The deep uncharted wastes of the Black Desert.

[Day 6 - Early Evening] Dance in the Desert

Postby Dapper Dog » Sat Jun 16, 2018 7:00 pm

Event Type: Campaign Objective, Combat
Power Cost: 0
Participants: 3
Timeslots: Early Evening

Description: Jace is leading the charge as the Republic launched a surprise attack on Yunda’s force as they pulled back into the desert! It is a bitter battle with the Mandalorians giving little ground, the Resistance moving in to pincer the Mandalorian forces but the crafty Yunda is prepared as his forces cut through the Resistance and retreat into a cave network in the sand blasted hills just as a sandstorm arrives taking the Republic by surprise, the conditions changing quickly for the unexpected weather event.

Jace had the Republic hunker down while squads deploy into the cave networks to flush out Yunda and his forces, before they can escape!

Rules: Players roll Vigilance for Initiative. Initiative will only matter when normal combat is joined.

This begins as a Chase with Yunda Kryze and his team at Long range, each round all participants in the tunnels will make an Athletics at Easy difficulty and compare to Yunda and his squad who due to their training move as one.

The Guide: One member of the team can make a Perception or Survival check at the end of the round at Average with a setback due to the darkness and twisting passages to track Yunda Kryze. Doing so increases the difficulty of their Athletics check by one, but if successful it grants a boost die to all players for their Athletics check. Triumph on this roll upgrades one die on the check for their allies, meanwhile Despair will upgrade the Difficulty by one.

Shoot and Chew Bubblegum: Players can take a shot at Yunda Kryze’s group if they are within range of them with their weapon, they can shoot on the run which increases the difficulty by 1 so a Medium range shot is Hard instead of Average. His Honor Guard, two total, have Adversary 1 and Defense 1, Yunda himself has Adversary 2 and Defense 1. They can also stop running and take a normal shot but will be moved back one Range band automatically at the end of the round, no need to make the Athletics check. Taking a shot on the run also increases the difficulty on the Athletics check in the race by one. This applies if they wish to use Force powers as well, same rules.

If a player can get within Short range of Yunda Kryze or his Honor Guard is put down then Yunda will join normal combat and the Chase ends. The players have five rounds before Yunda Kryze escapes.

Again Chase rolls are made first, this is when you decide if you are guiding, shooting, or using an ability make the Competitive Chase rolls. Then Perception check is made, then combat checks and then range bands are assessed. Yunda cannot be shot as along as one of his Honor Guard is alive. Yunda Kryze will take a shot each round and this will be figured into the enemy Athletics checks.

Athletics checks in the Chase, two advantage can be used to give an ally a boost die or grant the enemy a setback die. Threat will grant an ally a setback die or at the GM’s discretion give the enemy a boost die on their check. The rest of the rolls unless noted do not benefit from this rule unless normal combat is joined.

Finally if a character drops beyond Extreme range then they are out of the chase and have fallen too far behind.

Rewards/Outcome: If Yunda is captured or killed gain 6 Victory Points.

Trust Modified: N/A
Power Modified: 10
Duty Gained: 10
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Re: [Day 6 - Early Evening] Dance in the Desert

Postby Luth Khalan » Sat Jun 16, 2018 9:08 pm

Luth ducked into the caves with the others, going after Yunda Kryze. There's no way her quarry was getting away. She was just a killer, after all.

Initiative (Vigilance) (wrong attribute before): 1eA+1eP 2 successes, 1 advantage

0/12 Strain
0/12 Wounds
1 Soak
Last edited by Luth Khalan on Sat Jun 16, 2018 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Republic | Human | SIS | Spy | Assassin | Sniper | Force Sensitive
Carries: Comlink, Electrobinoculars, Utility Belt,
On Assignment: Environment Armor and helmet, Sniper Rifle, Extra Rounds

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Re: [Day 6 - Early Evening] Dance in the Desert

Postby Sabine Kelborn » Sun Jun 17, 2018 5:48 pm

Sabine joined the pair, ready to shoot.

