Re: Toccata and Fugue (D11, ME, Three Drinks)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Wed Jul 04, 2018 7:33 pm

"Mmmmm... When you put it that way, I don't think I can deny a princess anything, Lyseil. Not even a less thought or two." Especially since he was having more then that at the moment. He satisfied himself by running his thumb along the top of her hand, as he poured the drinks. The result a rather vivid green liquid, with a complex smell. "Envy, is its name."

That brought about a chuckle from Z and he couldn't help but shake his head. "I suppose that makes me the only troublemaker at this bar then. I managed to get caught a few times before I got good enough to get away with thinngs."
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Re: Toccata and Fugue (D11, ME, Three Drinks)

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Thu Jul 05, 2018 1:07 am

"I did get into trouble at home a few times. Nothing too terrible though, as I would usually just try to sneak into rooms I were not allowed in... like my father's office. It would be awkward if a small child started calling up senators and important heads of state, hm?" Lyseil admitted with a small laugh, and picked up her glass of drink. Like with almost everything else, she tested its smell before taking a sip.

"Mm, quite an interesting flavour. And name as well." Her lips pressed together gently, savouring the flavour a little more. "... Any particular reason you chose this? Like trying to tell me there's something you're envious about?" Her voice had a light tease to it, but there seemed to be an actual curiosity to her question as well.
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Re: Toccata and Fugue (D11, ME, Three Drinks)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Thu Jul 05, 2018 2:50 am

"I could only imagine, I wonder what you would of even asked a senator for... Sweets? A later Curfew?" His smile turned a bit teasing. "A dashing prince, perhaps?" She might just have found that already, though. Picking up his own glass, he took a sip. It wasn't a favorite of his by any means, but it might be sweet enough to interest her.

"Well, green seemed to be the color of the evening for starters." Zane explained as he set his glass back on the bar. "I must admit there was a meaning about the name as well " He glanced down, and chuckled. "Even if it's a bit embarrassing to admit." His eyes drifted up again to meet hers. "But I am a bit envious of Niall and the relationship you two have." A soft sigh escaped his lips and he slowly shook his head. "Though I shouldn't be."
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Re: Toccata and Fugue (D11, ME, Three Drinks)

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Thu Jul 05, 2018 3:33 am

Lyseil tried to remember what she might've asked for at such a young age. "Sweets most likely... probably a puppy or a pony, or something silly like that too," she admitted with a chuckle and took another sip of the green liquid of envy. "I think I enjoy this one... very nice. I was skeptical of the melon-flavor, but it works somehow."

Her amber eyes watched him with interest as he actually did seem embarrassed, with how he was glancing down, and then there was just something about the look in his eyes as they met her gaze. "... Feelings are funny that way, no?"

She carefully placed her glass next to his on the bar and leaned comfortably against the bar with her elbow to supprt her. "I mean... it's funny. I get the feeling sometimes I should feel more competitive or jealous of this other woman, but, I just don't? Niall would... undoubtedly be a good match my parents would be thrilled over, but that doesn't mean it's a good match. Not that I think we'd ever be unhappy, as I consider him a good friend, but it kind of feels like it would root me firmly to Alderaan. Rather than the freedom I currently have to see the galaxy,." She chuckled and shook her head, looking back to Zanebry as she realised she had been rambling. "I'm probably not making a lot of sense now, am I?"
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Re: Toccata and Fugue (D11, ME, Three Drinks)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Thu Jul 05, 2018 3:58 am

"I'd have like to have a pet when young, my idea of sweets were probably not nearly a grand as yours. Maybe an extra serving of fruit, would of been my desire." He'd been a bit worried when she hadn't immediately said yum, but the following comments but him a bit more at ease. "I'm happy you do, I know you like sweet things, but you have a taste for Gin too, so I wasnt certain."

"They are at that, I admit I've been fighting with some of mine for a while now. They keep trying to insist I kiss you, but that's really not alright is it?" He probably shouldn't of said that, but it kept floating to the top of his head nearly every time she smiled.

