Portable structures to do vehicle repairs.

The Last Word (Day 2 Late Evening)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Mon Jun 04, 2018 9:26 am

Z took a sip from his flask as he observed the wreck that used to be the Turtle. He'd heard through the wire that it had Crash landed and been Drug back here for repairs. Though, he wasn't sure why they bothered, it looked to be nothing more then a hunk of scrap now. Sill he found it slightly poetic, for Mandolorian Scum to shoot down the ship of Mandolorian scum. Maybe they knew who owned it and had a vendetta?

Didn't really matter, Z was enjoying this moment. He'd remember this image every time he thought of O'nera, even if they did fix the damn thing.
Neutral * Human* Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Drifter * Fast Hands * Experienced Hat

Gear: Audh'reh (blaster pistol), Izze'belle (blaster pistol), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat Jacket, Gloves, stims, utility belt, secure comm link

Ship: Three Drinks Smells like: Whiskey, Cigarettes, Cologne
Zanebry Varliss
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Re: The Last Word (Day 2 Late Evening)

Postby Illyria Acaran » Mon Jun 04, 2018 10:20 pm

A Pantoran figure walked down the ramp of the Turtle and hit the switch to close it back up. She had slung a bag of what seemed like clothing over one shoulder, and in the other arm was carrying some electronic equipment while tapping absent-mindedly on the pad. When she noticed the man staring at the ship, she made her way over to him.

"You don't look much like a mechanic on duty.... looking for the captain? He's not in at the moment.... or if he is then he's very well hidden and quiet. I was just picking up some of my things to move them into the barracks. Illyria Acaran, by the way. Nice to meet you," she said with a pleasant if slightly fatigued smile.
Republic ● Pantoran ● Propagandist
Carries: Custom tailored armored jacket (or lector's outfit if appropriate), modified Model 80 blaster pistol, assorted communication and recording equipment, backpack and pouches, stimpacks, spare blaster pack, C4N-D1D the cam droid, goggles and breathing mask, canteen
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Illyria Acaran
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Re: The Last Word (Day 2 Late Evening)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Mon Jun 04, 2018 10:46 pm

"A pleasure to meet you Miss Acaran." Z offered with a easy smile. "Though I admit your not one to forget, and we worked together briefly yesterday. I'm Zanebry though, Zanebry Varliss, you can call me Z though, if you like."

"And thanks for the information, but im not here to see the Captain." They really weren't on speaking terms. "I just wanted to take a look at the ship, see how bad off it really was."
Neutral * Human* Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Drifter * Fast Hands * Experienced Hat

Gear: Audh'reh (blaster pistol), Izze'belle (blaster pistol), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat Jacket, Gloves, stims, utility belt, secure comm link

Ship: Three Drinks Smells like: Whiskey, Cigarettes, Cologne
Zanebry Varliss
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Posts: 2184
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Re: The Last Word (Day 2 Late Evening)

Postby Illyria Acaran » Wed Jun 06, 2018 4:11 am

She blinked at him a little bit, then rubbed her eyes and flushed slightly.

"Yes, yes we were. Yikes, that's a bit embarrassing. I... I'm going to blame the concussion from going down in the Turtle," she said, her voice immediately breaking a bit skittishly.

"If I understand things correctly," she said, turning towards the ship while brushing at her hair. Some of it fell as if by chance to cover her cheeks, "her bones are still good but she's not flying without a lot of care. I think the Senator is seeing to it though. He's friends with the Captain at least, and some of the crew too I think."
Republic ● Pantoran ● Propagandist
Carries: Custom tailored armored jacket (or lector's outfit if appropriate), modified Model 80 blaster pistol, assorted communication and recording equipment, backpack and pouches, stimpacks, spare blaster pack, C4N-D1D the cam droid, goggles and breathing mask, canteen
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Illyria Acaran
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Re: The Last Word (Day 2 Late Evening)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Wed Jun 06, 2018 4:34 am

He chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Sounds like a good excuse to me. Though I think it may be the first time a lady ever forgot about me do quickly." Z continued teasingly.

"The senator is a former crewmate of the Captain. The face of the operation, well when he was a member." Zane explained with a smile.

"I'm sorry to hear you were injured though." He looked her over a touch of concern in his eyes. "I hope you're recovering well?"
Neutral * Human* Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Drifter * Fast Hands * Experienced Hat

Gear: Audh'reh (blaster pistol), Izze'belle (blaster pistol), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat Jacket, Gloves, stims, utility belt, secure comm link

Ship: Three Drinks Smells like: Whiskey, Cigarettes, Cologne
Zanebry Varliss
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