[Day 13 - Mid Morning] It's a Tarp!

Postby Teffa » Thu Jul 12, 2018 5:48 am

Seeing as her stay on board the Republic fleet was drawing to an end, Teffa made preparations to disembark. She wasn't leaving the system just yet, as she didn't have an idea about her next destination, but she had a feeling that she might be leaving soon enough as the rebuilding process was just beginning. It would have been nice to stick around and see that casino restored but she didn't have that sort of patience. Opportunity and excitement might be found elsewhere!

At the lowered stair entrance of the Trunk, Teffa worked on undoing that make-shift entrance to her ship which was really made up of a few tarps draped on the edges to make a semblance of a door. She yanked down the first piece, fastened together with velcro and look toward the interior of her ship. "I could use some help!...No?"

"...No." She sighed when she didn't get any affirmative from Arbee and returned to work.
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Re: [Day 13 - Mid Morning] It's a Tarp!

Postby Jax Dolross » Thu Jul 12, 2018 9:31 am

Jax had awoken a bit sore from the previous evening but he was elated that this war seemed to be finally over. Jax threw on his leather Jacket over his tank top as he departed the Midnight. He walked about the flight deck with his hands in the pockets of his black pants he looked about and saw Teffa the rather odd but none the less interesting captain of the Trunk.

She seemed to be struggling with something "Need some help there?" he said flashing the chiss a friendly smile.
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Re: [Day 13 - Mid Morning] It's a Tarp!

Postby Teffa » Thu Jul 12, 2018 10:57 pm

Teffa had the tarp on the ground has just begun the process of rolling it up, creating a lot of crinkling sound while doing so. She looked up from what she was dong and smiled at Jax. "Hey there! I think I have this one handled but if you want to help, you can yank down another tarp and roll it up. I warn you, it's nothing like dogfighting but it might be close!"
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Re: [Day 13 - Mid Morning] It's a Tarp!

Postby Jax Dolross » Fri Jul 13, 2018 6:21 am

Jax let out a hearty chuckle and moved to another tarp and began the process or wrangling the damned thing, he was plenty agile to complete the task but he could have used a bit more strength to make it easier. "So you getting all packed up to move out? where do you think you'll head next?" he asked his voice smooth and tinged with a hint of Coruscanti accent.
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Re: [Day 13 - Mid Morning] It's a Tarp!

Postby Teffa » Fri Jul 13, 2018 6:40 am

Teffa gave a few nods of approval when Jax joined in on the fun, although she was surprised that he would take up the offer. "Well, almost! I figured those Republic types will be giving us the boot off the fleet once everything is settled. They probably want this space of rebuilding and troops. As to where I'll go to next, depends wherever the next job might be. I've got a few offers. How about you?"
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Re: [Day 13 - Mid Morning] It's a Tarp!

Postby Jax Dolross » Fri Jul 13, 2018 7:10 am

Jax had always been one to help out when help was needed. "Same, I have some job planned out but I'll probably stick around here for a little bit help the rebuilding efforts. A freighter is always a useful thing in construction of this scale, likely will need help moving supplies and all manner of stuff around." he talked while he worked. Teffa hadn't been kidding, this was a bothersome job. "You ever think of doing away with all these tarps." he asked with good natured frustration and a little smile.
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Re: [Day 13 - Mid Morning] It's a Tarp!

Postby Teffa » Fri Jul 13, 2018 6:11 pm

"That's good to hear that you've got something going on and it sounds like pretty steady work! I don't know if I could stick around here for too long, they place isn't as...settled as places as I'm used to."

She smirked as she tied together the roll she had finished and moved to take another piece to back. "I have...but the hydraulics on my ramp aren't that great and I've recently replaced them too with second-hand parts. Kind of embarrassing when they only work half the time and I'd rather not push my luck..."
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Re: [Day 13 - Mid Morning] It's a Tarp!

Postby Jax Dolross » Fri Jul 13, 2018 10:07 pm

"Well its some work I've been avoiding doing actually, called in favors and such doesn't really pay well if at all but you know eventually the fowls come to roost as they say." he said as he finally wrangled a tarp to behave and wrapped it up "where do you want this?" he asked hoisting the tarp under his arm.

He quirked an eyebrow at her "and what kind of places are you used to?" he asked with apparent curiosity.
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Re: [Day 13 - Mid Morning] It's a Tarp!

Postby Teffa » Sat Jul 14, 2018 2:27 am

Teffa yanked down a piece of tarp with a satisfying rip of the velcro. She gave a nod at the stair steps where her other one laid on. "Just toss them on the steps, thanks! I'll haul them up later once I'm done. I appreciate the help. I guess I treat the ship lick a tent. Just a year ago, I didn't even have my own ship either!"

"Ooh..." She gave a shrug as she flopped down the piece of tarp on the ground for rolling. "I'm more used to city worlds...industrial worlds, places that hardly sleep and you don't have to worry about strange bugs stinging you. People do the sting part instead."
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