"I dont know, I think you're making a bit of sense." He moved to lean against the bar along with her, but hesitated it would put them in rather close proximity, not that they hadn't been close thus far. "You love Aldeeran, that's easy to tell, but your chosen profession is that of an archaeologist. You want to explore, to see the galaxy with your own eyes, or that's how I see it. Too much a tie to your home might make that a bit more difficult?" It was a guess more then anything, as his eyes sought hers as he finally leaned against the bar, it felt appropriate after all, at least at the moment.
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Re: Toccata and Fugue (D11, ME, Three Drinks)

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Thu Jul 05, 2018 4:25 am

She felt her breath catching a little in her throat. "I... yes, something like that." Lyseil couldn't quite stop herself from fidgeting with the stem of the martini glass. "And I care for Niall, I do. He's a dear friend, and he's sweet and charming, but... well, maybe I should just let him pursue his jedi-love?"

The princess regarded the scoundrel with slightly downcast eyes. "... If you did, I wouldn't stop you," her voice was quiet as she admitted it, "but it could not be more than a kiss."

"Not only because of Niall, but also because... well, there's still much I'm learning about you yet."
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: Toccata and Fugue (D11, ME, Three Drinks)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Thu Jul 05, 2018 4:52 am

"He's a good man, I wont try to sway you from him. It's your decision to make." Whichever way it went, he could have no say in it.

At her words his hand came up to cup her cheek, a gentle pull guide her face towards his as he leaned in, his lips stopping inches short of hers. "As much as I want to, Lyseil I think I'll wait." His thumb brushed her cheek near her lips. "You not stopping me, isnt quite the same as you wanting me to, and I dont want to kiss you if the feelings arent mutual."

He pulled back, letting his hand fall away. "I can wait for that, and for us to get to know each other better."
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Re: Toccata and Fugue (D11, ME, Three Drinks)

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Thu Jul 05, 2018 5:31 am

Lyseil was expecting the kiss as she felt the touch of his hand guide her face closer towards his. It felt a bit exhilarating, for all the right and probably some of the less right reasons, like sneaking out at night to meet a boy - or that's what she would've compared it to if she had ever done that.

So she was somewhat surprised when the scoundrel turned out to be more of a gentleman than she had expected in this moment. "Clever man," she chuckled, as her hand briefly caressed the edge of his tie across his chest. "We could continue our exchange of questions from the previous night, or we could exchange stories about eachother accompanied by music? That is what we were planning to do, after all."
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Re: Toccata and Fugue (D11, ME, Three Drinks)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Thu Jul 05, 2018 5:53 am

"I'm called that from time to time." Zane replied as he let a little more distance between, resisting that kiss had taken more willpower then he'd like to admit.

"Music, questions can only get us so far. If we want to know more about each other music should definitely be involved." Was his reply as he moved towards the keyboard where it set ready. "I think we all put a little of ourselves into our performances after all."
Neutral * Human* Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Drifter * Fast Hands * Experienced Hat

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Re: Toccata and Fugue (D11, ME, Three Drinks)

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Thu Jul 05, 2018 5:59 am

"Somehow that doesn't surprise me, Z," she grinned, her laugh breathy and relaxed.

"Music and stories then. You're probably right that there is a lot one can tell about someone's performance... which I guess is similar with dancing, if seen through the eyes of a professional like yourself," Lyseil nodded and smoothed out her hair as they both went for their separate instruments. The glugging sound within the violin case reminded her that there was one more thing to do first. "Oh! I almost forgot! I brought you a gift," she flashed him a bright smile as she carefully placed down the violin case to open it.

Almost like a smuggler, it turned out she had a secret compartement in the case, just big enough for something small. In this case, predictably, a bottle. It had a label that looked undoubtedly Alderaanian, with the asesthetics of elegant shapes of leaves and vines embedded into the label. It said 'Elysium, X.O'.

"I wasn't sure if cognac was something you liked, but well, I felt I should give what I had brought from home to help you replenish after the jizz night. Not that it seems like you needed it now in hindsight..."
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Re: Toccata and Fugue (D11, ME, Three Drinks)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Thu Jul 05, 2018 6:50 am

He laughed along with her, the sound warm as he took his place btmybthe keyboard, pulling up a stool, but not yet sitting down.

