A rugged frontier town built around an oasis in the Black Sands Desert.

[Day 6 - Mid Afternoon] Vote of No Confidence

Postby Dapper Dog » Fri Jun 15, 2018 6:51 am

Event Type: Side Mission
Power Cost: 7
Participants: 3 players
Timeslots: Mid Afternoon

Description: Nytera Ancapri is touring the war zone with her security entourage. Although she initially refused, Senator Saresh was able to convince her of a light military escort to enhance her personal security. On this day it may have been a good thing…

Rules: Please join the thread first before rolling anything.

Once all three are accounted for, there will be a series of security tasks that need doing, players will be able to choose at a maximum of two rolls to make as their part of the security detail. If they are successful, they gain 1 Security point. If they roll a Triumph and are successful they double that to 2 Security points. If they get a Despair, and a success, they subtract 1 Security Point and if they fail and get a Despair they lose 2 Security points. See below for rolls:

Assess the Team: This is an Average Warfare check, with setback due to the Heat and another setback due to working with a private security detail.

Eyes Up: This is a Hard Perception check, with a setback due to the heat, and a setback due to the crowd size to assess threats.

Stand Guard: This is an Average Resilience to stand guard at her speech in the sweltering heat. Add a setback for the heat.

No Press: This is a Charm check at Hard with a setback for the heat, and a setback for the mass of people.

Cold as Ice: This is a Hard Cool check to stay calm in the face of so many people and varying situations, there is a two setback due to the heat, and one setback for the chaotic situation.

Bad Feeling: The player must an Average Vigilance check, anything bad could happen.

Networking: The player must make a Hard Negotiation check with a setback for the chaotic situation and a setback for the heat.

If the team can accrue 7 or more Security points then they are able to intervene before Nytera is assassinated, the assassin is at Extreme range and will escape. If they accrue more than or equal to 3 Security Points then one can make the Ultimate Sacrifice and take the shot for Nytera.

This attack will do 20 wounds Pierce 5 and will generate a Critical Injury with a Modifier of +80, assuming the damage deals wounds to the player. This stacks with any Critical Injuries the character may already have as normal for a Critical Injury. Just like in other events, 2 advantage will grant the next ally a boost die and 2 threat will grant the next ally a setback die. Everyone should roll once before they roll a second time. No choice can be repeated.

If less than 3 Security points are accrued she dies from the assassination.

Rewards/Outcome: Gain 5 Victory Points if Nytera survives.

Trust Modified: Lose 1.0 trust if Nytera dies.
Power Modified: 0
Duty Earned: Increase Duty by 10.
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Re: [Day 6 - Mid Afternoon] Vote of No Confidence

Postby Dapper Dog » Fri Jun 15, 2018 6:53 am

Somewhere in the city...
Vando could see the entourage of his target and spoke into his communication unit, “The target is in the city, do what your people do best, Shade.”
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Re: [Day 6 - Mid Afternoon] Vote of No Confidence

Postby Dapper Dog » Fri Jun 15, 2018 6:59 am

OOC: Spending 6 Destiny, 1 for each roll.
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Re: [Day 6 - Mid Afternoon] Vote of No Confidence

Postby Nytera Anacapri » Fri Jun 15, 2018 10:31 am

Nytera was in her element. Her appearance was finally as pristine as it had been before the invasion had begun. Her voice was booming instead of one filled with self-doubt. She waved to every person she could see and even blew a few kisses. "I would like to thank Senator Saresh for reaching out to the Republic. Even after the disgraceful tactics employed by the Mandalorians, they have shown time and time again that our way, one of nobility, cannot be conquered!"
Republic | Orphaned by War | High Class | Aspiring President | Human

Played by Nekoinu
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Re: [Day 6 - Mid Afternoon] Vote of No Confidence

Postby Illyria Acaran » Sun Jun 17, 2018 6:35 am

Assigning a press liaison to such a noted luminary of the Resistance made total sense. It was an opportunity to get valuable time and footage of the impending President-Apparent of Bankor, post-liberation anyway. Still, Illyria was nervous about being part of the protective retinue. It wasn't quite in her job description.... even if it also technically was. Her droid flitted and fluttered, scanning the crowd as much as it was trying to find the best angle to capture Nytera from.
Republic ● Pantoran ● Propagandist
Carries: Custom tailored armored jacket (or lector's outfit if appropriate), modified Model 80 blaster pistol, assorted communication and recording equipment, backpack and pouches, stimpacks, spare blaster pack, C4N-D1D the cam droid, goggles and breathing mask, canteen
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Re: [Day 6 - Mid Afternoon] Vote of No Confidence

Postby Teffa » Sun Jun 17, 2018 8:12 am

For today, Teffa wasn't a particular fan of the Republic, especially getting her ship moved elsewhere and thoroughly inspected for security reasons. She left that fuss to Arbee while she would spend the day out and doing far more interesting things. First issue: This blasted heat was still an issue, however, and she was sure to stick to the shade whenever possible.

