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Ziost Preview Thread

Postby Dapper Dog » Tue Jul 03, 2018 5:30 am

The Empire is at a turning point, the Emperor has been silent and his acting Voice and the Dark Council have done their best to guide the Empire in his absence but now the lines are becoming factions and civil war could drive the Empire apart. The schism between the Traditionalists and the Radicals has grown and the Moderates led by Darth Marr are slowly being forced to pick sides…

Just as things look to slide into madness the Emperor returned to Ziost. Still enigmatic, distant and seeming to give Baras tacit approval for his actions as acting Voice has announced that the final seats of the Dark Council must be filled. The Emperor will see if any are worthy on Ziost.

This will be an Empire focused game with the fate of the Dark Council and the Emperor in the balance.
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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

Postby Dapper Dog » Tue Jul 03, 2018 5:37 am

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The true lord of the Sith, the Emperor is the guiding force behind the Sith Empire and has molded it in his image. He is immortal or as close to it as one can be. He is the ultimate power of the Dark Side, he is rarely seen by those outside the Imperial Guard or his hands. Even the Dark Council rarely sees the Emperor, but all know his presence and fear it.
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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

Postby Dapper Dog » Tue Jul 03, 2018 5:42 am

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A traditionalist from a distinguished line of Sith, Darth Hofu was once an apprentice to one of the Dread Masters and his return to Sith space after his self imposed exile ahs shaken the political world of the Sith. A powerful sage and mystic, Darth Hofu has made it known that he wants a seat on the Dark Council.
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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

Postby Dapper Dog » Tue Jul 03, 2018 5:45 am

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Darth Acina has tried to stay out of the political games of the Sith, focused on her work but her star has risen too far and now she knows many eyes are upon her. She never wanted to play at the highest level but her research into the Dread Masters and their power has made her more important as rumors dance among the Sith of their return…
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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

Postby Dapper Dog » Thu Jul 12, 2018 1:28 am

For those keeping track the next game new PCs will have 215 XP to play with post character creation.
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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

Postby Dapper Dog » Thu Jul 12, 2018 1:51 am

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The spouse of a Dark Council member is a very powerful person just by association but that goes double for Darth Tayana, she is an accomplished mistress of the dark side with her own apprentices. Loyal to her husband and family she has taken to being the premier social voice on Ziost and her salons and parties set the trend for noble and Sith society for the season.

A well placed word by Tayana can make or break an aspiring Sith. She wields her social influence like a surgeon with a scalpel, preferring to stay behind the scenes when confrontation is needed. Her husband, Darth Xevious, although disliked by many is tolerated because his wife can make their lives miserable in any number of ways, socially.
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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

Postby Dapper Dog » Tue Dec 04, 2018 2:45 am

Subject to some details changing...


The Emperor returning to the public spotlight, the attacks by the Eagle, the corruption of the Spice trade, and the spread of the Xanthian Fever in the outer reaches in the Empire have created a state of fear and paranoia during the events of the game. Each player will have a Paranoia rating based on their background, species, and affiliation. Sith and Imperial characters will have lower starting paranoia while aliens and unaligned will have higher levels of Suspicion.

Imperial Intelligence along with the Secret Police keeps tabs on everyone and utilizes social levers to isolate their targets. Individuals seen in the company of dissidents or criminals will see their suspicion rise and their own Influence fall as people avoid them for fear of being tied to bad elements in society.

This can happen unknowingly too, some characters, NPC and PC, may be secretly under high suspicion by Imperial authorities. If Suspicion rises high enough, the player will be brought in for “Questioning” by a Sith Inquisitor or Intelligence Interrogator. After that the player may be marked for “Removal”.

Removal will spark a highly dangerous encounter; you do not want to be marked for Removal. One can lower their suspicion by obeying the laws or becoming an informant and providing valid evidence on real enemies of the state. Failing that they can seek the Underworld and pay or indebt themselves to Crime Lords to lower their suspicion.

GM Note: Suspicion may be reworked as an alternate to Duty or Obligation.


Influence is a system that measures how respected and influential an individual within the Ziost social circles. The wealthy, powerful, and elite indulge in nightly parties and symposiums to play politics and flex their power. Influence is mostly a currency, the more influence one has the more they can engage in the games of power and wealth.

Influence is gained through events and player actions and spent to attend influential meetings or parties or other items such as special Talents or getting access to equipment. Influence cannot be exchanged for straight currency; the wealthy and powerful of Ziost see that as gauche and of low culture. Influence can also be used to sway the results of the Dark Council challenge, once per game per player.

