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Re: Second Chances [D5 EN]

Postby Dr. Cole Ormont » Fri Jun 15, 2018 10:01 pm

Is that my cue, then? Cole’s expression was guarded, concealing the sourness he felt; it did nothing to help how pale and tired, how stretched thin he looked. He slipped the flask back into a pocket absently, “there’s very little to tell. Your corpse was strangled by a Force user.”
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Re: Second Chances [D5 EN]

Postby Niall Organa » Fri Jun 15, 2018 10:23 pm

There was a moment of silence as Niall digested this. "Ummm... telekinetically, you mean? My word." Niall blinked a few times. "That's rather significant."

He grimaced, looking around. "I would like to think that it wasn't any of the Jedi." He pursed his lips. "I know one or two others, and it seems entirely out of character for them. Galen's on the good side, I have no doubt. And Luth... " A flash of fear rushed through him at the thought, but he suppressed it.He glanced around again. "Are there any other suggestions? Or do we begin looking for Force-sensitive infiltrators?" That was a scary thought.
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Re: Second Chances [D5 EN]

Postby Dr. Cole Ormont » Fri Jun 15, 2018 10:31 pm

“I doubt the Jedi would approve of that word.” His lips thinned as he pressed them together. “It would be remiss of me not to do my due diligence, so I do have to inform you that Jax’s gunner is Force sensitive.” He crossed his arms and gave Niall a moment to process that.
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Re: Second Chances [D5 EN]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Fri Jun 15, 2018 10:33 pm

That was interesting, and Z's lips formed a frown as the doctor admitted it.

There were a lot of pieces to a puzzle here, and at least a few of them seemed to fit together. Though from that tidbit, there might be even more to the picture then he first thought. "A force user? That's surprising."

Z's mind went in a similar direction as Niall's, and a small frown made it's way onto his lips. "If she is a force user, I wouldn't rule Luth out." He offered, a touch of regret in his tone. "Looking for force sensitive infiltrators might be a start... Though I should say there might more significant things at stake here then just a group of smugglers." He smiled ruefully. "Not that I can say much more then that, but the involvement of force users to murder that smuggler. It brings me closer to thinking these two cases might actually be linked."

"There's just too many pieces missing to say more, as well as a bit of information I'm not entirely at the liberty to share."
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Re: Second Chances [D5 EN]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Fri Jun 15, 2018 10:34 pm

"It would be very uncharacteristic of a jedi to use the Force in such a way. Their philosophy is quite strict about not using the Force for such offensive measures - something about using the Force to harm being about drawing upon anger and hate, which goes against their doctrine." While she wasn't a Jedi herself, she had cousins who were, and she had done her reading on the Order. "I would rather suspect there would be other Force users here who might have reason to keep themselves low profile, either by operating for the Empire or independantly."

She shook her head and took a deep sip of the g&t.

"Azura?" Lyseil was obviously surprised when Cole dropped the bomb.
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Re: Second Chances [D5 EN]

Postby Niall Organa » Fri Jun 15, 2018 10:42 pm

That was, in fact, a fairly significant piece of information. Niall took a sip of his drink, clearing his throat after he did. He shot a quick glance at Z; perhaps this was part of the man's strategy to increase his tolerance.

"We need to be careful to avoid jumping to any conclusions." Niall reminded the group. "But now we know that this group, as we envision them, does have access to ability with the Force."

He nodded to Cole. "Zane, let's come back to what you said in a moment. Cole, can you tell us about how you found this out?"
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Re: Second Chances [D5 EN]

Postby Dr. Cole Ormont » Fri Jun 15, 2018 11:15 pm

“It was rather obvious when she produced a lightsaber in the middle of a Rygor bazaar this afternoon.” He uncrossed his arms to push his spectacles up the bridge of his nose. “I say due diligence because, in my opinion, it is strikingly unlikely that Azura is your culprit. She is impulsive and untrained. I won’t say it’s impossible for her to wield the Force in such a manner, given adequate motivation, but she lacks the control and discipline needed to determinedly choke a man and stage his suicide.”
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Re: Second Chances [D5 EN]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Fri Jun 15, 2018 11:38 pm

"That would be my opinion of her as well." Z offered his own thoughts to Cole's words. "The person we are looking for in more controlled, and methodological." His lips formed a thing line. "I wouldn't be surprised if some of the evidence we found was planted ,and weren't those files T7 found messed with in some way as well?"
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Re: Second Chances [D5 EN]

Postby Dr. Cole Ormont » Fri Jun 15, 2018 11:43 pm

Skrog me, I’m done, Cole had been on his feet since 0600, except for the time it took to get a transport out to the city and back, but the hydromorphinone had taken the hard edges off the world, so he pressed on. “There’s something else. Have any of you encountered a Jedi Knight Darius?” Somehow he managed to keep the sarcasm out of his voice, wanting to see what the others said before he continued. Perhaps they were already looking at him.
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Re: Second Chances [D5 EN]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:10 am

"I haven't. Though there are probably some friend I could ask about him." Z offered picking up his drink to take a sip, he had purposefully ignored Nialls look after he sipped his drink. Captain Alderaan wasn't allowed to be drank under the table by Lyseil, so he had to get his tolerance up.

"I take it you think he could possibly be involved though?"
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Re: Second Chances [D5 EN]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:53 am

"Can't say I have! But... hm, I think I agree with the assessement too that Azura might be a type to lash out in anger, but staging a suicide sound a bit too - hmm - advanced for her?" It was kind of a nice way of saying that Azura was too simple to pull of such schemes.