D6 EE Vigilance for Init: 2eA 0 successes, 2 advantage
Republic * Sergeant * Soldier * NCO * Confident * Tough * Mandalorian * Human
Carries: Ritual dagger, command insignia, electronic manual
Combat gear: Ritual Dagger, Mandalorian Armor, MK II Paladin, ammo, stimpacks
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Re: [Day 6 - Early Evening] Dance in the Desert

Postby Yunda Kryze » Sun Jun 17, 2018 8:34 pm

Yunda was confident, he knew these tunnels, he knew the land. It would be a simple matter to lose them and if not he was confident he could easily defeat these aruetii in battle.

OOC: For the time being the Chase is on. Go ahead and roll your chase rolls for Round one. Then we move to initiative list if you are taking the additional actions.

Yunda Kryze
Yunda Kryze Chase Round 1 + Destiny Flip + Shot on the Run: 3eP+1eA+2eD 3 successes, 1 threat

Vigilance - Yunda: 1eP+2eA 2 successes, 2 advantage

Vigilance - Honor Guard: 2#2eP+1eA 2 successes, 1 advantage 2 successes, 2 advantage

Initiative List

Commander | Mandalorian | Near-Human | Survivalist | Rygor Overlord
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Re: [Day 6 - Early Evening] Dance in the Desert

Postby Luth Khalan » Sun Jun 17, 2018 8:53 pm

Luth didn't have a problem keeping up with the Mandalorians, finding a perfect gap to aim as she ran after.

Athletics + Brawn: 1eA+1eP+1eD 2 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph

Triumph: Negating an Honor Guard's Defensive bonuses until the next round.
Advantage: Adding a bonus die to the next ally's check.
Republic | Human | SIS | Spy | Assassin | Sniper | Force Sensitive
Carries: Comlink, Electrobinoculars, Utility Belt,
On Assignment: Environment Armor and helmet, Sniper Rifle, Extra Rounds

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Re: [Day 6 - Early Evening] Dance in the Desert

Postby Sabine Kelborn » Sun Jun 17, 2018 9:21 pm

Sabine managed to catch up closer to her enemies, aiming her blaster rifle as she ran. She aimed at one of the guards following Yunde, and managed to him , hard, but her rifle made some weird noises...

D6 EE - Athletics, Difficulty increased due to shooting on the run, boost from Trust, boost from Luth, Athletics (Brawn): 2eA+1eP+2eB+2eD 4 successes, 3 threat

Move to Medium with Yundo and co.

Thread: either setback or boost to enemy, up to GM

Run & Gun:
D6 EE - Ranged (Heavy) (Agility), Long Range, +1 difficulty from run & gun, Boost from Trust, Accurate, Defenses ignored from Luth, Destiny Flipped, Adversary 1: 1eA+3eP+2eB+1eC+3eD 4 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Despair

Total 12 damage dealt, +1 adv from Superior, +1 from Bantha eye, activating Crit

Despair: Up to the GM

Crit roll:
D6 EE - Crit vs Honor Guard 1: 1d100 64

Slightly Dazed: Disoriented until end of turn
Republic * Sergeant * Soldier * NCO * Confident * Tough * Mandalorian * Human
Carries: Ritual dagger, command insignia, electronic manual
Combat gear: Ritual Dagger, Mandalorian Armor, MK II Paladin, ammo, stimpacks
Languages: Basic, Mando'a
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Re: [Day 6 - Early Evening] Dance in the Desert

Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Jun 17, 2018 9:27 pm

OOC: Noted, will move her to the first Republic slot.
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Re: [Day 6 - Early Evening] Dance in the Desert

Postby Dapper Dog » Mon Jun 18, 2018 9:14 pm

OOC: V1 removed at his request due to extended downtime.
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Re: [Day 6 - Early Evening] Dance in the Desert

Postby Oddyn Vizsla » Mon Jun 18, 2018 9:54 pm

A dance without Oddyn wouldn't be the same, so here he was, chasing after Yunda and his guards.

