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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2018 6:33 am
by Dapper Dog
Game of Chairs

Each Candidate for the Council Seat will have a chance to earn Council points; these are what will be used to calculate who gets a seat on the Dark Council. There is a minimum to even be considered by the Emperor and the Dark Council and that means the Candidate must accrue at least 4 Council points or they are removed from consideration, with extreme violence. The player dies on Day 10 at the hands of the Emperor's Wrath for wasting the time of the Emperor.

Every candidate must choose a current member of the Dark Council as a sponsor, and yes Dark Council members may sponsor more than one Sith candidate, because nothing is ever simple with the Sith. This Sponsor grants the Candidate 1 Council point to start, meaning all Candidates begin with 1 Council point. Completing each of the Challenges will grant the Candidate 1 point if they succeed. This means there are a total of four points that can be earned through the Challenges for a total of 5 Council points.

On day 9 the Council will have their chance to have their input and will vote on each candidate, if a Candidate gets a majority of yes votes they earn 2 more Council points. Each vote is separate as the Candidate presents themselves before the Council, during Imperial Court.

On day 10 the points are tallied the highest two point totals will get the seats and then can decide on what is to be done with the other qualifying candidates, death is the most expected outcome. If a candidate is within one point of another then they will be allowed to duel to the Death, if more than one Candidate is within one point of another then all will be forced to duel each other in an order determined by the Emperor, i.e. random. This continues until there are only two qualified candidates.

Re: Ziost Preview Thread

PostPosted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 1:55 am
by Dapper Dog
Suspicion Ranks

Their are five ranks of Suspicion, from rank 1 to 100. The lower the Suspicion the more trusted one is. All players will start at 40 Suspicion and it will be further modified based on species, origins, and background. Returning characters may have a further adjustment based on past actions. No player will start below 31 Suspicion or above 65.

Above Suspicion (1 to 15): This is the lowest level of Suspicion and means the character is completely trusted by the Imperial authorities. This trust grants the player a free upgrade to any one roll in any event the character participates in. Also when providing Evidence of Sedition or Disloyalty they get a free Success on the attempted check.

Any increase of Suspicion at this level is doubled, and if a character ever rises above this rank they can never attain it again during the course of the game.

Trusted (16 to 30): At this level of suspicion, the character has no positive or negative modifiers to die rolls, but they are considered a just and loyal Imperial citizen or ally.

Untested (31 to 65): This is the default level of suspicion for most, and thus means that the Imperial eyes are watching their actions. They suffer an upgrade to the difficulty of their first roll in an event, and suffer a setback die when providing Evidence of Sedition or Disloyalty.

Marked (66 to 85): The character has done something to gain the eyes of the Imperial authorities, they are Marked and will not be welcome at Imperial Court and may even be excluded from public social events. The character suffers an upgrade to the difficulty of all skill checks in an event. Any attempt to provide Evidence of Sedition or Disloyalty must add an automatic failure to the roll.

A Marked character will probably be targeted for an interrogation by authorities as well, at least once per day. A Marked character seen in public with characters who have are Untested or lower grant those players a 5 point increase to their respective Suspicions.

Enemy of the State (86 to 100): At this level of suspicion the character cannot join any public events or Imperial Court and is hunted by Imperial authorities. If a player begins the game day at this rank then they will be targeted for "Neutralization." This is a certain death combat encounter, this can be avoided for the game day by expending 20 Influence.

At this level they cannot provide Evidence of Sedition or Disloyalty.

Re: Ziost Preview Thread

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 5:34 am
by Dapper Dog
Imperial Threat Assessment

Eagle Emblem.jpg
Eagle Emblem.jpg (5.95 KiB) Viewed 17975 times

Designation: Organization 34Z97-1
Public Designation: Eagle’s Children

Threat Level: Low

Commander’s Briefing: The Eagle’s Children as they call themselves are considered a terrorist organization by Imperial Intelligence and any agents of the organization are to be watched and detained if deemed an immediate danger to the Empire. If an Imperial citizen is identified as being affiliated with this organization they are to be turned over immediately to Imperial Intelligence, they are not be held in public holding.

Imperial Intelligence has identified the leadership as six individuals; the Eagle and then five lieutenants known as Raptor, Predator, Hunter, Stalker, and Killer. At this time Imperial Intelligence has not narrowed down to the list to specific individuals or entities, only the aliases have been identified.

Re: Ziost Preview Thread

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 5:48 am
by Dapper Dog
Posted by: Eagl3_K1LL3r

Re: So wut’s an Eagle

The Empire is corrupt; it has failed the vision set out by the Emperor. It has fallen; the Dark Council that has sworn to guide our state to greatness have become weak and servile. Corrupted by wont of power, they no longer seek the destruction of the Jedi but only to consolidate power.

The Empire must be reforged, the chains that bind us broken and the old order thrown down. There is a great truth they wish to conceal from you, but we have learned it to be true.

The Emperor is dead; in his place is a puppet of the Dark Council.

We must rise up and cast down the corruption, remove the cancer festering in our bones. Once excised then we can renew the Empire and claim the true Destiny of the Empire. This cannot be done peacefully, there will be blood.

Be brave, be bold, and know that the Empire can never die as long as we patriots fight to preserve the true vision of the Empire.


Re: Ziost Preview Thread

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 5:59 am
by Dapper Dog
Hunt for the Eagle

In addition to the Hunt for the Eagle there will be Mayhem events that players can indulge in, either to try and work undercover and build contacts, because they support the Eagle cause, or just for the thrill of it. Participating in these events has a high chance of raising Suspicion they will also have unique rewards for participation including credits or access to Restricted equipment.

Mayhem events are dangerous and often involve public destruction, assassination, or attacking Imperial interests in the name of the Eagle. These will always be bonus events and will require an initial check to decode the message before one can participate. If one is Marked or higher for Suspicion the check is reduced by 1, turning a Hard check to Average for example. And yes there is an option to sabotage the efforts of the Eagle.

If the Eagle is apprehended these events will stop.

Re: Ziost Preview Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 3:57 am
by Dapper Dog
Timeline of 3654 BBY

Month 9

Strike Force Aurek Hawk makes landfall on the surface of Bankor, breaking the Mandalorian blockade and bringing aid and relief to the local Resistance forces. Led by Commander Jace Malcom and Senator Leontyne Saresh, the heroes of the Republic quickly begin dismantling the war machine of the Mandalorian invaders.

The events of Liberation of Bankor, begins here.

Month 10

On Alderaan, Queen Solara is forced to save face when her son, Crown Prince Gaul Panteer breaks off his engagement with Lady Zulastraza Ulgo, daughter of the war hero Bouris Ulgo causing a rift between the once allied families. House Ulgo was bankrolling much of the restoration efforts on Alderaan and with the slight to their honor allows nealy restored House Thul to fill the void, only deepening the grudge between House Ulgo and House Panteer.

In the Empire the fighting intensifies in the outer reaches, forcing Darth Marr to deploy much of his forces to maintain control. To outsiders it seems like a icivil war but no one on the Dark Council is willing to go that far, in fact some like Darth Hoshi encourage the violence as they believe it will leave the Empire stronger in the aftermath.

Month 11

Several Republic worlds, fearing for their safety from Mandalorians or a resurgent Empire break off from the Republic announcing themselves as the Roft Alliance. The worlds band together, in part disgusted at the peace treaty and also because they feel the Republic Senate is ineffectual, among these worlds is the government in exile of Balmorra.

Timeline of 3653 BBY

Month 12 through Month 2

The Dark Council convenes at the words of Darth Marr as he demands more support to bring the outer regions to heel. Trade and commerce are being affected and delays are bringing shortages to Ziost and other core Imperial worlds that rely on the outer regions. After hours of heated debate the Dark Council agrees with Darth Marr but actual tangible support is slow as some see this as a chance to eliminate Marr.

