The metropolis of Uthan Mil.

(D3 MM) Exodus

Postby Nekoinu » Thu Jun 07, 2018 6:32 am

Event Type: Side Event, Combat
Power Cost: 0
Participants: 4 players
Timeslots: Mid Morning

Description: Republic forces have caught up to a group of Mandalorians evacuating the city! They appear to be struggling with loading up casualties and taking off from their landing platform, making them an easy target, if so desired...

Rules: Participants must unanimously choose whether they are helping the Mandalorians flee or killing them. If the group decides to do neither, then the event is nullified.

Kill them All!
If this is the option chosen, please post your Wounds/Strain, Soak, Equipment and roll Cool (Presence) for Initiative. You can opt to have one person do a Deception (Cunning) Check at Daunting Difficulty with Two Dice Upgraded. Gain one Boost Die if you are a Mandalorian or one is assisting you (both stacks.) Success will give you a round of attacks before initiative fully starts and a Triumph will allow one person to not roll Initiative and instead be at the highest count for the rest of the combat. Advantage will be given as Boost to Initiative Rolls at a 2 to 1 ratio. A failure will give them all a Boost on their Initiative Checks and a Despair will give them a free round of attacks before Initiative fully starts. Threat will cause the Deception roller Strain.

Help them Leave
In order to offer assistance, one of you must first succeed at a Charm (Presence) Check at Hard Difficulty with Two Dice Upgraded. Gain one Boost Die if you are a Mandalorian or one is assisting you (both stacks.) Success will allow you to proceed to the rules below. Failure will mean that they do not believe you and combat will begin as listed above. Boost will allow the roller to hand out Boost Dice for a future roll in this event and Threat will deal Strain to them. Unlike the Deception Roll, the group may attempt this twice, but both the roller/assist must be different characters. This second roll will also be increased to Daunting Difficulty.

Assuming you passed, you may do one of the following:
  • Assess their wounds. Medicine (Intelligence) Check at Average Difficulty or use of the Heal Power.
  • Carry the wounded. Athletics (Brawn) Check at Hard Difficulty.
Finally, you must repair their ship. This will be done at Mechanics (Intelligence) Check at Hard Difficulty. A second attempt may be made at Daunting Difficulty. If not successful, then Resistance forces will catch up and open fire on the Mandalorians.

Rewards/Outcome: If the Republic succeeds in killing all of the fleeing Mandalorians, gain 2 Victory Points. If you help them, then who knows...

Trust Modified: Gain 0.1 Trust if the Mandalorians are killed, lose 0.2 if they are helped.
Power Modified: 0
Duty Earned: Increase Duty by 5 if the Mandalorians are slain.
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Re: (D3 MM) Exodus

Postby Hamelin » Thu Jun 07, 2018 8:37 am

Hamelin is patrolling the city when he notices a group of Mandalorians trying to escape.
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Re: (D3 MM) Exodus

Postby Arali Zian » Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:13 am

((Firm vote on help them leave.))

Arali notices the fleeing Mandalorians, and some allies who seem to be moving to intercept. "Medevac! Hold fire!"
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Re: (D3 MM) Exodus

Postby Ashla Vyliis » Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:20 am

Ashla takes a walk after a night of nightmares about a creepy old man and her travels with her father.

She notices Arali and approaches. "Hold fire."

((Also on team let them go.))
Jedi Padawan * Togruta * "Doctor" * Morally Flexible * Force Sensitive * Soresu Defender

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Re: (D3 MM) Exodus

Postby Dapper Dog » Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:21 am

OOC: There is one more slot open.
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Re: (D3 MM) Exodus

Postby Illyria Acaran » Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:31 am

Illyria had been watching the engagement and filming what she could safely, but when the Jedi started stepping forward she set off at a dead sprint to make it in time.
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Re: (D3 MM) Exodus

Postby Arali Zian » Thu Jun 07, 2018 10:00 am

"Ashla, with me." Arali began her walk to the evacuating group. The slow, floating Jedi walk, hands hidden in the sleeves of her robes.

Along the way, she offers the togrutan padawan a whispered aside. "Poise exudes confidence. Confidence inspires respect. Respect is the foundation of diplomacy."