EE6. Dance in the Desert. Vigilance.: 1eP+1eA 2 successes
Mandalorian | Clan Vizsla | Hired Gun | Heavy | Scarred | Left Cyberarm | Beard of Wonder | Former Pit Fighter | Vindicator | Rockstar | Mad Dog | Man o' War | Shriek-Hawk Tattoo | Neutral

VX Sidewinder (Telescopic Optics, Electronic Sighting) | Paired Vamblades | Mandalorian Armor (Repulsorlift, Kiirium, Superior) | Thermal Cloak | Spare Clip | Stims
Wounds: 19 | Strain: 12 | Soak: 8 (9 vs. Fire/Blasters) | Defence: 1

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Re: [Day 6 - Early Evening] Dance in the Desert

Postby Dapper Dog » Mon Jun 18, 2018 9:56 pm

OOC: Go ahead and make your chase roll as per the event rules.
Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist
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Re: [Day 6 - Early Evening] Dance in the Desert

Postby Oddyn Vizsla » Mon Jun 18, 2018 10:13 pm

Odd took it cool. He stood his ground, aimed and released rain of death onto Yunda Kryze. All the five barrels of his Sidewinder played like an orchestra, getting the man with blaster mayhem.

"HUT'UUN!" He shouted.

EE6. Shot at Yunda. Aim. Rain of Death. Long with Telescopic. Autofire. Destiny. Adversary 2, Defence 1.: 3eP+1eA+1eB+2eC+1eD+1eS 4 successes, 3 advantage

12+4+2 (Barrage), with Autofire (2 Advantages), 2 x 18 on Yunda with Pierce 1, 1 Advantage to recover Strain.

Manoeuvres: Rain of Death, Aim (2 Strain).

Wounds: 0/15
Strain: 1/12
Soak: 7
Defence: 1
Crit: 1

[Or since I can't shoot Yunda directly and this is into honour guards, I'd have 1 more advantage due to lowered defence and trigger autofire once more? With Autofire I had to use the highest defence target? Please resolve it in a way that makes most sense.]
Mandalorian | Clan Vizsla | Hired Gun | Heavy | Scarred | Left Cyberarm | Beard of Wonder | Former Pit Fighter | Vindicator | Rockstar | Mad Dog | Man o' War | Shriek-Hawk Tattoo | Neutral

VX Sidewinder (Telescopic Optics, Electronic Sighting) | Paired Vamblades | Mandalorian Armor (Repulsorlift, Kiirium, Superior) | Thermal Cloak | Spare Clip | Stims
Wounds: 19 | Strain: 12 | Soak: 8 (9 vs. Fire/Blasters) | Defence: 1

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Re: [Day 6 - Early Evening] Dance in the Desert

Postby Dapper Dog » Tue Jun 19, 2018 12:23 am

Sabine and Oddyn gun down one of the honor guards as Sabine closes the distance. Yunda lands a vicious shot with his disruptor rifle on the Viszla Mandalorian.

OOC: Mandalorians go first so will resolve their shots. Sabine struck for 12 wounds and will grant her a setback to her next Chase roll. Oddyn struck for 13 wounds a Critical Injury, will need to add an additional difficulty die to his roll. Sabine struck for a total of 6 wounds and Honor Guard #1 is disoriented. Despair used to call a small cave in, this will add an additional Difficulty die for the next round Athletics check for the Chase for the heroes. Oddyn kills/removes Honor Guard #1, Yunda hits Oddyn for 14 wounds and generates a Critical Injury on Oddyn.

Spending 3 Destiny for next round, upgrade their Individual chase rolls. Make Chase rolls first and then we act in Initiative order. Currently Luth and Oddyn are at Extreme and Sabine is at Medium range to Yunda and crew. Start of Round 2.

Honor Guard vs. Oddyn/Sabine: 2#3eP+1eA+3eD+1eS 1 success, 2 advantage 2 successes, 1 Triumph

Critical Injury - Oddyn +40: 1d100+40 88 - Compromised (Increase difficulty of all skill checks by 1.)

Oddyn - Difficulty: 1eD 0 successes, 1 threat
Image - Now only 2 advantage instead of 3 on his check.

Yunda vs, Oddyn: 4eP+1eA+1eB+1eS+3eD 3 successes Add 2 for Bantha Eye and Superior, generate a crititical Injury.

Critical Injury - Oddyn +70: 1d100+70 138 - Bleeding Out, each round he will suffer 1 wound and 1 strain at the beginning of his turn. Every 5 wounds beyond wound threshold he will suffer another critical injury.

Initiative List

Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist
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Re: [Day 6 - Early Evening] Dance in the Desert

Postby Oddyn Vizsla » Tue Jun 19, 2018 12:37 am

Massive fire centred on Oddyn made him barely hold together. The disruptor had burned a bad hole in his side, and he was rapidly losing his vitals... Through the red mist he still felt himself running and holding the weapon, for the last action...

