High Council of the Jedi

Postby Dapper Dog » Fri Jan 19, 2018 10:55 pm

The High Council of the Jedi is a shadow of what it used to be before the war, currently they number six members out of the eight and lack a Grand Master to fully unite and guide them. The members of the current council cannot agree on a leader and the growing factions within the Jedi may eventually splinter the order.

  • Grand Master Resmi Thun (Human Jedi): Returned from her self imposed exile, she has taken up the role as the Grand Master reluctantly. She sees the Jedi as a force for change but more importantly she wants that change to be organic and not forced on the galaxy. She promotes an agenda of public work and humanitarian causes. She spends much of her time teaching the younglings and leading by example.
  • Master Fu’Dall (Ithorian Jedi): One of the oldest members on the council, she is firmly on the side of peace and tradition. She has served in many capacities within the Jedi, though her longest tenure was as a diplomat and advisor for decades. Strong in the Force she spends much of her time teaching younglings and advising members of the Jedi.
  • Master Raji Xen (Cathar Jedi): One of the newer members of the council Raji Xen has had a storied career as a Jedi Knight and is a veteran of many battles. He is noble, resourceful, and also thoughtful. Despite his martial success he prefers to think his way out of situations and in his latter years is slow to draw his lightsaber. He too supports peace but understands that peace may not be possible with the Sith.
  • Master Zym (Kel Dor Jedi): Zym is a long term member of the council and is a respected voice who weighs both sides of the conflict. A calm and methodical mind, he has mastered his detachment and yet maintained a universal compassion that few Jedi can hope to match. He is something of a moderate and sees both sides quite clearly.
  • Master Syo Bakarn (Human Jedi): A gentle light in the darkness, Syo was respected for his wisdom and giving nature. A native of Corellia, Syo was recruited when young and has grown into a model of everything a Jedi should be. He is selfless, noble, and compassionate and is an excellent teacher and guide for younger Jedi. He firmly believes in the peace initiative and sees the Sith as a threat but a threat that can be redeemed.
  • Master Tam Sadow (Twi’lek Jedi): An ex-slave from Hutt space, Tam has had a hard life but those street instincts and her natural ability to be where she shouldn’t made her an excellent Jedi Shadow. She has had many dubious missions for the Jedi and her time in the field has taught her one thing, not all people are worthy of redemption. It is a dark truth that not every Jedi is willing to accept but she knows it in her bosom and believes that only the eradication of the Sith will bring peace to the Galaxy.
  • Master Ludo Karr (Human Jedi): An old guard of the Jedi, Ludo served many years as an investigator and Jedi Knight dispatched to dangerous regions for often months a time. In that time he has seen much of the galaxy and despite the belief that peace is the only way he sees war as the only alternative to removing the evil of the Sith from the galaxy. He is quiet most of the time and tends to keep to himself, but when he speaks everyone listens.
  • Master Satele Shan (Human Jedi): After her work on Nar Shaddaa and bringing peace to the galaxy she showed great wisdom and patience. With the discovery of Tython she is leading the expedition to the planet and surveying the sites of interest. She fully supports the agenda of the new Grand Master.
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