Republic Encampment

[Day 4 - Mid Evening] Command Staff Briefing II

Postby Jace Malcom » Sun Jun 10, 2018 7:57 pm

Jace waited in his command tent, the map of the region up with his usual command staff.
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Re: [Day 4 - Mid Evening] Command Staff Briefing II

Postby Tethys Carrack » Mon Jun 11, 2018 1:53 am

Tethys ducks through the tent opening, moving stiffly. She's out of armor, so the bandage around her left shoulder and upper chest is fairly obvious underneath her clothing. She gives Commander Malcolm a laconic nod of greeting, somewhat abbreviated by the discomfort of moving her neck too much.
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Re: [Day 4 - Mid Evening] Command Staff Briefing II

Postby Chase » Mon Jun 11, 2018 1:55 am

Chase was present at these as she was able. Delegated to the task by a superior she was here in some case to speak for and represent the air forces of the Republic. Speaking, and retrieving on information for her fellow pilots. Dressed in her pilot fatigues she found a proper space just outside the main circle of more senior staff.
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Re: [Day 4 - Mid Evening] Command Staff Briefing II

Postby Dr. Cole Ormont » Mon Jun 11, 2018 2:21 am

The desert environment doesn't agree with Cole, and he has a thermal cloak over his new desert fatigues to ward off the rapidly falling temperatures now that the sun is setting.
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Re: [Day 4 - Mid Evening] Command Staff Briefing II

Postby Durasay Mixo » Mon Jun 11, 2018 2:29 am

Durasay was there, the helmet removed from his heavy battle armor. The thermal cloak from his survival kit draped over him, he was excited for the cold temperatures of the night.

It'll feel like home...
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Re: [Day 4 - Mid Evening] Command Staff Briefing II

Postby Leontyne Saresh » Mon Jun 11, 2018 7:09 am

The senator was there looking somewhat annoyed but focused on the map.
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Re: [Day 4 - Mid Evening] Command Staff Briefing II

Postby Jace Malcom » Mon Jun 11, 2018 7:58 am

Jace got started, “Well before I cover the day’s events and our progress I thought it important that we look forward to where we want to go. Our Intelligence has identified three locations of varying tactical importance,” he said beginning his meeting.

He brought up a map of he northern continent, “This location just came up after the Valiant Star intercepted encrypted communication coming from a station on the surface. We thought it might be Mandalorian, but the spooks say it is Imperial code. Which makes it tactically important if we have Imperial forces on the ground,” he said grimly.

“The conditions are inhospitable for most of us, sub-zero temperatures, constant ice storms, and near zero visibility but if the Imperials are on the ground we should check it out.”

“Next we have the Viridian Sea, a vast wilderness of kilometer high trees dotted by forested plateaus. We received a communication via the Resistance that an order of monks, Force Users, are requesting our aid. The Aznuri Monks could be a vital ally against the Mandalorians, the conditions would still be dangerous with high humidity and heat… tropical disease could be rampant.”

He finished with slight disgust on his face, “Dango the Hutt has reached out to our Strike Force and requested that we divert our forces to Flogston Paradise, a resort on a chain of archipelago. Tactically this is the most advantageous but I loathe doing anything to aid the Hutt cartels. Plus we believe there pit fighters there being kept as slaves… so I wouldn’t mind freeing them,” he finished.

“Again we really only have the manpower to go after a single target.”
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Re: [Day 4 - Mid Evening] Command Staff Briefing II

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:04 am

Lyseil had her thermal cloak wrapped snuggly around herself, only showing parts of her tailored uniform underneath, but the young woman still shivered in the evening chill. And it's going to be even colder?!? No one told me this was going to be like visiting skiing resort!
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Re: [Day 4 - Mid Evening] Command Staff Briefing II

Postby Durasay Mixo » Mon Jun 11, 2018 6:22 pm

"As much as I would enjoy a nice vacation to sub-zero temperatures." Durasay smiled as he spoke, listening to the options presented, "The Imperial Presence could be ignored, for now. Seeing as we are in a peace treaty, any action we take could jeopardize all the hard work done at Nar Shaddaa, and bring us a secondary enemy in this fight we simply don't need. Good way to lose a war is to fight on two fronts, especially with our slim resources." The Senator looked about the room, regarding the others present.

"Why is Flogston tactically advantageous? Pit Fighters might be useful grunts, but you'll have to deal with any psychological trauma first, otherwise, we're taking them from one hell, and putting them in another. That doesn't exactly sound like something that would endear us with the local populace, with all due respect, Commander." The Pantoran moved from where he was standing, approaching the tactical readout. His eyes scanning it, regarding each option.