Second issue: Finding interesting things to do...Perhaps a security job will earn the good graces of the Republic and get them off her back? It seemed like a pretty interesting gig, especially getting to rub elbows with a politician too! Not that she was a politician but playing the role of a stone-faced Chiss would certainly boost the approval of her employer perhaps? What's the worst that could happen to her? She hasn't been in power yet to upset anyone...
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Re: [Day 6 - Mid Afternoon] Vote of No Confidence

Postby Tra Kize » Sun Jun 17, 2018 8:43 pm

Tra was present, looking over the private security and keeping an eye out in general. It had been a while since he'd been in any sort of command position for republic forces, but he seems to fall in line like it was natural.
Neutral * Kel Dor * Scholar * Retired Republic Staff Officer * Commanding Presence * Resolute
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Re: [Day 6 - Mid Afternoon] Vote of No Confidence

Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Jun 17, 2018 8:52 pm

OOC: Go ahead and make your rolls.
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Re: [Day 6 - Mid Afternoon] Vote of No Confidence

Postby Illyria Acaran » Sun Jun 17, 2018 11:10 pm

Illyria headed back and forth in advance of Nytera's location. She approached random bystanders, smiled and said hello, asked if they had a message for anyone out in the fleet or somewhere on planet, and then forwarded a temporary comms frequency to a few with the request that they call her if they saw anything out of the ordinary. All the while, C4N-D1D merrily buzzed around the celebrity taking in lots of valuable images which could be carved up into media packages or stock photos but neither of them managed to notice a peculiar person tailing the party while hiding out at the edge of the throng.


Vote of No Confidence: Networking. Boost from lector's outfit, ignore setback from In the Know, upgraded difficulty from destiny: 2eP+1eA+1eB+2eD+1eC 2 successes, 2 threat

Vote of No Confidence: Eyes up. Assist from C4N-D1D, upgraded difficulty from destiny, inherited setback from prior roll: 4eA+1eB+2eD+1eC+3eS 1 failure

1 Security point total
Republic ● Pantoran ● Propagandist
Carries: Custom tailored armored jacket (or lector's outfit if appropriate), modified Model 80 blaster pistol, assorted communication and recording equipment, backpack and pouches, stimpacks, spare blaster pack, C4N-D1D the cam droid, goggles and breathing mask, canteen
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Re: [Day 6 - Mid Afternoon] Vote of No Confidence

Postby Tra Kize » Mon Jun 18, 2018 1:50 am

Tra was on top of things. The heat was getting to him a bit as he went through the inspection of the private security detail, but it did not prevent him from ensuring they were prepared and properly utilized. As the event went on he kept an eye open, watchful to make sure the security detail was doing their job properly on top of keeping the other eye open on the distance. There seemed to be a glint in the distance that caught his attention...

D6 MA, Vote of No Confidence, Warfare, Average, 1 setback for heat, 1 setback for private security, 1 difficulty upgrade from destiny: 1eP+3eA+1eD+1eC+2eS 4 successes, 1 threat

D6 MA, Vote of No Confidence, Vigilance, Average: 3eA+1eD+1eC 2 successes
Neutral * Kel Dor * Scholar * Retired Republic Staff Officer * Commanding Presence * Resolute
Equipment: Long Range Comlink, Datapad, Light Blaster Pistol, Antitox Breath Mask, Heavy Clothing

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Re: [Day 6 - Mid Afternoon] Vote of No Confidence

Postby Teffa » Mon Jun 18, 2018 3:49 am

After her opening speech, the crowds and the press on location had more than a few questions regarding her intent. They quickly came rushing up to Nytera with a barrage of question and demands.

"Miss Nytera! What previous experience do you have dealing with the allies of the Republic?"
"What is your platform, how do you intend to keep the planet safe once it is liberated?"
"What of the rebuilding process? Will we see extensive support from the Republic when it comes to those efforts and how soon can we expect them?"
"What about the ongoing war effort? They say that the battle isn't going so well with the Republic and the Mandalorians are gaining ground, care to comment?"
"Vera Hawke: Jedi Knight has been renewed for another season! Are you a fan? Could you give us your opinions on the show?"