In a surprise move Darth Arya is the first to arrive in the outer sectors to bring support to Darth Marr, though all eyes are turned to the child prodigy that sits at her side. A mere child but already a steeped in the Dark Side and extremely proficient in Battle Meditation, this scion of House Farro is credited with returning the fallen House to prominence.

The Republic claims a decisive victory on Bankor!

Month 3

Darth Zash returns to Imperial space, her time on Bankor has left her with questions on just what the Emperor is planning. She arrives on Drommund Kaas and secludes herself in her lair and attends to trying to decipher the secrets she gleaned from the Emperor’s studies. When she arrives she finds her apprentices have been slain to the last and the Wrath of the Emperor waiting.

Senator Saresh and Commander Malcom along with key members of Strike Force Aurek Hawk are brought before the Supreme Chancellor and given high honors of the Republic. Among the recipients is the Republic Naval officer, Unther Panteer nephew of the Queen of Alderann.

Month 4

After many delays the Republic Embassy is completed in New Adasta and staffed by Republic diplomats and security lead by Senator Gaul Panteer. The Jedi Order declines sending any Jedi in an official capacity with the delegation, preferring to allow the Republic Senate to take the lead on this endeavor; instead they focus their efforts elsewhere in the Galaxy.

Master Satele Shan establishes a new Jedi Temple on Tython, driving out the native species from the ruins that form the core of the Temple grounds.

Month 5

The Night of Dark Nightmares, or as it is known in the Empire the Dark Singularity, ripples through the galaxy causing great concern among the Sith and Jedi. A massive dark side tremor ripples through the galaxy causing weak minded Force sensitives to be driven into violent frenzies. Many Jedi are incapacitated for days after the event having been subjected to an extreme amount of Dark side energy. For most the source is unknown, but those that have felt the presence of the Sith Emperor know he has returned.

Month 6 and Month 7

Within the Empire the tide turns in the outer regions at the Siege of Varnoo, Darth Marr lead the loyalist forces of the Empire against the warring Sith factions and crushed them. Darth Marr lead the space conflict while he allowed the Steel Valkyrie the glory of leading the ground forces alongside Darth Lachris. The victory is costly as much of the infrastructure and trade routes are in a poor shape. Reconstruction will be a significant drain on the Imperial coffers and that is on top of the Spice epidemic and the plague affecting the Imperial sectors.

The Massassi Queen vanishes from Imperial court, returning to her home world to deal with a pressing matter.

In the Republic, support for the armed forces is high and enlistment rates are up all across the Republic. Meanwhile the Jedi Order has a thorough discussion on the findings of what transpired on Bankor and how it may affect the rest of the galaxy. After much thought, Grand Master Resmi Thun meets secretly with Jedi Master Surro and the SIS and establishes the Sixth Line Jedi, a special tactical Jedi unit whose dedication to the Republic supersedes service to the Light side, as the Sixth line of their code states, “There is no contemplation, there is only Duty.”

Month 8

Amidst the general chaos of the galaxy, on a restricted world that does not exist, without proper high level clearance, there is a massive incident. Belsavis is struck by a pirate fleet, it is a lightning raid to free specific targets from the Maximum Security Wing of the prison world. The Republic fleet is overwhelmed by the sudden assault and repels the attack but in the chaos many prisoners are freed including the greatest secret of all, the Dread Masters.

It is unknown if any of the Dread Masters survived the attack, but their cells were empty when all was accounted for.

Month 9

On Bankor, President Nytera Anacapri is voted into office for her first six year term. It is a momentous moment in the Bankor liberation as the world recovers from the attack under her guidance. Soon after her party takes majority control of the world government and sets to work on closely with the Republic and is a vocal champion for the support of the Galactic Republic.

Back in the Empire, at a rather standard Dark Council assembly, Darth Jadus returns to public life. No explanation is given for his disappearance and none seems forthcoming.

Month 10 and Month 11

Little of import happens as the end of the year approaches. But on Yavin IV there is a conclave of conspirators drawn together by their connections to the Sith Emperor or his plans. The Emperor’s Wrath, the Queen of the Massassi, and the witch, Darth Zash. They discuss what they know in view of the secret training facility of the Imperial Guard which has been quite active in the last few months. At the end of their deliberations they part ways, though Darth Zash is shaken by the episode.

Month 12

Jedi Grand Master Resmi Thun finally visits Tython, finding the world both peaceful and beautiful. A good place to train the next generation of Jedi once the threats from the locals can be managed. She is also there to meet with twi’lek pilgrims who have settled on the world illegally without Republic Senate approval, thus they cannot benefit from Jedi aid, at least directly.

This establishes a rather strained relationship between the pilgrims and the Jedi.

Timeline of 3652 BBY

Month 1

Darth Hofu returns from his self imposed exile. Those that knew him before he left Imperial space say the man has changed and for the better. His power has grown and his teachings of Terror light the imaginations of younger Sith who were brought up on the dark tales of the Dread Masters who Darth Hofu seeks to emulate.

The Hutts establish an Imperial league of Huttball that is perhaps more vicious than the original league relying on slave athletes with death being common and highly encouraged.

On Tatooine the first of the Sixth Line Jedi finish their training with Jedi Master Surro, learning advanced small squad tactics and Black Operations training. The Sixth Line Jedi number less than twenty and strive to both be invisible and mobile.

Month 2

The Sith Emperor makes his presence known when he arrives on Korriban to hear what the Dark Council has done with his Empire. He also pronounces that the Dark Council should be completed and makes a pronouncement that the last two seats will be up for grabs for any Sith that can impress him on Ziost in four months time.

Month 3 and Month 4

There are demonstrations across the Republic in retaliation for the high taxes to help rebuild the war torn Republic worlds. While the Grand Chancellor tries to promote a cause of aiding their fellow citizen many feel that the Core Worlds are suffering the brunt economically to aid poorer outlying worlds. This also builds a great deal of animosity for refugees from the outer regions of the Republic. Many petition for a stronger independence to better self determine within the Republic and a weaker central state though they are still in the minority the current troubles are giving them much fodder for recruiting.

This movement is called the Worker’s Legion who say they are the voice of the masses in the Core worlds who suffer under onerous taxation for little benefit.

Month 5

Plague strikes Drommund Kaas, up to this point the core sectors were free from the plague but there was an outbreak around the space port and now much of the region is quarantined. The plague affects multiple species and can be difficult to detect though now that it is on a core Imperial world the Dark Council is moving all assets to eradicate the plague.

Back on Bankor a monument is erected in Uthan Mil to honor the sacrifices of the Republic and Resistance.

Month 6

The events of Ziost begin here.

Re: Ziost Preview Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 8:33 am
by Dapper Dog
Timeline of 3654 BBY

Month 9

Strike Force Aurek Hawk makes landfall on the surface of Bankor, breaking the Mandalorian blockade and bringing aid and relief to the local Resistance forces. Led by Commander Jace Malcom and Senator Leontyne Saresh, the heroes of the Republic quickly begin dismantling the war machine of the Mandalorian invaders.

The events of Liberation of Bankor, begins here.

Month 10

On Alderaan, Queen Solara is forced to save face when her son, Crown Prince Gaul Panteer breaks off his engagement with Lady Zulastraza Ulgo, daughter of the war hero Bouris Ulgo causing a rift between the once allied families. House Ulgo was bankrolling much of the restoration efforts on Alderaan and with the slight to their honor allows nealy restored House Thul to fill the void, only deepening the grudge between House Ulgo and House Panteer.

In the Empire the fighting intensifies in the outer reaches, forcing Darth Marr to deploy much of his forces to maintain control. To outsiders it seems like a civil war but no one on the Dark Council is willing to go that far, in fact some like Darth Hoshi encourage the violence as they believe it will leave the Empire stronger in the aftermath.

Month 11

Several Republic worlds, fearing for their safety from Mandalorians or a resurgent Empire break off from the Republic announcing themselves as the Rift Alliance. The worlds band together, in part disgusted at the peace treaty and also because they feel the Republic Senate is ineffectual, among these worlds is the government in exile of Balmorra.