"Yes, which is why I dont plan to let you forget that dance that you owe me. We were really just getting acquainted the last time we danced, I wonder how it will feel this time around." He watched as she opened the hidden compartment, his eyebrow raising in a unasked question.

As the bottle was revealed he couldn't help but smile, walking over so he could get a better look at it. "A gift is always welcome, Lyseil especially one so thoughtfully given." He extended his hands to take it, so he could get a better look at it.

"I dont drink a lot of Cognac, but it is a spirit I enjoy, perhaps if we can find the time, we can share a glass? I like to do that when someone brings me a gift like this."
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Gear: Audh'reh (blaster pistol), Izze'belle (blaster pistol), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat Jacket, Gloves, stims, utility belt, secure comm link

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Re: Toccata and Fugue (D11, ME, Three Drinks)

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Thu Jul 05, 2018 5:13 pm

The bottle was turned in her hands to give him a better look as it passed from her hands to his. "I'd love to do that some time. It's not something I drink a whole lot myself, but once in a while it's nice... I brought it along, thinking it would be something nice to have for the end of the campaign, but... I'd rather you have it."

Her family had suggested to give to the commander as a sign of good will, but that part Lyseil had conveniently forgotten for the past weeks. The commander probably wouldn't think too much about it anyway had been her logic.

"Now, you seemed surprised at my method of transport for it?" she chuckled. "Didn't think I was the type...?"
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Re: Toccata and Fugue (D11, ME, Three Drinks)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Thu Jul 05, 2018 6:03 pm

"I'm not sure I deserve so much consideration, Lyseil. But, I'm not going to argue with such a fine gift." Z let his smile turn a little teasing as he continued. "Does the lady have perfectly good cheeks for thanking by chance?"

If Zan had known the original destination for the bottle he might have argued a bit more, and there was still the fact he thought she share it with, Niall. He wasnt going to squander her good intentions though.

"To have a smuggling compartment in your violin case? Perhaps not quite. Next you're going to tell me you always keep a gun strapped to your thigh in your skirt, or maybe have a pair of tiny knives that look like hair pins." A warm laughed rolled from his lips. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised though, with everything you've told me."
Neutral * Human* Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Drifter * Fast Hands * Experienced Hat

Gear: Audh'reh (blaster pistol), Izze'belle (blaster pistol), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat Jacket, Gloves, stims, utility belt, secure comm link

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Re: Toccata and Fugue (D11, ME, Three Drinks)

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Thu Jul 05, 2018 6:16 pm

Suggesting to share it with Niall would've just pointed out the fact that the two of them had both agreed on giving what Alderaanian spirits they had to Zanebry to help him recoup from his donations to the jizz night. Damn Alderaanians coordinating their gifting.

"I like to think they're perfectly good, yes-yes," she chuckled, and almost instinctively brushed her fingers over her cheek as she moved her hand to tuck her hair behind her ear.

"I don't always keep a gun strapped to my thigh, but it is one of the many reasons I prefer longer and looser skirts. Maybe I should look into getting some hairpins like that?" The thought made her grin. It sounded to her like something you'd see in a holo-vid or something.
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Re: Toccata and Fugue (D11, ME, Three Drinks)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Thu Jul 05, 2018 7:07 pm

That response caused him to remove his hat, so he could lean in, and deliver a quick kiss to her cheek. "Thank you, Lyseil. I'll look forward to trying it." Zane said simply as he pulled away.

"That would make it easier to hide the fact you're wearing a gun." Or anything questionable for that matter. "I di suppose it's a bit hard to get to at the spurvif the moment though... Have you eve considered wearing something with a slit?" It was a casual question, more brought about by curiosity then anything.

