Rows and rows of portable structures housing six personnel to a structure with small 3m by 3m rooms with a unisex Refresher bay.

Hunting an Idea [Day 1, Mid-Afternoon]

Postby Chase » Sat Jun 02, 2018 9:40 am

Walking through the Barracks Chase was making her rounds after having pushed there way through after settling in. There was something on her mind and it wasn't the food in the mess hall. Occasionally stopping at the door assigned to a fellow pilot she'd pop her head in, exchange a few hushed words before ultimately leading into some macho back and forth, deciding who was truly the top dog. Kept her grounded.

Currently she was just leaving from one room as she turned and...
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Re: Hunting an Idea [Day 1, Mid-Afternoon]

Postby Jax Dolross » Sat Jun 02, 2018 9:54 am

she would find a tall man walking with his hands in his pockets his leather jacket open to show the white shirt and dog tags dangling underneath. He wasn't walking with a purpose more strolling around casually he didn't have much to do so he was just killing some time and familiarizing himself with the main camp.

Jax saw the woman and smiled at her giving her a nod "Lovely day for a war eh?"
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Re: Hunting an Idea [Day 1, Mid-Afternoon]

Postby Chase » Sat Jun 02, 2018 10:03 am

"You're a strange sight," she said upfront, stepping in the mans way. "You're not in uniform which means you're not military but you've got those tags so you're retired or you stole them. I don't really know which one of those is true but I don't think it really matters as neither option seems to make much sense since I've found you here walking through the barracks on a planet actively in the middle of a war. So... who are you?"
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Re: Hunting an Idea [Day 1, Mid-Afternoon]

Postby Jax Dolross » Sat Jun 02, 2018 10:18 am

Jax quirked an eyebrow at the woman but chuckled a little and ran a hand through his hair "Well you're the upfront type aren't you? I like that." he put his hand back in his pocket "The names Jax, Jax Dolross. You got it right I am retired military Republic Navy Lieutenant Jackson Dolross back in the day. As for why I am here now just answering the call of an old friend asked me to help out with the Liberation. Excellent pilots are always an asset, even retired ones." he paused a bit "and who do I have the pleasure of meeting today?"
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Re: Hunting an Idea [Day 1, Mid-Afternoon]

Postby Chase » Sat Jun 02, 2018 10:54 am

"Chase, Lieutenant," she said quickly. As if her next words were rushing them out. "Pilot eh? What're you flying these days Old Man?"
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Re: Hunting an Idea [Day 1, Mid-Afternoon]

Postby Jax Dolross » Sat Jun 02, 2018 4:34 pm

"Nice to meet you lieutenant Chase, these days I fly a light freighter goes by Midnight. You might have seen us in action during the blockade run this morning."
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Re: Hunting an Idea [Day 1, Mid-Afternoon]

Postby Chase » Sat Jun 02, 2018 11:29 pm

"Good to meet the man in the hot seat," she said with a bit of a grin. Offering her arm out for the man to shake it. "I flew with you on in that mission. Hope your baby didn't take too much damage making way for me?"
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Re: Hunting an Idea [Day 1, Mid-Afternoon]

Postby Jax Dolross » Sat Jun 02, 2018 11:39 pm

He grins wide and takes the offered arm giving it a hearty shake "so you're the ballsy SOB that rushed into those guys, good work gave us a hell of a time trying to keep those fighters off you. She took a few shots bit nothing a little time in a repair bay won't fix."
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Re: Hunting an Idea [Day 1, Mid-Afternoon]

Postby Chase » Sun Jun 03, 2018 5:09 am

Chase nodly proudly at that. "Good to hear," she said with a cocksure grin. "Hey, anyway, before we delve too deep into that I've actually got a little idea that you might like to hear. Just uh.." she glanced down the hall over his shoulder. "How's the food on your ship? Bring enough with you or are you stuck with what we got?"
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Re: Hunting an Idea [Day 1, Mid-Afternoon]

Postby Jax Dolross » Sun Jun 03, 2018 6:00 am

Jax's eye brows knitted together in confusion and his head tilted a bit to the side not unlike that of a confused dog. "Uh I brought plenty of food and booze to last 3 people 2 weeks." He could guess this idea she had was something she wanted to discuss away from prying ears.
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Re: Hunting an Idea [Day 1, Mid-Afternoon]

Postby Chase » Sun Jun 03, 2018 8:24 am

Chase shook her head, then her hand, "Eh, forget it. Nothing to worry about. Just an idea but you seem all well and good," she punctuated the end of the current idea by walking around him and further down the hall. Granted she also kept a slow enough pace that he could easily follow. Which of course was also driven straight home by the fact she just continued to "Ship like that you can't man everything all yourself. Seems you've got at least a partner for that gun of yours? They here for the war or for you?"
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Re: Hunting an Idea [Day 1, Mid-Afternoon]

Postby Jax Dolross » Sun Jun 03, 2018 8:35 am

she was indeed a strange one but he thought he might like her so he walked with her and matched pace. He gave chase a nod "Yeah I have a crew member Azura, she handles the main gun. She tends to go where I go since I found her on my ship a few years back. She doesn't really get why we are here but she'll give anything she does her all so I don't worry about her too much."
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Re: Hunting an Idea [Day 1, Mid-Afternoon]

Postby Chase » Sun Jun 03, 2018 9:09 am

"So you just... found her on your ship?" she asked, incredulity tempered her tone greatly but she wasn't a one task kinda woman. Cracking open the door they were about to past there was a young ensign down to his undershirt and pants with his feet up on the bunk and book in hand. One look and the woman just exited once again without so much as a word to anyone.