Influence is used to attend elite social gatherings; parties, galas, salons, etc. There will be four main social gatherings during the game though there may be other unannounced events. The events will be listed before game start along with their Influence cost and themes.

Every social gathering has a theme and a guest list; some parties are open all while others are more exclusive. A player can spend an extra 5 Influence on top of the normal cost to gain entry to the event or they can attempt a Daunting Deception or Charm check against 2 purple and 2 red dice, daunting difficulty with two dice upgraded.
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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

Postby Dapper Dog » Tue Dec 04, 2018 3:12 am

Court and Social Events

During the selection process for the new Dark Counselors, the Emperor will hold court on Ziost. This will not be a daily occurrence but should happen Day 2, Day 4, Day 6, and Day 8 of the game. There will be court Day 10 but that is strictly for announcing the results of the selection process and the Emperor will not be taking supplicants. Court is a formal affair of the elite and powerful and each Court will have a Topic of Discussion and is a great place to network with powerful NPCs they may not have access to otherwise. Unlike other social events Court does not cost Influence to attend though it does cost Influence to be an Imperial Supplicant and speak with the Emperor directly.

Despite it being free of Influence cost if Suspicion is too high it will cost Influence to enter Court and if Suspicion is to high they will be barred completely.

Meeting the Emperor is a fraught experience, one must make a Daunting Fear check before they can begin speaking with the Dark Lord of the Sith. All conversations with the Emperor are public but in their own separate thread. Anyone attending court can watch the supplicant and see if they survive the encounter. In most cases the Acting Voice of the Emperor, Darth Baras, will speak in the Emperor’s stead, but he speaks for the Emperor.

Social Events are similar to Court but usually have a theme and a more limited guest list and an associated Influence cost, this usually includes an ensemble for the evening and greasing the right wheels to attend the event. Not attending, even if not invited, will reduce Influence by a small amount as people in high society care if you are seen or not. There will be four major social events during the course of the 10 day game, and the dates will be known well in advance for attendees.
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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

Postby Dapper Dog » Tue Dec 04, 2018 3:34 am

There are three primary story arcs for the Ziost game; Rise of the Dark Council, Talons of the Eagle, and Bex Company.

Rise of the Dark Council is the main meta-game story of Ziost and deals with the rise of two Sith to the Dark Council and the machinations and politics that ensue to make that happen. This story is open to all, either directly or indirectly and players can opt to join the race on Day 1, there is no opting out once you opt in. This will fuel much of the intrigue around court and high society as everyone works to push or drag their candidate to the finish line.

In the background the Empire is suffering from a rise in spice addiction, a plague affecting the outer regions and internal strife and a popular anti-establishment figure named the Eagle as has risen to challenge the status quo. The Dark Council is distracted by the contest and only Imperial Intelligence Imperial Security forces are left to track down this menace before his agents strike again. Espionage and investigation and combat in some measure for this story arc.

Bex Company has a poor reputation, misfits among a well oiled Imperial military machine they have been recently redeployed to Ziost for training maneuvers preparing for redeployment to Hoth. Want to work with Imperial soldiers, turn Bex Company around? Or just revel in being the worst of the worst, then tag along for the adventures of Bex Company.
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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

Postby Dapper Dog » Mon Dec 10, 2018 2:01 am

The Eagle and Talons

The Eagle will be hidden and his allies will not give up his whereabouts easily. The players will have to flush him out and will have chances to do that in events and role play by revealing his Talons, his closest agents. There are five talons in all but only three need to be revealed and dealt with to expose the Eagle, going above and beyond will make it easier to deal with the Eagle.

The five Talons are known as the Raptor, Predator, Hunter, Stalker, and Killer. When a Talon is revealed the players will have to decide if they wish to kill them, turn them, or capture them, this will be done through a poll. Killing a Talon is the simplest task but they lose any intelligence the Talon could have provided. Turning them can yield the best intelligence but they could also betray the players and capturing the Talon will provide basic intelligence to track down the Eagle. When a Talon is killed they yield no intelligence but will flush out the Eagle.

If three Talons are dealt with or killed then the Eagle will be revealed and the players will have till Day 10 to deal with him before he goes to ground and evades capture. Even after the Eagle is revealed the players can still continue their campaign against the Talons if they wish to gather more intelligence or better their odds.
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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

Postby Dapper Dog » Mon Dec 10, 2018 8:03 am

Imperial Fashion and Culture

Imperial life is good, the standard of living for citizens is high. They live under what the Republic would call an oppressive regime but things are orderly and the wealth flows into the center of the Empire from the conquered worlds. The average citizen has gainful employment whether in the military or in the many State run businesses supporting the greater good. Young parents dream that their children will join Sith and become part of the privileged class within the Empire. At the street level most citizens consider Sith to be the saviors of the Empire against the hated Jedi that drove them into the far reaches of Space. Jedi are often described as bogey men that will murder their families and prop up the corrupt Republic.

