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Day 6 EM: To give a boost

PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 12:26 am
by Baesal Zyn
She had a lot to do today...but she wanted to take the time to make something that could be of use to the rest of the Strike force.

She stepped over to her work place and gathered the materials she needed...

''Lets hope we can make something that they can use on the field''

She concentrated, letting the strands of silver energy escape her hands to mold the metal to her specific instructions

d6em: crafting specialist tool (medicine), inventor, hangar, assist, bench: 2eA+2eP+2eD+3eB+2eF 4 successes, 2 advantage, 4 Light Side
ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage (light side into advantages-uses 6 advantages to reduce the encumbrance to 2)

After an hour of work she looked at the portable automated medical cabinet with clear sastisfaction

''That is good work''