Rows and rows of portable structures housing six personnel to a structure with small 3m by 3m rooms with a unisex Refresher bay.

Lemon Drop (Day 3 Mid Evening)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Fri Jun 08, 2018 8:52 am

It had taken a while to track her down, the woman seemed to like to wander. Or rather was busy trying to politic or something like that, eventually though he tracked her down in a place we wasn't really expecting. The barracks were likely rather small for a woman who used to be rich, but it was also probably a damn sight better then her accommodations at the resistance base.

Arriving at the door of one Nytera Anacapri, he knocked twice hoping that she was actually in.
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Re: Lemon Drop (Day 3 Mid Evening)

Postby Nytera Anacapri » Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:04 am

"Hello?" She slid open the door of her not-so-impressive room. Bags were still left unpacked, the bed's sheets were scattered. The backdrop did nothing to match her regal attire. "Is there something you needed?" she asked. She was doing her best to be cordial but it was clear that she was taken aback by a visitor to her room.
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Re: Lemon Drop (Day 3 Mid Evening)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:33 am

He took in the room in a glance, rather surprised that she was a bit sloppier then he expected. No hospital corners on those bed sheets, and she'd obviously not made it after she got up, probably used to someone else doing it. "Sorry to disturb at this hour, Miss Anacapri." He offered with a easy smile. "I'm Zanebry Varliss, a outside contractor currently working with the Republic. I was hoping to get a little bit of your time, if you don't mind. There is something I'd like to discuss with you."
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Re: Lemon Drop (Day 3 Mid Evening)

Postby Nytera Anacapri » Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:39 am

She swallowed and then put on a smile. "Oh. That sounds sensible. Please, come in." She opened up the door fully and stepped back. After he had come in, though, her expression turned to concern. "Who are you again? It is awfully late to come in here for questions. Could it not wait until tomorrow?"
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Re: Lemon Drop (Day 3 Mid Evening)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:48 am

"Zanebry Varliss, though you can call me Z if it's easier. I'm an associate of Captain Niall Organa." The man in the hat continued, putting on his most charming smile, hopefully it would help the young woman feel at ease. "And really, I do apologize for the hour, though I fear most of the earlier hours of the day are a causality to my work. So I tend to make calls a little later then most think polite."
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Re: Lemon Drop (Day 3 Mid Evening)

Postby Nytera Anacapri » Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:57 am

A smile crept up on her lips. "He is more famously known as 'Captain Alderaan,' is he not? I saw him at the command meeting. He does have a natural aura of charisma to him." She then nodded and took a seat on her bunk. "I see. Pardon me for my poor acclimation to a war zone." She then got back to her feet and gave a sheepish smile. "Shall I fetch you something?"
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Re: Lemon Drop (Day 3 Mid Evening)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Fri Jun 08, 2018 10:14 am

"He does, he is a very earnest man. People can see that and I think it draws them to him." This was followed by a soft chuckle. "And don't tell him I told you this, but he likes that nickname more then he lets on. I think it makes him feel like Ja'red Foekiller from Galaxy Commando."

"Not at all, even most soldiers tuck in early, Miss Anacapri." Her actions made him smile, but he shook his head. "Thank you for your hospitality, but there is no need. You might wish to get yourself something though. I apologize in advance, but some of the things i bring up may be a bit shocking."
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Re: Lemon Drop (Day 3 Mid Evening)

Postby Nytera Anacapri » Fri Jun 08, 2018 10:29 am

"Is that not how most men are? I imagine most of you enjoy fun titles." The woman then tilted her head. "Galaxy Commando? I heard of it, but I have never seen it myself. Is it enjoyable?"

Nytera shook her head. "I would rather not have anything to spill, then." She peered at him. "What could it be then, Mr. Varliss?"
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Re: Lemon Drop (Day 3 Mid Evening)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Fri Jun 08, 2018 11:14 am

"Honestly, I just think they're heavy. I'm fine with a single letter most days." Z replied with a shake of his head. "Galaxy commando? Can't say, I've never really watched it. It's Niall's favorite show though. He even dressed up as that Ja'red fellow at Huttcon."

"Do you mind if I take this seat?" He asked, gesturing towards the chair at the tiny desk. The only thing available other then the bed. He'd wait for her to say yes, before taking a seat, and broaching the topic. "Honestly? It's about Clan Varad."
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Re: Lemon Drop (Day 3 Mid Evening)

Postby Nytera Anacapri » Fri Jun 08, 2018 11:22 am

"Like at a costume party?" She then blinked. "Did you say the man is associated with the Hutts? I am shocked, to say the least."

