Re: Stranger Than Fiction [D12 ME, Three Drinks]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Mon Jul 09, 2018 11:17 pm

"Eralynn Varad." He dipped his head toward the Blaster. "I figured after all the trouble she has seen, she could use a more righteous owner. Someone who could use her in the right ways, instead of the wrong ones." A half smile made it's way onto his lips. "I hope knowing that, you'll still accept it."
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Re: Stranger Than Fiction [D12 ME, Three Drinks]

Postby Niall Organa » Tue Jul 10, 2018 12:43 am

"I see." Niall said softly. After a few moments, and making sure the safety was engaged, he tucked the pistol into his utility belt. "Thank you, Zane." He said with a firm nod. "As you say, it's not the weapon. It's the owner. I'll use it well."

Gently, he shook his head. "Anyway. Enough about me." His lips compressed briefly; both Luth and Lyseil were somewhat painful subjects for him, although entirely different ways. Mustering a smile, Niall lifted his glass. "I believe you said that if I came and drank with you, you'd give me a story. Have we had enough, or do we need to fill the glasses again?"
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Re: Stranger Than Fiction [D12 ME, Three Drinks]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Tue Jul 10, 2018 12:49 am

"Good." Zane offered simply, nothing more then that needed to be said.

"I think we'll continue drinking, but at our own paces." Zane had no intention of getting trashed, not this early. "But yes, a story." There was a momentary pause as he started to put his thoughts in order. "You probably know enough to assume some of this. That I'm former Republic, and after being a solider, I was transferred into the S.I.S. correct?" It was best to make sure they were on the same page.
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Re: Stranger Than Fiction [D12 ME, Three Drinks]

Postby Niall Organa » Tue Jul 10, 2018 12:58 am

"Very good." Niall said, his words a bit heavy. In fact, he'd been drinking a little faster than he usually did. With an effort, he straightened, his chin tilting upwards. It wasn't the sort of thing a good captain did, getting drunk and maudlin about his betrayal and relationship woes. Perhaps to a good friend... Niall took another sip.

"Yes." Niall said, nodding. "That much had been fairly clear. I suppose it's accurate to say that I know the beginning and the end of the story. It rather sounds like most of the interesting parts are in the middle." He gave Z an encouraging smile.
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Re: Stranger Than Fiction [D12 ME, Three Drinks]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Tue Jul 10, 2018 1:42 am

"Maybe? I suppose it depends on what you think is interesting." He replied with a slight smile. "I started out straight military, fighting like any good solider, but in time it was noticed my skills would be of better use elsewhere."

He brought his glass to his lips, for a sip. "I was a patriot in those days, more then willing to do what I could. So I joined the SIS without a thought, went through training, and passed it. My handler ended up being Matthis Norsoa. Is that name familiar?"
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Re: Stranger Than Fiction [D12 ME, Three Drinks]

Postby Niall Organa » Tue Jul 10, 2018 1:55 am

Niall listened, interested, his fingers tapping idly on his glass as Zane spoke. From time to time, he took another sip of the whiskey, letting the gentle burn soothe him.

He winced, this time not at the whiskey. "It does, unfortunately. And that's a rather significant piece to have fall into place. No wonder you were so driven to stop Project Evo." He gave Z a respectful nod. "He was Luth's handler, too." A sigh.

After a few moments, Niall gave Z another encouraging nod.
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Re: Stranger Than Fiction [D12 ME, Three Drinks]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Tue Jul 10, 2018 4:14 am

"Yeah." Zane replied with a wry smile. "I suppose that saves me a little time, I dont have to explain some of the work he had me do."

He swirled the drink on his hand before taking a sip. "My last mission under him was a bad one... Things didn't go to plan, everything went sideways from the start... It was messy in every meaning of the word, when it needed to be clean."

"Matthis couldn't have that, two agents in shallows graves, an other half dead. Imperial agents looking into things. I was disavowed, a lot of my file purged. As far as I can tell. Then quietly shuffled back into the military where I was discharged." His lips spread into a thin smile. "Makes it kinda hard to return. In the eyes of a lot of people everything that happened that night is on me."
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Re: Stranger Than Fiction [D12 ME, Three Drinks]

Postby Niall Organa » Tue Jul 10, 2018 4:42 am

Niall's eyes narrowed, watching Zane's face carefully. More carefully than he ever had before. It was something that he had gained some amount of experience with, dealing with SIS. You didn't just have to look at what was there. You had to look at what wasn't there.

