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Vespar (Day 7 Early Afternoon)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 12:04 am
by Zanebry Varliss
Zanebry waited for his guest to arrive, it really shouldn't be long.... Most of what he wanted to tell her was educated guesses at best, but he needed to share them none the less. Hard facts weren't east to come by in a case like this.

He'd given, B instructions to let Baesal in when she arrived, and in the meanwhile he reclined on his chair. Things seemed to be finally coming together. At least to a degree.

Re: Vespar (Day 7 Early Afternoon)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 12:09 am
by Baesal Zyn
Baesal had arrived at Z's ship after a good moment of taking strange detours to loose anyone's interest. When inside the followed the directions given to Z's salon...lounge...Z's Z-space.

''Good afternoon'' she said as she entered

Re: Vespar (Day 7 Early Afternoon)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 12:12 am
by Zanebry Varliss
"Afternoon, Baesal." Z offered cheerfully as he rose to his feet.

"Please have a seat, could I get you something to drink?" Juice, tea, booze? Whatever togruta drank these days.

Re: Vespar (Day 7 Early Afternoon)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 12:17 am
by Baesal Zyn
She took a seat then shrugged at the offered choice

''I don't mind, whatever is on hand'' she said with a smile

Re: Vespar (Day 7 Early Afternoon)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 12:21 am
by Zanebry Varliss
He glanced towards the bar, what was she another Niall? Still he didn't complain, as he walked to the bard and began to craft her a Dantooine Dewback, hopefully she liked ginger.

"Sorry, I wasn't able to get back to you sooner, it's been a bust last few weeks."

"I do have a few things though, if you're interested."

Re: Vespar (Day 7 Early Afternoon)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 12:23 am
by Baesal Zyn
She picked up the drink happily, curious as to what he made

''No problems Z, I was quite busy myself anyway...what do you know?''

Re: Vespar (Day 7 Early Afternoon)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 12:38 am
by Zanebry Varliss
The dewback was a rather refreshing cocktail, with hints of ginger and citrus, among other things. ((think moscow mule) Having presented hers with one, he made another for himself before joining the young woman on the couch.

"For starters, the Droid Hydra. I'm fairly sir I saw her with Miss Amarrlyiss. Though I can't confirm that, it moved and walked like an actual woman... Nothing like the droids I'm used to."

Re: Vespar (Day 7 Early Afternoon)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 12:43 am
by Baesal Zyn
Baesal listened carefully

''So she is here'' she frowned ''That makes sense...she is akin to a living being.''

Re: Vespar (Day 7 Early Afternoon)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 1:24 am
by Zanebry Varliss
"Yes, and that brings me to my first point." He sipped his drink. "Do you recall the Heraldin Cipher I mentioned, the one that was stolen from the museum?"

Re: Vespar (Day 7 Early Afternoon)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 1:38 am
by Baesal Zyn
She nodded as she took the fist sip

Mmm, that is delicious!

Re: Vespar (Day 7 Early Afternoon)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 2:03 am
by Zanebry Varliss
"Well, the Clever man and his lady friend stole it for its original owner. Trouble is that orginal owner happens to be a machine intelligence from the same time of the Rakata, another species maybe?"

He pursued his lips. "The fact that Hydra showed up after it was stolen. Makes all that quite suspect, and worrying. Especially when you add in that I'm firmly convinced that the Clever man at least works for the Star Cabal.

Re: Vespar (Day 7 Early Afternoon)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 2:09 am
by Baesal Zyn
''The Clever man...hmm...'' Baesal stared at nothing for a moment ''Do we know where the piece was taken to? Did it get off planet? I wonder if Iokath is involved''

Re: Vespar (Day 7 Early Afternoon)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 3:06 am
by Zanebry Varliss
"I'd assume it's off planet. That at least is what I was told." No need to hide that hed talked to the woman. "As for anything else, I cant say. I'm going to try and learn more, but these people are the type to make things easy."

Re: Vespar (Day 7 Early Afternoon)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 3:43 am
by Baesal Zyn
''Darn it...'' she said frowning ''Anybody else is looking into this Cipher?''

Re: Vespar (Day 7 Early Afternoon)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 4:36 am
by Zanebry Varliss
"Doctor Rexa did a report on it, and Lyseil Panteer looked over it. Other then that." He shrugged. "Its disappeared."

"To where no one can guess, but from what I understand there are also more pieces to it. Though most have gone missing."

Re: Vespar (Day 7 Early Afternoon)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 11:03 pm
by Baesal Zyn
Baesal took mental note of these two persons

''Very well, I'll meet Doctor Rexa tomorrow anyways so I'll have the opportunity to ask her.''

She slapped her thighs

''If that is all...have you tried the gear I sent you?''

Re: Vespar (Day 7 Early Afternoon)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 11:15 pm
by Zanebry Varliss
"Well if you have time to tell me about Iokath, I might be interested." He said with a slight smile.

"As for the gear? I haven't had the opportunity to plant the listening device. Though I'll look for one. The shades work great though."

There was a small pause. "I do wonder if its possible for the lens to transition from glasses to sunglasses based of brightness though. It's hard to look someone in the eyes with sunglasses on."

Re: Vespar (Day 7 Early Afternoon)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 11:43 pm
by Baesal Zyn
''I know it exist...nothing more'' she replied, somewhat frustrated with herself then thought about the glasses

''Mmmh...I am not would be difficult to hide some of the components in clear lenses''

Re: Vespar (Day 7 Early Afternoon)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 1:24 am
by Zanebry Varliss
"I guess there is nothing to do about it then." He replied with a shake of his head. "I'll just need to take them off if I need to look someone in the eye."

Re: Vespar (Day 7 Early Afternoon)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 1:39 am
by Baesal Zyn
''A dramatic move, you have to admit'' she replied with a smirk and a sip of the drink

Re: Vespar (Day 7 Early Afternoon)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 1:53 am
by Zanebry Varliss
That brought a soft laugh to his lips. "Yes, and there is a certain point to those kind of theatrics." He agreed.

Reaching into his pocket he pulled out the glasses, bringing them out wide, and flipping them open, in a somewhat dramatic gesture. In the mean time his other hand quickly and subtly dress his blaster.

Re: Vespar (Day 7 Early Afternoon)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 4:45 pm
by Baesal Zyn
Baesal whistled and gave a light applause

''Well done''

Re: Vespar (Day 7 Early Afternoon)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 9:21 pm
by Zanebry Varliss
He shrugged. "It's not much honestly. Anyone worth their salt would never really fall for it."

"But you tend to take every advantage you can get." his hand cam up to put on and sunglasses, and these are definitely an advantage."

"Thanks for them."

Re: Vespar (Day 7 Early Afternoon)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 9:22 pm
by Baesal Zyn
Baesal took a sip from the tasty drink

''It is my pleasure...any advantage can help against the Cabal''

Re: Vespar (Day 7 Early Afternoon)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 9:28 pm
by Zanebry Varliss
"That's true." His lips curled into a small frown.

"I don't think we are gong to find much on them here though. I can't think they have much to do with this forest... Doesn't seem quite their style."