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[MA2] - You Can Be My Wingmate, Anytime

Postby Durasay Mixo » Mon Jun 04, 2018 9:14 am

Durasay had been wandering the Encampment after the little fishing excursion earlier. Finding himself at the Hangar, Durasay couldn't help but admire the various craft. Especially the starfighters. They might be a few decades old, but they were certainly impressive. He grinned, moving through the tech crews, until he found a fighter that was being left alone. Raising a hand, he gently run it across the armored plating, walking the length of the thing, admiring her.

Maybe, in another life, he would have been a pilot...
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Re: [MA2] - You Can Be My Wingmate, Anytime

Postby Chase » Mon Jun 04, 2018 12:14 pm

Loud beeping and whirring came from behind followed by the loud screech of an astromech. Speeding across and nearly slamming into him it went crazy, beeping erratically.

"T, jeez, not everyone touching the ship is trying to steal it," Chase said from beyond the other side of the craft. The T7 unit beeped quizzically in response. "Yes, really."

Appearing from around the ship the woman herself came to full view. Far shorter than the Pantoran but hardly intimidated by this fact. "Sorry about T here, he's an excited little bucket of bolts," T beeped excitedly, "I meant it endearingly, I promise," T beeped suspiciously, "anyway, what's brought you here? Please don't tell me you're actually trying to take the ship alright? Don't need to give him the satisfaction."
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Re: [MA2] - You Can Be My Wingmate, Anytime

Postby Durasay Mixo » Tue Jun 05, 2018 12:02 am

"Just admiring her." He nodded, looking over the craft, before looking down to the excited utility droid. "A fine machine of war, sleek lines and sharp angles." Finally, he turned away, looking to Chase. The easy going smile never left, as he shrugged. "Though I have had a history of taking ships, well, one ship, before. But it was either that or die, so... I don't think it's all the same." He laughed a bit, then offered a hand.

"Durasay Mixo. A pleasure to meet one of the Republic Pilots."
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Re: [MA2] - You Can Be My Wingmate, Anytime

Postby Chase » Tue Jun 05, 2018 1:09 am

"Chase," she offered her hand as T went off on a beeping tirade, certainly about his mistrust. Once a thief always a thief and it's a warzone! "Lieutenant, if that comes to be a necessary bit of information some day. What happened that you needed to take a ship? Sounds like you've got quite the story there."
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Re: [MA2] - You Can Be My Wingmate, Anytime

Postby Durasay Mixo » Tue Jun 05, 2018 4:21 pm

"Escape plan from a facility that was set to explode. Needed to explode. Nothing too crazy." Durasay grinned as she mentioned her rank. "Oh, uh, Senator. If that ever comes up." Looking down to the T-series droid, he cocked his head.

"You seem a little high strung. Maybe a nice oil bath for you?" He spoke to the droid, not really sure what was beeped.

"I got separated from my crew on that mission. Couldn't make it back to their ship, so I had to improvise."
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Re: [MA2] - You Can Be My Wingmate, Anytime

Postby Chase » Tue Jun 05, 2018 9:44 pm

T beeped curiously, then happily, and went on about circling the ship once. Chase only smirked and shook her head as the droid went off before looking back to Dur, "What was the ship?" she asked.
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Re: [MA2] - You Can Be My Wingmate, Anytime

Postby Durasay Mixo » Tue Jun 05, 2018 11:17 pm

"Nothing special. Some little patrol boat that was barely serviceable at that. Had to get rid of it because it was too hot to keep. Made some change off of it, managed to square away a few things with my crew." He shrugged again, thinking back to that little adventure. "I'd rather have an old freighter than that thing, anyway. Or a sharp new fighter." Durasay grinned at that, then looked back to Chase.

"Though a fighter would have been better at dodging that torpedo than we were."
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Re: [MA2] - You Can Be My Wingmate, Anytime

Postby Chase » Wed Jun 06, 2018 1:32 am

"That was you then?" she said, taking a moment to shake her head. Losing a little bit of her height as she slid back on her feet. "Seems I've already failed you back there Senator, I shoulda been ready for that ace of theirs but I pushed my ship to the limits already pushing myself against that Frigate. Felt like we were running out of time but... I wonder if that was a lack of judgement on my part. I shoulda been there to pull her off but I wasn't."

"Everyone make it out alright at least?"
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Re: [MA2] - You Can Be My Wingmate, Anytime

Postby Durasay Mixo » Wed Jun 06, 2018 8:16 am

"Well, technically, my friend's ship. I was just one of the crew." He regarded her closely as she seemed to take it rather hard. "No, you did your duty. The objective wasn't to protect a freighter. The object was to break the blockade. We broke through. That frigate was forced out of orbit, freeing the skies." He was firm as he spoke, his smile was confident, almost arrogant. "Nice flying out there. Your shot definitely opened up the lane for us." And then, he beamed.

"Only a few bumps and bruises, we made it out alright. The Turtle... she's seen better days. But Nudimsu's a hell of a pilot and managed to keep us from completely wrecking her. They've got her hauled over here." He pointed to the hunk of junk across the hangar that was being worked on. "She'll fly again. I know it."
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Re: [MA2] - You Can Be My Wingmate, Anytime

Postby Chase » Wed Jun 06, 2018 8:49 am

"That kinda thinking belongs with the Empire, they can get their mission done and leave their people behind but here in the Republic we've got standards, I shoulda watched over you until you were back but I made a bad call and there's no discounting that Senator. That is my mistake to own and I won't let you or anyone try to take it from me. I'll get better for it, just a good thing nothing more than someones pocket got hurt because of the mess-up."