"That tells me the outcome." Niall said. "Now I know how you got out." He took a deep breath, setting his glass down. "But you didn't say what actually happened. What's the real story, Zane? As you see it."
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Re: Stranger Than Fiction [D12 ME, Three Drinks]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Tue Jul 10, 2018 5:02 am

It was hard to tell with Z, he carried a good poker face at the worst of times, and even though he was sharing his voice lacked a bit of emotion. Of course that might be a tell in itself.

"The mission was bad from the get go, we were too deep in Imperial territory, too isolated. Our target too protected. Orders were orders though, and it would help if we could destabilize the government of the planet." His lips quirked into a wry smile. "We were a bit full of ourselves from past successes, and a little too gung-ho. We fucked up."

He shook his head. "Even with that in mind though, Matthis betrayed us, me. We were just pieces to him, one's that could be sacrificed if his games required it. I guess that's why I was so angry at the time." With a subtle move, a data chip appeared in his hand, and he began to absentmindedly dancing it across his fingers. "Not that, any of that really matters. The things we were doing, they were wrong."

He stopped the chip in it's dance, placing it between thumb and forefinger as he raised it up to eye level. "This is more then enough proof of that."
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Re: Stranger Than Fiction [D12 ME, Three Drinks]

Postby Niall Organa » Tue Jul 10, 2018 5:38 am

"Orders were orders." Niall echoed. "I've heard that one before." Shaking his head, he took another drink of his whiskey.

With that out of the way, he went back to listening and watching. His eyes followed the reactions, or lack thereof in Z's expression. And then went to following the datachip as it moved across his fingers. There wasn't anything to say to the rest. It wasn't his place to pass judgement on Z.

"What is it?" Niall asked, his voice soft.
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Re: Stranger Than Fiction [D12 ME, Three Drinks]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Tue Jul 10, 2018 6:14 am

"What I wanted all along, the reason I was even on Nar Shaddaa during those pieces talks." He paused to to examine the chip carefully. "It's information about a lot of the things Matthis was doing, enough information to put him away for a long time if he was still alive.'

His hand closed around the chip as he brought his glass up to his lips for another sip. "Now I suppose it can be used to clear me of any wrong doing." Z extended his hand, and opened it to offer the chip to Niall. "It's yours too, if you want it. You can look through it, see some of the things I was involved in. Decide if you really want me back."

A wry smile made it's was onto his lips. "And if you really want to be my friend."
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Re: Stranger Than Fiction [D12 ME, Three Drinks]

Postby Niall Organa » Tue Jul 10, 2018 6:27 am

As Zane reached out, Niall's grey eyes widened. It was the thing Z had spent perhaps years searching for. The thing that could guarantee his innocence. The thing that told the story of his past, his mistakes, his dead comrades.

Niall reached out. His hand found Zane's, gripping the older man's fingers. Gently but steadily, he folded them back, closing Z's hand into a fist, locking the chip away within. "I didn't read your file before, Z. I'm not going to now. You've told me your story. That's enough. And you've proven yourself to me dozens of times."

He released Z's hand, even as he met his gaze. "A good friend doesn't sit in judgement of you. I don't help deciding what I already know." He smiled, not a trace of wryness to be seen. "So yes, you're my friend, Zane. Whether you like it or not."
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Re: Stranger Than Fiction [D12 ME, Three Drinks]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Tue Jul 10, 2018 6:54 am

"You know that means waiting, Niall. don't you?" He paused a moment before clarifying. "To rejoin the republic,if I ever do. You'll have to wait until I'm ready for it." How long that might be, not even Z could tell. but it did seem to be something Niall wanted.

He couldn't help but let a sly smile play across his lips as Niall affirmed their friendship. "You know I'm a bad friend, Niall. I'm going to tease you endlessly about your geeky hair, and how you don't even know how to kiss a girl right." His tone was teasing, but his eyes told a different story, Z was more then a little happy with how things turned out, though hell would freeze over before he said it out loud.
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Re: Stranger Than Fiction [D12 ME, Three Drinks]

Postby Niall Organa » Tue Jul 10, 2018 7:35 am

"That's fine." Niall said steadily. He gave Z a slow nod. "That's entirely up to you. But the door's still open if you ever want back in."