Timeline of 3653 BBY

Month 12 through Month 2

The Dark Council convenes at the words of Darth Marr as he demands more support to bring the outer regions to heel. Trade and commerce are being affected and delays are bringing shortages to Ziost and other core Imperial worlds that rely on the outer regions. After hours of heated debate the Dark Council agrees with Darth Marr but actual tangible support is slow as some see this as a chance to eliminate Marr.

In a surprise move Darth Arya is the first to arrive in the outer sectors to bring support to Darth Marr, though all eyes are turned to the child prodigy that sits at her side. A mere child but already a steeped in the Dark Side and extremely proficient in Battle Meditation, this scion of House Farro is credited with returning the fallen House to prominence.

The Republic claims a decisive victory on Bankor!

Month 3

Darth Zash returns to Imperial space, her time on Bankor has left her with questions on just what the Emperor is planning. She arrives on Drommund Kaas and secludes herself in her lair and attends to trying to decipher the secrets she gleaned from the Emperor’s studies. When she arrives she finds her apprentices have been slain to the last and the Wrath of the Emperor waiting.

Senator Saresh and Commander Malcom along with key members of Strike Force Aurek Hawk are brought before the Supreme Chancellor and given high honors of the Republic. Among the recipients is the Republic Naval officer, Unther Panteer nephew of the Queen of Alderann.
  • Dark Crystal: Durasay spends times with the Bankor force users, the Aznuri using the teachings taught to him by the Sith he is able to corrupt a crystal and create Tainted Nightsister crystal for his own dark designs.
  • Old Men and the Seas: Galen spends much of his time helping the hardy folk that live on the frontiers in the Viridian Sea on Bankor and builds a rapport with the locals, saving many from threats. In time they come to see him as a local folk hero and he is always warmly welcomed by the Tree Fishers of Bankor.
  • Bankor Rises: Many heroes of Strike Force Aurek Hawk expend their time and efforts lobbying their worlds or working directly to rebuild Bankor and aid pours in from all across the galaxy to help the war ravaged world. Alderaan leads the charge on aiding the beleaguered world.
  • Kung Fu Fighting: Garth stays on Bankor to work with Aznuri monks and learn their ways of the Force. Their teachings are much different from what he expected, having only known the Jedi but he takes to it well and becomes a teacher for other students to follow.
  • Good Publicity: Illyria produces many powerful pieces that promote Bankor's recovery and how self reliant the people are with a strong government, and less reliant on the central authority of the Republic. Her works gets her accolades and really drives home the idea that the Republic is strong but could be stronger if the member states retained more autonomy.

Month 4

After many delays the Republic Embassy is completed in New Adasta and staffed by Republic diplomats and security lead by Senator Gaul Panteer. The Jedi Order declines sending any Jedi in an official capacity with the delegation, preferring to allow the Republic Senate to take the lead on this endeavor; instead they focus their efforts elsewhere in the Galaxy.

Master Satele Shan establishes a new Jedi Temple on Tython, driving out the native species from the ruins that form the core of the Temple grounds.
  • Temple Improvement: Baesal is not one to be idle and is back on Tython shortly after returning to Coruscant. Once there Master Shan puts her in charge of building the new Jedi Temple, freeing up the elder Jedi to push back the natives. Using what she has learned from the EGG, she is able to infuse the design with Rakatan aesthetics and Force harmonics that favor users of the Light side of the Force.
  • A Good Name: Zanebry is able to finally clear his name, he is an honest man now no strings attached given his heroic service on Bankor.
  • Contemplation: Arali returns to Corscuant, she works with Grand Master Thun to teach the younglings and devotes much of her time to guiding the future of the Jedi Order. She speaks little of her time on Bankor.

Month 5

The Night of Dark Nightmares, or as it is known in the Empire the Dark Singularity, ripples through the galaxy causing great concern among the Sith and Jedi. A massive dark side tremor ripples through the galaxy causing weak minded Force sensitives to be driven into violent frenzies. Many Jedi are incapacitated for days after the event having been subjected to an extreme amount of Dark side energy. For most the source is unknown, but those that have felt the presence of the Sith Emperor know he has returned.

Month 6 and Month 7

Within the Empire the tide turns in the outer regions at the Siege of Varnoo, Darth Marr lead the loyalist forces of the Empire against the warring Sith factions and crushed them. Darth Marr lead the space conflict while he allowed the Steel Valkyrie the glory of leading the ground forces alongside Darth Lachris. The victory is costly as much of the infrastructure and trade routes are in a poor shape. Reconstruction will be a significant drain on the Imperial coffers and that is on top of the Spice epidemic and the plague affecting the Imperial sectors.

The Massassi Queen vanishes from Imperial court, returning to her home world to deal with a pressing matter.

In the Republic, support for the armed forces is high and enlistment rates are up all across the Republic. Meanwhile the Jedi Order has a thorough discussion on the findings of what transpired on Bankor and how it may affect the rest of the galaxy. After much thought, Grand Master Resmi Thun meets secretly with Jedi Master Surro and the SIS and establishes the Sixth Line Jedi, a special tactical Jedi unit whose dedication to the Republic supersedes service to the Light side, as the Sixth line of their code states, “There is no contemplation, there is only Duty.”

Month 8

Amidst the general chaos of the galaxy, on a restricted world that does not exist, without proper high level clearance, there is a massive incident. Belsavis is struck by a pirate fleet, it is a lightning raid to free specific targets from the Maximum Security Wing of the prison world. The Republic fleet is overwhelmed by the sudden assault and repels the attack but in the chaos many prisoners are freed including the greatest secret of all, the Dread Masters.

It is unknown if any of the Dread Masters survived the attack, but their cells were empty when all was accounted for.
  • The Committee: Senator Mixo is appointed to the Armed Forces Military Oversight committee, his experience on Bankor being a key reason for his appointment. He is once again working alongside Senator Leontyne Saresh, head of the committee.
  • Old Habits: Zanebry is able to use his various black market contacts to help in rebuilding the gray market network of merchants across Bankor. utilizing their vast network of off the grid connections they are able to bring in goods that would otherwise take months or years of political wrangling to get for the people. This network becomes known as the Grey Sands, and they become the largest black market network in the sector.
  • Hacha Job: Hacha is busy, everyone wants the genius mechanic on their team and after he he puts together a firm to mass produce his weapon designs he is well regarded as a top designer. His connections get him access to top notch equipment nd people, and any who is anyone in weapons design knows Hacha.

Month 9

On Bankor, President Nytera Anacapri is voted into office for her first six year term. It is a momentous moment in the Bankor liberation as the world recovers from the attack under her guidance. Soon after her party takes majority control of the world government and sets to work on closely with the Republic and is a vocal champion for the support of the Galactic Republic.

Back in the Empire, at a rather standard Dark Council assembly, Darth Jadus returns to public life. No explanation is given for his disappearance and none seems forthcoming.
  • The Cleansing: The Jedi and Aznuri work together to cleanse the Dark Vergence and remove the stain of the Emperor from the planet. It takes their combined efforts but they are able to remove the darkness over a period of weeks... though it will take many years for the ecology to return to what it was before Vergence.
  • Passive Negotiations: Tethys works behind the scenes to smooth over differences in the new Bankor government, doing all the fun Jedi things behind the scenes Jedi do so well. saving politicians, helping make deals, and providing a judging glance to keep people on the right path. This earns her the friendship of the Freedom Party that currently controls Bankor.

Month 10 and Month 11

Little of import happens as the end of the year approaches. But on Yavin IV there is a conclave of conspirators drawn together by their connections to the Sith Emperor or his plans. The Emperor’s Wrath, the Queen of the Massassi, and the witch, Darth Zash. They discuss what they know in view of the secret training facility of the Imperial Guard which has been quite active in the last few months. At the end of their deliberations they part ways, though Darth Zash is shaken by the episode.
  • Hi Auntie: Smuggling Layne onto Yavin IV and she learns the plans that are in motion in the Empire and of course the grand secret that the Emperor has returned. What only these four know is that, he is weakened, something has happened to diminish him. Darth Zash and Layne are kept from violence by the presence of the Wrath.
  • Divided No More: Luth continues her training with Darth Baras serving his interests on the Drommund Kaas as an enforcer and spy. She adjusts quickly to the new circumstances. Being a student of a Dark Councilor gives her a privileged position in Imperial society.
    For the Children: Hamelin establishes orphanages across Bankor to help the orphans of the war.

