by Garth Wayne » Fri Jun 15, 2018 2:59 am
Garth nods. "Yeah Tallulah, ma swoop, th' most consistent thing in ma life since ah won her on the tracks of Onderon. Ah've been pushin her harder of late, tryin' ta save up for some hardened circuits for 'er to help 'er take the strain."
A distress beacon, that'll be handy,Garth thinks as he assembles his kit piecemeal fro the assorted items on offer.
"Some people name their guns, ah name mah rides. And Tallulah's the quickest thing on the ground in most systems ah've visited."
Republic * Human * Pilot * Force Sensitive * Adrenaline Junkie
Languages: Basic (Speaks and understands), Binary (Understands only)
Standard Gear: Republic Uniform (Padded Armour), DR-45 Dragoon, Comlink, Bike Keys, Backpack, green crystal necklace, Aznuri Necklace
Combat Gear: Shockrider Crash Suit, as above + Extra Reload + Crash Survival kit