"Maybe?" Hemis lips curled into a grin along with hers. "I admit I'd like to see what you look like with your hair up at least once." As much as he liked it when it was down.
Neutral * Human* Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Drifter * Fast Hands * Experienced Hat

Gear: Audh'reh (blaster pistol), Izze'belle (blaster pistol), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat Jacket, Gloves, stims, utility belt, secure comm link

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Re: Toccata and Fugue (D11, ME, Three Drinks)

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Thu Jul 05, 2018 7:27 pm

It was probably no surprise that she blushed as he kissed her cheek. It was in many ways, a rather innocent thing, but Zanebry did have that gentleman-quality she'd mostly seen just in old movies... not that the men of Alderaan weren't gentlemen, but they were so in a different way; more noble, less rogueish.

"Hm... maybe I should consider that next time I sneak into a jizz club in a warzone, instead of fatigues?" she said and pulled off a perfectly innocent smile. "But I did have my hair up at jizz night! Not very fancy, but I still did!" It was hard to resist flipping her hair with a flick of her hand for added effect as she turned her attention to her instrument for a moment as she took it out of its casing. Since it was made of wood rather than a more industrialised material was a tell-tale sign it was most likely made on her homeworld. "I just often prefer to have my hair loose when I'm not working in the field..."

"I have to ask though," Lyseil looked from her instrument to Zanebry again. "Any particular reason for the hat, besides style?"
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: Toccata and Fugue (D11, ME, Three Drinks)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Thu Jul 05, 2018 8:11 pm

"It was, wasn't it?" Z murmured thoughtfully, that had been so long ago he had almost forgot. "Well, if we can find you one, as well as another jizz club to sneak into." He shook his head. "I meant to revisit the one back on Rygor, but I never got the chance."

"That's quite the fine Violin." Zane murmured taking in the wooden instrument, they weren't exactly something he saw every day. "I wish I had an actual piano that was somewhere near as portable?"

"The hat?" He twirled it between his hands. "Fashion mostly, but it has a few other uses." Flipping it over, he pulled out a data chip stuck under the liner. "It can store small things, and serve in a few other ways. Keeps your head dry, and the sun out of your eyes as well." He rolled it in his hands as he placed it back on his head in a elaborate move. "Mostly I just like it though... Do you think it's a bit much?" Some ladies did after all.
Neutral * Human* Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Drifter * Fast Hands * Experienced Hat

Gear: Audh'reh (blaster pistol), Izze'belle (blaster pistol), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat Jacket, Gloves, stims, utility belt, secure comm link

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Re: Toccata and Fugue (D11, ME, Three Drinks)

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Thu Jul 05, 2018 8:47 pm

"Maybe after the fighting's over, there will be another chance?" she suggested, watching him place the hat back on his head. Aww, I didn't get a chance to put it on! "As for the hat... nah, if you weren't so stylishly dressed otherwise, it would be too much, but as it is - it compliments the entire ensemble." Lyseil wasn't a fashionista as such, preferring simple elegance over ostentatiousness herself, but she knew enough from her life amongst nobles to know when someone was well-dressed and when someone wasn't. And Z was very well-dressed.

"Ah, made back home. It was my grandmother's. She was from House Alde, and her daughter married my father into House Panteer. House Alde prides itself on preserving much of our history, as well as many of the more antiquated forms of art - such as instruments made the old way instead of with modern components." Lyseil glanced to the bar and back to Zanebry. "I'm surprised you don't have a piano on your ship, considering the size of your wardrobe, and the impressive bar."

Seeing as he was impressed with the instrument, she offered it for him to examine closer, if he so wanted.
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: Toccata and Fugue (D11, ME, Three Drinks)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Thu Jul 05, 2018 9:22 pm

There were only a few women in the galaxy that had the chance to model one of Z's hats, and sadly if Lady Panteer was to be one of them, it'd have to wait. At least for now. "I'd like that, to be able to take you out on a proper date. Though I recall you do like things a little more private." Maybe he'd have to consider his options as far as that went. "I suppose we'll just have to wait a bit to see what the future might hold."

He leaned in to inspect the violin more closely, a chance to steal the hat if she had a more mischievous bent. "It's beauty matches it's owners." He mused, half to himself as he reached out a hand to gently touch it, treating the instrument a bit more tenderly then might be required. "And it has a history, that's important."

