Fashion and Culture

Postby Dapper Dog » Fri Jan 19, 2018 11:08 pm

Fashion and Culture

Republic is all about freedom of choice and the mixing and clashing of cultures. Food, music, and fashion are all about fusion; that is what is all the rave in the Republic. The guttural chants of the wookiee mixed with the high tempo songs of the twi’leks is the kind of thing that one would find in the Republic.

With the war over there are many shows seeking to capitalize on this era, some create shows that recount the war in a positive light while others seek to explore more homely topics. One of the more popular shows is still Vera Hawke: Jedi Knight, a rather outlandish show of a Jedi who does things her way a loose cannon with a heart of gold. Most Jedi find it as trash, but people love the show and the main actress is very easy on the eyes. Often referred to on the Holonet is the Vera Hawke: Cleavage Knight. The show is on it’s fifth season and has a loyal following. In the post war era the show has focused on more domestic issues but still seems as popular as ever.

Another popular show is called the Kessel Run, following a ragtag band of smugglers and criminals just trying to make it on the fringe. This show has all the sex and intrigue one could want and although in its first season is huge with the young folks as a hip and edgy show. The show ended after two seasons but now many more trashy Edge-Punk shows are all the rage, focusing on misadventures in the Outer Rim with a gritty realistic feel. Mr. Boobu’s Variety Show is a mainstay and has had a resurgence after the show retooled itself as more of a skit variety show that lampoons the government.

One of the most controversial shows is a new show called The Code, it attempts to humanize Jedi with the main lead having a spice addiction in addition to being a Jedi. The show has been roundly criticised by the Jedi Order, but it is very popular with the young. It is a dark gritty show, one part police procedural but with a flawed hero at the helm.

Music wise cantina pop is back on the scene, due to the influx of refugees from the Outer Rim, but all the young kids are into psych-hop, music that drones on and is less vocals and more smooth beats. For people that want an edge, Wook-Rock is where it is at, it’s all roars and shouts and thunderous drums.

Fashion has chilled in recent months with Jedi-chic being all the rage. Simple robes and layers seems to be quite popular in the upper crust, layering various fabrics into flowing robes and gowns. With the influx of refugees from the outer rim styles have simplified for the general populace with function being preferred over aesthetics. Styles that resemble the military are on the out though, everyone just kind of wants to forget the war and focus on the future and instead hope that peace remains.

Jedi being their own peer group have taken to wearing their traditional robes and light fabrics of browns and blacks. Hoods are back in fashion and there seems to be a focus on blending in as much as they can, although their lightsabers tend to make them standout. Some Jedi eschew the old styles and adopt more urban styles while a small subset opt for a more militant outlook with armored robes and clothing, these are the vocal minority that believe peace with the Sith was a big mistake.
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