Month 12

Jedi Grand Master Resmi Thun finally visits Tython, finding the world both peaceful and beautiful. A good place to train the next generation of Jedi once the threats from the locals can be managed. She is also there to meet with twi’lek pilgrims who have settled on the world illegally without Republic Senate approval, thus they cannot benefit from Jedi aid, at least directly.

This establishes a rather strained relationship between the pilgrims and the Jedi.
  • I'm the CEO Now: Jax and Azura begin their first steps to establish a legitimate company but run into a snag as Jax's identity is compromised by Senator Saresh following through on her threat. So they set up a corporation, Midnight Transport, with Azura as the CEO to begin smuggling, ahem, honest import and export trade operations.
  • Havoc Squad: Delmi is back in the Republic and with the support of Commander Malcom is able to get placed into Havoc Squad. She is vital asset to the unit and is loyal to the core tents of the Republic, her heroism and dedication driving the squad to become models of Republic duty and excellence. She is a popular choice for recruitment posters as well.
  • Wolves in the Shadows: Rav arrives on the planet with the pilgrims, a cover for the Star Cabal operations on the planet. Him and his small squad the Ghost Wolves as they are called are tasked with accessing Jedi lore and cataloging it. One of the first things the Ghost Wolves are able to find are holo-histories of a schism of the Jed'aii between the light and dark, reaffirming that conflict is in the nature of the Jedi.
  • Not Forgotten: Tra Kize works his contacts to track down Delmi's mother, the trail leads to a small hill on Alderaan where the woman was buried on the lands of her ancestors. The details of her death are murky, but the woman is identified as Delmi's mother.
  • A new Light: Ashla completes her trials and becomes a Jedi Knight, she also reveals her study and work to reverse the effects of Imperial conditioning. Jeebu now on the verge of being a pre-teen is moving up as well in his journey to become a Jedi just like Ashla.

Timeline of 3652 BBY

Month 1

Darth Hofu returns from his self imposed exile. Those that knew him before he left Imperial space say the man has changed and for the better. His power has grown and his teachings of Terror light the imaginations of younger Sith who were brought up on the dark tales of the Dread Masters who Darth Hofu seeks to emulate.

The Hutts establish an Imperial league of Huttball that is perhaps more vicious than the original league relying on slave athletes with death being common and highly encouraged.

On Tatooine the first of the Sixth Line Jedi finish their training with Jedi Master Surro, learning advanced small squad tactics and Black Operations training. The Sixth Line Jedi number less than twenty and strive to both be invisible and mobile.
  • Sand Soup is Terrible: Layne and her Master, Balos, are brought in as authorities on the Sith and the Emperor and aids the training of the Sixth Line Jedi, her master. Master Surro is thankful for the guidance and the young Jedi's experiences. The Jedi of the Sixth Line will be ready.
  • Attached at the Hip: Chase is assigned as a military attache for Senator Saresh, she leads her security detail and is the personal pilot of the political rising star. There are whispers that she is on the short list of those that could succeed the current Supreme Chancellor. Her connections to the powerful senator allow her to get pricey upgrades for her personal fighter ship.
  • Unity: Metallic Unity rises as a viable platform to put forth the grievances of droids who support the Republic. Started on Bankor it spreads quickly and becomes a unifying message of patriotism for droid-kind who believe in the tenets of the Republic and Equality. Two of the largest voices are V1-V0 and T7-E2, both droids that served on Bankor. This not to be confused with Metallic Bending which just wants to bend everything.

Month 2

The Sith Emperor makes his presence known when he arrives on Korriban to hear what the Dark Council has done with his Empire. He also pronounces that the Dark Council should be completed and makes a pronouncement that the last two eats will be up for grabs for any Sith that can impress him on Ziost in four months time.
  • Fixing History: Galen arrives on Coruscant and meets with the Jedi Order, seeking knowledge on Yulu Kess. Together with Consular scholars they are able to find a way to not only put Yulu Kess to rest but preserve his teachings and stories in a holocron. Galen is allowed to keep the holocron, for his service in bringing Yulu's knowledge back to the Jedi.

Month 3 and Month 4

There are demonstrations across the Republic in retaliation for the high taxes to help rebuild the war torn Republic worlds. While the Grand Chancellor tries to promote a cause of aiding their fellow citizen many feel that the Core Worlds are suffering the brunt economically to aid poorer outlying worlds. This also builds a great deal of animosity for refugees from the outer regions of the Republic. Many petition for a stronger independence to better self determine within the Republic and a weaker central state though they are still in the minority the current troubles are giving them much fodder for recruiting.

This movement is called the Worker’s Legion who say they are the voice of the masses in the Core worlds who suffer under onerous taxation for little benefit.
  • Shan We: Theron's experiences on Bankor shape him, and he ditches Academy to work with SIS in the field, working closely with Havoc Squad to provide them up to the minute intelligence. He works closely with Delmi, who the young man grows to admire and respect.
  • Masks: Oddyn returned to Concordia with his children having satisfied his vengeance, but now he needed a new path outside of being a father. He looked at what the Mandalorians were becoming and he could see what Corso was trying to do, but Oddyn understood that images have power. He undertakes a dangerous quest that will take him far from home but in the end he returns to his sister with the Mask of Mandalore. They share no words but she understands immediately what the gift means.
  • But I wanted a Mask too: Like two ships passing in the night, Lyseil arrives shortly after Oddyn and although not able to excavate the Mask of Mandalore she finds the collected writings and words of Mandalore and returns them to the Republic, earning her a great deal of fame and prestige. The Republic in turn turn over the relics to the Revan's Blade after the Jedi record the information in their exhaustive library.

Month 5

Plague strikes Drommund Kaas, up to this point the core sectors were free from the plague but there was an outbreak around the space port and now much of the region is quarantined. The plague affects multiple species and can be difficult to detect though now that it is on a core Imperial world the Dark Council is moving all assets to eradicate the plague.

Back on Bankor a monument is erected in Uthan Mil to honor the sacrifices of the Republic and Resistance. Tra Kize is main backer for the monument.
  • Edges of the Map: Baesal leads a team of Jedi scholars to explore and survey the planet of Tython, discovering several ancient structures that date back to the age of the Jed'aii, the predecessor of the Jedi Order.
  • More Mandalor: Niall works alongside the newly christened Revan's Blade, a Republic backed Mandalorian strike team able to act where the Republic cannot. This team works closely with Republic Special Operations and Niall is put in charge of overseeing their operations throughout the Galaxy.
  • In the Void: Having been assigned to oversee the medical and psychological recovery of the captured Sith, Dynos Val, Dr. Cole Ormont was en route from Coruscant with his patient when pirates attacked and destroyed his shuttle. The hero was publicly mourned by Senator Saresh, and the Ormont Humanitarian Scholarship is established in his memory. All on board are assumed dead.
  • Kryze Control: Sabine is able to reach out to those members of her family that seek direction and did not run off with her cousins and is able to bring a sizable number to work with her and the Revan's Blade. For their service to the Republic Revan's Blade is granted a refurbished frigate named the Schism providing them a mobile command platform for Revan's Blade.

Month 6

The events of Ziost begin here.

Re: Ziost Preview Thread

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 1:36 am
by Dapper Dog
Character Profile: Darth Baras

“Deception is a trait that every Sith should aspire to, the power of a lie or an untruth can be immeasurable. Yet, deception should be a tool not a way of life, lest you become nothing but a bundle of smoke and mirrors parading as a Sith, or as I like to call it Darth Baras,” as stated by Darth Vowrawn. The Dark Councilor known as Darth Baras is the newest member but his presence and influence have had lasting effects on the dark Council for decades. He is equally loved and hated, many Sith aspire to his greatness and others simply wish to tear him down and see him bleed at their feet.

