by Arali Zian » Wed Jun 27, 2018 10:00 am
The killing comment got Azura a look, but the fact she was comfortable enough to actually have some tea was at least a step. It was a light, relaxing, faintly floral brew, which Arali had thoroughly confirmed humans can digest.
"Killing any who come after you would not improve your situation. Slip away from a pursuer and you become somewhat more costly to act against, and you have a pursuer you can elude. Kill a pursuer, and you become somewhat more costly to act against, but also a much higher priority target, and your next pursuer, you may not be able to kill. Particularly since any clever assassin won't engage you directly.
"But for now, you have time. Thinking about options for the future is a beginning. And though the political route may not be appealing to you, I suggest at least speaking with Senator Mixo while you have the opportunity. If you don't like him, you can go your own way no harm, no foul, but who knows? Perhaps the two of you could get along."
Republic ♥ Jedi ♥ Knight ♥ Twi'lek ♥ Superfarmer ♥ Nerd ♥ Pacifist ♥ Vegetarian