The young lady nodded at his request for the seat and watched him sit down with her own posture immaculate. Despite her shaken glamour, she still had that maintained. "Clan Varad?" she echoed. She looked away as her face turned pale. "Why?"
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Re: Lemon Drop (Day 3 Mid Evening)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Fri Jun 08, 2018 11:40 am

"Only in that the peace talks between the Empire and the Republic happened on Nar shadda, and he attended some sort of fan gathering they had there." He pursed his lips. "It was one of the oddest things I've ever seen, grown adults dressing up as characters from holovids. Cosplay I think they called it."

"Yes..." Zane offered with a nod, his voice at calm and soothing as he could make it. "I'm putting together a group of individuals,and it's my hope that we can track down and put and end to certain members of House Varad, those responsible for some of the atrocities committed on Bankor. I know of one, a Eralynn Varad. It was my hope to find the names of more that might be responsible." He dipped his head in apology. "I know you likely don't want to think about what happened to your family. But is there anyone you can identify for me? Maybe some clues you can give me on where they can be found?

His lips formed a firm line, as he looked at her. "I don't want these monsters to somehow manage to escape."
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Re: Lemon Drop (Day 3 Mid Evening)

Postby Nytera Anacapri » Fri Jun 08, 2018 12:01 pm

"Oh, yes. The peace talks on Nar Shaddaa." The young woman muffled a laugh behind her fingertips. "You are right. Dressing up in costumes is often reserved for children. I am glad to hear that Captain Organa enjoyed the experience, however."

She nodded. "Eralynn Varad is a name I have heard before." She motioned to the datapad on the table. "You can, um, watch the... the..." She lowered her eyes and then her head followed. "I imagine you know what I am referring to. I honestly do not understand myself, why I have not removed that video yet."
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Re: Lemon Drop (Day 3 Mid Evening)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Fri Jun 08, 2018 12:31 pm

"A great many did." Zanebry said with a light chuckle. "I suppose I've never watched enough holovids to really get the draw though."

"I do, and if you don't mind I'll make a copy." A sympathetic smile made it's way onto his lips. "I have no intention of watching it in front of you though, unless you really think I should."He shook his head. "You likely aren't ready to forget, it's difficult to move on when you know the perpetrators are still out there. It eats at you, so you keep picking at the scabs as it were. Reopening old wounds."

"Or that's my experience with the matter."
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Re: Lemon Drop (Day 3 Mid Evening)

Postby Nytera Anacapri » Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:14 pm

"People entertain themselves in different ways," she concluded with a faint smile.

"You may watch the copy whenever you wish." Her demeanor degraded but somehow her posture remained upright. "Eralynn was in charge then. She ordered a man named Malto to," she trailed off. Her eyes remained closed even after she took a moment to regain composure. "There was another name I heard. That monster of a woman berated another under her command. Melv was his name. He was... hesitant."

Nytera dipped her head. "You must be correct about me. But would bringing them to justice really quell this pain?"
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Re: Lemon Drop (Day 3 Mid Evening)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Fri Jun 08, 2018 10:19 pm

Zane picked up the datapad before reaching into his pocket and producing a chip. He'd make the copy as she taked, his gaze never leaving her. The young woman had some strength to her, this couldn't be easy after all.

"Thank you." Z offered at last his voice soothing, He would likely here those names later, but it was better to hear them from her. Just in case.

"I don't lie to you Miss Anacapri." The man in the hat offered after a few moments hesitation. "No amount of justice will bring an end to your pain. It will help you start to move on. Help you to stop ripping open those wounds. Healing though, that takes time."

"What you're doing right now, any help you give me... It's not for you. Its for the people out there this woman is making suffer now, or in the future. The other families she is tearing apart." His lips firmed a firm line. "I can't, we can't bring back your family. We can safe others though."
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Re: Lemon Drop (Day 3 Mid Evening)

Postby Nytera Anacapri » Sat Jun 09, 2018 12:12 am

"That is the best I will get," she concluded with a frown. A few tears streamed down her cheeks and were dabbed away by her handkerchief. "It must be terrible that part of me wishes the same tragedy would happen to her and her family."
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Re: Lemon Drop (Day 3 Mid Evening)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Sat Jun 09, 2018 12:34 am

Zane rose to his feet, crossing the few steps that were between them, before crouching so he could look at her eye to eye. Slowly he reached out a hand, to gently touch her shoulder.