At a respectful distance, short of range for a rush with a saber, she addressed the group in a firm, commanding tone. Projecting, not yelling, "If you wish to leave in peace, then we are here to assist you. Any who arrive after us are unlikely to be as accommodating."

((Charm: 2eA+2eP+2eB+1eD+2eC 3 successes, 1 advantage
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Re: (D3 MM) Exodus

Postby Ashla Vyliis » Thu Jun 07, 2018 10:08 pm

After they calm down Ashla, steps forward and begins helping the injured. It goes well.

Medicine Boost From Physician's Kit: 3eA+1eP+1eB+2eD 2 successes, 1 advantage
Jedi Padawan * Togruta * "Doctor" * Morally Flexible * Force Sensitive * Soresu Defender

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Re: (D3 MM) Exodus

Postby Arali Zian » Thu Jun 07, 2018 10:17 pm

((Assuming I'm not stopped.))

Arali made her way toward the injured, slowing down only slightly when weapons followed her. One cannot expect absolute trust immediately.

But slowly, carefully, she laid her hands on the wounded one by one, sealing wounds and binding muscle and bonw, so that the moderately wounded could board under their own power as the Mandalorians handled the worst of their own.

((Heal: 1eF 2 Light Side
Image, pass.))
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Re: (D3 MM) Exodus

Postby Nekoinu » Thu Jun 07, 2018 10:50 pm

The first Mandalorian to respond leveled his rifle towards the twi'lek Jedi. His helmet was attached to his belt and the crack in it matched the wound on his face. An explosion had managed to rupture through the beskar'gam and leave his face scarred. "Stay back! Stay back, Jedi!" The rest of the group made no efforts yet to stop them. They were destitute, a majority of them wounded. He listened to her and shook his head. His voice cracked as he screamed, "No! Not from a Jedi!"


Kur'relos.jpg (15.59 KiB) Viewed 8625 times

One of them stepped forward and lowered the barrel of the rifle. "We are finished, ner vod." His apparent subordinate shuddered in his spot until he eventually screamed and lowered his rifle. "Attend to your sister. Now."

He then stepped forward with his arms raised away from his weapons. "I am Kur'relos of Clan Jendri. To be honest, it is a great dishonor to be offered safe passage. A warrior should not flee from combat." His arms then went to the wounded among his people. "But they cannot be considered combatants right now. I will sacrifice my own honor to allow my people to survive."

The man then looked among all of the Republic forces gathered. "Or was there something you expected of us?"
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Re: (D3 MM) Exodus

Postby Illyria Acaran » Fri Jun 08, 2018 2:17 am

Nekoinu wrote:He then stepped forward with his arms raised away from his weapons. "I am Kur'relos of Clan Jendri. To be honest, it is a great dishonor to be offered safe passage. A warrior should not flee from combat." His arms then went to the wounded among his people. "But they cannot be considered combatants right now. I will sacrifice my own honor to allow my people to survive."

The man then looked among all of the Republic forces gathered. "Or was there something you expected of us?"

"Withdrawing would be the choice of a wise warrior though, wouldn't it?" Illyria asked, raising her voice to be heard over the space out of habit more than having to shoot over non-existant blaster fire, "and there is honor in demonstrating the traits of a skilled warrior, no? And, in withdrawing, then you have the opportunity to improve your skills and serve your people more?

"And if we are talking about dishonor, I would think it would be dishonorable to force a mother to wear an explosive vest to try and kill your enemies for you and threatening her with the murder of her children if she did not? You don't win a fight by using civilians like that, you just murder a few more people and harden everyone else against you..."
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Re: (D3 MM) Exodus

Postby Arali Zian » Fri Jun 08, 2018 2:19 am

Arali paid the aggressive one little mind. An organization that places any value on honor is not about to let one of their own shoot a healer tending their kin in the back.

