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Re: (D1 LA) Distress Call

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 11:49 am
by Nekoinu
"I have it," she said. She held out a makeshift trigger in her hand. "I don't want to die, I don't. They said they'd kill them if I didn't. But maybe if you just leave or something then they'll think their trap failed."

For Galen, the tracks were incredibly difficult to find in the rain. His abilities proved fruitful in finding the beginning, but it was clear that it would take a long time to find the end of them. Perhaps it was too much time with the current matter at hand.


D1 LA Difficulty for Tracking: 4eD 0 successes, 5 threat

Re: (D1 LA) Distress Call

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 1:31 pm
by Galen Sol
"I've found signs of whoever was here, but there's not enough to follow, not quickly." Galen muttered. "We need to get her and her family out of here."

Re: (D1 LA) Distress Call

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 1:37 pm
by Zanebry Varliss
"I say we take that bomb vest off the Lady, toss it in the middle of the street, and blow it. Then we shoot whoever comes running." Z replied, his eyes on the buildings, looking for signs of movement in the rain.

"Even if we take the lady and her two kids out of here, whoever put her up to this will just harass the rest of the village."

Re: (D1 LA) Distress Call

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 7:16 pm
by Tethys Carrack
“What a coincidence. That’s just the thing I had in mind, Mr. Varliss,” Tethys purrs into her comlink. “You have an eye on the children?”

To the woman she says, “Let us help you. I’m a Jedi. These others are Republic auxiliaries. We can handle a fight while you stay out of the way.” Or so I hope. “We can get that bomb off you and blow it nearby while you hide. We’ll deal with what comes next. It’s the Mandalorians, Clan Kryze, I’m guessing ?” She smiles, hoping to put the poor woman at ease a little. “Instead of wondering what happens when we leave, you could be assured they’re not coming back. Or if you don’t feel safe here, we can evacuate your family to the Resistance.”

Re: (D1 LA) Distress Call

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 8:33 pm
by Nekoinu
"Are you sure you can do it?" Her eyes flickered with hope that overtook the fear. She opened up the door and ushered them to come inside. "I think there aren't too many more than you."

She glanced back to where her kids were. "Please, keep them safe. And if anything happens... Just don't let them see," she asked before closing her eyes for the disarming.


To disarm the bomb, make a Mechanics (Intelligence) Check at Hard Difficulty with one die upgraded due to Destiny Flip. Remember that only one person can assist as per normal rulesm

Re: (D1 LA) Distress Call

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 8:42 pm
by Tethys Carrack
"We'll do everything we can," Tethys says as she follows the woman inside, glancing back to see where the others are.

((Anyone willing to stand close enough to assist? :P ))

Re: (D1 LA) Distress Call

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 8:52 pm
by Zanebry Varliss
Zane didn't like them all being in one place, but sometimes you didn't get what you wanted. He'd follow the others inside though, best to keep this done quickly.

"I can watch the kids or help you out." He offered after a moment. "Not too picky about which."

Re: (D1 LA) Distress Call

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 9:06 pm
by Galen Sol
Galen was not familiar with explosives. He began looking for a place with cover and a good vantage to fire from. One way or another, there was a fight coming.

Re: (D1 LA) Distress Call

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 10:43 pm
by Tethys Carrack
“Is there somewhere they can hide?” Tethys asks as she flips open a pouch on her belt and withdraws her multitool. “A cellar, a closet on an inside wall?” A jerk of her chin toward the inside of the house indicates that Zanebry or Illyria could go stash the children while the other one helps her with the bomb vest.


D1 LA encounter—removing bomb vest, mechanics vs. Hard, Destiny upgrades from both GM and PC. Assist from either Z or Illyria: 3eP+1eB+2eD+1eC 5 successes, 1 threat

Re: (D1 LA) Distress Call

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 11:37 pm
by Zanebry Varliss
Zane would stay to help with the bomb, allowing Illyria to hide the children. No reason to let two lovely ladies risk their lives. "You're doing just fine." He offered softly to the jedi, as she worked. Giving the villager a encouraging smile as well.

He wasn't much good at mechanics, but at least he could try and keep people calm.

Re: (D1 LA) Distress Call

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 4:09 am
by Nekoinu
"They should already be hiding," she said, unaware that they had gotten out. She allowed the Jedi to work on the bomb and, soon enough, the sensors went dull. The woman was unwilling to remove it herself but allowed anyone to take it off once they were sure.


The bomb's trigger was disabled along with the bomb. Repairing it could take some time.

Re: (D1 LA) Distress Call

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 4:35 am
by Tethys Carrack
Tethys's hands are steady and her breathing calm as she works on the delicate mechanism. She's not exactly an expert with explosives, but the Force is with her and the sensor mechanism on the bomb's clasps turns out not to be too complicated, just fiddly. Once it's done to her satisfaction, she unsnaps the clasps and peels the heavy thing off the unresisting woman with a small, satisfied smile. "There. Let's get you out of this."

