be one hell of a party."

Re: In The Mood [D6 EE]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:01 am
by Tethys Carrack
"It's educational," Tethys replies, lips quirking. "I don't get many opportunities to do this." Which isn't a denial that she's enjoying herself. Though however their bodies move through the dance, hers maintains a certain sense of cool distance--not stiff or resistant to following the moves, just intensely self-contained in some intangible way.

With a glance over her shoulder at Azura and Garth, she observes when she has the chance to speak again, "Your date will make you a more even match, once she reclaims you."

Re: In The Mood [D6 EE]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:23 am
by Jax Dolross
"I believe she will, we would make poor partners if we did not mesh well on some levels." he said with an easy smile as he looked over at the other dancing pair. He noted Tethys' distance and just assumed it had something to do with her training. "So you jedi always keep yourselves so restrained?" he asked casually.

Re: In The Mood [D6 EE]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 3:06 pm
by Azura Mora
Garth Wayne wrote:Capitalizing on Azura's good mood, Garth smiles and dares a comment. "Of course y' can. Ah never doubted ya fer a minute."

More naturally gifted as Azura is, Garth is happy to let the exuberant woman lead and let her hair down for a while.

"Good!" Azura laughed, grinning more "this is ok I guess. I mean, I wouldn't go out dancing by choice but it's a good way to let off some steam?"

She looked over her shoulder at Jax and Tethys, and then turned back with a laugh.

"At least we're not falling over like they are! Guess they don't teach dance in Jedi school."

Re: In The Mood [D6 EE]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 3:57 am
by Tethys Carrack
Jax Dolross wrote:"I believe she will, we would make poor partners if we did not mesh well on some levels." he said with an easy smile as he looked over at the other dancing pair. He noted Tethys' distance and just assumed it had something to do with her training. "So you jedi always keep yourselves so restrained?" he asked casually.

"Hm?" She tilts her head a little to the side and raises a quizzical eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Re: In The Mood [D6 EE]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 4:58 am
by Jax Dolross
Jax gave a slight shrug "I don't know you just have this sense of control and restraint. It feels like you aren't letting yourself go."

Re: In The Mood [D6 EE]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 8:01 am
by Tethys Carrack
"Maybe I'm just not a very good dancer." Tethys's lips quirk.

Re: In The Mood [D6 EE]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 8:13 am
by Jax Dolross
"No that isn't up for debate." he said with a chuckle "but I think part of it is the way you hold yourself, you don't lose yourself to the music. You maintain control, I'm sure for using the force thats exactly what you want. Less so for a night at a jizz club."

Re: In The Mood [D6 EE]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 9:12 am
by Tethys Carrack
"The Force is always with us. Even in jizz clubs." The small crinkles at the corners of her eyes--visible in passing when the angle of the low club lights is just right--provide a clue that her smile, though subtle, is genuine.

Re: In The Mood [D6 EE]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 11:30 am
by Jax Dolross
Jax smiled as well "If your feet could dance half as well as your words can I'd be taking lessons from you." he said with a chuckle.

Re: In The Mood [D6 EE]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2018 12:47 am
by Tethys Carrack
"You seem to know where to step either way, Captain Dolross," Tethys says, amused by the continued flattery. "I am not usually accused of having a way with words, though."

Re: In The Mood [D6 EE]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2018 9:50 am
by Jax Dolross
Jax thought "Perhaps a way with thoughts, you have a quick mind it appears." they danced round and round "Have you been training with the jedi since you were a child?" Jax asked using the opportunity to sate a bit of his curiosity

Re: In The Mood [D6 EE]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2018 10:11 am
by Tethys Carrack
She continues letting him lead the dance, just doing her level best to follow and not step on him. "Since a little more than ten standard years ago. Some children are brought into the Order much younger, but where I grew up was quite remote. I was already preparing for secondary education when I met my first Jedi."

Re: In The Mood [D6 EE]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2018 10:33 am
by Jax Dolross
"really?" he asked quirking an eyebrow slightly "I would have figured you've been doing this your whole life. You have that whole jedi cool detachment thing down pat."