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Checking out the new base (D4 EM open)

Postby Azura Mora » Sun Jun 10, 2018 10:44 pm

Azura spent the start of the day working on the grip for her new pretty blaster. She finally got it to the point where she was happy, before putting the weapon away and leaving Midnight to check out the rest of the hanger. It was a new location, with lots of big tents.

Interesting...never wanted to live under a tent before, but I'm here for now I guess!

D4EM modding Custom grip for Blaster (+1 accuracy)- 1 boost from hanger and 2 from toolkit. Hard difficulty: 1eA+1eP+3eB+3eD 1 success, 2 advantage
Neutral * Human * Smuggler * Has anger issues * Dangerous * Jax's glamorous assistant * Part of the Midnight crew * Force sensitive? Description
Equipment: Blaster, pistol, armour, odd cylinder-shaped item, comms, stimpacks
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Re: Checking out the new base (D4 EM open)

Postby Baesal Zyn » Sun Jun 10, 2018 11:56 pm

Thee backdoor of her truck opened, Baesal was working on her lightshield.

She had bought a new module that would work for it...she hoped she would not have to use it but better be ready.

day 4 EM: mod shield discharge, innate talent, inventor, bench, help from R-5: 2eA+2eP+1eD+2eB+2eF 2 successes, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph, 2 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
Jedi- Togruta - Tinkerer - The Tentacle Entente? - Student of Master Raji Xen - 'splosions! -
Visible equipment: Heavy clothes, utility belt, googles, backpack, Soho lightsaber: The silver bladed ''Memory'', The red Ionblade ''The little sister'', lightshield, chromed cyberarm (left)
"Could I have been wrong?" -Baesal Zyn
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Re: Checking out the new base (D4 EM open)

Postby Tra Kize » Mon Jun 11, 2018 5:36 am

Tra finally arrives at the hangar, coming from a visit with the University students. He feels a bit out of sorts, knowing he has some catching up to do, but there is a spring in the plump Kel Dor's step. He may be a bit behind, but he's not going to let that situation stand. He nods to other members of the strike force while walking by.
Neutral * Kel Dor * Scholar * Retired Republic Staff Officer * Commanding Presence * Resolute
Equipment: Long Range Comlink, Datapad, Light Blaster Pistol, Antitox Breath Mask, Heavy Clothing

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Re: Checking out the new base (D4 EM open)

Postby Hamelin » Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:14 am

After getting the crew to look over the ship, Hamelin steps out into the hangar of their new base location. He spots a couple of faces that he has been around before and a new one that is not currently occupied with something.

He gives a bow to the others and addresses everyone though he is more focused on the other respirator user. <Sadom chewocu sopkm casup cofum coke cnuippi>
"Good morning everyone. Another bright is before us. Let us welcome the blessings of death on this auspicious day."
Gand | Jedi | Ex-Criminal | Apostle of Death | Short
Carries: Ammonia Breath Respirator, Armoured Robes, Backpack, Lightsaber, Load Bearing Gear, Scanner Goggles, Spacesuit, Thermal Cloak, Thermal Detonator, Utility Belt
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Re: Checking out the new base (D4 EM open)

Postby Azura Mora » Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:49 am

Azura peeked in the back of the truck as she was walking around, looking at the modifications that the Toruga seemed to be working on. She'd have remained watching until the creature addressed her...she looked to the big creature.

Neutral * Human * Smuggler * Has anger issues * Dangerous * Jax's glamorous assistant * Part of the Midnight crew * Force sensitive? Description
Equipment: Blaster, pistol, armour, odd cylinder-shaped item, comms, stimpacks
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Re: Checking out the new base (D4 EM open)

Postby Baesal Zyn » Mon Jun 11, 2018 12:43 pm

'Blessing of Death' was not something that could be casually heard without a few head turns

Jedi- Togruta - Tinkerer - The Tentacle Entente? - Student of Master Raji Xen - 'splosions! -
Visible equipment: Heavy clothes, utility belt, googles, backpack, Soho lightsaber: The silver bladed ''Memory'', The red Ionblade ''The little sister'', lightshield, chromed cyberarm (left)
"Could I have been wrong?" -Baesal Zyn
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Re: Checking out the new base (D4 EM open)

Postby Tra Kize » Mon Jun 11, 2018 1:15 pm

"Good morning. I think you may have mistranslated a bit in there," Tra replies in a somewhat cheerful tone. "Most folks likely don't consider death a blessing... myself included. I am Tra Kize, a pleasure."
Neutral * Kel Dor * Scholar * Retired Republic Staff Officer * Commanding Presence * Resolute
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Re: Checking out the new base (D4 EM open)

Postby Azura Mora » Mon Jun 11, 2018 3:09 pm

Azura looked at the others.