As a soldier, Oddyn Vizsla had stubbornness which would likely lead him to his doom soon enough. Some could call it valour.


For this round:

14/15 Wounds
2/12 Strain
Soak 7
Defence 1
Crits: 3 (Bleeding Out, Compromised, Fearsome Wound)

EN6. Athletics. Easy + Wanna Shoot + Compromised + Cave-in + Flip?: 3eP+1eA+1eC+3eD 2 successes, 2 threat

[Flipping for Upgrades when Oddyn is being shot at.]
Mandalorian | Clan Vizsla | Hired Gun | Heavy | Scarred | Left Cyberarm | Beard of Wonder | Former Pit Fighter | Vindicator | Rockstar | Mad Dog | Man o' War | Shriek-Hawk Tattoo | Neutral

VX Sidewinder (Telescopic Optics, Electronic Sighting) | Paired Vamblades | Mandalorian Armor (Repulsorlift, Kiirium, Superior) | Thermal Cloak | Spare Clip | Stims
Wounds: 19 | Strain: 12 | Soak: 8 (9 vs. Fire/Blasters) | Defence: 1

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Re: [Day 6 - Early Evening] Dance in the Desert

Postby Dapper Dog » Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:10 am

OOC: Does that include the 1 wound and 1 strain for bleeding out, happens tat the top of the round?
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Re: [Day 6 - Early Evening] Dance in the Desert

Postby Oddyn Vizsla » Tue Jun 19, 2018 7:06 am

OOC. Yes.
Mandalorian | Clan Vizsla | Hired Gun | Heavy | Scarred | Left Cyberarm | Beard of Wonder | Former Pit Fighter | Vindicator | Rockstar | Mad Dog | Man o' War | Shriek-Hawk Tattoo | Neutral

VX Sidewinder (Telescopic Optics, Electronic Sighting) | Paired Vamblades | Mandalorian Armor (Repulsorlift, Kiirium, Superior) | Thermal Cloak | Spare Clip | Stims
Wounds: 19 | Strain: 12 | Soak: 8 (9 vs. Fire/Blasters) | Defence: 1

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Re: [Day 6 - Early Evening] Dance in the Desert

Postby Luth Khalan » Tue Jun 19, 2018 7:25 am

Luth aims for the second Honor Guard as she runs, trying to keep up.

Athletics + Brawn + Upgrade for shooting on the run: 1eA+1eP+2eD 1 failure, 1 advantage

Additional difficulty: 1eD+1eC 2 failures, 1 threat

Total 3 failures.

Shooting this round
Republic | Human | SIS | Spy | Assassin | Sniper | Force Sensitive
Carries: Comlink, Electrobinoculars, Utility Belt,
On Assignment: Environment Armor and helmet, Sniper Rifle, Extra Rounds

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Re: [Day 6 - Early Evening] Dance in the Desert

Postby Yunda Kryze » Tue Jun 19, 2018 11:33 am

Yunda and his crew had to make a quick double back… the change would cost them some of the distance they had made and perhaps provide a window of opportunity for the Republic.

OOC: Yunda and crew will shoot this round. Yunda has Adversary 2 and his single Honor Guard has Adversary 1, both have Defense 1.

Yunda - Shot on the Run: 2eP+2eA+2eD 1 success

Initiative List

Commander | Mandalorian | Near-Human | Survivalist | Rygor Overlord
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Re: [Day 6 - Early Evening] Dance in the Desert

Postby Sabine Kelborn » Tue Jun 19, 2018 11:45 am

Sabine kept running after her opponent, trying to close the distance...


Wounds: 7/18
Strain: 12
Soak: 5
Defense: 1

D6 EE Athletics (Brawn), Despair increased difficulty, destiny flipped to upgrade, setback from enemies, Average: 1eP+2eA+1eD+1eC+1eS 1 success, 2 advantage

Not sure what this means? Is it a tie, or do advantages break ties?
Republic * Sergeant * Soldier * NCO * Confident * Tough * Mandalorian * Human
Carries: Ritual dagger, command insignia, electronic manual
Combat gear: Ritual Dagger, Mandalorian Armor, MK II Paladin, ammo, stimpacks
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Re: [Day 6 - Early Evening] Dance in the Desert