But then Z went on. "My hair?" Niall ran one hand through it, frowning. "What's wrong with my hair?" He thought it looked rather nice, actually." He looked at Z, frowning. "And what would you know about how I kiss a girl?"

After a moment, he shook his head, laughing. "Maybe you are a bad friend, Z." Smiling, he raised his glass to the other man, to clink together. "To friendship. Of any sort."
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Re: Stranger Than Fiction [D12 ME, Three Drinks]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Tue Jul 10, 2018 7:52 am

"I'll remember that." Z replied, returning the nod. Maybe he would even accept the offer, eventually.

"It's not that it's bad exactly." He pursed his lips. "It just screams poster boy. You should let me add a bit of sexiness to it sometime, then we can send you out to a club and see what happens." Z was likely teasing with that part, probably. "As for the kissing... Do you really want me to answer that?"

"To friendship." Z replied his glass moving to meet Niall's. "May I always be your worst one."
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Re: Stranger Than Fiction [D12 ME, Three Drinks]

Postby Niall Organa » Tue Jul 10, 2018 8:23 am

"I am a poster boy." Niall grinned. After a moment, he sighed. "Perhaps I'll let you drag me out to a club someday. But not just yet. And no, I very much don't want to know." The list of girls that Niall had seriously kissed could be counted on one hand. If Z had been asking them, or worse, comparing, Niall was certain he'd be better off not knowing.

But the toast made Niall laugh at least. "I'm sure." He said. "Thank you, Z." The glasses met with a clink. Niall lifted the glass to his lips, drinking a hearty sip.

It was growing pleasantly warm. And while the burn had been rough at first, he was growing accustomed to it. "So." Niall said, appearing more cheerful than when he'd first entered. "If you're not going to be joining the Republic, what is next for you?"
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Re: Stranger Than Fiction [D12 ME, Three Drinks]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:03 am

"I'll hold you to that." Zanebry replied in response to a bit about clubs. "They arent really my scene, but they can be a lot of fun with the right people." The truth about the kissing was neither of those two, but Niall didn't need to know that.

Z finished his own glass with the toast, something easy enough as he had been almost done. Then placing his cup down he grabbed the bottle niall had given him. "Finish that up, we need to have at least one of these."

"Mmmm... I kinda wanted to track down Orar Varad and rip his spine out. Hopefully find out who he really works for in the process. Other then that though? I hadn't really thought about it. Find a bit of work probably." He let his eyes settle on Niall. "What about you? Visiting home? Going to see Aly?"
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Re: Stranger Than Fiction [D12 ME, Three Drinks]

Postby Niall Organa » Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:12 am

"Really? And you think I would be fun at a club?" Laughing softly, Niall raised his hands. "But yes, fine. Someday, perhaps."

Following Z's example, Niall tossed back the rest of the whiskey, shaking his head as he did so. His eyebrows went up as he spotted the bottle. "I had some of that last night, actually. It's a little sweet. But also strong. I think you'll enjoy it."

"Hmmm." Niall's lips quirked. "If you should like anyone to hold him down, let me know. Or I could have Vera do it." At the mention of Aly, uncertainty flashed in Niall's grey eyes. "I'll be going home, yes." He sighed. "And I would very much like to see Aly. We need to talk. Decide once and for all if we have a future. Or if... we don't." He chewed his lip, his eyes distant.
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Re: Stranger Than Fiction [D12 ME, Three Drinks]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:34 am

"Sure, I'd just get you wired on booze and energy drinks then toss you into the arms of a pretty lady." Niall was attractive enough that both parts should be easy.

"Doesnt sound too bad, guess its not the cactus juice sabine and I shared though." Opening the bottle he poured a measure for both of them, maybe a tiny bit more for Niall.

"I think Vera deserves this one, so I might borrow her for a few days when I get close to him." He didnt explain any more then that, but a man like Niall might be able to put things together. "Well, I hope you enjoy the visit home, I'll need to stop by sometime when you're doing one of those." There was a momentary pause. "And best of luck with Aly."
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Re: Stranger Than Fiction [D12 ME, Three Drinks]

Postby Niall Organa » Tue Jul 10, 2018 5:36 pm

Niall chuckled softly, but otherwise let the suggestion pass without comment.