"Isn't that kinda weird? Feel like if someone just showed up on my ship one day I'd think they were trying to steal it, realize it's way past it's glory days and then start asking questions for the real answer."
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Re: Hunting an Idea [Day 1, Mid-Afternoon]

Postby Jax Dolross » Sun Jun 03, 2018 9:17 am

Jax reached back and scratch the back of his head "well I mean she was kind of a stow away she was hiding in the cargo hold and stealing food. I caught her and she worked off the debt for passage and the food she stole. Afterwards I guess we just kind of clicked and she ended up sticking around I needed the help on board and she really didn't have anywhere else to go. We've been working together for what? like five years now."
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Re: Hunting an Idea [Day 1, Mid-Afternoon]

Postby Chase » Sun Jun 03, 2018 9:41 am

"Sure you didn't just pull that outta some book somewhere?" she said as she snapped her head back to him. Looking at him directly like this was the most important of all the questions she'd recently asked since they started walking.
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Re: Hunting an Idea [Day 1, Mid-Afternoon]

Postby Jax Dolross » Sun Jun 03, 2018 9:45 am

he was taken aback by the sudden movement "uh I mean no?" he said voice startled not sure why the sudden intensity.
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Re: Hunting an Idea [Day 1, Mid-Afternoon]

Postby Chase » Sun Jun 03, 2018 9:48 am

"Huh," she shrugged. "Whatever. Anyway," she turned about and continued on as she had been. Moving at a slightly more brisk pace since she wasn't seeming to get anywhere in finding someone. "So, what do you and lovebird do normally? Since this doesn't seem to be your usual thing of running into conflicts for money. Unless I totally misread you."
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Re: Hunting an Idea [Day 1, Mid-Afternoon]

Postby Jax Dolross » Sun Jun 03, 2018 9:58 am

lovebird? Jax flushed a bit at that damn been a while since someone made me blush, she really has a knack for cutting to the heart of an issue. "I-its not like that we aren't like involved, I-in that way." he stumbled over his words a bit flustered. He paused and cleared his throat shoving his hands in his pockets when he spoke again his voice was steadier and strong but there was still a bit of pink in his cheeks "We usually do smuggling jobs, transport goods and sometimes people. I do get away jobs if we are strapped for cash. I fly the ship and handle the talking, she watches my back and helps out if negotiations get too...tense."
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Re: Hunting an Idea [Day 1, Mid-Afternoon]

Postby Chase » Sun Jun 03, 2018 10:09 am

"So it's just you then huh? Or maybe you're both stumbling over eachother... or maybe even.." she cast a smirk but swallowed it up quick. Looking quite like she was a woman on a trail before she slipped back into her gait. "Suppose partnerships of that sort do get rather tense once in a while don't they? Someone's always gotta handle a blaster just in case things start to get interesting and at that point it's all out there. No one can really prepare you for that moment when it hits, that sudden heat of the moment. Takes you doesn't it?"

Then the build dropped, like she just dropped the ball completely.

"Hell, typically why I prefer flying to gunfights. Can't stand someone shooting at me. Can stand getting knocked around but those damn blasters get so hot. I'm not really all too keen on getting myself close to one of those bolts."
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Re: Hunting an Idea [Day 1, Mid-Afternoon]

Postby Jax Dolross » Sun Jun 03, 2018 10:19 am

Jax just ignored her ealy comments nothing good would come of addressing those "yeah there is something to be said of the tyoe of negotiations I have to engage in knowing sometimes one wrong word and there will be a lot more dead bodies, its a rush but not always a welcome one. I'm not slouch with a blaster but thats just having a good eye rather than having actual skill. I too prefer being in the cockpit if I'm fighting someone." he wanted to shift topics and still had some nagging thoughts "So what was that thing you were going to talk to me about earlier? sounded like you were planning something."
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Re: Hunting an Idea [Day 1, Mid-Afternoon]

Postby Chase » Sun Jun 03, 2018 10:54 am

"Me? Planning something?" she checked over her shoulder into a empty room, nobody... again. Damn these people were either worthless or off already, which made them worthless. "Nooo, nothing you need to worry about there buddy. Hey uh, maybe I'll catch you later? I've got some things I need to get done and caught up with before I'm cleared to fly again. If you need anything while you're here though gimme a shout, I'm your gal alright?"
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Re: Hunting an Idea [Day 1, Mid-Afternoon]

Postby Jax Dolross » Sun Jun 03, 2018 11:05 am

Jax nodded slow a skeptical smile on his face "sure, nothing. whatever you say Chase. but yeah if you're busy I'll let you go don't wanna hold you up." he extended a hand "it was nice meeting you Chase hopefully we get to fly together again someday you seem like a good sort to have watching my six." she's weird but she's a damn good pilot and i think she's growing on me.

"you know what lets meet up some time tomorrow, if you're free. get a drink, maybe swap stories?"
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Re: Hunting an Idea [Day 1, Mid-Afternoon]

Postby Chase » Sun Jun 03, 2018 12:04 pm

Chase took his hand and offered a firm shake, "It's a deal. Maybe get you back in Republic colors some day," she teased, obviously so. "Look me up, I'm sure I'll be free. Gotta run now though soo.." she said, stepping back and instead of finishing the thought she just snapped her fingers and pointed at him as she took a last step back before pivoting and moving off down the hall.

Halfway down the hall she raised her hand, "Catch ya later!"

Then she was gone.
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Re: Hunting an Idea [Day 1, Mid-Afternoon]

Postby Jax Dolross » Sun Jun 03, 2018 6:43 pm

Jax just shook his head smiling whatban interesting woman. he thought as he continued wandering eventually heading off to find some other interesting thing.
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