Republic Encampment

Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Niall Organa » Mon Jun 11, 2018 7:37 pm

The mission would be underway in just a few hours. His gear was already assembled and ready. In a little while, he would be meeting his team and heading out.

But for now, Niall was just wandering the camp, his stride easy, his gaze going this way and that. There was always a strange mix of peacefulness and energy around a military camp that he found interesting. And observing it helped him to remember the people he was responsible for.
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:03 pm

Lyseil wasn't sure if she disliked the heat more, or being the pencil-pusher that had to go and look for missing reports. At least she was fairly sure she was missing some reports from this morning, and while Jace probably didn't even read half of them, it was still her job to see that they were done.

"Oh! Captain Organa!" the sergeant picked up her pace... for like two steps before she remembered the heat and slowed down to a normal pace again. The thermal cloak was keeping away the worst of the heat, but she still hadn't gotten used to it.
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
Combat: House Panteer Forces Armor (Defense 1, reduce damage from fire and burn by 1), grenades, Nova Blaster pistol, extra ammo, stims, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Niall Organa » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:15 pm

Niall's attention immediately went to the sound of his name, his expression polite. It wasn't unusual for someone to be addressing him by his name and rank in a military camp, after all. So often someone needed his attention for something, or just wanted to tell him that he was more or less handsome than in the recruitment posters in which he featured.

Spotting the young woman, though, Niall's brows drew down. He was good with faces and names, and yet seeing this particular face, and remembering that particular name didn't make any sense. Not here.

And yet... "Lyseil Panteer? Is that you?" Niall asked, his surprise evident in his tone.
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:17 pm

"Yes, sergeant Lyseil Panteer," she gave a salute, but it was more for show than anything, but she did go a bit bug-eyed as she actually saw now who this Captain Organa was. "... Wow, I didn't think the Captain Alderaan was the dorky Niall!"

Lyseil laughed a little. "Wow... huh. That's a little awkward... and I've been handling your paperwork all this time without knowing!"
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
Combat: House Panteer Forces Armor (Defense 1, reduce damage from fire and burn by 1), grenades, Nova Blaster pistol, extra ammo, stims, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Niall Organa » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:29 pm

Somewhat vaguely, Niall returned the salute. He was still trying to get over the mental shock.

Being called dorky helped. "Dorky?" His lips quirked, his grey eyes narrowing just a little. "Hah. I'd like to think that I was just studious. One had to be at the Alderaanian Young Men's Service Academy."

He cleared his throat. "Have you been here all this time? Handling my paperwork?"
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:40 pm

"I think I thought most of you boys from the Young Men's Service to be dorks." Said the bookish one with the higher education.

"Uh, yes!" Lyseil nodded. "Or rather, the Commander's paperwork. Desk-sergeant, really... I command legions of reports and kaff is my weapon! Not that reports need to be in physical condition, of course, so that's probably why we haven't seen eachother. Though I didn't see any reports from you about this morning's contact with the Mandalorians...?" her voice trailed of gently into a question, leaving him room to correct the matter if she had just missed it.
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
Combat: House Panteer Forces Armor (Defense 1, reduce damage from fire and burn by 1), grenades, Nova Blaster pistol, extra ammo, stims, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Niall Organa » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:59 pm

"Hmmm." Niall's lips quirked. "You should hear what we thought about the girls from the Select Academy." Actually, mostly it had been along the lines of 'whoa, girls!', but never mind that.

"Ah... Sergeant." Niall's eyebrow went up. "We last saw each other... what, eight years ago? Is your first question to me really about my paperwork?" He studied her, his grey eyes glinting with humor.
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:08 pm

Lyseil frowned for a moment, which made her look somewhat frumpy in this weather.

"Well, that is why I'm here..." she sighed, "but I guess I can spare some time to be social. I think our teachers would both have aunerysms if we didn't. So, how did you go from being such a dork to becoming the poster-boy for the Republic military?"
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
Combat: House Panteer Forces Armor (Defense 1, reduce damage from fire and burn by 1), grenades, Nova Blaster pistol, extra ammo, stims, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Niall Organa » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:16 pm

"Indeed." Niall said dryly. "Graduates from our particular schools have certain expectations to meet. Once we've put in the socially expected amount of time, I can get you the paperwork."

"Hmmm." He paused, his gaze going distant. His thermal cloak was actually fairly well integrated with his uniform, making him look professional. It probably wasn't fair. "I won't say that it was all hard work, although I do work hard. But a lot of it was just being in the right place at the right time. Or sometimes the wrong place at the right time." He sighed, his lips pressing together.