Picking up the glass, Niall raised it to his lips once more. The sweetness of the mystery alcohol was almost a shock after the whiskey, but his taste buds quickly adjusted. "I'm growing fond of this stuff." He said. The effects of the alcohol were becoming more obvious on Niall; he didn't slur, but his speech had slowed a bit."

Leaning more heavily against the bar, Niall looked at Zane. "Thank you." He said softly. "At this point, I can only hope. I don't know what she's going to say." Last time he'd tried to bring it up, she'd deflected, and he let it go. But he couldn't wait any longer.

He shook his head, mustering a smile. "But yes! Come visit Alderaan." He grinned. "If you're going to take me to a club, I shall have to take you to a ball. It may not quite be your style, but you'll be up to your elbows in princesses. I'm sure you'll adapt."
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Re: Stranger Than Fiction [D12 ME, Three Drinks]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:45 pm

"And it's your third drink tonight " Zane smirked. "You're improving already." Well not really, but people needed encouragement. "So you like drinks on the sweeter side then?" He asked, more out of habit then anything.

"Well, maybe start off by openly dating?" They had his things this far. "Might help both of you to be a bit more open with what you're doing, secret trysts are nice and all, but they cant last." His lips moved into a frown. "I suppose I'm just saying to take it one step at a time."

"I adapt to most things." Z replied with a short laugh. "So I think I'll do just fine at a ball. I'll just have to be careful about just how much scoundrel I show on the surface." He flashed a grin. "I wouldn't want to scare any of the princesses off after all."
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Re: Stranger Than Fiction [D12 ME, Three Drinks]

Postby Niall Organa » Tue Jul 10, 2018 11:31 pm

Niall shrugged. "That seems to be the case." His speech was still proper, but slow. "I enjoy a bit of brandy now and then. This-" he raised his glass, "-is special." For a moment, it looked like he was going to elaborate, but he shook his head.

When they spoke about Aly, Niall's expression became more serious again. "I would like that." He sighed. "If she tells me that she'd like to have a future with me, or at least willing to try it, perhaps we will be open. Otherwise..." He sighed again, shaking his head. "We'll have to say goodbye." He frowned down into his glass before taking another firm sip.

Luckily, Z made him chuckle again. "I have every confidence in you, Zane. Besides..." He sighed, more pleasantly this time, still smiling. "The secret is that princesses are still people. With hopes and feelings the same as everyone else. I don't think I need to tell you that."
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Re: Stranger Than Fiction [D12 ME, Three Drinks]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Wed Jul 11, 2018 2:37 am

"Well, I'll make sure to track you down a few bottles before we leave." His lips quirked into a half smile. "So you can have a drink when you feel special." There was likely a note of teasing there.

"Mmm.." Zane listened as the younger man spoke. "Well, if nothing else comes from this war, at least there is that. You learned how you want to proceed, what you want to do." It wasnt much, but it was something.

"Yeah, I've noticed." A soft chuckled rolled from his lips. "Sometimes I think there quite a bit more real then me honestly." He wasnt the type for hopes and dreams, even feelings from time to time. "But still, I'll remember your advice."
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Re: Stranger Than Fiction [D12 ME, Three Drinks]

Postby Niall Organa » Wed Jul 11, 2018 8:04 am

"You joke," Niall drawled, "-but I would actually really appreciate if you did. Although perhaps I could find some myself. They came from the nomads back at Rygor. Perhaps before we depart..."

Niall just shook his head. The situation with Aly was what it was. He would find out soon enough.

"I'm sure you will." Niall said dryly. He narrowed his eyes, studying Z. "Isn't this the real you now? Or am I just seeing one more layer down, the real you somewhere beneath there?"
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Re: Stranger Than Fiction [D12 ME, Three Drinks]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Wed Jul 11, 2018 8:36 am

"I'll find you some." His lips curled into a smile. "I wanted to visit Rygor again anyways, won't be hard or too far out of the way." Most likely, at least. "Though you might have to try and preserve what bottles I find, who knows when I'll be back here again. Or you for that batter."

"It's hard to tell sometimes." He offered with a sardonic smile. "But yeah, this is me, well most of it."
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