by Oddyn Vizsla » Wed Jun 20, 2018 1:46 pm
"This is how it is." He agreed with a nod, then returned to eating. He was not a talkative type, and Delmi seemed to be of that kind too, so she was likely used to eating in silence.
Mandalorian | Clan Vizsla | Hired Gun | Heavy | Scarred | Left Cyberarm | Beard of Wonder | Former Pit Fighter | Vindicator | Rockstar | Mad Dog | Man o' War | Shriek-Hawk Tattoo | NeutralVX Sidewinder (Telescopic Optics, Electronic Sighting) | Paired Vamblades | Mandalorian Armor (Repulsorlift, Kiirium, Superior) | Thermal Cloak | Spare Clip | Stims
Wounds: 19 | Strain: 12 | Soak: 8 (9 vs. Fire/Blasters) | Defence: 1