"The Monks. The Force is a powerful ally to have. And dealing with tropical disease shouldn't be too bad for us, given the nature of kolto and our own resources. I would make that as highest priority, commander. For both cultural and tactical reasonings."
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Re: [Day 4 - Mid Evening] Command Staff Briefing II

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Mon Jun 11, 2018 6:33 pm

"Sir," proper salute and all, "I agree with the senator." Lyseil's tone was just inches away from having an exclamation mark with her chipperness.

"Not that we can underestimate the dangers of tropical diseases as kolto does not apply to all variants of insect-borne infections, and I would suggest mosquito nettings to be in place for all barracks to prevent potential outbreaks from the more common carriers of such diseases." If she had a pair of glasses, she'd be pushing them up the bridge of her nose for added effect.

"But I believe we should avoid potentially butting heads with the Imps in a military-conflict for the moment, as I'm sure those guys could somehow twist it to their own agenda if we did and the last thing we want is to endanger the current peace treaty. Likewise, I'm not so sure about doing something that benefits the Hutts, as I doubt they would give us full information of what is actually going on there. Hutt resorts and holdings are ripe with all sorts of illegal goods and being in its vicinity could draw out questionable behaviour from people looking to make a quick profit."

And imagine what a local Force tradition could have! Wheee!
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Re: [Day 4 - Mid Evening] Command Staff Briefing II

Postby Dr. Cole Ormont » Mon Jun 11, 2018 7:28 pm

Cole crossed his arms, if the strike force had been more open to hearing out the Imperial offer, they’d probably already know what was going on in the north, and whether or not they could expect cooperation from any Imperials already on the ground. Yet, despite his growing resentment towards the senator, it wasn’t worth starting a fight over the immediate assumption that the Imperial force was hostile; Cole agreed that the situation could wait, just for different reasons.
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Re: [Day 4 - Mid Evening] Command Staff Briefing II

Postby Leontyne Saresh » Mon Jun 11, 2018 7:47 pm

“I think differently if the Imperials are on planet we need to know why and what they are up to. It may be the most important objective on the planet, my people will not trade vicious Mandalorians for despotic Imperials,” Saresh replied.

“Leaving them alone is dangerous.”
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Re: [Day 4 - Mid Evening] Command Staff Briefing II

Postby Jace Malcom » Mon Jun 11, 2018 7:50 pm

Jace replied to Durasay, “Flogston is the closest position to our ultimate objective to strike at Varo Kryze. That to me makes it an excellent staging ground.”

“The Force is a powerful ally though.”
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Re: [Day 4 - Mid Evening] Command Staff Briefing II

Postby Durasay Mixo » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:40 pm

"Senator," Durasay spoke to Senator Saresh, his mood affable, calming. He contemplated reaching out with the Force, but decided against it. "We have a buffer of protection with the treaty, and while I would be extremely comfortable in the frozen north, thermal cloaks only do so much. Our logistics base would struggle there, for a weakened position against the immediate threat." He turned again to the map, a hand drawn to his chin.

"And if the Empire were to make the first move here, I would be first in line to volunteer to fight them off, just as I said in the Senate." He offered her a smile, then looked to the Commander.

"Do we have any advance recon, Commander? What would logistics and supplies look like to travel to Flogston or the Monastery?" His posture shifted to Parade Rest.
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Re: [Day 4 - Mid Evening] Command Staff Briefing II

Postby Jace Malcom » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:46 pm

“The logistics are about the same after crunching the numbers, it really comes down to what we feel is the most advantageous target,” he said honestly.
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Re: [Day 4 - Mid Evening] Command Staff Briefing II

Postby Chase » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:54 pm

"Are we really down to what's advantageous and crunching numbers? While the Imperial presence is concerning to me as much as it is surely to Senator Saresh here, can't trust those Imp bastards as far as you can throw them. Especially after they came anyway despite our not accepting their offer of assistance," ChasI think e said as she stepped forward.

"There are people in one of these locations that if we don't help now, no one is going to help them... ever. I'd like to bring up the topic the Senator from Pantora brought up, the mental stability of the individuals forced into the pit fighting rings. Isn't that reason enough to go help them? Why is it that we look as their instability as a reason to not help them. What, because they can't help us? Is that really why the Republic is here? I think it's disgusting we even considered using them as soldiers without them first making the offer because they wish to but to use that as a reasoning to not help them?"

Chase stepped back, visibly repulsed by the idea, "It's damn disgusting."