He looked back at Lyseil. "And what about you? One can hardly guess the trajectory of a life at twelve, but I didn't figure you for a sergeant in the Republic military."
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:24 pm

"Uh, well, I kinda got that rank from the Panteer forces back home... I imagine it's similar for Organa too to have its young men and women serve in some capacity for discipline and such. With Alderaan showing it's support and solidarity with its fellow Republic world, I got sent off here," Lyseil admitted sheepishly. "I'm actually an archaeologist, you know, but here I in a warzone now."

She shrugged in a 'what can you do'-manner.

"Got to make the most of it for now, and help where we can, right?"
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
Combat: House Panteer Forces Armor (Defense 1, reduce damage from fire and burn by 1), grenades, Nova Blaster pistol, extra ammo, stims, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Niall Organa » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:34 pm

"Ah, I see." Niall nodded. "Well, that's good that you're doing what you can. What we're doing here is important." He pursed his lips, looking thoughtful. "There's probably some things for you as an archaeologist, too. Did you get a chance to see the museum at our last site? And there's a Doctor Rexa that has some stature in the field, or so I understand."

He gave her a polite nod. "How is your family?"
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:39 pm

"Yes-yes, I know! But I didn't get to go," she lamented with a puppy-like pout. "I only got to see all the lists of reports from there and inventory stuff... and I haven't even had the chance to meet doctor Rexa yet! I attended one of her lectures once... she's like really-really cool. I hope I get the chance now that things are a bit more stable after the initial weeks. Those are always the worst."

Lyseil nodded. "They're doing fine, last I heard! Father is assisting our senator on Coruscant and mother's been oh so busy with her first batch of grandchildren from my brother Reland. Twins, huh? It's a first in a few generations," she chuckled with good humor. "Oh, stars! How is Rayne?! I've been soooo bad at keeping in touch with her!"
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
Combat: House Panteer Forces Armor (Defense 1, reduce damage from fire and burn by 1), grenades, Nova Blaster pistol, extra ammo, stims, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Niall Organa » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:58 pm

Niall couldn't help but smile, just a little. She was clearly older and more accomplished, but Lyseil's speech patterns made her seem just like that girl he'd known, sort of, all those years ago. "I'm sure you will." He nodded encouragingly. "Actually, I'm working with her on something. Sort of." He frowned thoughtfully. "Perhaps you'll have an opportunity as well."

Any trace of mirth vanished from his handsome features at that question, though. Oh, no. She hasn't heard. Concern flashed in his grey eyes, as well as pain. Two years had dulled the ache, but it was still there.

"I'm so sorry." He said softly. "I thought you'd heard. Rayne died two years ago. I... I'm sorry." Niall swallowed.
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:32 pm

"Oh, I'd love to work with Doctor Rexa!" Lyseil was bubbling with enthusiasm, quietly hoping she'd get the chance to be a part of some operation to an abandoned jungle-temple that had been undiscovered for centuries!

Then the enthusiasm dimmed considerably as the news hit her. "D-dead...? But..." she drew herself into a more proper posture befitting of a military officer. Stiff upper lip! Stiff upper lip! "... My condolances, Niall... that's... really sad. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked so carelessly."

"Uh... how... what happened?"
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
Combat: House Panteer Forces Armor (Defense 1, reduce damage from fire and burn by 1), grenades, Nova Blaster pistol, extra ammo, stims, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Niall Organa » Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:50 pm

Gently, Niall shook his head, although the meaning wasn't entirely clear. "Thank you. It's okay." He shook his head again. "I'm sorry. I really thought you knew. Perhaps... my family was not quite up to sending out the proper notices."

He took a deep breath. He was still together, although now his manner seemed subdued, perhaps. "It was an accident. Of sorts." His tone was flat. "A bounty hunter opened fire in a bar. She was caught in the crossfire."
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:03 pm

"Mm, I've kind of been a bit busy with my own work, I've not been able to keep up with all the stuff that's been happening back home," she frowned a little. It wasn't every day you heard that one of your childhood buddies had died.

"I'm sorry, Niall. That's... ugh, it's easy to forget sometimes how uncivilized life can be outside of Alderaan. I hope the one responsible was brought to justice?"
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
Combat: House Panteer Forces Armor (Defense 1, reduce damage from fire and burn by 1), grenades, Nova Blaster pistol, extra ammo, stims, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Niall Organa » Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:48 pm

Again, Niall shook his head, although the meaning of the gesture was just as unclear this time as last. His lips did quirk at the familiar line about the civility of Alderaan.

