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Re: [Dat 1 - EE] Aid the Wicked

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 9:06 am
by Dapper Dog
Sabine Kryze wrote:"You came with Krzye?" She continued the questioning, while she looked at the doctor. Craw? The old man also mentioned a Craw..

“Glory is a hell of a drug,” he said honestly. He looked at the Doctor and said, “Well that feels kriffing better, though if you patched me up just to shoot me later I am going to be right pissed.”

“Look I ain’t going to lie I killed these fighters and then I killed those guys, glory is good and all but I ain’t murdering children just because we want to send a message. Mando’ade ought to be better than that.”

Re: [Dat 1 - EE] Aid the Wicked

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 9:09 am
by Thazos Kin
Jax Dolross wrote:"I can see the situation is a bit rough." Jax said as he took the man's hand and gave it a firm shake "But hey we're here now so things should start turning around."

“That’s what I tell my people, they don’t exactly believe it.”

He looked at the wounded enemy soldier, the dead, and the now fleeing children and said, “Things are bad all over, and this is just the tip of it. Gonna take some work to win the hearts and minds.”

Re: [Dat 1 - EE] Aid the Wicked

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 9:11 am
by Dr. Cole Ormont
Cole put his equipment away and peeled off the nitrile gloves, "I patch up holes, I'm not interested in putting them in people. You want to tell me what happened here?" He tapped the arm of his spectacles, turning them off, and pushed his fingers through his already messy blonde curls.

Re: [Dat 1 - EE] Aid the Wicked

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 9:15 am
by Jax Dolross
Thazos Kin wrote:
He looked at the wounded enemy soldier, the dead, and the now fleeing children and said, “Things are bad all over, and this is just the tip of it. Gonna take some work to win the hearts and minds.”

Jax looked around, he had never had much exposure to this part of war. He dealt in aerial death explosions and downed fighters but this, this was something else. The aftermath stuck around dead bodies in the street destroyed buildings, livelihoods, if things were like this and worse all over they certainly had their work cut out for them.

But this man knew all that and hearing from an outsider wasn't going to help anything. Instead he gave the man a smile "Well then we had better get to work building connections between our forces is almost as important as anything else need to work together to make this happen neither of us can do it on our own."

Re: [Dat 1 - EE] Aid the Wicked

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 9:28 am
by Dapper Dog
Dr. Cole Ormont wrote:Cole put his equipment away and peeled off the nitrile gloves, "I patch up holes, I'm not interested in putting them in people. You want to tell me what happened here?" He tapped the arm of his spectacles, turning them off, and pushed his fingers through his already messy blonde curls.

“I did what I had to do, I was here to keep folks in line they wanted to murder some children to send a message things got chaotic, ended up having to kill everyone. Got shot for my troubles and then you folks showed up,” he said honestly.

“As it stands I can’t go back and I don’t want to, but it’s not like your just going to let me go either. I’ll kill for you, like a work release program.”

Re: [Dat 1 - EE] Aid the Wicked

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 9:33 am
by Sabine Kelborn
Work release program, oh wow. "Well, maybe you should take a detox then." She glanced around, to make sure no one else came in. She looked at the bodies, they'll have to go through them later. "What can you tell us about the Kryze forces?" She started matter of factly, while giving a thankful nod to the doctor.

Re: [Dat 1 - EE] Aid the Wicked

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 9:41 am
by Dr. Cole Ormont
"Right," mentally he was compiling facts for his report. Straightening, he took out his hip flask and offered it to the man. "I can take you back to Command, but that is going to require you give that blaster to the sergeant over there." The doctor didn't promise anything, but he did wonder where the man planned on going, if he couldn't return to the Mandalorians. The oppressing Madalorians? This could get confusing, fast.

Re: [Dat 1 - EE] Aid the Wicked

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 9:45 am
by Dapper Dog
Sabine Kryze wrote:Work release program, oh wow. "Well, maybe you should take a detox then." She glanced around, to make sure no one else came in. She looked at the bodies, they'll have to go through them later. "What can you tell us about the Kryze forces?" She started matter of factly, while giving a thankful nod to the doctor.

“Tell you what, you get me a warm meal and a stiff drink and I will tell you what I know, just get me far from here before the natives change their mind,” he responded. He looked at his rifle and then slowly handed it over and said, "You better take good care of Venus, I want her back in the same condition you got her."

Re: [Dat 1 - EE] Aid the Wicked

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:00 am
by Sabine Kelborn
"Venus. Really. Sounds like a stripper name." She stated simply and accepted the rifle, then flicked out the shock prod of her gun and gestured to him. "You'll go in the front, I'll go alongside. Doctor, do you mind keeping an eye on behind of us?" She shook her head. "No promises on warm meal, but our goop is high quality, I can assure you."

OOC: Turning him into the Republic, as agreed via PM-s :)

Re: [Dat 1 - EE] Aid the Wicked

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:07 am
by Dr. Cole Ormont
Cole narrowed his eyes, even if the man had surrendered his gun, it didn't seem like a good idea to antagonise him. "Feel up to the walk?" he offered Davin a hand to help him up.

Re: [Dat 1 - EE] Aid the Wicked

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 8:38 pm
by Dapper Dog
“I can walk, I ain't dead,” he spat back.

“Act like you never been shot before, this is like breakfast. If you ain’t be shot at, you ain’t living right.”

Re: [Dat 1 - EE] Aid the Wicked

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 11:14 pm
by Sabine Kelborn
There was a distinct crackle from the stun pord. "I appreciate you not killing children wantonly, but there is still protocol to follow." She nodded to Jax and the Zabrak they he was talking to. "We will be interested in all you have to say, just further away from here. With less possible angles to shiv you."

Re: [Dat 1 - EE] Aid the Wicked

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:22 am
by Jax Dolross
Jax nodded to the Zabrak "it was nice talking to you, hope to see you again." He said with a friendly smile. He turned to see their new 'guest' "well aren't you a cranky looking one," he looked to Sabine "I assume we are taking him back with us?" He asked with a cocked eyebrow.

Re: [Dat 1 - EE] Aid the Wicked

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:31 am
by Dr. Cole Ormont
Cole cleared his throat, his guarded eyes giving away no response to the injured man’s remarks; though his fingers brushed along a pocket that concealed a multitude of drug vials he carried as part of his kit, and the surgeon briefly toyed with the idea of injecting a nerve block and seeing how well he walked when he couldn’t feel his feet. He indicated in the direction of the camp, “carry on, Sergeant.”