Soldiers quarters are cramped with four soldiers to a room, a secure footlocker and little privacy. Officer's and Jedi quarters are a bit more spacious with two to a room, but privacy is still at a premium.

[Day 0 - MN] So don't freak out... [Closed]

Postby Jace Malcom » Wed May 30, 2018 5:09 am

Jace was laid on the bed trying to find sleep when the communication line buzzed and the deck officer chimed in, “Important message from the Jedi Council, your eyes only, sir.”

Jace grunted and got to his feet and put on his shirt and said, “Patch it through Ensign.” Just what he needed, a call from the Jedi Council, probably wanting his assurances that they would do all they could to limit casualties. He could never figure the Jedi out, but at least they were on the Republic’s side.
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Re: [Day 0 - MN] So don't freak out... [Closed]

Postby Dapper Dog » Wed May 30, 2018 5:12 am

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Satele Shan appeared on his personal holo-comunicator. She stood straight and tall, even if she appeared to be only six inches in height on his desk. The blue-white image cracked with interference as she speoke, “Jace… Commander Malcom, I am glad I caught you before you reached Bankor. I… I have some important news.”
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Re: [Day 0 - MN] So don't freak out... [Closed]

Postby Jace Malcom » Wed May 30, 2018 5:16 am

Had it been a year already, no that wasn’t it and if anything she was on some journey to a backwater world called Tython, what could possibly be… then it dawned on him. He spoke tersely, “So what has our son done now?”
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Re: [Day 0 - MN] So don't freak out... [Closed]

Postby Dapper Dog » Wed May 30, 2018 5:19 am


She was glad he got right to the point although his attitude made her frown. She relied, “Theron is fine… or he was fine but he didn’t check in at orientation at university. I had my people look into it, and he is gone. No one seems to know where he is, and I don’t think anything bad happened but he isn’t answering my calls.”

“I just thought you should know.”
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Re: [Day 0 - MN] So don't freak out... [Closed]

Postby Jace Malcom » Wed May 30, 2018 5:21 am

Jace rubbed his brow taking in the news, it was not exactly what he needed only a few hours before the invasion. He finally responded, “He isn’t dead, you would know. Your Jedi can’t find one kid… our son?”

He frowned and then added sternly, “Well he isn’t here, do we have any idea where he could be?”
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Re: [Day 0 - MN] So don't freak out... [Closed]

Postby Dapper Dog » Wed May 30, 2018 5:25 am


She wanted to say she knew exactly where he was but all she could sense was that he was alive, well and somewhat scared but not in fear of his life. It wasn’t comforting but she had to trust the Force in this matter… or her son. She would trust the Force.

“No,” she said with a lump in her throat, it took a great deal for her to admit she didn’t have an easy answer either.
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Re: [Day 0 - MN] So don't freak out... [Closed]

Postby Jace Malcom » Wed May 30, 2018 5:27 am

The reply took him by surprise, it wasn’t like a Jedi master to not have options… then again she probably would not have called him if she already had a game plan. He softened and said, “What do you need me to do? I’m halfway across the galaxy but if I can do something just tell me, Satele.”
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Re: [Day 0 - MN] So don't freak out... [Closed]

Postby Dapper Dog » Wed May 30, 2018 5:30 am


“Trust in the Force, we’ll find him,” she said with hope. “I just wanted you to know, I felt it right that you knew. May the Force be with you Commander Malcom.”

The communication line closed.
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Re: [Day 0 - MN] So don't freak out... [Closed]

Postby Jace Malcom » Wed May 30, 2018 5:33 am

Jace sat heavily on the bed as he considered what he could do. He opened up a holo-image of his son, he looked more like Satele by the day but he had his father’s spirit which made Jace concerned. The boy was as bullheaded as he was and that could be a problem.

Ultimately he just hoped his son was okay wherever he was.

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