"She doesn't strike me as the brain of the operation in regards to the Midnight crew - which we know are pretty shifty. At least according to the other half there."
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Re: Second Chances [D5 EN]

Postby Niall Organa » Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:27 am

"Hmmm." Niall said, frowning. "And that fits my assessment of Jax. He seemed a bit, as Lyseil said, shifty," his lips quirked, "-but he doesn't seem like the sort to harm innocents."

He looked to Cole. "I haven't met Darius. Please, go on." He gave Cole an encouraging nod.
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Re: Second Chances [D5 EN]

Postby Dr. Cole Ormont » Sat Jun 16, 2018 6:55 am

That’s troubling, If any of them had met the man, Cole could have pointed to him as suspect, but none of them had crossed his path? The camp was big, it wasn’t that big. Guardedly, “there’s a Force user going about calling himself a Jedi Knight. Darius is no Jedi, that much was clear to me after watching him interact with Azura.”

He ran a hand through his curls, “Darius and Azura’s interaction escalated to physical violence, after which Azura described to me the sensation of someone attempting to Force-choke her. She was reluctant to point fingers at Darius specifically, but we have to consider the possibility that one or more people claiming to be Jedi have access to the camp.”
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Re: Second Chances [D5 EN]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Sat Jun 16, 2018 10:07 am

"I wouldn't be surprised if there were people claiming to be a lot of things with access to this camp." The republic hadn't been very picky about the free lancers they had allowed. "It's definitely something to look into though, people masquerading as Jedi. It would be rather easy for a sith to assume the mannerism's and pretend to follow the code."

"Though there is also the possibility that this Darius is a jedi who has fallen" Zane shook his head. "Either way, he is someone to look into."
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Re: Second Chances [D5 EN]

Postby Niall Organa » Sat Jun 16, 2018 10:42 am

"Right." Niall sighed. After a moment, remembering a conversation from earlier, his lips quirked. "I'll trust your impressions. This Darius definitely is worth looking into further."

He looked at Z. "Zane, you said that you have reason to believe the two cases might be linked?"
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Re: Second Chances [D5 EN]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:17 pm

"Its just a hunch mostly, as I said... still working on putting a few things together." He paused to take a sip of his drink. "But there is a possibility that whoever stole the artifact from the museum might have force users hunting them."

"That our dead body was killed by a force user, leads me to believe that someone might be following the same trail as us, or a similar one." He shook his head. "As I said, it's not much."
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Re: Second Chances [D5 EN]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:56 pm

"Ok, we'll keep the possibility open, at least!" Though Lyseil was wary of connecting the two out of similarities. At least that's what she had been warned of before in the academic field.

And to think that Cole had suggested that she could 'handle' Azura in a fight. The girl had a lightsaber and was clearly off the rails!

"Well... that Azura is a force user does also increase any danger-level in confronting the Midnight crew..." she sipped her g&t again.
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Re: Second Chances [D5 EN]

Postby Dr. Cole Ormont » Sat Jun 16, 2018 2:50 pm

“Confronting? Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I’ve met both Jax and Azura, and on what Captain Organa and Zane have said, we’re still a long way from accusing anyone.” Though his cadences were cool and controlled, he ran a hand through his hair, pulled out his flask, and took a sip.
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Re: Second Chances [D5 EN]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Sat Jun 16, 2018 7:20 pm

"Quite." Zane replied. "Though we are fairly certain that they had a plan in the smuggling." He shook his head, eyes drifting to Niall for a moment.

"Also Niall, it's a bit off topic, but there is something I need to talk with you about, preferably alone." He glanced towards the other two, the captain likely wouldn't mind if Lyseil knew, but he wasn't sure about Cole. "Its something about your sister."
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Re: Second Chances [D5 EN]

Postby Dr. Cole Ormont » Sat Jun 16, 2018 7:25 pm

Grunting, Cole straightened, “I’m overdue for bed, anyway. Good night.” Zane’s secretiveness was grating, almost as much as Princess Bubbles’ enthusiasm, he was happy to leave.
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Re: Second Chances [D5 EN]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Sat Jun 16, 2018 7:28 pm

"Uh... ok. Good night, captain!" Lyseil rose to at least give a proper farewell salute to Cole. It would've looked really sloppy to do so while sitting!

... Which meant she juggled drink glass and datapad with one arm.

"... Can I finish the drink first? It's very good, by the way!"
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Re: Second Chances [D5 EN]

Postby Dr. Cole Ormont » Sat Jun 16, 2018 7:31 pm

“At ease, Sergeant, if I’m not wrong, this is Captain Organa’s rodeo.”
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Re: Second Chances [D5 EN]

Postby Niall Organa » Sat Jun 16, 2018 8:05 pm

Niall blinked, surprise evident on his handsome features. "My sister?" His lips parted, then shut again. "Right. Very well."

He turned to the other two. "Cole... sleep well. If you have some time tomorrow, I'd like a word." He glanced at Lyseil, a smile touching the edges of his lips. "Lyseil... you were one of my sister's closest friends. Zane, is it something she can hear?"
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Re: Second Chances [D5 EN]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Sat Jun 16, 2018 8:08 pm

Cole got a nod as he departed. "Sleep well." He said with a smile.

"Of course, Niall. It's not something all that secret, I just wanted to be respectful of your privacy."
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Re: Second Chances [D5 EN]

Postby Dr. Cole Ormont » Sat Jun 16, 2018 8:13 pm

Nodding to Niall, Cole ran a hand through his hair and sauntered out.

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