Portable structures to do vehicle repairs.

Fine Tuning! (D7, EE)

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Thu Jun 21, 2018 3:44 am

The stuff in the jungle had been a lot of paperwork, and then she had learned so much from the monks later that afternoon too. And now that Lyseil had a little free time before the command staff meeting, she headed to the hangars to check if that Duros mechanic from the Turtle was around. She'd seen the paperwork he'd submitted for the upgrades on the Turtle... something about targetting-systems or something? She was curious to see how that was going along at least!

And then she had a more personal request as well. Again. That Duros did seem to enjoy this sort of stuff from what she had seen.

"Hellooo~?" the sergeant called out as she approached the Turtle's spot, still neatly dressed in uniform and all as she looked around.
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
Profile | Theme 2

Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
Combat: House Panteer Forces Armor (Defense 1, reduce damage from fire and burn by 1), grenades, Nova Blaster pistol, extra ammo, stims, utility belt with odds and ends
Lyseil Panteer
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Re: Fine Tuning! (D7, EE)

Postby Hacha Tsuko » Thu Jun 21, 2018 2:30 pm

Hacha is sitting at the gunner station, holographic display up as he practices the zoom features. "Pew pew! Pew pew!" Hacha mines out firing in a epic, fantasy space battle. He seems pretty gleeful, and surprisingly well dressed. He seems a lot cleaner than usual, devoid of the usual grease strain and scorch marks. After meditating out the rain, and running over hot coals, he has given himself a far, far overdue trip to the refresher.

So when he hears a familiar sounding voice, he is a bit surprised. Hacha swivels out of the chair and pops his head out to see the human woman in the freshly pressed uniform. "Ah. The droid head lady. How is the head functioning?"
Hacha Tsuko | Tech Modder | Cyberbrain Implant | Flechette Rifle | Turtle's Mechanic
"You got something that needs fixing? No? Haha, that's adorable. Stand back and let me work."
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Re: Fine Tuning! (D7, EE)

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Thu Jun 21, 2018 6:55 pm

"Droid Head Lady?" Lyseil chuckled with an amused smile. "That's a rather different type of nickname for me... I shall have to remember that one!"

She gave him a nod. "Works well! Got to reunite PT-6D with his master, who was also one of the Resistance-leaders around, Vando Nee - and thanks to Senator Mixo, Vando Nee is no longer convincing civilians to become suicide bombers!" Great news, all in all!

"I have a different kind of job for you, if you're interested?"
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
Profile | Theme 2

Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
Combat: House Panteer Forces Armor (Defense 1, reduce damage from fire and burn by 1), grenades, Nova Blaster pistol, extra ammo, stims, utility belt with odds and ends
Lyseil Panteer
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Re: Fine Tuning! (D7, EE)

Postby Hacha Tsuko » Thu Jun 21, 2018 7:53 pm

Hacha offers a thumbs up at the comment about the droid head being reunited with his master...only to falter a little at the discovery about citizen being used as suicide bombers. "Well that's...something."

If Hacha seems down, he perks at the mention of a new job. "Another droid? I don't see one with you."
Hacha Tsuko | Tech Modder | Cyberbrain Implant | Flechette Rifle | Turtle's Mechanic
"You got something that needs fixing? No? Haha, that's adorable. Stand back and let me work."
Languages Spoken: Basic, Duro
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Re: Fine Tuning! (D7, EE)

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Thu Jun 21, 2018 9:04 pm

"No, not another droid," she shook her head and fished out some parts for a pistol. "I don't often use my pistol, thankfully, but... well, with the Mandos and this crazy jungle, I think it's high time for some upgrades. Not that it isn't already good, as House Panteer only goes for quality, but I think it can be a lot better, yes-yes?"

Placing the parts on the table - a blaster actuating module, and the kit for customizing the grip - Lyseil unclipped her pistol from its holster and placed it next to the parts. Safety on and all, of course! Seemed she wasn't lying either about the quality of her pistol; a Model-1 "Nova Viper" Blaster Pistol - those were pretty expensive! Though known to be difficult to fine-tune as it was already such a delicate yet powerful weapon.

"Interested? I was hoping to see it tuned to the max!"


Model-1 "Nova Viper" Blaster increases difficulty of Mechanics checks to repair or modify attachments by one. (HP: 2, DMG: 7, Range: Medium, Critical: 3, Accurate 2, Pierce 2, Stun)
Custom Grip has 1 Accuracy +1 Mod.
Blaster Actuating Module has 2 Damage +1 Mods, and 2 Weapon Quality (Pierce +1) Mods.
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
Profile | Theme 2

Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
Combat: House Panteer Forces Armor (Defense 1, reduce damage from fire and burn by 1), grenades, Nova Blaster pistol, extra ammo, stims, utility belt with odds and ends
Lyseil Panteer
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Re: Fine Tuning! (D7, EE)

Postby Hacha Tsuko » Thu Jun 21, 2018 9:34 pm

"To the max you say?!?" Hacha seems to be rather eager at that comment. He grins a bit as he looks over the "Nova Viper". "This one is a real challenge, especially if you are adding so many modifications as this. This will take some time! Probably the whole night!" Rather than seeming upset, Hacha seems rather delighted."So many changes to make!"