"I suppose I have the room, at least in the hold... I suppose I just have to invest the credits, I wouldn't want something cheaply made after all. Maybe I'll pick one up after my time here. Though he wasn't exactly sure he would have all the credits acquired anytime soon." His lips curled into a sheepish smile. "I suppose in the meantime, I'll just have to make do."
Neutral * Human* Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Drifter * Fast Hands * Experienced Hat

Gear: Audh'reh (blaster pistol), Izze'belle (blaster pistol), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat Jacket, Gloves, stims, utility belt, secure comm link

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Re: Toccata and Fugue (D11, ME, Three Drinks)

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Thu Jul 05, 2018 9:40 pm

Lyseil did have a mischevious streak, but she also meant that mischief had its time and place... and right now didn't seem the right time to her to steal his hat. Not yet, at least.

"Always the flatterer," she murmured and chuckled a little. "Mother never really learned to play the violin, so I think she's happy I picked that up from grand-mother... " While the instrument was old, it seemed Lyseil did take good care of it, as it was in fine condition.

"Hmmm... you do seem to manage to make do somehow. Big and stylish wardrobe, your own ship, a fully stocked bar even after a night of partying... seems to me like you get by pretty well, being an independant man like that." Though she did wonder exactly what he did do to keep it all going around. It couldn't just be doing occassional jobs for the military like he was doing here?
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: Toccata and Fugue (D11, ME, Three Drinks)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Thu Jul 05, 2018 10:01 pm

"I prefer to say I tell it like it is." He murmured in reply, offering her a bit of a mischievous wink, as a sly smile played across his lips. "One of my sisters plays the Violin too, Enarra. I think she'd squee in delight to see this." His fingers lingered on the wood a moment longer before he pulled away. "I think your grandmother would be happy to see how you care for it, your mother too."

He stepped away towards his borrowed instrument, taking a seat on the small stool, they should probably start soon, or they might never get to it. "Better then some I imagine, though when I'm not doing things like this I'm almost always working." He couldn't spend every minute playing hero. "It takes at least a little effort to maintain my life style."
Neutral * Human* Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Drifter * Fast Hands * Experienced Hat

Gear: Audh'reh (blaster pistol), Izze'belle (blaster pistol), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat Jacket, Gloves, stims, utility belt, secure comm link

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Re: Toccata and Fugue (D11, ME, Three Drinks)

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Thu Jul 05, 2018 10:04 pm

"Who knows, she might get the chance to see it some day?" She did mean it sincerely, though she wasn't sure how that might happen. At least not at this point in time.

Lyseil nodded to Z as he took his seat. "Hmm... should you go first then? I'd like to hear more about what it is you do...?"
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
Combat: House Panteer Forces Armor (Defense 1, reduce damage from fire and burn by 1), grenades, Nova Blaster pistol, extra ammo, stims, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: Toccata and Fugue (D11, ME, Three Drinks)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Thu Jul 05, 2018 10:21 pm

"We never know where the future might take us, that's for certain." Though Lys meeting his sister did seem like a truly distant possibility.

"Alright then, let's start with something a bit classic." Zane said, as he shifted in his seat in preparation to play. Using his choice of song, as background to his voice.

"I do a lot of things honestly, I've taught dance, been a musician in various bars, even spent some time as a dealer in gambling establishments." There was a lingering pause as he let the music take the lead for a few moments.

"Even a bit of bounty hunting too. Investigation is what I really set my mind to though, finding information, stringing together facts. Even just keeping secrets from time to time." His lips curled into a wry smile. "Though that's usually to protect others, that's why I didn't mention who Orar blackmailed into releasing Melv. Though I have the information."

