Rows and rows of portable structures housing six personnel to a structure with small 3m by 3m rooms with a unisex Refresher bay.

[Day 4 LA] Beating the Heat

Postby Jax Dolross » Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:32 am

Jax had yet to be smart and get a hold of a thermal cloak, the heat was grueling and Jax spent most of his time after lunch bouncing from tent to tent trying to stay out of the sun. Eventually he couldn't take it anymore and jumped into the nearest climate controlled building which happened to be the barracks. It wasn't perfect but it was a good sight better than outside. He figured he would settle down in here for a bit and cool down before getting back out there.
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Re: [Day 4 LA] Beating the Heat

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:56 am

Lyseil on the other hand, like a proper girl scout, had come prepared for all sorts of shenanigans the weather and climate would throw at them.

Not that it stopped her from complaining about the heat, even with the thermal cloak shielding her from the worst of it. "Ugh! So hot..." she fanned herself with the stack of flimsi-plast reports she had finished compiling. It had distracted her enough that she nearly crashed right Jax, and she ended up stopping to a halt and nearly falling back on her rump as she avoided the colision. "Woah! That was a close one!"
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: [Day 4 LA] Beating the Heat

Postby Jax Dolross » Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:06 am

Jax had no such distraction and saw the woman coming he hadn't quite noticed how distracted she looked and almost allowed the collision to happen though at the last second he stopped short as well. Seeing her off balance his arm shot out and attempted to loop around her in case she fell "woah there!" noticing she was fine he retracted his arm "You ok?" he asked simply giving her a friendly smile.
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Re: [Day 4 LA] Beating the Heat

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:09 am

"Uh, yes-yes! I'm fine!" she answered with much enthusiasm, quickly hopping back on her feet to show she was alright. "Sorry, almost didn't see you there! Are you looking for someone, err...." Lyseil leaned around, obviously looking for marks to see his rank.
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: [Day 4 LA] Beating the Heat

Postby Jax Dolross » Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:13 am

"Afraid not miss, I am simply trying to stay out of that blasted heat." he said with his smooth courisanti he noticed her attempts to peg his rank, he smirked a little and let her look for a second "Something I can help you with? you seem to be looking for something." he asked wryly knowing the answer but enjoying the situation a touch too much too much.
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Re: [Day 4 LA] Beating the Heat

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:39 am

"Huh, what? Nooo..." her lips pursed slightly in thought as she couldn't see any markings. Despite her casual tone, there was an unmistakable Alderaanian accent to her tone. "... You're not one of the Mandalorians, are you?"
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Re: [Day 4 LA] Beating the Heat

Postby Jax Dolross » Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:43 am

He chuckled a bit at that "I'll have tell Sabine someone mistook me for a mando. No the names Jax." He said extending a hand to her "I'm just on contract with the republic pilot by trade."
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Re: [Day 4 LA] Beating the Heat

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:46 am

"Ah, hm, I see," she said thoughtfully, taking the hand. "Sergeant Lyseil Panteer, archaeologist and pencil pusher extraordinaire!"
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: [Day 4 LA] Beating the Heat

Postby Jax Dolross » Mon Jun 11, 2018 7:52 pm

Jax raised an eyebrow as he shook her hand "archeologist huh? What kind of work do they have someone with that skill set doing in a warzone?"
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Re: [Day 4 LA] Beating the Heat

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:07 pm

"Well... rather that it's my actual work, and my being here is... well... Alderaan is a Republic world and all, so it's very important that we show our support and solidarity with our fellow Republic worlds. So, I'm here in military capacity!" Lyseil explained with a chipper tone. "I would rather be see ancient ruins of Bankor than be fighting, but..." a heavy sigh "it is what it is. Stupid Mandalorians being all meanie-heads."
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: [Day 4 LA] Beating the Heat

Postby Jax Dolross » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:13 pm

Jax chuckled slightly "yes meanie heads indeed. Did you get a chance to look at the science museum in Utan Mil? Sounds like your kind of place."
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Re: [Day 4 LA] Beating the Heat

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:20 pm

"Alas," she puffed out some air, which blew away her long bangs. "I only got to look over all the inventory lists of what it had. Just not enough free time to see it myself! And I really wanted to talk with Vasir Rexa about it too!" The Alderaanian pouted like a puppy.

"There's a lot of paperwork involved in keeping this operation running, you know!" She said it as much for him as to remind herself that she did do an important job. "So I can't always do what I want..."
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Re: [Day 4 LA] Beating the Heat

Postby Jax Dolross » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:39 pm

Jax nodded "ah yeah the military does love their paperwork. Well I certainly am glad people like you are around. I never could handle that side of military work."