A war hero, he served in the battles of the Galactic War, working as soldier and diplomat in equal measure. He knew the value of pain and violence, and was by all accounts a talented duelist in combat even going toe to toe with the famed Satele Shan on more than one occasion. His greater power though is his skill at deception and truth, his ability to ferret out secrets and use them to gain leverage over enemies.

As a Sith his understanding of the Dark Side is well known perhaps not as steeped as say Darth Thanaton at his peak but well regarded all the same. In ways he is similar to Darth Jadus, he can be difficult to pin down, and can surprise even the oldest of enemies. Darth Baras is not a simple enemy, to face him is to face layers of intrigue and influence that are sewn throughout the Empire. In truth this is his greatest weapon, one may dislike Baras but his fingers are in all the pies, without him many institutions would grind to a halt or work at a far lesser capacity. In short, he has made himself invaluable to the Sith Empire, that his complete removal would be damaging to the Empire.

Of course this could just be another lie that Darth Baras wants everyone to believe. It should be said that in during his brief “death” during the peace talks there was chaos all across Imperial sectors. Much of it ended when he returned to active service, of course.

As a man Darth Baras is a severe character, in his youth he was lithe and unassuming in his middle age he has grown in size and power. After his ascension to the Dark Council he has focused on making his physical presence imposing and grand, as Vowrawn has stated on some occasions, “I find him intolerable, but at least he isn’t skipping leg day.”

In addition to being a dark Councilor he is the Acting Voice of the Emperor, speaking on behalf the Immortal Emperor. Traditionally this role was held by a Sith outside the Dark Council, but not always so. While it gives him great power, it restrains him as he represents the Emperor and his will, if the Emperor were perhaps more inactive he could use this position to push forward his own agenda but when active he must do so carefully lest he anger his powerful patron.

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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 2:07 am
by Dapper Dog
Character Profile: Darth Xevious

Darth Xevious is no scholar, although he is charged with studying and understanding the lesser alien species he comes into the role with the mindset of a warrior. He evaluates other species based on their strengths and weakness in battle, in terms of those that can be dominated and those that should be eradicated. There is no in between for him.

For him alien species create a variable in the calculus of warfare, a variable that adds no value to the greater function of the Empire. While the Republic prides itself on the integration and acceptance of alien species it is no accident that the humankind still dominates the Republic and hold the most vaunted positions. It is no accident in his mind that some of the wealthiest and most powerful states in the Republic are human or human dominated as well.

The Republic is a lie, equality between species is a lie, and there is a hierarchy that exists even if one wishes to not see it. This is the world view of Darth Xevious and those that support or follow him. This puts him at odds with non-human Sith, they upend his world view and challenge the notion that aliens have value to the Empire. Thankfully he can ignore most alien Sith, or engineer their destruction.

It is said that Xevious is one of the most hated or disliked members on the Dark Council. The reasons for this vary though many come back to his physical appearance; he is a rather rotund man of considerable girth and mass. His handsome features have declined and his manners have become coarse and poor with those not of his family. He is arrogant, demanding, and uncompromising; and cares little about being liked in the first place.

Another reason he is hated is because he married one of the most sought after women, Darth Tayana, and despite what most will say they have a genuine bond of trust and affection. Both work together to protect and promote their family, while others may hate Xevious his wife is a fixture in the social circles and so they have to deal with her if they wish to participate in the intrigues of Court. It makes them a dangerous duo, as they play well off each other and can anticipate the needs of the other.

Xevious as a man is a private person; he hates most other people and prefers to dote on his children or wife. He is a devoted father and husband, when he can be, but in public plays the rotund monster most expect of him… well because he is a rotund cruel monster.

The closest thing to an ally on the Dark Council would be Darth Vowrawn, and only because the ancient Sith loves to try and one up his wife, Darth Tayana. The rest of his peers simply tolerate him, but given his role in diplomacy and alien affairs, none want his job, preferring to eye the roles that bring glory and military power. That suits Xevious just fine.

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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 3:13 am
by Dapper Dog
Character Profile: Grand Moff Ymir Rolm

Ask anyone and they will tell you that the Sith Empire is a mess of nepotism, corruption, and political infighting. This makes advancement through the ranks of the Sith Imperial Navy nigh impossible for those with those without connections to wealth or powerful Sith but it can be done. There are those that value ability and skill over connections, this is what sets Grand Moff Ymir Rolm, of common birth she enlisted nearly forty years ago in the Imperial Navy and has advanced to the top through determination, grit, and well being the most qualified when the last Grand Moff was executed by the Emperor’s Wrath.

She is a skilled tactician but more importantly she is brilliant at managing the many levers of the Imperial war machine. Her experience is never in doubt and she has served alongside many of the Sith currently on the Dark Council. She knows how to keep her head in a stressful situation and also how to manage Sith, which tends to be the larger part of her job. Sith are a valuable weapon but they are also often awful leaders and many times more dangerous to her own men than the enemy and she recognizes this. It is the great conundrum of the Imperial Armed Forces, there greatest asset is often their own weakness.

Many consider her a pet of Darth Marr, and he does favor her for her ability and past performance but Rolm is strong willed and would never see herself as an extension of someone else’s will. She commands the galaxy’s most powerful fighting force, a position that both makes her respected and also hated. Her subordinates have great loyalty to her and she has earned the respect of the Dark Council since taking her role, focusing on maintaining high readiness for the Empire.

She is a striking figure, tall with brilliant hair, often dyed partially red. She rarely smiles and tends to always look deadly serious. She does not bark orders, she makes commands and expects them to be carried out with precision and haste. She is hard on her people, but only because she knows the Sith will be worse and wants them prepared for dealing with idiots with magic powers; she does not dislike Sith but knows that most are not fit to lead soldiers into battle given their innate selfishness and self destructive attitudes.

A leader that never finds fault in their own actions is a poor leader and this trait is all too common among many Sith, young or old alike. It is a problem she would like to solve but given the state of the Empire is perhaps beyond her ability to fix, but she keeps trying because she believes in the vision of the Empire, she is a patriot at her core.

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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 7:11 pm
by Dapper Dog
Mayhem Events

Mayhem Events are open to all players, they will offer unique rewards but have a high risk to them depending on which route the players take. Players have the option of supporting the Eagle or trying to sabotage the efforts of the Eagle. To this end there will be three threads for Mayhem events, the initial thread will describe the event and have rules for both sides. In this thread the players will post they are entering the event and for which side, there is no rolling yet.

Then the player will join the thread for the side they are supporting and make their rolls there, this will make it easy for me to see at a glance which side a player is supporting and alleviate any situations where someone did not post a side. Failure to follow these directions will void their rolls and they will be ignored. The threads for each side will have the rules that govern that path.

The basic outline for each Mayhem event will start with learning of the event, this check does not have to be successful and can be skipped but this will make every check going forward harder, this increases the difficulty of all following checks in this event by one. If the check is failed the player can stop there, there is no Suspicion gain; or they can brute force it and continue on with difficulty increase.

From there they continue the event as normal based on which ever side they are supporting. In general the rewards for supporting the Eagle will be better but the Suspicion gain for supporting the Empire will be much lower. Once you continue past the initial check you must complete the event, unless the event notes otherwise.

These are bonus events and not mandatory, but they often tie into the Eagle storyarc.

Re: Ziost Preview Thread

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 11:01 pm
by Dapper Dog
Jo’s Emporium

Aliens are not common on Ziost, unless they are slaves, so one running their own Emporium is an oddity. Of course Jo runs the most legitimate and stable honest Emporium of Rarities and Delights, ask anyone. His pre-owned merchandise is guaranteed as–is, so good you won’t want a refund because there are no refunds.

All sales are final.