"Um...you understood what he was saying?"
Neutral * Human * Smuggler * Has anger issues * Dangerous * Jax's glamorous assistant * Part of the Midnight crew * Force sensitive? Description
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Re: Checking out the new base (D4 EM open)

Postby Tra Kize » Mon Jun 11, 2018 3:18 pm

Tra nods. "During one of my assignments I was tasked with interfacing and contracting bounty hunters for the command. I learned Gand and Trandoshan to make that easier, since they're among the galaxy's best. Both have strong hunting traditions."
Neutral * Kel Dor * Scholar * Retired Republic Staff Officer * Commanding Presence * Resolute
Equipment: Long Range Comlink, Datapad, Light Blaster Pistol, Antitox Breath Mask, Heavy Clothing

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Re: Checking out the new base (D4 EM open)

Postby Baesal Zyn » Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:12 pm

Baesal shook her head

''I understand him a little but somethings escape me''
Jedi- Togruta - Tinkerer - The Tentacle Entente? - Student of Master Raji Xen - 'splosions! -
Visible equipment: Heavy clothes, utility belt, googles, backpack, Soho lightsaber: The silver bladed ''Memory'', The red Ionblade ''The little sister'', lightshield, chromed cyberarm (left)
"Could I have been wrong?" -Baesal Zyn
Often seen with R5-T8: her droid assistant
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Re: Checking out the new base (D4 EM open)

Postby Hamelin » Tue Jun 12, 2018 9:53 am

Hamelin shakes his head and introduces himself before going into an explanation. <Ssaou oidl pcol ijem click aposuk cunema cpem qi qo coiem asoem cujdl cuie poasil caqque vermcu oen>
"Jedi Knight Hamelin. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. Death is part of the natural order. When the blessings of death are spread, new life can grow. Hopefully Bankor may rejuvenate once the Mandalorians have been dealt with and grow stronger and greater than before."
Gand | Jedi | Ex-Criminal | Apostle of Death | Short
Carries: Ammonia Breath Respirator, Armoured Robes, Backpack, Lightsaber, Load Bearing Gear, Scanner Goggles, Spacesuit, Thermal Cloak, Thermal Detonator, Utility Belt
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Re: Checking out the new base (D4 EM open)

Postby Azura Mora » Tue Jun 12, 2018 9:54 am

"Ok I'm only hearing weird sounds. Can someone translate?" Azura turned to the others, frowning
Neutral * Human * Smuggler * Has anger issues * Dangerous * Jax's glamorous assistant * Part of the Midnight crew * Force sensitive? Description
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Re: Checking out the new base (D4 EM open)

Postby Tra Kize » Tue Jun 12, 2018 12:51 pm

Tra nods. "This is Jedi Knight Hamelin. He's pleased to meet us. In his original greeting he mentioned welcoming death's blessing. After my question to him he explained that he was speaking of death in the sense of the death and renewal cycle found in nature. When death's blessing spreads it allows for new growth, and he hopes for Bankor to regrow stronger after the Mandalorians are defeated."
Neutral * Kel Dor * Scholar * Retired Republic Staff Officer * Commanding Presence * Resolute
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Re: Checking out the new base (D4 EM open)

Postby Azura Mora » Tue Jun 12, 2018 12:52 pm

"So...he's wishing our deaths and their deaths to things can renew? Or just wishing death in general?" Azura hmphed "some Jedi. What was it, something something only peace?"
Neutral * Human * Smuggler * Has anger issues * Dangerous * Jax's glamorous assistant * Part of the Midnight crew * Force sensitive? Description
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Re: Checking out the new base (D4 EM open)

Postby Tra Kize » Tue Jun 12, 2018 1:03 pm

"I don't think he wishes for anyone's death specifically. I think he likely just celebrates the life, death, and rebirth cycle of nature. Likely with an emphasis on the death portion with the understanding that death is simply another step of that cycle to be embraced rather than feared."