When it comes to the Arts the most popular pieces are those works that can be traced back to Korriban or to the ancient Sith. There does seem to be a counterculture movement that eschews the past and creates artwork, typically statues and holographic art of scenes from the War focusing on the misery of the innocent. Many early artists used this to protest the War but it has had the opposite effect as well to do families seek out even more gruesome works to display at dinners in an ironic manner.

It should not be surprised that Imperial style for the average citizen is very conservative and tends to more military or functional styles. The wealthy seek to emulate the Sith with daring necklines for men and women alike. No well to do Imperial would be without their show slave, a slave purchased for their looks and grace. These slaves tend to be pampered and trained with a variety of talents to entertain. Cathar were all the rage last season but this season it seems to be outer rim humans that garner the most praise.

For a night out Imperial citizens enjoy operas and Rodian operas tend to be the bleeding edge of culture. Many Imperials go for the irony of seeing such wretched non-humans perform for their enjoyment. All mass entertainment is state controlled, the idea of freedom of the press is laughable and silly to an Imperial. They trust the Emperor and the Sith to guide them, to think otherwise would be seditious.

Lower Classes

Within the Empire there is the Sith, Nobility, and then everyone else lumped into the Lower Class. Military are technically above the Lower Class, but in practice this really only applies to commissioned officers, more so than all soldiers. Despite being considered lower class the standard of living is pretty high for citizens living in the core of the Empire, with military service compensatory for most unless they prove unfit for service in which case they are assigned another job to serve the state.

Common Imperial life is regimented and revolves around service to the Empire either directly or indirect support through their work or service. Homelessness is illegal; instead such individuals are taken in by the state and given work and are essentially slaves to the state for a time until a term of service is finished. One can also take a contract with the state, perhaps to learn a trade. Those that refuse to work, are put to death, those that cannot due to disability are exempt.

Recreational activities tend to revolve around local fare, cantinas and public spaces are popular fare. Media is state controlled and is focused on news and entertainment that glorifies the Empire and the Sith, the most popular show being the military themed soap opera in it’s fifty-eighth season, Emperor’s Hammer. The show has a large cast and loyal following. Popular with younger folks, they eschew mass media and prefer to socialize in the Holonet in the virtual network, Korriban.

It started as an Imperial social project and was shut down when it failed to meet expectations. Slicers got the code and setup rogue servers of their own and have been running it ever since. Korriban is virtual playground where people can chat with virtual avatars, trade virtual and real currency, and generally be anonymous. It has been updated and customized over the last five years of its existence. In Korriban people create outlandish avatars that they customize by earning tokens in game by completing challenges or spending real currency. There is also Korriban-Dark which is considered for the hardcore, you die, and you lose everything.


Noble houses can trace their lineage back top the families that fled the Jedi into exile, making them old sprawling lines with major and minor nobility. The most influential houses tend to be a combination of old, wealthy, and producing Sith… though not always in equal measure. One can be wealthy and not considered nobility, and not every Sith is a noble. Nobility is a class of privilege and tradition, where blood relations matter and Honor and Glory are tangible concepts worth dying for. Imperial Nobility is ruthless and lacks the gentility of say Alderannian culture. It is dark and bloody, always looking to edge out enemies and gather more power for the family.

While it is common for the rabble to marry for love, the nobility almost never does, it is always for power, influence, and preserving bloodlines. Noble unions are planned years in advance, and contractual in nature. Children are extensions of that power and reach, and a union that produces no children is a poor union indeed. Couples can adopt but it that is done often quietly, another secret hidden behind the walls of their noble palaces. Same sex couples are discouraged, not out of shame but more so that producing heirs is important to any house. This is doubly so for a line that has produced Sith.

The wealthy serve in the military as well but almost always as officers, and if given a government or state posting they are given positions of authority, and nepotism is rampant, and expected. While the common folk attend state funded educations, nobility tend to home school with an army of tutors and experts and then send their children to prestigious learning institutions for upper education. For lesser houses, it is not uncommon for them to attend to private learning schools in lieu of personal tutors.

Entertainment for the wealthy tends to revolve around the social scene of salons, parties, and symposiums; live events to be seen and network. It is customary for major events to have themes that guests should adhere to. Such as wearing thematic costumes, or being attended to by thematic slaves, or even displaying a new artist one is patron to. These are extravagant if sedate affairs of idle conversation and dangerous intrigue. The only firm rule is that one should never wear or display the same thematic choices twice, to do so is to show a lack of creativity and wealth.