Also the Emporium is more of a progressive pop-up shop for the savvy Imperial on the go. Why limit yourself to a single location when one can go where the money is, and the Imperial Security Division is not.

Come to Jo’s, you will leave satisfied.


Jo is back… and this time he is bringing his wonderful pop-up shop to Ziost. He sells Black Market equipment to his A-List Customers, this costs 1000 credits unless they have Black Market Contacts then they can bypass this. Once on the A-List they can purchase restricted gear as per the Black Market rules on the site.

Jo’s Special Stock is available to all and costs Influence or Credits to purchase. These are first come and first served.


Re: Ziost Preview Thread

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 12:45 am
by Dapper Dog
Just a little something for the future.

The Festival of a Thousand Flowers

On Alderaan at the turn of Spring to Summer there is a grand planet wide festival. As said by the common folks, all days belong to the Crown but the ten that belong to the Flowers and the People. During this celebration the noble houses throw grand parties for ten days, the traditional week before conversion to the Galactic Standard. But unlike most celebrations these are for the benefit of the masses, where the High serve the Low, by feasting them and putting on grand pageants. It is a truly poor or wretched House that does not participate in the custom.

The Festival of a Thousand Flowers was said to commemorate the wedding of a House Alde queen to a common born youth who aided her and she in turn gifted him with a Crown made of one thousand flowers delicately woven together. This romantic gesture flavors the whole celebration as it is both a year end celebration and one of new beginnings, with the final day taking place on the first day of the New Year by the traditional calendar. Now it is more symbolic as the calendar has not been used in generations but the custom stands.

It is a time of dancing, feasting, and romance and it is common for many proposals and betrothals to be announced during or at the end of the Festival and often customary for one of the betrothed or lovers to present the other with a hand woven, often purchased, flower crown. One of the biggest celebrations is held at the Grand Spring Palace of the Royal Crown, often called the Silver Spires by most. Here the Queen holds her grand pageant and opens the grounds to the people, who chosen by lottery, unless specifically invited get to see the grounds and party for ten days. People wander the Thousand Flower Gardens, easily the most beautiful garden in the sector sprawling over several kilometers, The Hedge Maze, or even visit the spot where the legend began.

The nobility treat their people well, to show them that they love and appreciate them for their loyal service, and although that is the reason the more modern celebrations are generally drunken revelries of romance, bad decisions, and a right of passage. Running the Maze is often a euphemism for young lovers having an illicit tryst, while less licentious individuals will pilgrimage to the statue of Queen Hileen Alde and kiss the feet of the stature for good luck in love or marriage. Getting Crowned, is the highlight which usually happens on the ninth day just after sundown, where betrothed and lovers present a Crown of Flowers as a token of devotion.

At the end of the Festival the small folk return to their duties and the nobility to theirs, often with the belief that what happened at Festival stays at the Festival.

Re: Ziost Preview Thread

PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 7:16 pm
by Dapper Dog
Sith Empire: Xenophobia and Slavery

Unlike say the Hutt Cartels and the approach of slavery as a cost saving initiative or money making endeavor, slavery in the Empire is more about domination and the right of power of the state to subjugate the weak and put them to use for the greater good of the people. It is based on the ideal that the citizens of the Sith Empire are simply of better stock than other lesser species in the galaxy.

For a typical citizen of the Sith Empire, slaves are beneath notice, most people don’t have slaves as they can’t afford them and for the most part don’t need them as the standard of living is genuinely high. Slaves are predominately used by the state for public works, monuments, and dangerous hard labor. Domestic servants are only common among the wealthy families and only the wealthiest possess armies of slaves, most simply lease them when they need them as the long term expense of maintaining slave labor is rather expensive over the long term.

This means that while slaves are a part of life in the Empire they are not part of the common person’s experience, due to either proximity or lack of wealth to need them. Slave labor is relegated to the state and the wealthy elite. This does not mean that everyone believes slave labor is right just that those in power see no political need to change the status quo. Keep in mind that slavery in the Empire is not just relegated to non-human species, the bulk of slave labor is often human born into the role due to an accident of birth. It does stem from the Sith mentality to dominate the weak and the belief that the weak serve the strong.

This also extends to why non-human species and those not of pure Sith blood are looked down upon in the Empire. The earliest Dark Jedi that conquered Korriban were mostly human and those non-human lines either died off or were suppressed once the ideology began to take root.

The xenophobia that is present in Imperial society is an outgrowth of belief that these bloodlines dating back to the dawn of the first Sith Empire are the most pure and therefore most powerful Sith bloodlines. This has no real basis in fact but the Sith believe this, especially Conservatives and Moderates, and it holds sway of how they perceive their family lineages and organize the nobility. The most powerful noble lines can trace their roots back to the Dark Jedi, the minor houses tend to lack that pedigree. The main issue is that powerful Force Users still arise from non-human species and this challenges the status quo.

It was only recently perhaps in the last two centuries that non-human Sith were even accepted within their ranks, but many have gone on to become powerful Sith and now even sit on the Dark Council. This change has begun to filter down and acceptance of non-human species is gaining ground albeit slowly and more often in the outer regions than the more pure core regions.

There is even a movement to abolish slavery within the Empire called the Free Worker’s Movement, that believes slave labor depresses worker’s wages, it has support of forward thinking Sith as well but the movement is at its strongest in the outer regions though with Darth Hoshi publicly backing the movement it has gained a great deal of popularity and prestige and also a slew of enemies that want to see their voices silenced. Time will tell if they survive this newfound surge of popularity and scrutiny.

Re: Ziost Preview Thread

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 9:19 pm
by Dapper Dog
Character Profile: Dalren Vis

Born of meager means to a fallen noble line, Dalren had little but a useless title and ambition. He had no talent for combat but he enlisted in the armed forces for a mandatory tour of duty where he learned that awards don’t always go to the best soldiers but the ones that know the right people and how to appear exemplary in the right moments. His fighting skills were always middling but his leadership, charm, and guile were sharpened.

When he left the military he put his skills of charm and wits to work, establishing himself as a go-to information broker and purveyor of rare goods. He had made many contacts in his military service which allowed him to move gray market goods easily through out the Empire and made him comfortably wealthy and influential. He channeled that wealth into a construction project, the Aurum Dawn. The premier casino hotel resort for the elite of Ziost and the Empire in general, which has given him access to some of the most powerful and influential members of the Empire.

Dalren Vis is personable, and handsome, approaching middle age with grace and ease. He is always in motion and always multitasking, some would call him a workaholic as he rarely stays idle. He wears fashionable clothing, but nothing all that daring or splashy preferring more reserved styles.

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Re: Ziost Preview Thread

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 11:00 pm
by Dapper Dog
4th Annual Aurum Dawn Artists Gala

Hosted by Darth Tayana, of the Ziost Cultural Society, this is the premier artistic event of the season and easily one of the highest profile social events in the sector. The event hosts artists afrom across the Empire and beyond to showcase their work according to the theme.

This year’s theme as laid out by Dalren Vis, co-hosting with Darth Tayana, is the role of the artistic creator as both a moderating voice of government and a critique of the powers that be. As he explained it, “Artists can reinforce the status quo, but we seek to challenge our conceptions by presenting artists who are willing to defy expectation and create works that inspire dissent and critique of state authority.”

The controversial topic is sure to raise eyebrows but with the support of the Ziost Cultural Society, none will question it. Each honored guest is expected to provide an artistic creation or as is more likely, sponsor an artist to create a thematic masterpiece to shock and awe their peers.

All proceeds will be donated to the Ziost War Orphans Security Fund.

Player Info

Players must have an Influence of 10 or higher to attend this event, normal costs apply. There will be rules in place for either creating an artistic work or finding a suitable artist; this is assumed to have been done in advance as this event is a well-known event.

The players will have to choose how bold they wish to make their critique, the less specific the less bold their statement. So being critical of the Dark Council is a bit bolder than being critical of the Empire or Imperial Armed Forces. Singling out a powerful individual is even more bold, especially if they are members of the Dark Council, and of course if one wishes to truly be outrageous, they can even create a work that is critical of the Emperor.