He looks between the others to see if his assessment was accurate and how they would react.
Neutral * Kel Dor * Scholar * Retired Republic Staff Officer * Commanding Presence * Resolute
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Re: Checking out the new base (D4 EM open)

Postby Baesal Zyn » Tue Jun 12, 2018 11:05 pm

''Yeah but...'' Baesal interjected ''...death, while natural, is hardly a blessing in most cases.''
Jedi- Togruta - Tinkerer - The Tentacle Entente? - Student of Master Raji Xen - 'splosions! -
Visible equipment: Heavy clothes, utility belt, googles, backpack, Soho lightsaber: The silver bladed ''Memory'', The red Ionblade ''The little sister'', lightshield, chromed cyberarm (left)
"Could I have been wrong?" -Baesal Zyn
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Re: Checking out the new base (D4 EM open)

Postby Hamelin » Fri Jun 15, 2018 10:11 am

Hamelin nods at Tra's interpretation. Then continues after Baesal's comment. <Chuchu avum fina epocl cduma poumvil sadimr vop qio lvion>
"Death is the ultimate fairness. It comes to all. Men, women, rich, poor, etc. It is a healer of the sick. Friend to the suffering. Death pushes life to become stronger and better."
Gand | Jedi | Ex-Criminal | Apostle of Death | Short
Carries: Ammonia Breath Respirator, Armoured Robes, Backpack, Lightsaber, Load Bearing Gear, Scanner Goggles, Spacesuit, Thermal Cloak, Thermal Detonator, Utility Belt
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Re: Checking out the new base (D4 EM open)

Postby Azura Mora » Fri Jun 15, 2018 10:57 am

Azura looked to the others to get a translation
Neutral * Human * Smuggler * Has anger issues * Dangerous * Jax's glamorous assistant * Part of the Midnight crew * Force sensitive? Description
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Re: Checking out the new base (D4 EM open)

Postby Tra Kize » Fri Jun 15, 2018 6:30 pm

"He says that death is non-descriminating, and that it ends the suffering of those that are sick. That it promotes growth and strength, which I assume means of the community or life in general over time from that perspective. A very renewal and somewhat eugenic centic belief, a naturalist 'survival of the fittest' belief," Tra says, thinking he got it about right, trying to simultaneously translate and interpret in a mildly softer manner.

"It's not an uncommon viewpoint and fits into the Gand species culture as I've understood it. In general the Gand represent humility to the greatest degree of any species I am aware of. They do not even have names until they have made accomplishments of note. They are very community oriented."
Neutral * Kel Dor * Scholar * Retired Republic Staff Officer * Commanding Presence * Resolute
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Re: Checking out the new base (D4 EM open)

Postby Hamelin » Mon Jun 18, 2018 10:46 am

<Seudim epoosad vusm qpud ome> Hamelin comments to Tra.
"You appear to be quite knowledgeable. Are you some sort of scholar or academic?"
Gand | Jedi | Ex-Criminal | Apostle of Death | Short
Carries: Ammonia Breath Respirator, Armoured Robes, Backpack, Lightsaber, Load Bearing Gear, Scanner Goggles, Spacesuit, Thermal Cloak, Thermal Detonator, Utility Belt
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Re: Checking out the new base (D4 EM open)

Postby Tra Kize » Tue Jun 19, 2018 12:31 am

Translating first, for the benefit of the others, "He commended my knowledge and asked if I was educated."

Turning back to Hamelin. "I am. After retiring from the Republic Military, I began a career as a professor. And though I've not studied Xenology in particular, I have some personal experience with the Gand that helps me fill in gaps."
Neutral * Kel Dor * Scholar * Retired Republic Staff Officer * Commanding Presence * Resolute
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Re: Checking out the new base (D4 EM open)

Postby Hamelin » Tue Jun 19, 2018 11:01 am

<Douem sadn erpm asmm repovm sdfimr porswj vimre> Hamelin comments.
"An interesting choice to delve into education after being the military. Did you serve for a long time?"
Gand | Jedi | Ex-Criminal | Apostle of Death | Short
Carries: Ammonia Breath Respirator, Armoured Robes, Backpack, Lightsaber, Load Bearing Gear, Scanner Goggles, Spacesuit, Thermal Cloak, Thermal Detonator, Utility Belt
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