"There is nothing terrible about it. Feelings like those are only natural, especially after what you experienced." He'll he had thoughts that were likely ten times worse then hers. "It's what you do with those feelings that are important. Whether you wallow in them, or rise above."
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Re: Lemon Drop (Day 3 Mid Evening)

Postby Nytera Anacapri » Sat Jun 09, 2018 3:37 am

Nytera looked away but did not shake out of his grasp. "I never wanted to admit it to anyone. Who would want a president with such dreadful ideas?" She gave him a soft smile but still did not meet his gaze. "You have an approachable aura. I am certain this is not the first instance you have heard such a compliment from a young lady."
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Re: Lemon Drop (Day 3 Mid Evening)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Sat Jun 09, 2018 4:03 am

"I would honestly." Zane offered with a light chuckle. "As silly as that might seem. I don't know, it makes you seem more real, more approachable, at least to me." He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze before pulling his hand away.

A soft smile crept it's way on to his lips. "I might of heard such a thing a time or two. But don't let that fool you, I'm not the type of fellow a lady like yourself should get involved with. At least not in any way outside of business."
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Re: Lemon Drop (Day 3 Mid Evening)

Postby Nytera Anacapri » Sat Jun 09, 2018 10:29 am

"Maybe." The young lady took a breath. "Approachability is important for any presidential candidacy."

She blinked and then took a more reserved tone of voice. "I never suggested that manner of interaction, Mr. Varliss. There are many matters I need to attend to and I cannot afford unnecessary distractions."
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Re: Lemon Drop (Day 3 Mid Evening)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Sat Jun 09, 2018 11:14 am

"I believe so, at the very least." He offered her another smile before rising to his feet. "Especially on a planet that's just seen as much war as yours. A lot of people are going to need time to heal, It's my belief they'll need someone that's easy to approach."

"The years have taught me caution Miss Anacapri, so I figured it best to come out and say it. You have my apologies if I offended your sensibilities." Though as quickly as her mind had hopped to it, who knows what she could of been thinking. Taking off his hat he ran his gloved hand through his hair. "I suppose I should ask though, how much you want to be involved. Do you want me to keep you updated on any progress, or would you only like to know if and when we succeed?"
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Re: Lemon Drop (Day 3 Mid Evening)

Postby Nytera Anacapri » Sat Jun 09, 2018 11:18 am

The young lady dipped her head. "I wanted to appear strong to the people, to be among them. I will have to endeavor to do better."

She took a practiced breath. "Good. Then we will speak nothing more of it." Still, she watched him remove his hat with more curiosity than she herself had meant. "I am not of the military, Mr. Varliss. Any report could be lost upon me."
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Re: Lemon Drop (Day 3 Mid Evening)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Sat Jun 09, 2018 11:26 am

"Strength means different things to different people Miss Anacapri. If I could make a suggestion, it would be to find out what strength means to you. Then do what you can to develop that strength, and maintain if throughout your life."

He dipped his head in assent, turning his back to stride towards the desk and remove his datachip now that the copy was done. "I'll leave you out of it until the end then." Until whatever it was they had to do was finished. "Is there any other questions, you might have for me?" He asked as he turned back towards or. "Or anything else you might wish to add?"
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Re: Lemon Drop (Day 3 Mid Evening)

Postby Nytera Anacapri » Sat Jun 09, 2018 9:41 pm

"You are not so much older than I, Mr. Varliss," she replied with a wry smile, "I imagine you will say the ever classic line that your profession has aged you."

Nytera nodded. "Thank you." Her expression turned more troubled and she looked away once more. "I have to admit, it was starting to feel as if nobody cared what they had done to my family. There is a bigger scope to worry about, however, so perhaps I was being selfish."
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Re: Lemon Drop (Day 3 Mid Evening)

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Sat Jun 09, 2018 10:11 pm

"Honestly, I'll take the compliment if you don't mind." He replied with a wry laugh, slipping off his right glove to reveal the scarred hand beneath. "My profession has given me more then enough scars as you can see, I'd hate to think it was affecting my age as well."

"Aye, there is the bigger picture." He agreed with a nod. "That doesn't mean we should ignore the smaller stories though. That big picture is made up of countless numbers of them." Z offered her a warm smile. "So no, it's not selfish, wanting justice for your family, You deserve it as much as anyone else."
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