He shook his head. "Its also why I feel a little responsible for Eralynn and the way thing turned out here. I was asked to look into house Varad and Orar when I was back on Nar Shaddaa, but I let Project Evolution consume my attention." A frown made it's way on to his lips. "If I hadn't been so consumed by my own desires, maybe I could of stopped some of this." Somewhere along his explanation he had started rambling, but his came to the end along with the song.
Neutral * Human* Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Drifter * Fast Hands * Experienced Hat

Gear: Audh'reh (blaster pistol), Izze'belle (blaster pistol), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat Jacket, Gloves, stims, utility belt, secure comm link

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Re: Toccata and Fugue (D11, ME, Three Drinks)

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Thu Jul 05, 2018 11:57 pm

As Zanebry's fingers began touching the keys of the instrument, she found herself pleasantly surprised by the tune. As he paused to let the music take over the conversation, Lyseil seated herself comfortably with her drink in hand, and she listened with interest to both his story and the melody.

"So, a teacher, a musician, a card-dealer, a bounty hunter, and a private detective. You know how to keep yourself occupied, it seems. I was surprised earlier today about what you had uncovered about the Varad, particularly Orar Varad..." she felt she was allowed to show that she was impressed with the work he had done. "Don't blame yourself for what happened, Z."

Placing down her glass and picking up the bow, Lyseil wondered for a moment what she'd play. And what she would say. In the end, she settled on a classical piece from an Alderaanian composer. It felt right to start with something easy, something timeless.

"Remember I said once, when we first met, that I had survived an encounter with an acklay?" she had an easy smile as she played, with her eyes closed and almost serene-like.

"It was my first expedition as a research assistant; it's what most do when working on their degree. We were on Felucia, which is a pretty exotic but wild world in the Outer Rim... looking into what could possibly be ruins from the founding of the Jedi Order. Things seemed to be going fine the first days. We'd found the site and work was going well... the heat wasn't too bad, but the humidity was the worst. Or so we thought, until we got an up close experience with one of the biggest predators on the world there."

"An acklay stumbled upon our camp. It all happened rather quickly, and I don't really know how I managed to react as fast as I did - maybe my training from back home with the House Forces, but I shot a flare gun at it's face, knowing the beast to be sensitive to light due to their preferred habitat and usual activity. They're also supposedly near-sighted. It was stunned enough, enough for everyone to start running. I managed to keep everyone together in a group, and got to a safe location not too far away; a cave with a low ceiling, about less than a meter if my memory serves me right. Too small for something so big to get in. Now, I had no idea if there would be anything dangerous in there, but in that moment it seemed like a better chance than facing an angry and large predator."

She paused as she focused on the music instead for an interval.

"We stayed in there for a long time until it was safe to leave. I think everyone were surprised that it was the Alderaanian princess that had reacted with a cool head, and was later keeping everyone organized until help could arrive. I just... wish I had managed to save everyone. There was another assistant, who died during the attack on the camp. But I often feel worse for not really remembering him when I look back at the memories in my head; what he looked like, what he was like."

Lyseil sighed and finished the piece. It seemed it was more the latter part that weighed on her, than the fact that she hadn't been able to save the man.
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
Profile | Theme 2

Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
Combat: House Panteer Forces Armor (Defense 1, reduce damage from fire and burn by 1), grenades, Nova Blaster pistol, extra ammo, stims, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: Toccata and Fugue (D11, ME, Three Drinks)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Fri Jul 06, 2018 12:54 am

"I'll keep that in mind, Lyseil." He offered with a soft smile, and for a moment he lingered on saying more. The man wasnt quite ready to share all his secrets though, not yet.

He rose from his seat as she started playing, walking to the bar to fetch his drink as her own song began. It was lovely, and he had to admit he had always loved the Violin, even if Enarra and He were more adept at arguing then anything.

"That's never easy, when you stop and realize you no longer recall how someone looked, the set of their jaw or the exact color of their hair." He took a sip of his drink, letting the silence linger for a moment. "Honestly I think that's the hardest thing, when we finally realize our memories aren't perfect."

Walking across the room, he offered her his hand. "I know we decided on music and stories, but I think this is a good time to pause, so I could show you a few things."
Neutral * Human* Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Drifter * Fast Hands * Experienced Hat

Gear: Audh'reh (blaster pistol), Izze'belle (blaster pistol), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat Jacket, Gloves, stims, utility belt, secure comm link

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