"Anyway, I think helping those pitfighters might go a long way to show the common people that we're the saviors we told them we were and that we're not gonna forget the little guy. If nothing else I said sold you on the idea, maybe that will."
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Re: [Day 4 - Mid Evening] Command Staff Briefing II

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:57 pm

Lyseil nodded in confirmation that the numbers were indeed more or less the same in hindsight after accounting for what the natural resources could provide for them.

"The Viridian Sea does change the nature of operations from both sides though, as the terrain will not allow for what we saw this morning in the desert... with them sending out prisoners for sport in the open like that. The forested plateus will provide more opportunties for ambush tactics and guerilla warfare. Which can also of course be used to our advantage to keep our own operations more secluded."

The Panteer's usual cheerful disposition slipped as she listened to Chase. "I'm... not sure if we have the staff or resources on hand to actually help prisoners suffering such high levels of PTSD, or the resources to have them evacuated off-planet to facilities that can provide them with the help they will need to recover." She seemed very unsure of herself in this matter.
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Re: [Day 4 - Mid Evening] Command Staff Briefing II

Postby Chase » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:01 pm

"If we can't help a handful of prisoners out of their bonds in a Hutt pleasure pit, how can we possibly help the people of Bankor?" she asked, looking straight at the woman challenging the shaky grounds she propped her argument on.
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Re: [Day 4 - Mid Evening] Command Staff Briefing II

Postby Dr. Cole Ormont » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:18 pm

“Strike Force Aurek Hawk simply doesn’t have the resources to begin rehabilitating such severe trauma.” Cole adjusted his spectacles, his tone was cool and precise, “while getting them out of the pits sooner rather than later is essential, they have years of physical and mental therapy ahead of them. We are all already painfully aware that we cannot help everyone,” he indicated to Camp 43-Besh on the map.

The work camp seemed mockingly close to the strike force’s position near Rygor, “your argument is specious and inflammatory, Lieutenant.”
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Re: [Day 4 - Mid Evening] Command Staff Briefing II

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:20 pm

Lyseil silently gave a prayer of thanks to whatever listened, and a grateful nod to the doctor. "Thank you," she murmured with sincere gratitude.

She really wanted to help all the people too, but... damn, this is why she hated being here in a warzone.
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Re: [Day 4 - Mid Evening] Command Staff Briefing II

Postby Chase » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:42 pm

Chase looked around for anyone with a heart in the room, anyone who remembered what the Republic was supposed to be about.
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Re: [Day 4 - Mid Evening] Command Staff Briefing II

Postby Chief Po'xin » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:48 pm

Chase wrote:Chase looked around for anyone with a heart in the room, anyone who remembered what the Republic was supposed to be about.

“People need help, then we do the saving that’s the Republic I signed up for. I know we got to worry about logistics and morale, but ultimately we signed up to put our butts on the line for those that can’t do it themselves. It’s what makes us better than the Mandos and the Imps,” the Chief muttered gruffly.

“May not be tactical, but it is right.”
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Re: [Day 4 - Mid Evening] Command Staff Briefing II

Postby Dr. Cole Ormont » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:53 pm

Cole pushed his spectacles up the bridge of his nose with his index finger and ran a hand through his hair. “Is there something more to your argument, Lieutenant? Perhaps a more personal reason why you wish to aid these pit fighters?” More than you wanted to help the prisoners of Camp 43-Besh, he silently added.
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Re: [Day 4 - Mid Evening] Command Staff Briefing II

Postby Chase » Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:44 pm

Chase didn't bother to hide her grin and gave an appreciative nod to her company in this fight. They needed to be better, they need to be the Republic.

"You calling into questioning my reasoning? I think I made it as clear as Chief Po'xin here. I signed up to help people, to fight for what was right, that's what almost every servicemen I've met has signed up for. We're the damned Republic, that's what we do. If I'm gonna have to be one of the few to stand up for what's right, what we're supposed to be doing here, than you can bet you're gonna start hearing a lot more from me," she said, standing off against this man now. Chase's posture was strong and sure.

"I didn't think I'd need to sell this point this hard to you, but looks like that's where we are."
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Re: [Day 4 - Mid Evening] Command Staff Briefing II

Postby Nekoinu » Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:53 pm


"The SIS will have to investigate the Imperial presence regardless," Claire added. She was bundled up warmly and kept herself snug inside her crossed arms. "And last I checked, Bankor was a world of the Republic. This isn't some uncharted world where we are both exploring."

She gave a slight shrug. "As far as I see it, both the pit fighters and the local Force users need help. We're helping somebody in need regardless."
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