Sith tend to emulate the nobility if they choose to indulge the social scene at all. Despite their power many Sith are ill-prepared for the internecine conflicts of high society which can lead to violence that often favors the Sith… though more than one Sith has over estimated their power and fallen victim to the deadly intrigues of the noble houses.
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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

Postby Dapper Dog » Mon Dec 10, 2018 4:29 pm

Rise of the Dark Council

For those that seek a seat on the Dark Council there will be four main challenges, plus the game of Influence they will want to involve themselves with. The first event will be the Pledge, this is the formal pledge to vie for a seat and is public this will happen on Day 1 at a social event.

Then participation under the gaze of the Emperor, the Challenge of Mastery of the Dark Side, Challenge of Knowledge, Challenge of War, and the Emperor’s Challenge. The details of which will be revealed at the time of the challenge.

In addition they will also need to build or maintain support of the Dark Council members, who each have a vote though the Emperor’s Word is final. It will be nigh impossible to get the support of every member, everyone hates someone.

Players can use their Influence to support a candidate, once per game, and the amount is significant meaning they will have to choose between supporting someone and using the Influence for their own gains. Candidates can use their Influence to build support as each member will have their own smaller costs, there may also be events or genuine role play that get a Dark Councilor on their side. To balance the fact that players will probably support other players and have events, the NPC candidates will start with more baseline Influence, but unlike players can only use to influence Dark Council members.

It should be noted all uses of Influence are public unless extra Influence is spent to make it anonymous.

On Day 10 the two seats will be filled, if there are “ties” then there will be a customary duel to the death until there are only suitable candidates. It is possible that no seats are filled if the Emperor feels neither is worthy.
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Preview - Locations

Postby Dapper Dog » Mon Dec 10, 2018 7:49 pm

New Adasta: The primary location for the Ziost campaign is New Adasta the major urban center and capital of the planet. It is a sprawling metropolis of cold steel and order in the midst of a icy wasteland. The city is beautiful and at the center is the People’s Tower the major administration building and where the Emperor is poised to hold court during his brief stay on the planet.

New Adasta is home to millions of Imperials, it is the primary space port and trade hub of the planet and region. There is always a fleet in orbit and is a heavily defended planetary system. The locals have divided the city into three predominant regions, the Void, the lower works of the city where the common folk live in orderly arcologies carved into the earth and ice, the Mids where much of the industry and military reside and the Spires where the wealthy and powerful dwell. There is plentiful public transit and a planet wide hypertrain that links all the major settlements and military sites.

Varas Point: Considered one of the most scenic vistas on Ziost, the city is built into the side of an icy cliff side and hangs over the icy sea several hundred meters below. This is a popular location for vacations and for parties and social events; it is a pearl in the crown that is Ziost.

Ajunta: Located in the far north, this cold ice desert region is rugged with repulsor domes dotting the landscape covering large farms and ranches that provide much of the food stuffs that is not imported from off world. There is a small military installation that is co-located with the Massassi Indoctrination Encampment, currently Bex Company is stationed at Ajunta.

Icy wastes: Ziost is strong in the dark side, similar to Korriban and is also a desert despite being a cold icy world. The icy wastes make up the large tracts of land that separate the urban centers. It is dangerous without proper gear, and well patrolled but still has dangerous creatures that haunt the land.

Old Ziost: The most restricted region on the planet short of the People’s Tower is Old Ziost. This region is where the ancient Dark Jedi first landed with their Sith followers and there are monuments and structures that date back to that era. Access is strictly controlled and unauthorized personnel are killed on sight.
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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

Postby Dapper Dog » Wed Dec 12, 2018 7:50 pm

Broken Wing: Fall of the Magpie

One of the biggest surprises and successes of the Galactic News Network was the miniseries, Broken Wing: Fall of the Magpie a nearly thirty hour story broken up into fifteen parts. The first arc covers her rise to power under the guidance of Darth Baras, the tragic hero of the story. The middle portion covers her exploits in the Outer rim and her eventual downfall and corruption by the Jedi. The final five episodes cover her actions on Nar Shaddaa and her eventual downfall by Darth Baras and lesser heroes of the Empire. A morality play on loyalty and the insidious corruption of the Jedi Order, it did surprisingly well and made a star of the lead actress Vatha Ness.

Vatha Ness an Imperial soldier transferred to the Media division and began work on propaganda pieces before being tapped for the series, she wasn’t the first pick but after the lead actress suffered an accident she was moved to the leading role of the villainess. Now she is a household name and she has a following that are always eager to see her work.