Niall nodded. "Yes. He was." The corners of his lips curled up. "In fact, I arrested him myself. Well, myself and a few others. I don't know if you would remember Alysele Cortess."

He spread his hands. "He was being extradited to Alderaan, last I checked. I... haven't been following, I'll admit."
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:51 pm

"Not very well, I admit... I remember she went off to train with the jedi?" Lyseil shrugged. She had some cousins in the order too, but they were all so horribly dull and quite the drag at family reunions.

"Well, at least justice will be served. That's good. A shame it had to come to it, but, well, I guess Rayne would've been upset with us if we just moped around all the time because of it."
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
Combat: House Panteer Forces Armor (Defense 1, reduce damage from fire and burn by 1), grenades, Nova Blaster pistol, extra ammo, stims, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Niall Organa » Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:57 pm

"Indeed." Niall was silent a moment, his lips pressed together. He was guarded, but something about talking to his sister's friend...

"I often find myself thinking about that." He said suddenly. Some emotion flickered in his grey eyes. "What she would want, or what she would do. But... less and less, as time passes."

Another beat, and he gave her a small smile. "Shall we walk and talk. I often find that more pleasant." His lips quirked. "Granted, not necessarily when it's this hot. Nevertheless..."
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Tue Jun 12, 2018 12:06 am

"We're in lack of a proper Alderaanian garden for a stroll, but sure!" nothing seemed to quell Lyseil's spirits, and she let Niall set the pace as a gentleman.

"So, hm... as a captain, I bet you get to do all the exciting stuff. I heard you got a Mandalorian crew?"
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
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Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
Combat: House Panteer Forces Armor (Defense 1, reduce damage from fire and burn by 1), grenades, Nova Blaster pistol, extra ammo, stims, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Niall Organa » Tue Jun 12, 2018 4:05 am

Niall's hand nearer to Lyseil briefly clenched, then relaxed. He set a modest pace, as befit a proper lord and lady of Alderaan.

"Oh, yes." He said cheerfully, smiling. "The Mandalorian Irregulars. They're an interesting bunch. Effective, to be sure. But rather, ah, well, irregular. By name and by nature."

He gave her a quick glance. "Lieutenant Vera Ordo's the unit's leader, besides myself. She's quite formidable." His lips quirked. "If you have problems with her paperwork, I may recommend coming to me instead."
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Tue Jun 12, 2018 4:09 am

"Oh? Oh, that's good," she exhaled a relieved sigh at that. "I was worried I might have to fight them tooth and nail when there would be issues, but apart from the initial debacle regarding Mandalorian remains and personal effects, it seems we're pretty good on track!"

Lyseil grinned with some interest as she looked back at Niall. "So... they're like, a rowdy rabble or something?"
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
Profile | Theme 2

Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
Combat: House Panteer Forces Armor (Defense 1, reduce damage from fire and burn by 1), grenades, Nova Blaster pistol, extra ammo, stims, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Niall Organa » Tue Jun 12, 2018 4:48 am

"Glad to hear it." Niall said. "As Vera will be, I'm sure." She wouldn't care.

He chuckled softly at that description, returning her grin. "Oh, yes. Quite. The Republic is made up from many different worlds, and a multitude of cultures, but the few overarching rules we have nevertheless give those cultures a certain... shape, perhaps. Mandalorians are quite different."

He sighed. "Integration has sometimes been a challenge, for just that reason. But we've come a long way, I think. Still, I allow them certain things I wouldn't allow another unit."
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Tue Jun 12, 2018 4:54 am

"Ah really? Now I'm curious what that might be." Lyseil mused idly as she wondered what the Irregulars were allowed to do.

"But after Bankor, where do you see it going from there with them? Some of the Mandalorians might be our allies now, but their culture isn't really one that fits the Repiblic mould. They're currently a divided people but that won't last forever..."
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
Profile | Theme 2

Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
Combat: House Panteer Forces Armor (Defense 1, reduce damage from fire and burn by 1), grenades, Nova Blaster pistol, extra ammo, stims, utility belt with odds and ends
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Re: Fancy Seeing You Here [D4MA]

Postby Niall Organa » Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:18 am

"I haven't really got a list, I'm afraid." Niall said, his lips quirking. "Let's just say I've learned to be flexible. And durable. And to hold my alcohol a bit better."

As they walked along, Niall looked over at her. "It sounds as though you think integration is impossible. Have you met any of the Irregulars yet?"
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