Tethys hefts the awkward thing in one hand. "Trouble is," she adds to Zane, "the sensor and the comm receiver were on the same circuit. The remote trigger won't work without it." She gives the bomb a look of disdain. "It would take a lot longer to put back together than it did to take apart. Isn't that always the way?"

Re: (D1 LA) Distress Call

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 4:39 am
by Galen Sol
"Do we have another way to blow it up?" Galen asked as he approached.

Re: (D1 LA) Distress Call

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 4:44 am
by Zanebry Varliss
"Grenades." Zane offered as one appeared in his hand. "We can likely use one, and cause a chain reaction with the other explosives..."

He paused thoughtfully. "Or at least I think it might work."

Re: (D1 LA) Distress Call

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 4:49 am
by Galen Sol
"An exploion either way." he shrugged. The hunter turned to the woman and smiled. "You're safe now. Go hide with your children."

Re: (D1 LA) Distress Call

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 4:57 am
by Zanebry Varliss
"Right you are, Galen." Zane offered with a smile. "Shall we get this shoe under way then?" He asked, looking towards the ladies.

Re: (D1 LA) Distress Call

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 5:27 am
by Tethys Carrack
Tethys simply nods, stowing her tools and taking a moment to check her lightsaber.

Re: (D1 LA) Distress Call

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 9:40 pm
by Galen Sol
"Alright. Let's find our places, then." He pointed to a roof. "I'll be up there."

Re: (D1 LA) Distress Call

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 10:14 pm
by Zanebry Varliss
"Sounds good." Zane replied with a nod. "I'll be down here, setting the explosives off. Unless anyone has any protests about that." He glanced over at the two ladies.

Re: (D1 LA) Distress Call

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 11:10 pm
by Nekoinu
When the team was ready, the explosion was set off. Moments later, a team of mercenaries sprung out and looked for targets. By the time the realized that there were no corpses, it was too late. The trap was sprung and they folded quickly.

One man, whom had been hit early, leaned against a wall out of the firing lines for support. His blaster was out in the street, out of reach. He turned on his holocommunicator and let out a sharp exhale as his eyes started dimming.


In the essence of time, I have skipped the combat sequence. They were only going to be minions and their biggest threat was the bomb vest!

Re: (D1 LA) Distress Call

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 11:37 pm
by Zanebry Varliss
That was over fast. Zane left the carrying for the prisoner to the Jedi, something told him the woman wouldn't really care for his brand of interrogation. Instead, he went around policing the bodies. Looking for any markers that identified them or who they worked for, as well as collecting their weapons, and any other supplies that might be useful.

Re: (D1 LA) Distress Call

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 11:56 pm
by Tethys Carrack
Tethys's lightsaber hums and then falls silent as she deactivates it. Clipping it back to her belt, she skims the scene with her eyes and then lopes over to what appears to be the sole survivor.

She unslings her backpack to get out her medical kit, but then raises her eyebrows as she notices the glowing indicator light on the holocomm. She could just switch it off... but why not see who answers it first, if anyone does?

Possible to make a Medicine check to stabilize him?

Re: (D1 LA) Distress Call

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 12:10 am
by Nekoinu
Eralynn.jpg (11.3 KiB) Viewed 9777 times

The comm flickered on to display the condescending look of a woman. "Help me," the survivor gasped at the communicator.

"It would appear you are no more than an aruetii." She surveyed the battlefield and barely registered the Jedi's presence in her assessment. Only the bodies of the mercenaries lied in the dirt. Closer inspection showed they were little more than hopefuls, too ill-equipped to fit the legend of Mandalorian warriors. "You did not dispose of a single one of them? Pathetic." Her attention finally landed upon Tethys. "Do not waste your time with this one. Drive your lightsaber through his heart and spare of him a future of insignificance."


Medicine (Intelligence) Check at Average Difficulty with One Setback due to rain to stabilize.

Re: (D1 LA) Distress Call

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 12:47 am
by Galen Sol
Galen descended from the roof and helped Zanebry inspect the dead, pulling them aside and out of sight until they could be disposed of.

Re: (D1 LA) Distress Call

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 12:52 am
by Tethys Carrack
"It's not up to you or me to decide whose lives are significant." Tethys nudges the comm aside, probably making the Mandalorian commander's field of view sway and tilt dizzyingly. "Remember that the next time you send your men to terrorize civilians."

With the device out the way, she rips open the mercenary's shirt and begins applying a stimulant hypospray to counter the immediate effects of shock. The man may already be too far gone, however.

D1 LA event--Medicine to stabilize prisoner, medkit gives 1b plus 1 auto Advantage: 1eP+2eA+1eB+2eD+1eS 1 failure, 4 advantage

What a goofy roll! I have no idea what five Advantages would do here.