Vatha Ness.jpg
Vatha Ness as she appeared in Broken Wing as Layne/Magpie
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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

Postby Dapper Dog » Wed Dec 12, 2018 8:26 pm

Character Profile: Darth Hofu

Born in the outer reaches of the Empire to a commoner family the man that would become Darth Hofu came from modest beginnings. He was found to be Force sensitive at a young age and was taken under the wing of a disciple of the Dread Masters, Lord Klinas. A cruel woman, she taught him with pain and suffering and deepened his understanding of the dark side through torturous rites and painful lessons.

It is said that he seized the title of Lord by poisoning his master and watching her suffer as the toxin burned through her blood. He came to Drommund Kaas to seek his destiny but found only weakness in his eyes, so it is said. He left the core Empire in self imposed exile to study the secrets of the Dark Side following the whispers of the Dread Master so he claims. He returned to Imperial core space after the treaty was signed, he could stomach the weakness of the Sith and the Dark Council no longer. He became a popular figure for the younger Sith who wished to prove themselves in battle against their hated enemy and has built a following on the belief that the Empire can only achieve it’s true destiny by wiping out the hated enemy and replacing the confusion of democratic rule by absolute authority of the Sith. He often states that ‘Peace is a Lie, only because Jedi exist.’

After making an ally of Darth Vengean, he made it known that the seat on the Council should belong to him, and his politics seems to align him with both the Moderates and Traditionalists. He loathes nonhumans, outside of pureblood Sith, and finds the growing reliance on lesser species a weakness that detracts from the strength of the Empire. He believes in the strong subjugating the weak, and sees the Sith as great philosopher kinds to guide the lesser species into the future.
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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

Postby Dapper Dog » Wed Dec 12, 2018 8:27 pm

Character Profile: Darth Acina

Acina was raised on Ziost, she was groomed at a young age to be Sith coming from a line of force sensitive humans. Her early career was spent in the service of Darth Thanaton who valued her greatly. She distinguished herself as a curator of ancient Sith knowledge, though she was more apt to be in the field than in a lab or ritual chamber pouring over artifacts or tomes. She even worked with Zash for a time, but they had a falling out and have been rivals ever since when they cross paths.

She was lauded for her exploits and was very apolitical in her youth, but she was already noticed by many powerful figures who recognized her capabilities and ambition. Both Vowrawn and Thanaton tried to bring her into their circles but she was clever enough to avoid their advances and still maintain positive terms with both. The death of her mentor hit her hard, not so much out of grief but because she could see the fractured direction that the Empire was heading in.

Acina is fearful that the Empire is on the knife’s edge, it needs reform. She believes in embracing more people as equals, a firm division between the Sith and military forces, and restructuring the bureaucratic mess the Empire has become. Lofty plans that might even be beyond the reach of one Dark Councilor but now that she is committed she feels she must try or the Empire will fall.

She has found an ally in Darth Marr who seems amenable to her values, and believes with time could be tempered into a strong voice on the Dark Council… a strong voice of sanity and sense.
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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

Postby Dapper Dog » Wed Dec 12, 2018 8:32 pm

GM's Note

Players opting fight for a seat will be able to choose one ally at the start of the game from the Dark Council, keep in mind by doing so you will most likely inherit their enemies as well. This does not mean they are your friend but they see some potential in you that they have a use for.

Just remember betrayal is an art form the Sith enjoy.
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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

Postby Dapper Dog » Mon Dec 17, 2018 11:23 pm

Imperial Court

Court is not a common occurrence, at least in a formal sense. In general the Imperial Bureaucracy handles most forms of complaint and Government inquiry, especially for those less well connected to the elite. In general formal court is reserved for high ranking government officials, nobility, high ranking military, and the Sith. This is a place to bring an official grievance or make requests of the Dark Council. Typically the Dark Council will already be convened, one does not ever request them to convene for a matter unless they are the Emperor or of the Dark Council.

The Dark Council will have the supplicant brought to their chambers to make their requests or grievance known and then will confer ion the matter and then make a decision. Often in the same session, though important matters may require them time to discuss the matter privately and for the real politics to begin and then reconvene and make a decision. This means that most business ahs been handled on Korriban, as that is the traditional location of the chambers of the Dark Council.

The process is pretty simple a supplicant must approach a Dark Councilor and if that Dark Councilor is amenable to the request will bring it up as a matter for the floor. Then the supplicant is summoned to speak their case and the Dark Council discusses and makes their decision. Making such a request is a risk, as if the Dark Council feels the matter is beneath them they may make an example of the supplicant, or if a Dark Councilor wishes to provoke their rival may do so out of spite and kill the supplicant. All rulings of the Dark Council are final unless the Emperor decides otherwise, and this is rare. It has not happened in at least two centuries that the Emperor has countermanded their decision.

