Azura Mora wrote:"What a sheltered life. You're lucky" Azura took a sip of her water "I've seen the worst that life can throw at you. Bloody murders, thievery, even a group that tried to kidnap me into slavery."
Which ties well into bloody murders...namely their murder by me.
"I can't see why anyone would willingly leave what you've seen to walk into a warzone. Are you prepared to see the worst that the galaxy has? That's what you'll face here and more."
A sad expression, the Mon Cal felt like hugging the human, though they were not so close to do so. All she could do was extend her webbed hand and caress her shoulder kindly. "My life was different, though not easy. It is sad to hear that the Empire still has places that hold such dark people." And yet there was a question in the mind, where could that had been?
"The way of the Jedi is to learn about the Universe, about the dark and the light in it. It is knowing of the darkness that strengthens our will to fight for peace."