This is for those traveling on their own ships with the Strike Force.

Boulevardier (Day 0 Mid Night)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Wed May 30, 2018 9:56 pm

Z relaxed into his sofa, setting his drink to the side. He really didn't care much for hyperspace, not if he really thought about it. There wasn't much to do during it,and honestly he wanted a smoke. Picking up his comm, he began scrolling through his various contacts. People he knew, or at least had knew, most were more acquaintances then friends. Some he never expected to see again.

With a shake of his head he set it to the side, and picked up his drink again. He should relax tonight, there wouldn't be much time for it in the next few weeks.
Neutral * Human* Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Drifter * Fast Hands * Experienced Hat

Gear: Audh'reh (blaster pistol), Izze'belle (blaster pistol), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat Jacket, Gloves, stims, utility belt, secure comm link

Ship: Three Drinks Smells like: Whiskey, Cigarettes, Cologne
Zanebry Varliss
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Posts: 2184
Joined: Wed May 23, 2018 8:33 pm

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