The bolder the work, the more Influence they can accrue if they are successful, though obviously it becomes much more difficult to create a pleasing work the more specific one makes it. A Despair rolled on the roll is not only poorly received even successful but will probably generate a dangerous enemy. While a Triumph is a truly breakthrough work that will have a lasting impact on the artistic world.

This event will occur in the Late Evening through Late Night of Day 5 of the Ziost game.

Re: Ziost Preview Thread

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 6:12 pm
by Dapper Dog
Rise of the Dark Councilor

There are four major events for this challenge held by the Emperor of the Sith, the first event is the public announcement that the individual will vie for the seat. This will be held at an exclusive salon, Salon of Hidden Delights, hosted by Darth Tayana in New Adasta. The theme of course is Forbidden Fruits. Each Aspirant will publicly announce their intentions for the seat and explain why they are the best possible choice in front of the elite of the Sith Empire. This occurs in the evening of the first day of the campaign arc. Once they announce their attentions they cannot back out, only death or exile remain. One can simply opt out by not announcing their intentions if done so, they lose the support of the Dark Council member but otherwise are free to go about their own way.

The next event will occur on the third day of the campaign, and is a private affair held before the Emperor and his retinue called the Mastery of the Dark Side. The Emperor’s Hands will assess the Aspirant’s connection to the Dark Side and their ability to control the Force in general.

The fourth day is a grueling mental and social test of endurance, Mastery of Knowledge. The Hands of the Emperor will administer an oral exam to the Aspirant covering the laws, customs, and rituals of the Empire. They will also be challenged with making decisions to best administer the Empire and prove their loyalty to the Sith Emperor above all things.

On the fifth day there is a public outing and invitation for all Aspirants to the 4th Annual Aurum Dawn Artists Gala, although not an official encounter it is a chance for the Aspirant to show they know how to navigate the dangers of nightly intrigues and show off their skill and power in presenting a stunning display if they so choose.

On the seventh day of the Aspirants will be brought before Emperor for the final challenge, Mastery of War. They will have the option of showing off their personal skill in battle with members of the Imperial Guard, skill in leading forces in armed conflict, or if they are foolish enough challenge the Wrath to personal combat to truly impress the Emperor. The Aspirant can send a Champion in their place to do battle or lead their forces but to challenge the Wrath they must do so personally. Death is a high possibility in this encounter and if the Champion dies or fails then the Aspirant will be humiliated as they have shown themselves to be an ineffective and poor leader.

On the eighth day the Aspirant will be brought before the Dark Council, this is a private affair so they can make their final case before the Council. The Dark Council will judge the Aspirant and if they get a majority vote, they earn their dubious favor. This is more a test of how well the Aspirant can curry favor and play the game of dark knives than anything.

The ninth day is the final event, the Emperor’s Challenge. This will whittle down the field to two or less Aspirants, in a series of personal duels if need be at the Emperor’s whim. Once there are only two then they will be given seats on the Dark Council.

Re: Ziost Preview Thread

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 8:17 pm
by Dapper Dog
Character Profile: Servant Nine

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Chosen from the among the Emperor's Hands, Servant Nine is to oversee the matter of the Dark Councilor Aspirants directly. She is dedicated, loyal unto death, and above reproach. She is trained in the Dark Side, though she does not seem to carry a lightsaber. Imperial Guardsman are never far from her side and her word is final on all matters, unless the Emperor himself deems otherwise.

Her style of dress is similar to other Hands, simple dark robes, eschewing style for simplicity and function.

Re: Ziost Preview Thread

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 12:00 am
by Dapper Dog
Character Profile: Darth Vengean
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In war there is the old soldier that refuses to die, or perhaps is just denied death by fate. The old soldier who outlives all his comrades, whose only friends are those made at the end of a sword. Darth Vengean is this old soldier, his body bears the signs of a thousand conflicts, perhaps more than fifty percent machine and Sith alchemy he persists long after his organic body should have failed. Slow to anger, Vengean is detached from Sith bickering. He long ago gave up pretense of schemes against his enemies. Now he is direct, if he despises you, then you will know it. If he approves of you, then he will give meager but direct praise.

Vengean believes in strength through arms, but also understands that victory is never assured until the last corpse of the enemy lies cooling at your feet. He has known stinging defeats, at the hands of the Empire’s enemies and the Sith but he persists. He controls much of the fighting forces in the outer regions of the Empire and can summon incredible military resources with a wave of a hand, but the reality of the situation is that the territories spread his forces thin and recent losses due to in-fighting have only exacerbated the need for the Imperial war machine to replenish its strength before they return to destroying the Republic. The success on Bankor has only reassured him that his long term plans are the only pathway forward for success.

Darth Vengean has the rare honor of being Master to another on the Dark Council, Darth Baras, but the relationship is tested by the growing power of the apprentice as his fortune’s rise and that of Darth Vengean begin to recede. A matter that Vengean may soon have to rectify, for now he focuses on retrofitting the Imperial forces and pushing for consolidation of Imperial forces under a single banner which puts him at odds with Darth Marr and Darth Ravage.

As Vowrawn has stated, ‘Most old warriors have the courtesy to die on the battlefield, but not Vengean. More relic than man, he prefers to be a walking reminder that death has a sense of humor or needs better aim.’

Vengean for his part stays aloof of court politics and is not afraid to clash with others often directly starting more than one duel before the Wrath has to end it. Even facing the Wrath on occasion, usually ending with Vengean needing a new cybernetic limb. Vengean in battle eschews style or flair for sheer brutality and power. Preferring to overwhelm with sheer force, he does not fight to win. He fights to break the spirit and will of his foes and any willing to avenge them.

Any campaign led by Vengean will end with devastation and extreme casualties, hopefully on the side of the enemy but he will do whatever is needed for victory.

Re: Ziost Preview Thread

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 5:21 pm
by Dapper Dog
Crime in the Empire

Officially Crime is non-existent in the orderly Empire, and in truth that holds true in many core regions of the Empire. Criminals have a hard time recruiting due to the higher living conditions and the extreme response of the Imperial authorities. Imperial Security Forces is a branch of the Imperial Armed Forces focused on curtailing civilian dissent and public security. Protecting and serving the populace is not their goal, protecting the interests of the State are primary. The State has a vested interest in crime reduction and protection of State assets, which is how the Empire views the citizens and their urban centers.

Their approach to crime prevention is extreme suppression, apprehension comes second to that primary goal. Incarceration of criminals is uncommon unless they have a valid use to the state or come from important families. The security forces are militarized, with access to combat droids, military small arms, and combat armor and are well trained in the use of the equipment. Investigators are called in only for serious matters that are of concern to the authorities or to track down dissidents. Bounty Hunters sometimes see use as well, if the target merits the expense or if they flee to regions where a strong Imperial presence is detrimental to the mission.

That said crime still blooms in the Empire sometimes supported by the Hutt Cartels or other large scale networks, but these operations tend to have better success in the frontier regions than the Core sectors. The usual method is to bribe officials and military personnel, with exorbitant fees. This can get tricky dealing with the Sith though, as many Sith see money as nothing more than an abstraction and also their reputation for betrayal makes any deal precarious.

The most common criminal activities are dealing in illicit drugs, smuggling of contraband, and white collar crime. Successful criminals tend to operate in small networks shielded by Imperial officials on their payroll. They avoid confrontations with the Sith and tend to reside behind shell corporations or local businesses.

Dissidents although not commonly considered criminals in most places are the other major concern for the Imperial Security. These are individuals who are a threat to the state through action or ideology. Usually supporting some pet cause through violence, terror, or rhetoric; they form cells and rarely have the resources for bribery instead relying anonymity to stay beneath notice until they strike.

The strongest method to combat this is to maintain a police state stance in most Core sectors, with propaganda to beware the enemies of the state who wish to destroy the way of life enjoyed by most Imperial citizens. To report any out of the ordinary activity to their local Security personnel and to reward citizens for exposing their neighbors as dissidents.