Teffa was quick to intercept the crowds before they could reach Nytera, keeping a perimeter from the candidate. "Miss Nytera is only here to make a public appearance to show her support of the war effort. There will be more than enough time after the war, if you wish to get her opinions. Please keep behind the yellow line," she said cooly with a stoic face, which quick rebuked the crowds from pushing in further.

Cool as Ice
Day 6 - MA, Vote of No Confidence, Cool as Ice: 3eP+1eA+1eB+2eD+1eC+1eS 1 success, 4 threat

No Press
Day 6 - MA, Vote of No Confidence, No Press: 2eP+2eA+1eB+2eD+1eC 4 successes, 2 threat

And a reroll
Day 6 - MA, Vote of No Confidence, No Press: Re-rolling!: 2eP 2 successes, 1 advantage

2 Security Points
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Re: [Day 6 - Mid Afternoon] Vote of No Confidence

Postby Tra Kize » Tue Jun 19, 2018 12:00 am

The glint that caught his eye, he felt uneasy about it. Situating himself nearby, Tra was by Nytera's side when the flare in the distance clued him in. He moved to shelter the Republican from the shot he suspected was incoming, knowing full well that it may be the last thing he does. The bolt tears through the back of his jaw and rips off a part of his mask, compromising the seal but still filtering some of the toxic oxygen. He falls forward onto Nytera in a spray of blood and pudgy old flesh, unconscious and at deaths doorstep... though it could have been worse and his brain could be all over the ground. The retired officer is not moving, but is still choking just fine.

Vote of No Confidence, Crit for Taking Shot, +80: 1d100+80 107 Horrific Injury: Until this Critical Injury is healed, treat Cunning as 1 point lower.
Horrific Injury Critical: 1d10 8

Critical Injury for Surpassing Wound Threshold, +10: 1d100+10 28 Discouraging Wound: flip one light side Destiny Point to a dark side Destiny Point.

20 of 11 wounds, incapacitated, 2 critical injuries
Neutral * Kel Dor * Scholar * Retired Republic Staff Officer * Commanding Presence * Resolute
Equipment: Long Range Comlink, Datapad, Light Blaster Pistol, Antitox Breath Mask, Heavy Clothing

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Re: [Day 6 - Mid Afternoon] Vote of No Confidence

Postby Dapper Dog » Tue Jun 19, 2018 12:29 am

Shade frowned, that shot was near perfect it wasn't like her team to not deliver but the Republic was willing to go above and beyond to keep this politician alive. She ordered her team out, payday was not today.

OOC: Republic Victory.
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Re: [Day 6 - Mid Afternoon] Vote of No Confidence

Postby Illyria Acaran » Tue Jun 19, 2018 12:29 am

Illyria didn't scream, she was too scared to. Tapping a few commands out to C4N-D1D for him to try and follow the shot back to its source, she pulled out a stim pack from her satchel and slammed it into the Kel-dor's leg. For lack of anything better to use, she grabbed a handful of dirt, poured out some water from her canteen, and made some mud. She then applied it to the breached face mask to try and limit the amount of contamination it might allow.... or at least that's what her mind imagined it maybe should have done once it caught up to her body....

Instead, she began to feel immediately guilty because her arms pulled Nytera free of the wounded man and began hurriedly shepherding her into a nearby building and away from whoever had just taken a shot at her.
Republic ● Pantoran ● Propagandist
Carries: Custom tailored armored jacket (or lector's outfit if appropriate), modified Model 80 blaster pistol, assorted communication and recording equipment, backpack and pouches, stimpacks, spare blaster pack, C4N-D1D the cam droid, goggles and breathing mask, canteen
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Re: [Day 6 - Mid Afternoon] Vote of No Confidence

Postby Teffa » Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:11 am

Teffa was beginning to enjoy saying no and putting people down in various ways as they tried to advance in on the future president. However, her stoic stance was interrupted when they sound of a blaster shot came zapping through behind her. There were screams and cries of panic as nobody seemed to have an idea of what was going, only to get to safety as soon as possible. She turned around to see the retired officer on the floor and Nytera quickly being whisked away to safety.

"Show's over!" Teffa said to the crowds after turning her back to them and quickly rushed to Tra, dragging him to some shade. More importantly, cover.

Now, what was she supposed to do with that hole in his face? "Help? Medic? Doctor!?"
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