[EE slot]

Custom Grip Mod, Difficulty 4, Mechanics (Intellect): 2eA+4eP+1eB+4eD 1 success, 2 advantage, 2 Triumph

In spite of the difficulty, Hacha fits the custom grip on...on very well in fact.
Hacha Tsuko | Tech Modder | Cyberbrain Implant | Flechette Rifle | Turtle's Mechanic
"You got something that needs fixing? No? Haha, that's adorable. Stand back and let me work."
Languages Spoken: Basic, Duro
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Re: Fine Tuning! (D7, EE)

Postby Lyseil Panteer » Thu Jun 21, 2018 9:49 pm

"Take your time. I wouldn't rush an artist with his work!" she didn't need the gun now after all. Hopefully, she wouldn't need it all, but it was rather amusing to see how excited the Duros seemed with the challenge provided.
Alderaanian Princess | Human | Sergeant | Archaeologist | Natural Scholar and Hunter | Enthusiastic | Heightened Awareness
Profile | Theme 2

Has: Tailored armored uniform (House Panteer), Nova Blaster pistol, datapad, stims, commlink, utility belt with odds and ends
Combat: House Panteer Forces Armor (Defense 1, reduce damage from fire and burn by 1), grenades, Nova Blaster pistol, extra ammo, stims, utility belt with odds and ends
Lyseil Panteer
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Re: Fine Tuning! (D7, EE)

Postby Hacha Tsuko » Fri Jun 22, 2018 2:36 pm

Hacha looks over and offers a wary smile. "I hope you're saying that in eight hours"

[Mid-Evening Slot]

Hacha has a lot of success with getting the grip on. "Oooh, I can bypass the finicky sections from here. That should make it easier going forward!"
(OOC: Double Triumph spent to reduce difficulty of checks for the next attachment by one, 2 advantage spent on Boost)

Fine Tuning-Blaster Actuator Mod-+1Damage: 2eA+4eP+2eB+3eD 6 successes, 3 advantage, 1 Triumph
(Triumph used to downgrade difficulty on next check, passing advantage as Boost Die)
Hacha Tsuko | Tech Modder | Cyberbrain Implant | Flechette Rifle | Turtle's Mechanic
"You got something that needs fixing? No? Haha, that's adorable. Stand back and let me work."
Languages Spoken: Basic, Duro
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Re: Fine Tuning! (D7, EE)

Postby Hacha Tsuko » Fri Jun 22, 2018 2:39 pm

[Late Evening]

Hacha seems to be in his element, a flurry of smooth movement as he tinkers with the actuator, continuing his best to get the most out of it.

Fine Tuning-Second Mod-Pierce+1, Mechanics Hard, Difficulty upgrade negated by Triumph: 4eA+2eP+2eB+3eD 2 successes, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph
[OOC: Same as before, advantage as Boost, one Difficulty upgrade removed by Triumph]
Hacha Tsuko | Tech Modder | Cyberbrain Implant | Flechette Rifle | Turtle's Mechanic
"You got something that needs fixing? No? Haha, that's adorable. Stand back and let me work."
Languages Spoken: Basic, Duro
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Re: Fine Tuning! (D7, EE)

Postby Hacha Tsuko » Fri Jun 22, 2018 2:42 pm

[Early Night]

Hacha casts a look over at Lyseil, curious is she is still there. He's been so in the zone that he honestly isn't sure if she is still there, six hours in from when he started.

Fine Tuning-Third Mod-Damage+1, Mechanics Hard with two upgrades, One Difficulty upgrade negated by Triumph, One Boost: 2eA+4eP+2eB+2eD+1eC 4 successes, 7 advantage, 1 Triumph

[OOC: Same as before, advantage as Boost, one Difficulty upgrade removed by Triumph]
Hacha Tsuko | Tech Modder | Cyberbrain Implant | Flechette Rifle | Turtle's Mechanic
"You got something that needs fixing? No? Haha, that's adorable. Stand back and let me work."
Languages Spoken: Basic, Duro
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Re: Fine Tuning! (D7, EE)

Postby Hacha Tsuko » Fri Jun 22, 2018 2:46 pm

[Late Night]

Fine Tuning-Fourth Mod-Pierce+1, Mechanics Hard with three upgrades, One Difficulty upgrade negated by Triumph, One Boost: 2eA+4eP+2eB+1eD+2eC 3 successes, 4 advantage

Hacha looks up from his work, letting out a contented sigh, his eyes closing. He looks exhausted, having been pushed to the limits of his knowledge.

"This is the most I can get out of it. I dare anyone else to get more."

[Final Modding Result: Accuracy+1; Damage+2, Pierce+2]
(HP: 0, DMG: 9, Range: Medium, Critical: 3, Accurate 3, Pierce 4, Stun)
Hacha Tsuko | Tech Modder | Cyberbrain Implant | Flechette Rifle | Turtle's Mechanic
"You got something that needs fixing? No? Haha, that's adorable. Stand back and let me work."
Languages Spoken: Basic, Duro
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