As the saying goes, “The only true friend, is the Imperial Security Officer and the State.”

Re: Ziost Preview Thread

PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 2:58 am
by Dapper Dog
Support Staff

Every Sith tries to show themselves as personally invincible, the truth is far more mundane that those Sith that choose to involve themselves in the politics of the Empire especially at the level of Dark Councilor usually has many followers and subordinates to handle their affairs from bodyguards and apprentices to slaves and servants. This is no different for those aspiring to the title and this means every Aspirant has taken time to muster some support of an organization or faction with the Empire to support their cause.

In game terms this means each Aspirant will begin with an additional Powerbase to any they already possess. This Powerbase should be something that somehow contributes or supports Imperial society, government, or culture; they support the Aspirant but their loyalty is not unto death, though they will do what they can to support the Sith short of that or treasonous acts.

In addition each Aspirant should list three important individuals from their life or powerbases; these can be done in their private folders privately but they should provide a brief explanation o f who and why these people are important to the character. Locations can work as well but the player should provide at least two people on their list.

Non-Aspirants are welcome to provide these lists as well, but this is mandatory for Aspirants.

Re: Ziost Preview Thread

PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 6:44 am
by Dapper Dog
Character Profile: Darth Malgus

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Malgus is a waiting Eclipse, he does not rise, he simply obfuscates those that are lesser and there a great many in this Empire who are his lesser, Vowrawn has said of the Sith. Malgus is a warrior who has been at many pivotal conflicts including the conquest of Korriban and the siege of Alderaan. His accomplishments are many, and yet curiously have shown no interest in the Dark Council despite having the power to easily be placed among their number. Instead he focuses on what he feels is his destiny, the destruction of the Republic.

His words are never ignored and he has the ear of many Dark Councilors, some as rivals and others as allies, but all see him as a champion of the Empire and a war hero who has earned his various scars. His presence on Ziost has caused a stir and some suspect that maybe the Darth has turned his eye to the Council and if so there are many who would flock to his banner…

Charismatic and devoted to the Dark Side, Malgus is a warrior and general who drills his subordinates and keeps them at peak readiness. He does not frivolously toss their lives away and values their skills, yet he is still ruthless and understands that sacrifices must be made. His soldiers respect that and are willing to give their lives in his service as they know it will be to serve the Empire. His greatest allies among the Dark Council tend to be among the Radical members, and is acceptance of non-human allies rattles many within the Sith hierarchy.

Never far from his side is the slave-mistress, Eleena Daru, and rumors abound that the woman is more than a mere servant, much more. Darth Malgus surrounds himself with competent allies from within and outside the Empire and does not seem to care much for the xenophobia that is rampant amongst the Sith. He is a confidante of Darth Acina as well, and the two have worked together in the past.

Re: Ziost Preview Thread

PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 12:08 am
by Dapper Dog
Alderaan News

As stated before the Alderaan story arc will be one part love story and another part politics, hopefully not as treacherous as Ziost but still dangerous with lots of intrigue. Where Ziost will focus on the ambitions of Aspirants and the fate of the Empire, Alderaan will focus more on the growing tensions between the great houses.

The backdrop for Alderaan will be that the Crown Prince, Gaul Panteer, has recently left his betrothed at the altar insulting House Ulgo greatly and pushing the two houses into a near civil war. If not for some quick concessions and aid by the newly arrived House Thul, there would have been open conflict.

Now at the Festival of a Thousand Flowers all eyes will be on Panteer and Ulgo hopefully announcing a new betrothal between the two families if not… then it could mean Alderaan could be plunged into a brutal civil war that could weaken one of the strongest core stellar nations of the Republic.

Can love and duty align to save a world from conflict or will there be blood.

Re: Ziost Preview Thread

PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 7:29 pm
by Dapper Dog
Alderaan Suitors

For the Alderaan campaign it may be possible to play as a possible suitor for the Panteer twins, there are some minor restrictions or considerations for potential suitors though. First and foremost, they should be able to trace a lineage back to an Alderaanian noble House, preferably a Greater House but lesser ones are permissive as well, this invariably means that the character is of human species, adopted or non-human species will be regarded as lesser blood lineages.

Noble lineage is preferred and will be given greater weight than those of common stock. Other factors that may affect one’s initial suitor standing will be military service, social service, and connections to specific Alderaan noble houses; as noted earlier non-humans can be suitors but will be regarded as lesser candidates as the Great Houses are all almost exclusively human.

Each suitor will be granted a starting Suitor score, this will affect how well Queen Solara Panteer regards them as a potential match for her children, this does not account for the personal wishes of the twins.

The affections and wants of the Twins is measured by Affection, this will be a hidden rating at the start of the game and will be affected by role-play some possible events and the predilections and biases of each twin. They will be on similar scales so at the end of the game if say the Suitor score of the highest Suitor is lower than the Affection score the Twin will choose the where their Heart leads them instead of what the Queen wishes. In the case of ties a random die roll will be used to determine the outcome.

One does not have to be an appointed Suitor to have an Affection score, though if the character is married or has made it clear they do not wish to be with the Twin then they will not be considered as a choice. Each twin will have their own Affection list.

All is fair in love and politics.

Re: Ziost Preview Thread

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 7:34 pm
by Dapper Dog
Preview - Locations

Massassi Indoctrination Camp: The valley where the Massassi Indoctrination Camp was carved out by glaciers a millennia ago, lightly forested it is now a brown and white landscape of tents and portable structures to house the Massassi soldiers learning to operate with the Imperial war machine. The Massassi are an oddity within Imperial society, while technically related to the pure blood Sith, this offshoot species is considered lesser stock, yet better than non-humans. Overall Massassi were bred for their savagery and strength and even after they became a free peoples they valued violence over intellect which has made them slow to adopt technology.

The Indoctrination Camp is meant to bridge that gap and although outwardly it seems like just a place for training there is also a genetic program at work to uplift the Massassi and increase their intellectual capacities to make them both savage and intelligent soldiers. The Queen is well aware of the program and encourages it, having sent what she feels are the best candidates for a new generation of augmented Massassi, both physically powerful and intellectually superior to the base species.

The camp is off-limits to civilian personnel and violent clashes are high as Massassi are highly territorial and settle most disagreements with crude blades and shows of dominance. There are an estimated thousand or so Massassi in the camp.

People's Tower: The central structure of New Adasta it towers over all other structures and is the central government and cultural center of the planet. This is where the Emperor will hold his court and where the Dark Council will meet during the stay on the planet. The structure is several kilometers tall and with a base that covers five square kilometers of the city. It is a massive structure that is also self sufficient, with its power generation, water, fod, and living spaces for most of the work force that makes up the structure.

The lower floors are dedicated to local governance, living spaces, and providing the amenities and basic needs of the People's Tower. The upper floors are where much of the high level politics and Court is held. Specifically in the Imperial Assembly Chambers, and the highest levels of the structure are off-limits to just about everyone but authorized personnel, military, and high ranking Sith.

The structure is beautiful and also highly defended with a permanent detachment of the Imperial army on the grounds along with a permanent detail of the Imperial Guard for the upper chambers. Essentially the People's Tower is a city within the city of New Adasta.

Republic Embassy: Recently finished within a kilometer walking distance of the People's Tower, four stories tall it is a wide squat structure that resembles a pyramid without a point at the top. The roof is an open air garden reminiscent of the jungles on Drommund Kaas, minus the deadly wildlife. The structure is aesthetically pleasing and well designed with large open offices and spacious meeting chambers. Darth Vowrawn specifically made sure the structure was larger and more luxurious than the Imperial Embassy on Corellia. The Republic delegation consists of Republic diplomats, a small detachment of Republic soldiers, and clerks and functionaries. There are no Jedi among the delegation, there is a Sith liaison on site.

The structure could easily several thousand personnel but only has at most two to three hundred permanent staff, including droids.