He paused for a moment "Alderaan huh? You know captain Alderaan? I guess his real name is Niall Organa."
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Re: [Day 4 LA] Beating the Heat

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:45 pm

"Uh-huh, I know him," she nodded. "Didn't think dorky Niall would grow up to be Captain Alderaan but that's the Alderaanian Young Men's Service Academy for you. Not that we knew eachother well before, mind you. Acquaintances more like it, and House Panteer does have good relations with House Organa."

She gave him a curious look. "So you used to be military?"
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
Combat: House Panteer Forces Armor (Defense 1, reduce damage from fire and burn by 1), grenades, Nova Blaster pistol, extra ammo, stims, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: [Day 4 LA] Beating the Heat

Postby Jax Dolross » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:06 pm

Jax chuckled very able to see a young Niall being called "dorky" hell some may say that about him now even.

He nodded to the girl in answer to her question "Aye used to go by Lieutenant Jackson Dolross but that was the better part of a decade ago. I just flew fighters and have a bit of command experience these days I'm just a business man looking to make enough money to get by when I can." he flashed the girl a smile that was a bit charming.
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Re: [Day 4 LA] Beating the Heat

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:11 pm

"A decade?! Wow, you're old! But you don't look old!" Lyseil was used to seeing people age at nearly triple rate in command. Unless they were Alderaanians, then they tended to mature with grace and dignity.

"So what made you quit?"
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Re: [Day 4 LA] Beating the Heat

Postby Jax Dolross » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:17 pm

Jax chuckled "I'm not so old as some others, I'm not even 30 yet. I joined when I was real young." he explained as many didn't understand how he could be a retired officer for nearly that long and be under 30. "As for why I retired...." he shrugged and had a half smile on his face "That's not a story for pretty young officers. At least not ones that I have just met and seem to be in such a good mood. Lets just say I got tired of somethings natural in this line of work."
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Re: [Day 4 LA] Beating the Heat

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:30 pm

"Oooh... well, no need to worry there. My confidence and mood is as indestructable as durasteel!" she assured him with a energetic pat on the shoulder. "I bet it was the meetings and the politics of it all, huh? I don't like that part either! I like helping people, like we're doing here, but... I don't know, don't really like it when everything comes down to the numbers."
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: [Day 4 LA] Beating the Heat

Postby Jax Dolross » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:34 pm

"I'd be worried about you if you did." he said with a small quirk in his lips ah to be young and hopeful this girl exudes optimism Jax thought his lips turning into a full smile seeing her attitude "but yes being in the republic does give you some of the best opportunities to help people. I hope you keep that energy its quite infectious."
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Re: [Day 4 LA] Beating the Heat

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:44 pm

"Always! If my teachers at Alderaan Select Academy for Young Ladies couldn't drive it out of me, there's no force in the 'verse that can," she said with a bright grin. "They can be some of the dourest people you'll ever meet, honestly. Even the commander here is a bright ray of sunshine in comparison to those!"
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
Combat: House Panteer Forces Armor (Defense 1, reduce damage from fire and burn by 1), grenades, Nova Blaster pistol, extra ammo, stims, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: [Day 4 LA] Beating the Heat

Postby Jax Dolross » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:55 pm

Jax let out a small laugh his hands in his jacket pockets "Well then it sounds like a rather fearsome place indeed. Does everyone on Alderaan go to schools with such fancy names?" he asked his tone perhaps a bit teasing.
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Re: [Day 4 LA] Beating the Heat

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:36 pm

"Well, not everyone, but education is a cornerstone of Alderaanian culture and society! Everyone, from the highest noble to every regular commoner is provided with schooling and education; it's how you build a better society, mister Dolross," she said with proud enthusiasm of her home-planet. "Though not every school, academy, and learning institution have such fanciful names... but plenty of similar sounding ones."
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Re: [Day 4 LA] Beating the Heat

Postby Jax Dolross » Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:03 pm

"True enough I suppose, I ended up getting a good chunk of my education from the military after I joined. It wasn't comprehensive but they taught me enough to get along but focused more on ship stuff since I was always on the fast track to pilot school. Though I'm sure in my younger days I wouldn't have done well in one of those fancy schools, I was a bit more rebellious in my youth."
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Re: [Day 4 LA] Beating the Heat

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:08 pm

"You probably would've been sent to an all-boys school, no doubt," she snickered. "You're from Coruscant, yes-yes? I would've thought they would've offered better education, being such a big and important place!"
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Re: [Day 4 LA] Beating the Heat

Postby Jax Dolross » Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:11 pm

"I am indeed and they did I went to a type of prep school but ya know" he shrugged "it didn't stick."

he looked to the papers she was holding "where were you headed in such a rush anyway? must have been quite important for you to lose focus like that."
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