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[D5 LM] Collating... Collating...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 5:10 pm
by Tra Kize
From the small command post he set up for himself in the sewers, Tra began working on collating and organizing data for both the Resistance and Strike Force. Whatever information he could get his hands on, regardless of how important it seemed to others, he integrated it with his calculations and mapping. He used self selected cover terms and code names that did not connect with or resemble the assets they represented, using a cipher based on the career of his first commander's assignments to protect the data.

Re: [D5 LM] Collating... Collating...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 5:52 pm
by Tra Kize
The fact that he needed to work based on public reports made his work difficult, and what he wrote up was basically nothing more than simple after action reports for past activities. It was a difficult process without access to actual specific data, and extrapolating proved hard with the limited reports he had.

There was certainly nothing that both sides didn't already know in the report, even if it was well organized and written.

D5 LM, Creating Report for joint use, Warfare, Average difficulty: 1eP+3eA+2eD 0 successes, 2 advantage

Re: [D5 LM] Collating... Collating...

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 7:50 am
by Ashla Vyliis
Ashla, for totally legit reasons, stumbled upon the command center. "Oh. Hello."

Re: [D5 LM] Collating... Collating...

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 8:49 am
by Tra Kize
Turning to the new arrival, Tra gives a nod, "Hello, I don't think we've had the pleasure." She was too well kept to be one of the vagrants. And she was armed, so likely strike force or resistance. "I am Tra Kize. How can I help you?" He wonders if she got lost down here. The sewers can be a pain.

Re: [D5 LM] Collating... Collating...

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 8:52 am
by Ashla Vyliis
"Ashla Vyliis, Jedi Padawan of Jedi Master Maaka Zyl." She extends her hand. She's not sure who this is, but he seems military, but she can't place him. But he doesn't look Mandolorian, so that makes him an ally." Though the place was a little odd.

Re: [D5 LM] Collating... Collating...

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 2:03 pm
by Tra Kize
"Tra Kize. I'm a retired Republic officer supporting the resistance," he introduces, shaking her hand. "Surprised to see a Republic member down here. Mostly just resistance fighters and those seeking shelter from the Mandalorians."

Re: [D5 LM] Collating... Collating...

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 8:33 am
by Ashla Vyliis
"Well, you know Jedi, we show up in the strangest of places." Ashla gives a chuckle. "But seriously, I came to see if any of the refugees needed help. I am also a doctor in training, which is more than most have probably seen lately."

Re: [D5 LM] Collating... Collating...

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 8:36 am
by Tra Kize
"I'm sure that there are quite a few that would appreciate it," he replies with a nod. "It's a difficult time, and it's good that the Republic sent so many Jedi. It helps give hope."

Re: [D5 LM] Collating... Collating...

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 8:49 am
by Ashla Vyliis
Not the first time Ashla has heard this. She considered if that was the purpose of itself. The Jedi mystique giving hope to where it has been lost. Interesting thoughts.

"I suppose. But I am curious of an old military man's view of the situation."

Re: [D5 LM] Collating... Collating...

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 8:56 am
by Tra Kize
"It's a difficult situation much improved by the further integration of the strike force and resistance. I don't have access to a lot of reports and intelligence, but the publically available information is showing the effectiveness of the forces. A good number of effective actions."

Re: [D5 LM] Collating... Collating...

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 9:01 am
by Ashla Vyliis
Ashla nods. "And how to do you think it will go after the war?"

Re: [D5 LM] Collating... Collating...

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 2:47 pm
by Tra Kize
"Politically," he says with a chuckle. "I've known the Kins for a bit, and while I would like to see Yanos with a prominent role he also isn't overly personable which doesn't help him drum up the support he'll need."

Re: [D5 LM] Collating... Collating...

PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 3:09 am
by Ashla Vyliis
"And what kind of future do you think he'll lead Bankor to?" Ashla was genuinely curious. She hadn't got the chance meet the higher ups in the Resistance other than in passing. So, she was curious about what those who know thought.

Re: [D5 LM] Collating... Collating...

PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 5:15 am
by Tra Kize
"In the far future, I could not tell you. With a successful resistance the leadership of Bankor will have a great deal of work to do rebuilding. But Yanos has a keen intellelect understands need versus want, and wants to have an effective and mutually beneficial relationship between this world and the Republic. He desires to have Bankor be a member world. Additionally his brother is a capable resistance leader and fighter. I think with the two of them working together now and in the future would provide an inspiring and stabilizing environment during reconstruction."

Re: [D5 LM] Collating... Collating...

PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 6:38 am
by Ashla Vyliis
"That is something to think about." Although not particularly political herself, Ashla understood the power Jedi could have just giving even a tacit endorsement. She would consider these words.

"Is your relationship with them what brought you out of retirement?"

Re: [D5 LM] Collating... Collating...

PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 12:23 pm
by Tra Kize
"Not really. I had been on planet for a bit as a guest lecturer at the University. The Mandalorians invaded and I joined the resistance immediately to help the people of Bankor. Yanos I met for the first time at the University and Thazos formerly served in the same unit as me. So I took to supporting the brothers in their leadership in the resistance, particularly after the Mandalorians executed their sister."

Re: [D5 LM] Collating... Collating...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 10:17 am
by Ashla Vyliis
"I see. The Force works in mysterious ways. Glad to have you. Though I'm curious, now that the Republic is here, have you considered joining them?"

Re: [D5 LM] Collating... Collating...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 10:39 am
by Tra Kize
"I'm willingly working with them, but I'm committed to the resistance and people of Bankor. Part of the benefit of not being aligned with the Republic is that if they need to pull out for any reason I can stay behind to keep resisting without political ramifications."

Re: [D5 LM] Collating... Collating...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 10:48 am
by Ashla Vyliis
Ashla nods. "Makes sense." Considering the man she knows the best that's part of the Republic military structure is cynical about the military, she expected Tra to be too. Kind of nice to be proven wrong.

"Well, I'll let you get back to it. I'd like to help the Resistance, besides the standard working together our people are doing. If you need me for anything, let me know."

Re: [D5 LM] Collating... Collating...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 10:59 am
by Tra Kize
"Well, for the most part I'm a bit too old for any direct fighting. At best I ask that if you need any tactical or strategic analysis or advice please feel free to call on me," he says with a nod.

Re: [D5 LM] Collating... Collating...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 11:03 am
by Ashla Vyliis
Ashla nods. "Thank you. May the Force be With You." Ashla then leaves unless stopped.