Re: Cloud 9 (Day 11 Late Evening, Three drinks)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Fri Jul 13, 2018 5:32 am

"But you do try and read your partner." He replied with a easy smile. "You're right though, you do try and hide yourself. In that way dancing is completely different."

"Its that sort of thing you're looking for, the subtle hints as to my intentions, a quickened breath and a shift in weight, that might indicate a more complicated move." He took a moment to hold his breath as he tried to match his breathing to hers. "When you learn how to read that you can respond to it, even without words. Z smiled at her as his breathing came more in time with hers. "Feel a difference now?"
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Re: Cloud 9 (Day 11 Late Evening, Three drinks)

Postby Tethys Carrack » Sat Jul 14, 2018 5:35 am

“Somewhat," she says with an inward, faintly pleased expression. Breath, music, hands, feet--she can track them all, in the right state of mind, though bringing her movements as closely in tune as her instinct would like them to be is an additional challenge. "I can tell when you're going to do something. I don't--" she shuffles a bit awkwardly to get her feet into the right place and regain the rhythm after a slight misstep "--always predict what it will be."

She follows the next few bars of movement with more success, the muscles of her back and sides gradually becoming a little more relaxed under his hand. "As an apprentice I memorized the formal dances of several worlds. But most of those have a set sequence. This is more... improvisational."
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Re: Cloud 9 (Day 11 Late Evening, Three drinks)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Sat Jul 14, 2018 10:34 am

"That will became easier with practice." Z conceded, a faint smile on his lips, adding a simple twirl to the sequence,as she seemed to be getting a better grip on things. He worked with her missteps,trying to help her get back in time with him and the music,she seemed to have the most trouble when she was talking.

"That's why I like it. The formal dances, those are things anyone can do,they lack personality, the pieces of you that make dancing truly enjoyable. For as pretty as some of those formal dances can be, to me they are little more then marching in time." She was improving and relaxing and his smile widened a she continued. "You're relaxing, that's good. You were so tight before, I almost wanted to stop and offer you a massage."
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Re: Cloud 9 (Day 11 Late Evening, Three drinks)

Postby Tethys Carrack » Sun Jul 15, 2018 8:43 am

"I should not be surprised massage is in your repertoire." Her lips twitch at that, and a breath of laughter escapes her throat. "So, for you, this is a way to gauge personality... but I imagine there are parts of your personality you still prefer not to share with every dance partner." Quirking an eyebrow, she adds, "Even you must hold something back."
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Re: Cloud 9 (Day 11 Late Evening, Three drinks)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Sun Jul 15, 2018 10:15 am

His lips curl into a wicked little smile. "There are quite a few things in my repertoire you've yet to experience, Tethys. It's your loss you don't wish to experience some of them." He teased,adding a twirl to the dance, that hopefully he telegraphed enough for her to expect. "But yes, on both parts. There are pieces of me I don't let most people know. Not until I know them better at the very least."
Neutral * Human* Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Drifter * Fast Hands * Experienced Hat

Gear: Audh'reh (blaster pistol), Izze'belle (blaster pistol), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat Jacket, Gloves, stims, utility belt, secure comm link

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