This progress becomes a bit more complicated and also streamlined when the Emperor holds court, the Dark Council can still handle the matter but only if the Emperor deems the matter beneath his attention. If the Emperor abstains, then the process is as described above. If the Emperor deems to hear the supplicant, then they speak directly to his Throne, and he makes the decision directly. Typically the Voice speaks on his behalf, and his proclamation becomes the law of the Empire.

When speaking to the Dark Council one should always bow deeply out of respect for their position. The same is true for the Emperor but they should also say the following before making their request, “Immortal Emperor, if it pleases you may I speak directly to your presence,” or something to that effect. It is customary to ask for permission to speak to him, even if the throne summoned the individual to stand before them. The Emperor or his Voice will nod their approval and then the request can be made.

Many centuries ago at the start of court the Dark Council and their families were announced one by one, but Darth Vowrawn finding the process tedious decided to bring all of his immediate families to court, leading to a delay of over four hours as they announced every member of his immediate family in attendance. Now they simply announce the Dark Councilor and esteemed guests, and then move on to the next and always end with the Immortal Emperor if he is attendance.

Court ends when the Dark Council wishes to retire for the day, or tempers need cooling, or if the Emperor simply wishes for it to end. The Emperor leaves first, followed by the Dark Council and their esteemed guests, opposite of their entrance. Once they have left the rest of the guests and courtiers are directed out of their chambers. Court typically lasts 4 hours, and in addition to supplicants there is usually a topic at hand that can be discussed openly by all in court.

It should be noted that not every session of the Dark Council is open to the “public”, in fact most of their sessions are private invite only affairs for those not on the Dark Council.
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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

Postby Dapper Dog » Tue Dec 18, 2018 4:45 pm

Character Profile: Darth Ravage

While Darth Marr and Darth Vengean are nominally the swords of the Dark Council, commanding massive military resources, Darth Ravage is the Dagger is the Empire. While most Sith of the rank Darth have some military resources at their disposal, Darth Ravage has command of the Black Operations internal and external to the Empire. Ravage is perhaps the most visibly ruthless and emotional of the Dark Council, having seized his spot in mortal combat with his predecessor. Darth Thanaton called for his head but the other Dark Councilors impressed with his brutality and ambition, countered the threat. This would start a heated rivalry that lasted until Darth Hoshi killed Thanaton.

Ravage is a creature of hatred and violence, he has few allies on the council while he seems to respect Darth Marr he sees Darth Vengean as an old relic who is due for retirement. He venerates the Emperor first in all things and believes fully in his vision. His closest ally on the council would be Darth Marr, if only because Marr seems to want what is best for the Empire, the rest are simply obstacles.

Loyalty is important to Ravage, and loyalty to the Emperor and his commands comes first in all things. He is what many consider a Moderate, he has no patience for tradition but sees drastic change from what has come before as foolish. The Emperor created the perfect society, which is what should be followed not dogmatic devotion to ancient and often useless rights.

His private life is not well known. He spends much of his time alone in his estate on Drommund Kaas, when not in the field. It is known that he was married once but a rival struck at his spouse and killed them, long before he joined the council. He finds the tedium of court foolish, but has over time learned the necessity of it, often by being on the wrong side of Darth Vowrawn’s intrigues.

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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

Postby Dapper Dog » Tue Dec 18, 2018 5:35 pm

Character Profile: Darth Hurn

Darth Hurn is a quiet woman, even unassuming in her manner. Vowrawn describes her as a xufiyan spider, a tiny multi-legged creature that lives in the sands of Korriban; it has a potent venom that it administers in the ears or nose or open orifice of it’s victim and then settles into the quivering victim and eats the dissolving insides till it is fat and happy. Many would take the comparison as a slight as xuifyan spiders are considered a deadly pest, but she smiled and acknowledged his words with mirth and a rare public smile.

This encapsulates her presence, she is waits for the right moment to strike, often lulling her prey into a false sense of security and complacency. She enjoys utilizing poison and potent toxins when extracting information and has delved into Sith alchemy to further enhance her creations and draw out pain in her victims. Her role within the Dark Council is as the first of the Inquisitors, she takes it upon herself to purge out weakness within the Sith and the Empire. She does not control all of the Inquisitors but most answer to her and those that do not, respect her authority.