Postby Dapper Dog » Tue Jun 19, 2018 11:48 am

OOC: Tie, but you can use advantage to give them a setback or boost die for your ally or something.
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Re: [Day 6 - Early Evening] Dance in the Desert

Postby Sabine Kelborn » Tue Jun 19, 2018 11:50 am

OOC: Adding a setback to Yunda's next roll, I presume a pew roll

Also spending a Destiny to ugprade his roll, is that ok?
Republic * Sergeant * Soldier * NCO * Confident * Tough * Mandalorian * Human
Carries: Ritual dagger, command insignia, electronic manual
Combat gear: Ritual Dagger, Mandalorian Armor, MK II Paladin, ammo, stimpacks
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Re: [Day 6 - Early Evening] Dance in the Desert

Postby Dapper Dog » Tue Jun 19, 2018 11:58 am

Sabine ducks through blaster fire, coming out unscathed but the Disruptor rifle was much more accurate and mangled her left leg, leaving a burnt stump where her calf and foot used to be!

OOC: Range changes will be at the end of the turn, so currently Luth and Oddyn are at extreme, Sabine is at Medium to the Yunda team. At the end of the round, Sabine will still be at Medium and Oddyn at Long, Luth will be out of the race due to her failure and will be removed from combat... got lost in the caves somewhere. Yunda hit Sabine for 14 wounds and generates a Critical Injury, Republic slots now. Total advantages is 2 for Yunda due to Mods.

Honor Guard vs. Sabine + Destiny Flip + AuotFire: 4eP+3eD+1eS 1 failure

Yunda vs. Sabine: 4eP+1eA+2eD+1eS 4 successes, 1 advantage

Updated Roll: 1eD+1eC+1eS 3 failures, 1 threat

Critical Injury - Sabine +60: 1d100+60 105 - Maimed (Left Leg permanently lost)

Initiative List

Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist
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Re: [Day 6 - Early Evening] Dance in the Desert

Postby Dapper Dog » Tue Jun 19, 2018 12:01 pm

OOC: Corrected damage to 14 wounds.
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Re: [Day 6 - Early Evening] Dance in the Desert

Postby Oddyn Vizsla » Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:09 pm

Just outside the distance to shoot, Oddyn saw with alarm how Sabine's leg was being burned off. For a brief relief before final reckoning, he stimmed the hole in his side, hoping the chemical coagulant would slow down the bleeding.


5 healed, back to 9 Wounds. Upgrading hits on Oddyn via flip.
Mandalorian | Clan Vizsla | Hired Gun | Heavy | Scarred | Left Cyberarm | Beard of Wonder | Former Pit Fighter | Vindicator | Rockstar | Mad Dog | Man o' War | Shriek-Hawk Tattoo | Neutral

VX Sidewinder (Telescopic Optics, Electronic Sighting) | Paired Vamblades | Mandalorian Armor (Repulsorlift, Kiirium, Superior) | Thermal Cloak | Spare Clip | Stims
Wounds: 19 | Strain: 12 | Soak: 8 (9 vs. Fire/Blasters) | Defence: 1

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Re: [Day 6 - Early Evening] Dance in the Desert

Postby Luth Khalan » Tue Jun 19, 2018 7:16 pm

Luth noted both of them, but took the last shot she could - they were disappearing into the caves fast.

Agility + Ranged (Heavy) + Accurate 2 + Trust Boost + Scope vs. Extreme Range + Run and Gun: 1eA+3eP+3eB+1eC+3eD 2 successes, 1 advantage

8 Gun + 3 Deadly Accuracy + 2 Successes = 13 damage with Pierce 3
Republic | Human | SIS | Spy | Assassin | Sniper | Force Sensitive
Carries: Comlink, Electrobinoculars, Utility Belt,
On Assignment: Environment Armor and helmet, Sniper Rifle, Extra Rounds

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Re: [Day 6 - Early Evening] Dance in the Desert

Postby Dapper Dog » Tue Jun 19, 2018 8:39 pm

OOC: Honor Guard #2 took 10 wounds, Luth is now out of the Chase and combat. Oddyn is at Long range and Sabine at Medium range. Sabine has an upgrade to the difficulty of her roll due to missing a leg. Spending 2 more Destiny to upgrade the difficulty for both during the Chase.


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