Kur'relos, however, received a bow. "I am Arali Zian, knight of the Jedi Order. My instructions from the council are to support the medical corps and any attempts at a peace treaty." She made a bit of a show of looking around, "This appears to be a medical corps operation to me. Though I suspect someone shall loudly disagree when I return to base. Now, then, shall we get you airborne before less pleasant company arrives?"
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Re: (D3 MM) Exodus

Postby Ashla Vyliis » Fri Jun 08, 2018 4:06 am

"You can find honor in fighting us again. There is little honor in getting slaughtered. But for now, alow us our hon or in helpingthe injured."
Jedi Padawan * Togruta * "Doctor" * Morally Flexible * Force Sensitive * Soresu Defender

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Re: (D3 MM) Exodus

Postby Nekoinu » Fri Jun 08, 2018 6:54 am


Kur'relos shook his head. Inside his helmet, he frowned, but the point was moot to the Republic personnel. "It was not my decision to utilize the civilians in such a way. Clan Varad was the first to begin and Clan Kryze has likely adopted such tactics themselves."

He gestured to his people and the shuttle. "We've taken critical damage in the conflict. Another mechanic or two may help with that. Otherwise, we need to get our wounded mobile fast."
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Re: (D3 MM) Exodus

Postby Ashla Vyliis » Fri Jun 08, 2018 7:10 am

Ashla finishes with her patient. "I can do it. Flesh, machine. I'm good at putting things back together." She shoos away anyone from helping as she allows the Force to guide her (using Mental Tools).

Mechanics (Flipping Destiny): 2eP+2eA+3eD 2 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph

Ashla fixes the ship. She also leaves a little present for the Mandos. After all, a spy's gotta spy.

((Fixed ship. Using Triumph to rig up a camera/recording device and plant it in the ship.))
Jedi Padawan * Togruta * "Doctor" * Morally Flexible * Force Sensitive * Soresu Defender

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Re: (D3 MM) Exodus

Postby Hamelin » Fri Jun 08, 2018 2:42 pm

Seeing that there is another Jedi around better at talking Hamelin leaves it to them. He checks on the injuries of some of the others.
<Sidm eun eomben simf>
"I bandaged this one but I think they have some internal bleeding. Can one of you check this?"

He then assists Ashla with the repairs however he can. Mainly by passing her tools.

Assess their wounds. Medicine/Int. 2eA+2eD = 1 Success, 1 Threat

As mention in OCC, Hamelin aids Ashla with repairs after. Sorry for the late reply. Busy yesterday.
Gand | Jedi | Ex-Criminal | Apostle of Death | Short
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Re: (D3 MM) Exodus

Postby Nekoinu » Sat Jun 09, 2018 10:06 pm


"Thank you, representatives of the Republic. I am glad that our allies have not caused you to abandon civility." He hefted one last injured party onto his shoulders and began marching back onto the shuttle. "It will be an honor to face any of you on the battlefield."


-0.2 Trust due to helping them.
Camera feed is active!
More to come...?
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Re: (D3 MM) Exodus

Postby Arali Zian » Sat Jun 09, 2018 11:35 pm

"It will be an honor to share tea some day, Kur'relos of Clan Jendri," Arali retorted. "May the Force be with you." She bid the Mandalorian farewell with a bow, and made her way clear of takeoff.

"When we return to camp," she informed her fellow Jedi, "I intend to take full responsibility for this." Her words were mostly aimed at Ashla. As a padawan, she could be protected in that fashion. Hamelin may not be so fortunate, as a fellow knight.

The reporter on the scene may make this even more complicated.
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Re: (D3 MM) Exodus

Postby Ashla Vyliis » Sun Jun 10, 2018 4:57 am

Ashla shrugs. "As you wish, but I'm not concerned too much. We're Jedi. Jedi do weird things like help the enemy. Balance in all things."

Ashla chooses not to share what she left in the ship.

"We might get yelled at, but I can't imagine the trouble being too much. Besides, I'm sure the Republic can turn this incident into some story how we are merciful while the Mandolarians are acting as savages."
Jedi Padawan * Togruta * "Doctor" * Morally Flexible * Force Sensitive * Soresu Defender

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Re: (D3 MM) Exodus

Postby Hamelin » Sun Jun 10, 2018 10:08 am

<Foume suame foule cupen dinem asin euop> Hamelin comments.
"There has already been enough blessings of death for one day. Perhaps this will allow for some new life to grow and prevent a circle of vengeance from becoming greater.

We must not forget that we need to win for the right reasons. It does it no good if we lower our level just for a victory."
Gand | Jedi | Ex-Criminal | Apostle of Death | Short
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