A devoted ally of Darth Thanaton she hates Darth Hoshi with every fiber of her being and still mourns the passing of the great Sith lord. Hurn has only grown more Conservative in her belief and finds the very fact that an alien has even joined the council as a sign that the Empire has fallen low. She wants to purge the weakness from the Empire but for now must bide her time as Hoshi seems a fixture on the Dark Council for the foreseeable future. Despite her leanings, she gets on well with Darth Jadus, and was quietly relieved to see him suddenly return to public life. With Thanaton dead, Hurn has taken a more active role in leading the Conservative faction of the Dark Council and the Sith.

In her private life she prefers quiet solitude to study and practice her art, and unlike many Sith eschews the black and red for soft whites and lighter colors. She enjoys high society though she prefers to observe more often than partake directly but she is at ease in public. She maintains several apprentices who vie for her favor by seeking secrets and relics and burning weakness from the Empire.

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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

Postby Dapper Dog » Tue Dec 18, 2018 8:57 pm

3653 BBY, Month 4 – Korriban, Chambers of the Dark Council

Darth Baras rose from his seat to address the Dark Council, gesturing broadly, “Fellow Dark Councilors with the issues that beset our Empire I would like to turn our eyes to the backwater world of Bankor. The recent military action by the Republic was impressive if limited, it gave us some insight into their current war methodology and more importantly Intelligence on the day when they will inevitably break this accord and we can crush them like insects.”

Darth Marr, appearing via holo, replied, “I am sure that the Voice of the Emperor has something more than empty gloating to offer this chamber. Get to your point.”

“Patience Darth Marr, I am getting to that. I bring up the Bankor affair because I wish to put forth a proposal to better realign our military from the disparate mess of authority it stands at currently into a more nimble creature to better direct the Sword of the Emperor. While we bicker, our enemy grows in strength in solidarity. We simply have too much overlap and oversight to lead our forces with speed and precision,” Baras countered firmly cutting right to the heart of the matter, well one of the matters he wished to address.

Darth Vengean chimed in, “Agreed, Darth Marr cede your authority to me.”

Marr responded, “I don’t entertain levity.”

“I wasn’t joking,” Vengean said sternly.

“Please, it is far too early to decide who will lead and more important that we look at how to best improve our command structure. I have created a proposal-” Baras started before he and all the other Dark Councilors turned to the chamber doors swinging wide.

In stepped the familiar gloss red gleaming armor of the Imperial Guard flanking a hooded figure, nearly a head shorter than his retinue. The Emperor of the Sith had arrived. When had he arrived? Was he not in some deep slumber… the Night of a Thousand Terrors… things started to make sense in the calculating mind of Darth Baras but the greatest concern was fear.

The crimson retinue stopped at the edge of the floor but the Emperor continued quietly until he was at the center of the chamber. He spoke quietly yet his voice carried well around the room, “My Dark Council, it pleases me to find you well, though incomplete. Even with Jadus returning from his sabbatical I still see two seats empty.”

The Dark Councilors looked at the Emperor and then each other before settling on the Voice. Darth Baras maintained a neutral look as he wondered if his death was only moments away. He finally broke the long silence and said, “My Lord, we have been focused on maintaining your Empire and making sure we are ready to act as extensions of your will.”

“Baras, Vengean’s pet, how unexpected. Where is the Voice, I long to speak with her, I call for her but she has been silent,” the Emperor.

Baras looked around the chamber, he was prey in a pack of predators ready to pounce and he was powerless to stop the inevitable. He continued on with a version of the truth, “The Voice left Imperial space, she has not been seen in some time and we feared your word would be silent. I took on the mantle of your Voice, until such time you returned to give your guidance.”

The Emperor nodded at the words and said, “Well I admire your foresight, Baras. You may remain on this Dark Council as I value your honesty but I do not grant you the title of Voice, though for now you may act in that capacity until such time I find a suitable candidate.”

The Dark Lord of the Sith continued, “Now, my children, explain to me how Peace has served my Empire.”
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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

Postby Dapper Dog » Tue Dec 18, 2018 9:24 pm

The FallenAsh discord for those interested in updates on the game. I am usually in the Ziost channel and will respond to messages or inquiries: https://discord.gg/hzwzXPz
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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

Postby Dapper Dog » Mon Dec 24, 2018 12:21 am

Character Profile: Darth Marr

Considered the defender of the Empire, Darth Marr is a war hero whispered with the same awe of Darth Malgus or even at one time Darth Xevious. Darth Vowrawn often refers to Marr as the adult in the room, when he speaks of the Dark Council and this speaks volumes for Marr’s role on the council. He is a voice that is steadfast in protecting the Empire and unifying the elements against their enemies. He despises the infighting and tries to stay above it but he is Sith and understands that compromise is difficult if nigh impossible and when pushed crushes his enemies with military force. He is not the knife like Darth ravage, he is the plasti-steel boot that crushes the neck of the enemy.