"Nuff about that though, if she's not your ship we should probably talk more about you, what brings a Senator from.. wherever in space you're a Senator from to become a part of a Strike Force on Bankor?"
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Re: [MA2] - You Can Be My Wingmate, Anytime

Postby Durasay Mixo » Wed Jun 06, 2018 7:17 pm

Durasay waved his hand, then smiled, figuring it was best to let the subject drop rather than continue the discussion on what was or wasn't necessary when in the skies. Her follow up question wasn't entirely unexpected, he was just surprised that that happened to be a question for a lot of people.

"Pantora. And I am here because I felt I needed to be. The people here are in trouble, and with my experience, I can be a lot more useful here on the planet than I ever could in committees." He shrugged. "I just trust my instincts, and the Force, when it comes to places to get involved."
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Re: [MA2] - You Can Be My Wingmate, Anytime

Postby Chase » Thu Jun 07, 2018 1:53 am

"Must be nice to get all that guidance from the Force, you, Jedi, almost seems like everyones falling into their idea of the galaxy nowadays, so swept up in this war I guess. Everyone needs something to believe in," she said, T came around and wheeled up to her side and sat there. One shoulder leaned against the craft they were beside and the other hand on the top of the T7 unit Chase relaxed a little there. "Pantoran senators always so adventurous or is that just your personal lot in life? Most senators I've met would sooner be back in their cushy rooms than slumming it down here with the troops."
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Re: [MA2] - You Can Be My Wingmate, Anytime

Postby Durasay Mixo » Thu Jun 07, 2018 5:29 am

"I was a soldier, then a smuggler, before becoming a Senator. I'm more at home here than I am in a floating disc over thousands of other delegates." He smiled a bit, shaking his head. "But this is definitely more my lot than most Pantoran's. Adventure. Excitement. Even growing up, I never quite got past that stage of my life."

He looked to T7, before back to Chase's face. "I care more about doing the right thing, than any glory or honor that comes with it. This is the right thing to do."
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Re: [MA2] - You Can Be My Wingmate, Anytime

Postby Chase » Fri Jun 08, 2018 2:25 am

"Lived quite the life Senator, well, I'm sure the resistance is glad for you being here. You ever find yourself in need of a pilot, be it here or elsewhere, be sure to give me a call. I'd wager you're not gonna find anyone who knows flying quite like me," she said with no shortage of confidence.
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Re: [MA2] - You Can Be My Wingmate, Anytime

Postby Durasay Mixo » Fri Jun 08, 2018 7:26 am

"My friend Nudimsu might take exception to that." He laughed at it, giving a wink. "Despite how bad the Turtle looks right now, he can make her fly like nothing else. Maybe you two should meet? Or race." He looked back to the fight for a moment. "Though I would be lying if I said I didn't want to go up in one of these, sometime."
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Re: [MA2] - You Can Be My Wingmate, Anytime

Postby Chase » Sat Jun 09, 2018 8:11 am

"You'd need to sign up with the Republic, get licensed, you know, all that stuff that proves to people you're as good as you say you are," she said with no short of boastful confidence.
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Re: [MA2] - You Can Be My Wingmate, Anytime

Postby Durasay Mixo » Sat Jun 09, 2018 8:41 am

"I'm no pilot. Tactical officer, sure. I do better on bridges of freighters and larger. Maybe a two-man fighter as a co-pilot." He shrugged. "Shame these aren't big enough to bring a passenger along to see how much they can take in maneuvers before they pass out." He laughed, recalling stories he had heard from other fighter pilots.
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Re: [MA2] - You Can Be My Wingmate, Anytime

Postby Chase » Sat Jun 09, 2018 11:39 am

"That's not quite what I imagined when you said flying one of these, but sure, I guess it gives you an idea of the thrill? Corpsmen tend to make the mistake that it's easier to fly one of these birds in space, less gravity I guess they think, but they still kick like a mule when you get tricky," she said, stepping apart from the craft to just sorta look at her for a moment. "So, a leader of men is what you are eh? Never really counted much on those when the going got tough but I guess your lot has their uses."
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Re: [MA2] - You Can Be My Wingmate, Anytime

Postby Durasay Mixo » Sun Jun 10, 2018 7:18 am

"A shame. A gifted commander can turn the tide of battle." He also stepped back, standing next to the ace pilot. "It takes a certain mind to keep assessing the full tactical situation, and adapt to any new situations." His arms easily slipped behind his back, his posture attentive yet relaxed.
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Re: [MA2] - You Can Be My Wingmate, Anytime

Postby Chase » Sun Jun 10, 2018 10:32 am

Chase eyed him a little warily, like she was prepared for him to be setting himself up in a position to give a good and proper lengthy speech about just how useful someone like he was is. Surely, she'd seen a politician or three take such the self-same stance before they went on about the good work they did for the Republic and how their actions saved lives. Something Chase very much always doubted from her view in the cockpit, more often than not those Senators at least mucked things up and made everything much much more difficult. Not the same could be said for men leading people into battle but when it came down to it the people you needed most were the ones who actually flew the planes and fired the guns and as far as Chase was concerned she'd always be doing the greater work.

It was probably why she chose to become a pilot for the Republic in the first place, or something.

"Maybe it does, Senator, but unless you can keep up in the heat of it as well as the guy next to you. You're not really gonna find all too much respect, there's always gonna be something you miss unless you've actually flown yourself. Maybe that might help for armies, or forces on the ground, but flying ain't quite the same. There's something you gotta feel to understand and until you got that you ain't got nothing beyond what you might get outta reading a book about flying. Expensive paper weight that is."
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