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[Day 3 - Early Night] We Deliver

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 7:05 am
by Dapper Dog
Captain Hurn was waiting in the hangar with the contraband bound for the Valiant Star, to save money she had contracted a civilian team to do the work, thus freeing up military personnel to perform combat missions and not waste them on simple deliveries.

It was definitely the kind of thing expected of a talented and dutiful officer.

Re: [Day 3 - Early Night] We Deliver

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 7:25 am
by Jax Dolross
Jax walked into the hangar and up to captain Hurn "Faya! Its been too long since I've seen that beautiful face, how ya been? That shipment all ready for transfer?" he asked with a friendly smile.

Re: [Day 3 - Early Night] We Deliver

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 7:29 am
by Dapper Dog
She gives him an easy smile and said, “Thanks, I guess the uniform finally agreed with me. Here’s the manifest, should be clear, just becareful of any Mandalorian patrols in orbit, Intel says they are out of sight but I just don’t want you being caught in their sights.”

“I will feel better once we get this shipment back to the Valiant Star.”

Re: [Day 3 - Early Night] We Deliver

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 7:35 am
by Jax Dolross
he nods "you betcha hopefully this is a cruise down easy street but then again nothing is ever simple." He takes the manifest and makes a show of going over it, wanting to look every inch the dutiful transporter "mhm mhm alright everything looks good." he says in a chipper tone as he inputs the code and drops the ramp to the cargo bay "I'll have her loaded up and out the door in less than 20 minutes. You can count on me captain." he said the last word with a teasing emphasis.

Re: [Day 3 - Early Night] We Deliver

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 7:37 am
by Dapper Dog
"Just come back in one piece, flyboy," she responded.

Re: [Day 3 - Early Night] We Deliver

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 7:42 am
by Jax Dolross
"aww don't tell me you're worried about my safety. Captain I didn't know you cared so much." he finished with a wink as he hauled the cargo into the cargo bay turning back and waving with a friendly smile as the ramp closed. as soon as he was sealed off his smile faded and his expression had a grim set to it he moved about with precision ensuring the cargo was secure and prepped for flight.

Re: [Day 3 - Early Night] We Deliver

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:23 am
by Azura Mora
Azura had, perhaps sensibly, remained on the ship. She waited for Jax to get back on, but she had been watching the exchange with narrowed eyes.

Once Jax arrived back on, she helped with the loading, only saying simply "I could take her."

Re: [Day 3 - Early Night] We Deliver

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:40 am
by Dapper Dog
OOC: Going to need a Piloting Space check at Average with a setback for trying to avoid Mandalorians with a Boost die due to securing the region. At your liesure.

Re: [Day 3 - Early Night] We Deliver

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:52 am
by Jax Dolross
Jax looked back at Azura and shrugged "possibly, lets not put it to the test though ok? not unless it becomes necessary." his tone was fairly neutral. once everything was ready to go they ran through the pre-flight checklist to ensure everything was running in top shape.

All systems looking in good to go they were ready for take off. "Alright Azura this should be a simple transport and drop, minimal contact necessary. Possible mando ships between us and the drop. Once we make it keep your head on a swivel I trust Hurn to a degree but don't know who she is working for so stay cool but be alert." his voice was fairly clinical and clear.

They took off and it was smooth sailing for a bit, at one point scanners picked up a possible Mandalorian patrol but they found a bit of debris that jax maneuvered the ship behind until they got the all clear.

piloting check: average piloting to avoid mandos 1 set back 1 boost: 3eA+2eP+1eB+2eD+1eS 3 successes, 2 advantage

Re: [Day 3 - Early Night] We Deliver

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 10:01 am
by Dapper Dog
The skies are clear and transversing into space is smooth, and now a straight shot to one of the moons... about thirty to forty minutes.

OOC: Continued here: viewtopic.php?f=37&t=500, use this for the trip if you wish to converse.

Re: [Day 3 - Early Night] We Deliver

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 10:16 am
by Azura Mora
"Yeah yeah. Sit on the seat, point the weapon at anyone following" Azura rolled her eyes as she moved to gunner position. Idly amusing herself with how easy it would be to just shoot this hurn woman.

Re: [Day 3 - Early Night] We Deliver

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 10:25 am
by Jax Dolross
"and stop thinking about shooting Hurn." he said over the comms being with the woman for so long he had a pretty good idea of where her head went at times like this.

Re: [Day 3 - Early Night] We Deliver

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 10:52 am
by Azura Mora
"...Get out of my head! Hmph!" Azura said in an annoyed tone over the comms.

Re: [Day 3 - Early Night] We Deliver

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 8:52 pm
by Jax Dolross
Jax sat back "seems like clear skies to the point."

Re: [Day 3 - Early Night] We Deliver

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 10:18 pm
by Azura Mora
"Well you are a semi-ok pilot. I assumed you could avoid flying directly into something" Azura said, not easing up on her watch.

Re: [Day 3 - Early Night] We Deliver

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 11:48 pm
by Jax Dolross
"Your confidence is overwhelming." Jax retorted dryly

Re: [Day 3 - Early Night] We Deliver

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 10:11 am
by Azura Mora
"Always here to give you a lift Jax" Azura chuckled