A hero of a thousand conflicts, on the battle field he evokes a cold fury that quells his enemies as he crushes them with them overwhelming Force, literal and figurative. A skilled fighter and master of the Dark Side, Marr shows surprising reserve and foresight to not simply waste resources because he is angry. His military resources respect and love him and their loyalty in most cases is unto death as they have witnessed the Dark Councilor face overwhelming odds in the name of the Emperor and survive.

Marr is respected on the Dark Council, his closest rival would be Vengean more so out of how much their sphere overlap and their divergent approaches to warfare. Marr and Vengean both often lead from the front but while Marr inspires with his fearsome nature, Vengean evokes fear in his subordinates, who are simply pawns who he will sacrifice for his whims to win. Despite their rivalry it is not heated and violent more or less the natural outcome of two apex predators prowling the same hunting ground.

Marr respected Thanaton, but he has yet to find that same level of respect for his successor in Darth Hurn, and he finds Darth Baras to be a wretched deceiver but a useful one who has goals that align with his for the moment. He is displeased by the infighting on the Dark Council but wholly understands why it occurs that in the long run the Empire will stronger for it, but he longs for the day when the Emperor brings the rest to heel and they can act as one voice against their true enemy.

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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

Postby Dapper Dog » Mon Dec 24, 2018 12:22 am

Character Profile: Darth Arya

The ancient human Crone, pushing nearly three centuries of life, blind and feeble in frame but wise and powerful in the Force, she is the voice of mystery and the arcane. She is the Dark Councilor, Darth Arya, the Crone of Secrets and Sith mysteries. She is a voice of moderation guided by her own powerful abilities of Foresight. She sees the future with a clarity rarely seen among Force users, Light or Dark. Perhaps the Mystics of the Voss may have better vision but even then it may be doubtful.

Arya has served on the council for over two centuries and has been a voice of balance and caution. Many consider this weakness and have challenged her and met untimely ends, accidents or betrayal by an unseen enemy. She tends to listen and speak sparingly in public, relying on her Widow Guard for protection, force sensitive Sith sworn to her service. Out of respect to her they ritually blind themselves and learn to do battle without their sight.

Her powers of Foresight are well sought after by others on the Dark Council and the Sith in general which has earned her many allies and supporters. In recent years she has spent more time in around a lesser known Sith line which has brought the prospects of House Faro back into favor. Rumors swell she has taken a prodigy of the Dark Side under her wing, though most think she is simply molding the matriarch of this family to take her seat as rumors of her impending passing are common among the Sith. She spends more time in the privacy of her citadel on Ziost, away from prying eyes and attends the meetings more often via holo-presence, which has lent more veracity to the beleief that she is in decline health wise.

Arya is respected by the Dark Council, Vowrawn affectionately calling her Grandmum when referring to the Dark Councilor. She is aloof of the politics and focuses on the future of the Sith and the Empire and the Dark Side in the galaxy.

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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

Postby Dapper Dog » Mon Dec 24, 2018 12:49 am

Influence Cont'd

Influence will be doled in increments of 5 and spent in Increments of 5, every player will begin with a set amount of Influence, the max being 10 points. Non-Imperial characters and Droids will begin with 0 Influence as they have no connection to Imperial society usually meaning they are Unaligned. Imperial characters will begin with 5 Influence, and Sith will start with 10 Influence. If the character is Human or Pureblood Sith, there is no adjustment to Influence, if they are any other species reduce starting Influence by 5 to a minimum of 0.

There is a maximum amount of Influence, 75 is the cap not including starting Influence, that can be earned in game and each Major Social Event except the first one will cost 5 Influence to attend, with a potential to earn 10 to 15 Influence per event. Just participating in the party event will allow the player to break even. The first party will have the potential to earn 5 Influence due to it having no cost. Missing a social event reduces that player’s Influence by 5 to a minimum of 0.

Once per game a player can spend 55 Influence to grant a Candidate for the Dark Council 1 point in the race to become Dark Councilor, this can include themselves, and they can only benefit from this option a maximum of three times. Other uses of Influence are as follows; for 50 Influence one can gain the talent Secrets of the Sith, immediately increasing Force Rating by 1, they can spend 45 Influence for Imperial Conditioning which increases any one Characteristic by 1 to a maximum of 6, and for 20 Influence they can gain the Talent Imperial Training to increase any one skill by 1 up to a maximum of 5. There are other uses of Influence, including for gear as well but no option to exchange Influence for Credits.

Any Influence not spent by the end of Day 10 is lost as Day 11 will be wrap up. Influence spent will go into affect the next game day.
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